Avocados are a great first food for your baby. They are an excellent source of unsaturated fatty acids and have a higher proportion of this “good” fat than any other fruit except the olive. Yes, they are actually fruits, even though they are commonly thought of as vegetables. Try using mashed avocado as a “vegetable butter,” a replacement for butter that can be spread on crackers or sandwiches.
Baby must be at least: 4 months.
In season: available year round; peak December through May.
Choosing: when selecting avocados, look carefully for damage, which shows up as sort dark spots in the skin. Tan-colored patches are OK. When picked up, an avocado should feel heavy for its size. If you’re not going to eat the avocado for a few days, select an avocado that is firm, but not rock hard, and ripen it at home. If you plan on eating it immediately, select a ripe avocado as described next.
Ripening: firm avocados will never ripen in the refrigerator – let them sit at room temperature for up to 6 days. Place them in a brown paper bag to speed ripening. Avocados are ripe when they yield to gentle pressure and feel soft all over. Another way to test for ripeness is to gently squeeze the whole avocado with all fiver fingers. If the flesh feels like it is separating from the seed, the avocado is ripe. As avocados ripen, the skin becomes a darker green. Still another way to test for ripeness is to insert a toothpick in the stem end. If it moves easily, the avocado is ripe. Avocados are easy to peel then they are ripe.
Avocados Avocados are a great first food for your baby. They are an excellent source of unsaturated fatty acids and have a higher proportion of this “good” fat than any other fruit except the olive. Yes, they are actually fruits, even though they are commonly thought of as vegetables. Try using mashed avocado as a “vegetable butter,” a replacement for butter that can be spread on crackers or sandwiches. Baby must be at least: 4 months. In season: available year round; peak December through May. Choosing: when selecting avocados, look carefully for damage, which shows up as sort dark spots in the skin. Tan-colored patches are OK. When picked up, an avocado should feel heavy for its size. If you’re not going to eat the avocado for a few days, select an avocado that is firm, but not rock hard, and ripen it at home. If you plan on eating it immediately, select a ripe avocado as described next. Ripening: firm avocados will never ripen in the refrigerator – let them sit at room temperature for up to 6 days. Place them in a brown paper bag to speed ripening. Avocados are ripe when they yield to gentle pressure and feel soft all over. Another way to test for ripeness is to gently squeeze the whole avocado with all fiver fingers. If the flesh feels like it is separating from the seed, the avocado is ripe. As avocados ripen, the skin becomes a darker green. Still another way to test for ripeness is to insert a toothpick in the stem end. If it moves easily, the avocado is ripe. Avocados are easy to peel then they are ripe. guoguo like it very much!
Avocados Avocados are a great first food for your baby. They are an excellent source of unsaturated fatty acids and have a higher proportion of this “good” fat than any other fruit except the olive. Yes, they are actually fruits, even though they are commonly thought of as vegetables. Try using mashed avocado as a “vegetable butter,” a replacement for butter that can be spread on crackers or sandwiches. Baby must be at least: 4 months. In season: available year round; peak December through May. Choosing: when selecting avocados, look carefully for damage, which shows up as sort dark spots in the skin. Tan-colored patches are OK. When picked up, an avocado should feel heavy for its size. If you’re not going to eat the avocado for a few days, select an avocado that is firm, but not rock hard, and ripen it at home. If you plan on eating it immediately, select a ripe avocado as described next. Ripening: firm avocados will never ripen in the refrigerator – let them sit at room temperature for up to 6 days. Place them in a brown paper bag to speed ripening. Avocados are ripe when they yield to gentle pressure and feel soft all over. Another way to test for ripeness is to gently squeeze the whole avocado with all fiver fingers. If the flesh feels like it is separating from the seed, the avocado is ripe. As avocados ripen, the skin becomes a darker green. Still another way to test for ripeness is to insert a toothpick in the stem end. If it moves easily, the avocado is ripe. Avocados are easy to peel then they are ripe.
会不会导致产量降低啊? 我现在也不够了。 只要你定时pump,产量不会降低的。让他喝点奶粉这样他对奶粉不抵触,我觉得挺好的。要不什么时候能断奶啊。
不知道这样能不能缩短pump的时间? 不知道啊,试试?
奶粉热量高些,管饱,可我总迷信母乳有些特别的成分是奶粉没有的。 那你打算fanfan一岁以后再断奶吗?
