以下是引用snowbirdskier在2008-2-27 11:48:00的发言: 太好了。小贝特不喜欢维生素。这两天我强行灌进去,他能呕吐出来。我担心缺钙的同时也担心维生素a过量。 不过我们这里水不好,医生要我们加氟。开了poly-vl-for。现在小贝还没有牙,是不是就不用加啊? how? fanfan still has not tooth yet.
以下是引用fanfan_nyc07在2008-2-27 12:15:00的发言: how? fanfan still has not tooth yet. 那个处方维生素是加氟的。唉,我们医生安慰我说一般孩子都是7个月时长牙。但鉴于我们那时马上就7个月了牙还没影呢。医生又补充了一句,9个月长也是正常的。
网站是www.hamsoa.com, 不过是韩文。不知道你周围有没有韩国朋友。 LA clinic phone number is 213-427-7600, 你打电话过去说病情,他们有翻译的,因为那些医生英文不是很好。 你还要把宝宝湿疹最厉害的时候的照片发过去。 他们会根据情况配药的。这些药都是herb的,所以疗效慢,但不容易复发。 另外还有两个方子我朋友用了也很管用。 (Info from a friend, Formula is inside this message)
a tube of aquaphor
I have had eczema all my life and my twin sons have it, too. I have seen EVERY dermatologist on the planet and also had allergy shots as a kid and adolescent. All avenues were explored including food allergies (too hard to isolate), external irritants (too hard to control), and regular allergies. Getting on a preion allergy med helped my itchy eyes and runny nose but not my eczema. I did a ton of research and decided I was sick of using steroid based products (hydrocortisone....) because the long term side-effects are scary as you said, it's only a quick fix. To make a long story short, I mix an oil myself and here is what I use it for: I mix it into tepid bath for my boys (who are bathed every night), I add it to their nightly lotion and shake up the bottle (Aveeno), and I use it straight on their face and body if need be. In other words I use it EVERYWHERE!!!
Here's the formula:
5 parts ORGANIC, EXPELLER OR COLD-PRESSED, EXTRA-VIRGIN olive oil 3 parts 100% pure vegetable glycerin 2 parts ORGANIC, EXPELLER OR COLD-PRESSED, sesame seed oil 1 part SWEET almond oil.
All products can be found at a health food store or grocery store health food section.
Shake up the mixture every time you use it. Every ingredient in this mixture is not only edible, you CANNOT overdose on it. The only problem is that it is not a quick fix. It may take weeks before the product works, but it will help to soothe in the meantime, and you should notice a difference after the first few days. But it has worked wonders for me and you are talking to someone with whom until I started mixing it would break out on every inch of my body and scratch to the point of depression. It was horrible. But when my sons developed it, I decided they were not going to suffer like I did, and that I was not going to soak them in 'quick fix' drugs. The exact cause of eczema is unknown. Sometimes my son will eat something (like cantaloupe) and his face will break out. Luckily if that happens I know to avoid that particular food and just use the oil more often. Heck, you can rub it on 20 times a day if you want. Here are some tips I have picked up over the years. But the fact remains they do not know what causes it, although genetics is a factor, and it commonly accompanies asthma (which I have) and allergies (which I also have).
