以下是引用lovenuts在2008-3-11 10:19:00的发言: 单边翻,不会做。。。 ------------------------------------- He can roll back from tummy to bottom, but not the opposite I mean ours can only roll from back to tummy, not the opposite, and can not sit alone yet.
以下是引用hobbit在2008-3-11 13:29:00的发言: I mean ours can only roll from back to tummy, not the opposite, and can not sit alone yet. yeah, I mean, Haoran can roll from tummy to back. He doesn't like tummy time. So now I can hardly put him to his tummy because he can always roll back. How would I do
以下是引用lovenuts在2008-3-11 13:34:00的发言: yeah, I mean, Haoran can roll from tummy to back. He doesn't like tummy time. So now I can hardly put him to his tummy because he can always roll back. How would I do Haoran will roll any time soon. He is a big Baobao. as our ped said, big baby will be a little bit slower on master motor skill development due to their weight. maybe we can force mine to roll back by leaving her alone on tummy.
以下是引用dream_cc在2008-3-11 13:49:00的发言: 什么是星星饼干? 迷糊好聪明! finger food. go to baby food section and look for finger food. Mihu Mom post a picture in a later post. Tiantian mom, miss you a lot. never met you in MSN
以下是引用hobbit在2008-3-11 13:51:00的发言: finger food. go to baby food section and look for finger food. Mihu Mom post a picture in a later post. Tiantian mom, miss you a lot. never met you in MSN 抱抱佳佳!!是啊,最近很少上来, 家里的电脑还有病毒,单位里打中文超不方便。我也很想念大家!
以下是引用hobbit在2008-3-11 13:42:00的发言: Haoran will roll any time soon. He is a big Baobao. as our ped said, big baby will be a little bit slower on master motor skill development due to their weight. maybe we can force mine to roll back by leaving her alone on tummy. I guess so Because haoran doesn't like tummy time. That's how he protects himself
以下是引用dream_cc在2008-3-11 14:16:00的发言: 美妈找我有啥事啊? I just found we're very you3yuan2. We're the same age, the same month, the same major and almost the same place.
以下是引用Q小Q在2008-3-11 14:21:00的发言: 这个很多啊.大家都上stage2了 it's just because stage 2 is more than stage 1. so that we don't have to open another box of stage 1 to be used on the other day. my poor English
以下是引用lovenuts在2008-3-11 14:21:00的发言: I just found we're very you3yuan2. We're the same age, the same month, the same major and almost the same place. 真的也!真有缘!原来和美妈是同行!
以下是引用ttyy在2008-3-11 14:27:00的发言: 真郁闷啊!混了这么久,魅力还不到1000.。。。 hehe, more water, more water it's nothing important. It's just I'm telling tiantian mom where are we from
以下是引用lovenuts在2008-3-11 14:28:00的发言: hehe, more water, more water it's nothing important. It's just I'm telling tiantian mom where are we from 太懒了,所以很少灌水。。。而且宝宝在国内,没啥经验教训可以跟大家交流。。。
以下是引用ttyy在2008-3-11 14:30:00的发言: 太懒了,所以很少灌水。。。而且宝宝在国内,没啥经验教训可以跟大家交流。。。 It doesn't matter a. A lot of us are watering in msn now. You can go there and talk whatever you like. Now the topics are far more than babies
以下是引用lovenuts在2008-3-11 14:32:00的发言: It doesn't matter a. A lot of us are watering in msn now. You can go there and talk whatever you like. Now the topics are far more than babies msn 怎么去啊?
以下是引用lovenuts在2008-3-11 14:41:00的发言: check with our big team leader. check her signature here. Oh she changed it. You may need to get access to our google album first
以下是引用lovenuts在2008-3-11 14:44:00的发言: that's why he always chou4mei3 every time he talks about this where do you live then? We are in RI. How about you?
, 我们也是。 迷糊好bxcm! bxcm是啥?