奶粉热量高些,管饱,可我总迷信母乳有些特别的成分是奶粉没有的。 ft, 又没让你断掉,慢慢减少就好了
面包妈,小面包是不是厌奶呀?如果是的话过几个星期就好了.别担心,小面包看着胖乎乎的. 还有过几个星期啊。 我已经被打败了。 那让面包爸休假在家里喂奶好了。
我现在就是让她在sauser上多玩玩, 我就不信玩累极了还不饿! 我怎么觉得tummy比sauser更累啊!
fanfan妈,我们家小狮子也听了好几遍fanfan哥的声音了,跟我亲家一样,超羡慕你!!!!!!!! fanfan发音真清楚啊 饮食专家,如果嘴里溃疡了,是不是说缺b族维生素?
我这个后妈好不容易给孩子们照了几张照片,看晚上有没有时间传上来. 好啊好啊
我怎么觉得tummy比sauser更累啊! 哦, 我刚灌下去一点, 现在tummy我怕她会吐奶。
只要你定时pump,产量不会降低的。让他喝点奶粉这样他对奶粉不抵触,我觉得挺好的。要不什么时候能断奶啊。 我给他添液态奶了,奶粉泡的以前试过他不吃,液态奶S贵!
我怎么觉得tummy比sauser更累啊! agree
那你打算fanfan一岁以后再断奶吗? 希望能坚持那么久吧。 因为fanfan的表哥吃到了1岁多, 不想他将来和表哥比觉得自己可怜。
饮食专家,如果嘴里溃疡了,是不是说缺b族维生素? ms我亲家她做饭去了。 溃疡最病因不明了,所以没法对症。b族维生素缺乏是其中一个原因。你是总溃疡还是偶尔?
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-29 17:21:00编辑过]
抱抱FANFAN妈,边PUMP边上网或看书有用吗?我要是专门PUMP盯着瓶子看就LETDOWN很慢,漫不经心PUMP反而容易.. 不管用。 刚出现let down问题的时候我试过把fanfan放我身边,或者看fanfan的照片,很管用,可次数多了就失灵了。
筒子们,俺也跟风传了一段小果的录像 好啊, 第一次看果果的vedio
筒子们,俺也跟风传了一段小果的录像 最后那段真好玩。小果坐的可真稳当啊。 会自己掀掉盖头这招真不错。还有利于安全。
ms我亲家她做饭去了。 溃疡最病因不明了,所以没法对症。b族维生素缺乏是其中一个原因。你是总溃疡还是偶尔?
最后那段真好玩。小果坐的可真稳当啊。 会自己掀掉盖头这招真不错。还有利于安全。 她只会从前面拽 你回家试试,小贝肯定也可以
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-29 17:30:12编辑过]
Duo duo is so cute and lovely. kiss kiss. duoduo mom, you have three sisters? 我有两个姐姐
我给他添液态奶了,奶粉泡的以前试过他不吃,液态奶S贵! 我家现在在喂他那个更贵的虾米抗过敏奶粉。如果真管用,那岂不是要一直喝?不过我觉得和奶粉关系不大。
多多妈,才看到小多踢球的录像,好可爱啊!多多看起来一点也不瘦啊~ 你那些大球哪里买的? 在target买的,在体育用品那一区
我给他添液态奶了,奶粉泡的以前试过他不吃,液态奶S贵! 说起这个, 小面包现在不爱喝奶了, 会不会跟我们有一天连续给她喝了一大罐的液体奶有关?? 好像就是从那以后开始很难喂奶了。 一般我们出门才喝小罐的液体奶,方便。 这个大罐还是医院给的不喝要过期了。 宝宝的口味有这么刁吗?!
希望能坚持那么久吧。 因为fanfan的表哥吃到了1岁多, 不想他将来和表哥比觉得自己可怜。 fanfan真幸福~
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-29 18:33:41编辑过]
在target买的,在体育用品那一区 thanks!