1. Don't use 'baby' products like Johnson and Johnson. They are loaded with perfumes ( a major irritant for eczema skin). I use generic Cetaphil soap (about $3.50 a bottle if you buy it at Wal Mart and buy the generic). It is completely fragrance free and has no alkalinity. I use it to wash them and their hair. It works great. A soap does not have to "lather" to work. Another myth is that you have to wash the whole body to get clean. Not true. I add a squirt of the Cetaphil to the bath water and just scrub them from that. You only need to scrub the areas that create bacteria: the armpit, the hands, feet, and buttocks and crotch area (and of course any spots that are obviously soiled. Do not rub the body dry...just dab with a soft towel. I add the oil to the bath because it helps the water not to dry out the skin. The skin will retain moisture which is major problem for eczema skin, it is dry and cannot retain moisture well. Glycerin helps pull moisture from the air and draw it to the skin. Olive oil is a moisturizer but will not clog the pores so the skin will breath but is also a natural anti-microbial and helps kill germs that irritate eczema skin. Sesame seed oil had known properties for fighting eczema as well as sweet almond oil (this is a very powerful anti-itch oil but you don't want to use it in full potency...that's why I add only one part to the five). But if the eczema is REALLY bad yo don't even need the lotion. Just add the oil directly to the body after the bath. Once again, it will NOT clog the pores, and it leaves the skin feeling so nice. (It does stick to bath toys, though...oh well...it's worth it.) 2. Avoid "scrubbing" the skin. This thins the much-needed natural oils on the skin. 3. Avoid "perfumes" in products. One of the best moisturizers I've ever used is Neutrogena Fragrance Free Hand lotion. I use it on my face and lips and my excema is gone...it is glycerin based. 4. Hot water is bad for eczema skin but so is very cold water. Tepid water is best. 5. Moisture in the air can help but keeping the skin moisturized is much better. 6. Avoid fabrics on the skin like wool, cashmere, silk, and mohair. These are all eczema irritants. Polyester doesn't bother it, but cotton is best. 7. DEFINITELY avoid down comforters, down coats or any type of "bird feathers." We had down comforters in my home while I was growing up and I have now found out that down is a MAJOR irritant for ANYONE with allergies or skin problems. I have been totally safe by just making sure all my linens are either cotton or have polyester fill. Polyester is warm and comfortable and hypo-allergenic. That goes double for pillows!!!! Down pillows will irritate eczema severely.
I hope this helps. You might need to use it for several weeks. But I have noticed, the more it is applied the better it works. You may feel like your rubbing it on your baby all the time, but it feels good (my boys skin is totally healed - but I have to keep using it) and it's better than drugs. See what you think and let me know...I'm anxious to know if it works for anyone else as well as it has for me.
There are a few things to add to the mixture that will help it 'keep.' You can add drops of grapefruit seed extract (healthfood store), or drain a few tablets of vitamin e into the mixture. The problem is, I don't know how much of either to use. I don't keep mine in the fridge because it gets used up so quickly, but I live in Wisconsin and as it's 26 degrees right now (a warm day), preservation is not a huge problem. I would recommend that you make a large batch and store it in a large, dark bottle. The olive oil or sesame seed oil you buy will probably come in a dark bottle...most of the organic stuff does. Store the majority of the mixture in that and what I do is I fill up a couple of lotion bottles with pumps. I keep the lotion bottles all over the house so that it's handy when I want to slather some on Nicholas' face. I keep a pourable bottle in the bathroom as I pour a large amount in with the bath water, but for using directly on the skin throughout the day, put small amounts in the lotion bottles, shake them up EVERY TIME YOU USE IT, it really seperates, and just pump out what you need. When it gets low, wash the lotion bottle and refill it with the mixture in the fridge. In the fridge it will keep for up to 3-6 months. 下面还有一个方子适合母乳喂养的。 “如果你是母乳喂养,就好办一些。我两个宝宝都是很严重的湿疹。老大当时不知道怎么办结果花了三年多的时间才好。老二一个月湿疹就厉害的发生皮肤感染,吃抗生素。小宝宝当时也是整夜的痒的睡不好,要大人轮流抱。真的很可怜!医生说可的松也不能常用,只能最厉害的时候压压。后来我开始调整我的饮食,海鲜,鱼虾,竹笋,冬菇等等所有具有发性的食物都不吃。汤也是比较清淡。宝宝全母乳。可是宝宝还是很多湿疹。后来我开始每天喝大量的苹果和胡萝卜煮的水,基本不和喝白水了,就喝煮的这个水。宝宝湿疹在一个半月的时候就开始退,退的很快。在她脸上身上我什么都没有给她擦。现在她半岁了,我持续喝苹果胡萝卜水有4个月,她一直没有发过了。苹果胡萝卜水的做法是:用同等量的苹果和胡萝卜,带皮切片煮水。我一般用两个苹果,3-4根萝卜,加水刚刚莫过就行了。煮15分钟,第一次。到出煮好的汁,然后在加水煮第二次。每天坚持喝。”
以下是引用snowbirdskier在2008-2-27 12:54:00的发言: 听我爸说小贝睡觉有时会睡个20分钟左右就睁开眼睛貌似很清醒地看看,看到我爸或者我妈了就自己又睡过去了。这是不是缺乏安全感的表现啊?我已经下了班就赶紧回家和他在一起了。是亲他不够还是我过分亲他了?我觉得现在他有点粘我的苗头了。 I am looking forward such a day.