你们的宝宝都一个比一个牛啊,欧家这个,才刚会坐。。。不会翻身。。。欧洒泪漂走 单边翻,不会做。。。
大家的宝宝都好牛啊 迷糊还没发现特别出色的地方,就是看前两天几个mm讨论宝宝会不会自己拿星星饼干吃,我这两天刚给迷糊买了,观察了一下,她竟然可以用两个指头(拇指和食指,还是左手的!)很准确的把小星星捏起来并放到嘴里吃!不知道算不算手比较巧?她四肢负重不好,所以爬还不行
He can roll back from tummy to bottom, but not the opposite
多多趴着睡, 晚上是这样,白天也是这样
cute cute
好久没有bso了, 来一个过过瘾哈, 大家略过。
fanfan除了对我叫妈妈之外, 最近似乎明白了'nai'的意思, 饿了(到饭点了)或者困了(他睡觉前通常要吃点)就叫'nai,nai'。我解衣服的时候他等不及也叫'nai'。虽然很久前就能发这个音,最近才开始越来越多地和实际要求貌似联系起来了。 对了,还会用手指向他要的东西。提着他腋下,可以迈步走到想要的东西。 不好的是脾气越来越大了, 没有顺着他的意思就大声叫。
我的8月楼啊,大家快回来把 我一直在~~
jump jump! did you see I posted Tianran's songs where? link pls.
He can roll back from tummy to bottom, but not the opposite
I mean ours can only roll from back to tummy, not the opposite, and can not sit alone yet.
我一直在~~ watering and earn some points.
现在应该是让宝宝tummy多还是练习坐着玩多? I guess tummy... to promote them to crawl.
where? link pls. here here : http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?boardid=333&topicid=418186&page=1
I mean ours can only roll from back to tummy, not the opposite, and can not sit alone yet. yeah, I mean, Haoran can roll from tummy to back. He doesn't like tummy time. So now I can hardly put him to his tummy because he can always roll back. How would I do
现在应该是让宝宝tummy多还是练习坐着玩多? 我们家是随便小贝。一般开始让他坐着,他坐一会儿自己就会躺下了,然后自己tummy。tummy一阵子再自己要坐起来。不过小贝力量不行,要别人帮帮才能坐起来。
here here : http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?boardid=333&topicid=418186&page=1
thanks sososo beautiful. but i can not hear her singing now.
yeah, I mean, Haoran can roll from tummy to back. He doesn't like tummy time. So now I can hardly put him to his tummy because he can always roll back. How would I do Haoran will roll any time soon. He is a big Baobao. as our ped said, big baby will be a little bit slower on master motor skill development due to their weight. maybe we can force mine to roll back by leaving her alone on tummy.
finger food. go to baby food section and look for finger food. Mihu Mom post a picture in a later post. Tiantian mom, miss you a lot. never met you in MSN
finger food. go to baby food section and look for finger food. Mihu Mom post a picture in a later post. Tiantian mom, miss you a lot. never met you in MSN 抱抱佳佳!!是啊,最近很少上来, 家里的电脑还有病毒,单位里打中文超不方便。我也很想念大家!
不知也,应该会有把。 多大可以吃
哪喂的进去啊,人家吃到一点,就自己往外吐 两盒有点多。我们一天最多一盒 (2nd的那种),再加半个蛋黄,一些米湖。
两盒有点多。我们一天最多一盒 (2nd的那种),再加半个蛋黄,一些米湖。 tiantian mom, I'm looking for you
Haoran will roll any time soon. He is a big Baobao. as our ped said, big baby will be a little bit slower on master motor skill development due to their weight. maybe we can force mine to roll back by leaving her alone on tummy. I guess so Because haoran doesn't like tummy time. That's how he protects himself
女宝喝奶瓶怎么样?我们还一直在用小号的奶瓶(6oz 左右),大家都换成大号的了吗? 我们现在每次都还只能喝4oz。。。。有时候多点4.5。我们家是瘦宝宝。
哪喂的进去啊,人家吃到一点,就自己往外吐 能吃多少就吃多少吧。说不定是还不喜欢那个味道。
tiantian mom, I'm looking for you 美妈找我有啥事啊?