说起这个, 小面包现在不爱喝奶了, 会不会跟我们有一天连续给她喝了一大罐的液体奶有关?? 好像就是从那以后开始很难喂奶了。 一般我们出门才喝小罐的液体奶,方便。 这个大罐还是医院给的不喝要过期了。 宝宝的口味有这么刁吗?! 有这个可能。
哎, 只是愿望,能不能实现我心里没底, 奶真的少了好多。 pump不顺利也许是因为奶太少。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-29 20:16:37编辑过]
这个星期回去买点asparagus来做,过段时间可以吃西兰花了。还会做苹果,桃子啥的。还会再研究研究super baby food来和大家分享哈
Avocados are a great first food for your baby. They are an
excellent source of unsaturated fatty acids and have a higher proportion of
this “good” fat than any other fruit except the olive. Yes, they are actually
fruits, even though they are commonly thought of as vegetables. Try using
mashed avocado as a “vegetable butter,” a replacement for butter that can be
spread on crackers or sandwiches.
Baby must be at least: 4 months.
In season: available year round; peak December
through May.
Choosing: when selecting avocados, look carefully for
damage, which shows up as sort dark spots in the skin. Tan-colored patches are
OK. When picked up, an avocado should feel heavy for its size. If you’re not
going to eat the avocado for a few days, select an avocado that is firm, but
not rock hard, and ripen it at home. If you plan on eating it immediately,
select a ripe avocado as described next.
Ripening: firm avocados will never ripen in the
refrigerator – let them sit at room temperature for up to 6 days. Place them in
a brown paper bag to speed ripening. Avocados are ripe when they yield to
gentle pressure and feel soft all over. Another way to test for ripeness is to
gently squeeze the whole avocado with all fiver fingers. If the flesh feels
like it is separating from the seed, the avocado is ripe. As avocados ripen,
the skin becomes a darker green. Still another way to test for ripeness is to
insert a toothpick in the stem end. If it moves easily, the avocado is ripe.
Avocados are easy to peel then they are ripe.
Avocados Avocados are a great first food for your baby. They are an
excellent source of unsaturated fatty acids and have a higher proportion of
this “good” fat than any other fruit except the olive. Yes, they are actually
fruits, even though they are commonly thought of as vegetables. Try using
mashed avocado as a “vegetable butter,” a replacement for butter that can be
spread on crackers or sandwiches. Baby must be at least: 4 months. In season: available year round; peak December
through May. Choosing: when selecting avocados, look carefully for
damage, which shows up as sort dark spots in the skin. Tan-colored patches are
OK. When picked up, an avocado should feel heavy for its size. If you’re not
going to eat the avocado for a few days, select an avocado that is firm, but
not rock hard, and ripen it at home. If you plan on eating it immediately,
select a ripe avocado as described next. Ripening: firm avocados will never ripen in the
refrigerator – let them sit at room temperature for up to 6 days. Place them in
a brown paper bag to speed ripening. Avocados are ripe when they yield to
gentle pressure and feel soft all over. Another way to test for ripeness is to
gently squeeze the whole avocado with all fiver fingers. If the flesh feels
like it is separating from the seed, the avocado is ripe. As avocados ripen,
the skin becomes a darker green. Still another way to test for ripeness is to
insert a toothpick in the stem end. If it moves easily, the avocado is ripe.
Avocados are easy to peel then they are ripe.
guoguo like it very much!
what happened?
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-29 21:21:15编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-29 21:41:18编辑过]
guoguo like it very much! 阿姨是怎么做的??微波加热到熟,然后捣成泥么? 家里有一个,我妈想给我试试了。
奶粉热量高些,管饱,可我总迷信母乳有些特别的成分是奶粉没有的。 我妈听信了外婆的话,用奶粉给我调米糊吃。这才第3天,我就开始便秘了。看来还是母乳好啊。。。
阿姨是怎么做的??微波加热到熟,然后捣成泥么? 家里有一个,我妈想给我试试了。 不用加热到熟,很容易捣成泥了,我今天试过了
筒子们,录像上传中、 不好意思啊, 不是故意拖拉,回家吃饭后pump了N久,希望阿姨们听到fanfan稚嫩的声音之后不要埋怨他妈妈。 FANFAN奶声奶气的叫妈妈,听的我心都要化了。 望望现在晚上只会发一个MA 音,还不会像FANFAN一样连发。。。
会不会导致产量降低啊? 我现在也不够了。 应该不会。强烈建议每次PUMP完,用拇指和食指挤乳晕周围,把乳汁全部挤光。这样坚持1-2周,乳汁会多起来。
只要你定时pump,产量不会降低的。让他喝点奶粉这样他对奶粉不抵触,我觉得挺好的。要不什么时候能断奶啊。 我打算到一岁,然后直接上牛奶。认识的好几个都这样带娃,MS娃比较不容易生病?
筒子们,俺也跟风传了一段小果的录像 小果坐的真好,笑的好开心啊~
阿姨是怎么做的??微波加热到熟,然后捣成泥么? 家里有一个,我妈想给我试试了。 我就用那个小磨,很好用。开始我都不准备买了,因为家里有个小的blender. 没想到小磨还不错,利用率很高。我自己煮的红薯胡罗卜也都磨的很好
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-29 21:41:26编辑过]
果果妈,刚后来去翻出来看了,我家的车和你们那个不一样,没你们那个好,是个三轮的,现在宝宝还坐不好,可能是fanfan妈说得那款吧,就是后面也有个大把,大人可以推着 是不是边上那个绿的?那个好多宝宝都有,我们也是上次亚马逊打折时候买的,有点小。小果这个新车要大多了。。。
我就用那个小磨,很好用。开始我都不准备买了,因为家里有个小的blender. 没想到小磨还不错,利用率很高。我自己煮的红薯胡罗卜也都磨的很好 晕,我上周去把小磨退了,因为听小雪说磨的不是太碎,而且费劲。
晕,我上周去把小磨退了,因为听小雪说磨的不是太碎,而且费劲。 退了就算了。我觉得还成,有时间的时候跟玩似的就磨了。 我倒是觉得鸡蛋不是很容易弄碎,总粘在一起,小果总把大块的留在嘴里不咽下去,然后我帮她弄出来 你们怎么弄的?
有这个可能。 怎么办?! 我们是全奶粉, 我不是要破产了????????????
果果妈,正想问呢,那个酷车,在家里地毯上推得动么?谢谢 太能了,就是沿途注意不要放太多能被宝宝扫荡的东西,小心别刮着手。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-29 21:51:05编辑过]
退了就算了。我觉得还成,有时间的时候跟玩似的就磨了。 我倒是觉得鸡蛋不是很容易弄碎,总粘在一起,小果总把大块的留在嘴里不咽下去,然后我帮她弄出来 你们怎么弄的? 我发现鸡蛋煮的时间长一些,就特别容易弄碎,直接用勺就捣成粉状了。如果煮的不是太长时间,就会有块状粘在一起。水开后煮15分钟最好。煮10分钟有时候不是太容易弄碎。不过只是我自己的感觉哦。
怎么办?! 我们是全奶粉, 我不是要破产了???????????? 过几天就忘了吧?忘了就好了吧?
太能了,就是沿途注意不要放太多能被宝宝扫荡的东西,小心别刮着手。。。 呵呵,收到。我们家那小厅已经都拾掇出来给小的。
怎么办?! 我们是全奶粉, 我不是要破产了???????????? 我己经半个香包没了
嗯, 我的表嫂也比我小, 我也从来不叫嫂子。 估计叫了也不爱听。 我也不喜欢别人叫我嫂子。 不过我也从来不叫哥。
我己经半个香包没了 oh,一岁时正好凑成一个。
我发现鸡蛋煮的时间长一些,就特别容易弄碎,直接用勺就捣成粉状了。如果煮的不是太长时间,就会有块状粘在一起。水开后煮15分钟最好。煮10分钟有时候不是太容易弄碎。不过只是我自己的感觉哦。 thanks。那个,你家是电炉还是煤气的啊
问问各位妈妈,你们加辅食是每四天加一种新的么?gerber那两盒的stage1够吃4天的吧?谢~ 我家的一盒吃2-3天,两盒足够吃4天。呵呵~
面包妈,你上次说想买的那个电动磨,能再给我个链接么?是这个么? http://www.amazon.com/KidCo-F900-Electric-Food-Mill/dp/B000A6OLM2/ref=sr_1_18?ie=UTF8&s=home-garden&qid=1204340162&sr=8-18 http://www.amazon.com/Braun-M880-Multimix-4-in-1-Handmixer/dp/B000LSUWTK/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=home-garden&qid=1204340884&sr=1-2 这个也不错
这个星期回去买点asparagus来做,过段时间可以吃西兰花了。还会做苹果,桃子啥的。还会再研究研究super baby food来和大家分享哈
haha, 我今天下午给小面包吃了点桃子。 这是第二次, 因为家里没别的水果了。 第一次她吃了几口就做恶心状, 再也不肯吃了。 现在隔了好些天我想再试试。 小面包吃了第一口后还是不肯吃, 怎么也不再张嘴。 自己尝了尝发现好酸啊!难怪不爱吃。 我只能在面包面前吃给她看还做出很好吃的样子, 没想到她就肯吃了! 每次喂少一点就没有那么酸, 终于顺利解决了1/3盒。
我家的一盒吃2-3天,两盒足够吃4天。呵呵~ 吃不完的要放到冰箱吧?