我们现在每次都还只能喝4oz。。。。有时候多点4.5。我们家是瘦宝宝。 宝宝看着一点不瘦啊?好可爱!!
我们这里有,一个包装3筒。 那我下班就去扛一筒。
我们现在每次都还只能喝4oz。。。。有时候多点4.5。我们家是瘦宝宝。 e喝我家一样,原来还喝不到,最近用杯子才有这个水平 你家小妞在国内ms小日子不错啊
能吃多少就吃多少吧。说不定是还不喜欢那个味道。 也不敢喂多,怕影响她吃奶
两盒有点多。我们一天最多一盒 (2nd的那种),再加半个蛋黄,一些米湖。 we can have one box of stage 2 and almost 7tbsp of rice cereal for each day
美妈找我有啥事啊? I just found we're very you3yuan2. We're the same age, the same month, the same major and almost the same place.
we can have one box of stage 2 and almost 7tbsp of rice cereal for each day 这个很多啊.大家都上stage2了
宝宝看着一点不瘦啊?好可爱!! 照片总是会把脸放大的。。。。
这个很多啊.大家都上stage2了 it's just because stage 2 is more than stage 1. so that we don't have to open another box of stage 1 to be used on the other day. my poor English
I just found we're very you3yuan2. We're the same age, the same month, the same major and almost the same place. 真的也!真有缘!原来和美妈是同行!
真郁闷啊!混了这么久,魅力还不到1000.。。。 hehe, more water, more water it's nothing important. It's just I'm telling tiantian mom where are we from
hehe, more water, more water it's nothing important. It's just I'm telling tiantian mom where are we from 太懒了,所以很少灌水。。。而且宝宝在国内,没啥经验教训可以跟大家交流。。。
你家宝宝7个月体检多重啊?我们家小妞一直都吃得很少,上个月就长了一斤。 6个月把,是17 lb7oz不过体检的时候过了一周
太懒了,所以很少灌水。。。而且宝宝在国内,没啥经验教训可以跟大家交流。。。 It doesn't matter a. A lot of us are watering in msn now. You can go there and talk whatever you like. Now the topics are far more than babies
6个月把,是17 lb7oz不过体检的时候过了一周 我们7个月也去称了,7个月才16 lb 8oz。。。。
It doesn't matter a. A lot of us are watering in msn now. You can go there and talk whatever you like. Now the topics are far more than babies msn 怎么去啊?
msn 怎么去啊? check with our big team leader. check her signature here.
msn 怎么去啊? 看大队长的签名当
check with our big team leader. check her signature here. Oh she changed it. You may need to get access to our google album first
that's why he always chou4mei3 every time he talks about this where do you live then?
Oh she changed it. You may need to get access to our google album first 好的,我去看看。谢谢mm!!!
that's why he always chou4mei3 every time he talks about this where do you live then? We are in RI. How about you?
We are in RI. How about you?
I'm in houston.
target also has it. there are different flavours. apple,banana and so on
it is good so many people are here, so I can earn some points while watering. +uuuuuu
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-11 15:07:30编辑过]
小狮子的新头象超美,真想啃啃小脸蛋! 欢迎金兰妈来啃啊,哈哈
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-11 17:50:42编辑过]
今天也买了星星饼干,多多也可以用手拿起塞到嘴里,但还不是很利索 多多真能干!
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-11 21:01:47编辑过]
恩?为啥看不到迷糊? 改好了
迷糊行头可真多啊, 蝴蝶结眼镜超时髦!果同学都羡慕了 问题是,我买了这么多给她,她不爱戴怎么办?没带几分钟就自己拿手扯下来了怎样让宝宝习惯在阳光下戴眼镜呢
问题是,我买了这么多给她,她不爱戴怎么办?没带几分钟就自己拿手扯下来了怎样让宝宝习惯在阳光下戴眼镜呢 不爱戴是正常的,所以教训就是,不要买太多行头