我己经半个香包没了 呵呵~~~~ 看了那个讨论帖,我觉得我真是属于跟风那种。看了几个SHOW的,MS觉得香包子离自己越来越远了。
thanks。那个,你家是电炉还是煤气的啊 煤气。不过无所谓的,水开后只要保持一直在微沸15分钟就好了,和炉子关系不大。
面包妈,你上次说想买的那个电动磨,能再给我个链接么?是这个么? http://www.amazon.com/KidCo-F900-Electric-Food-Mill/dp/B000A6OLM2/ref=sr_1_18?ie=UTF8&s=home-garden&qid=1204340162&sr=8-18 我说的是这一款: http://www.amazon.com/Braun-MR430HC-Multiquick-Blender-Chopper/dp/B00004S9GX/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=home-garden&qid=1204341094&sr=1-3
http://www.amazon.com/Braun-M880-Multimix-4-in-1-Handmixer/dp/B000LSUWTK/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=home-garden&qid=1204340884&sr=1-2 这个也不错 介个是不是太复杂了啊?我家已经有个大人用的BLENDER了。就像买了小巧好清洗的专门给小宝用。
退了就算了。我觉得还成,有时间的时候跟玩似的就磨了。 我倒是觉得鸡蛋不是很容易弄碎,总粘在一起,小果总把大块的留在嘴里不咽下去,然后我帮她弄出来 你们怎么弄的? 蛋黄一定要先用很少的液体粘开碾碎,然后再稀释,就匀了。一开始就加多了液体,反而很难碾匀
呵呵~~~~ 看了那个讨论帖,我觉得我真是属于跟风那种。看了几个SHOW的,MS觉得香包子离自己越来越远了。 我估计我是不会买的。没看见几个背的好看的 要保值还是买birkin,什么年龄段都能背
吃不完的要放到冰箱吧? 恩,放冰箱。而且留到后两天的我习惯用微波加热到沸,然后冷却了再喂。我总觉得冰箱里面也容易滋生细菌的 。
Avocados Avocados are a great first food for your baby. They are an
excellent source of unsaturated fatty acids and have a higher proportion of
this “good” fat than any other fruit except the olive. Yes, they are actually
fruits, even though they are commonly thought of as vegetables. Try using
mashed avocado as a “vegetable butter,” a replacement for butter that can be
spread on crackers or sandwiches. Baby must be at least: 4 months. In season: available year round; peak December
through May. Choosing: when selecting avocados, look carefully for
damage, which shows up as sort dark spots in the skin. Tan-colored patches are
OK. When picked up, an avocado should feel heavy for its size. If you’re not
going to eat the avocado for a few days, select an avocado that is firm, but
not rock hard, and ripen it at home. If you plan on eating it immediately,
select a ripe avocado as described next. Ripening: firm avocados will never ripen in the
refrigerator – let them sit at room temperature for up to 6 days. Place them in
a brown paper bag to speed ripening. Avocados are ripe when they yield to
gentle pressure and feel soft all over. Another way to test for ripeness is to
gently squeeze the whole avocado with all fiver fingers. If the flesh feels
like it is separating from the seed, the avocado is ripe. As avocados ripen,
the skin becomes a darker green. Still another way to test for ripeness is to
insert a toothpick in the stem end. If it moves easily, the avocado is ripe.
Avocados are easy to peel then they are ripe.
松鼠jj你打的字, 还是有电子版?
我买了牛油果,准备给小的尝尝,因为我爱吃 fat, 全是fat。
嗯, 我的表嫂也比我小, 我也从来不叫嫂子。 估计叫了也不爱听。 我也不喜欢别人叫我嫂子。 不过我也从来不叫哥。