三更半夜的问题通常没人回,不过还是问一下: 大家会给宝宝用防晒霜么?我们儿医有推荐用,但又有些讨论说一岁以后用比较好,拿不定主意呢? 希望明天有回答?
三更半夜的问题通常没人回,不过还是问一下: 大家会给宝宝用防晒霜么?我们儿医有推荐用,但又有些讨论说一岁以后用比较好,拿不定主意呢? 希望明天有回答?
恩, 要弄一个。 这个是入帮定型照~
我给小面包换上2好奶嘴了。 喝2oz也没有抱起来拍, 让她自己在椅子上呆一会儿再喂, 看看会不会好一点。
我还没考虑过这个问题 你要带佳佳出去玩么? 我觉得如果长时间晒肯定是要的吧,比如去海边什么的 一般情况下我觉得1岁以后可能会比较make sense
面包乖乖,告诉你妈要是万一你们没回国,票让给大队长阿姨吧,xixi 迷糊姐姐可以看奥运会哦,爽!
面包乖乖,告诉你妈要是万一你们没回国,票让给大队长阿姨吧,xixi 是面包舅舅的, 人家就在国内呀。
是面包舅舅的, 人家就在国内呀。
你们米糊, 蛋黄也用奶瓶喂? 我们有时候用奶瓶喂。因为小贝用勺子喂他有时候不吃。或者我妈忙,用奶瓶省事。
我觉得最好不要加维生素,因为维生素产品在食品营养领域称为食品补充剂,就是饮食不均衡的时候补充一下,最好不要长期依赖。尤其对宝宝而言,长期给他们这么高纯度的维生素和矿物质来源,可能会影响他们身体本身从食物中获得维生素和矿物质的能力。再说脂溶性维生素ADE量多了是很厉害的身体毒素啊。大人也一样,千万不能把这些食品补充剂当成万能的补品,还是均衡饮食最关键。 太好了。小贝特不喜欢维生素。这两天我强行灌进去,他能呕吐出来。我担心缺钙的同时也担心维生素a过量。 不过我们这里水不好,医生要我们加氟。开了poly-vl-for。现在小贝还没有牙,是不是就不用加啊?
这两天小面包的作息很奇怪啊, 困的很早,早上和中午喂着就睡着了, 奶都还没喝完呢。
太好了。小贝特不喜欢维生素。这两天我强行灌进去,他能呕吐出来。我担心缺钙的同时也担心维生素a过量。 不过我们这里水不好,医生要我们加氟。开了poly-vl-for。现在小贝还没有牙,是不是就不用加啊? how? fanfan still has not tooth yet.
这两天小面包的作息很奇怪啊, 困的很早,早上和中午喂着就睡着了, 奶都还没喝完呢。
夜里照常吗? 连着两个晚上12点多醒来哭一下, 不过还好很快就能又入睡了。
这两天小面包的作息很奇怪啊, 困的很早,早上和中午喂着就睡着了, 奶都还没喝完呢。
how? fanfan still has not tooth yet.
小雪, 给你问到了湿疹的情况, 我马上贴。 多谢,多谢。
how? fanfan still has not tooth yet.
不过nap都很短。 10 -15分钟, 醒了后还可以接着喂。
NWT是什么意思? new with tag
213-427-7600, 你打电话过去说病情,他们有翻译的,因为那些医生英文不是很好。 你还要把宝宝湿疹最厉害的时候的照片发过去。 他们会根据情况配药的。这些药都是herb的,所以疗效慢,但不容易复发。 另外还有两个方子我朋友用了也很管用。 (Info from a friend, Formula is inside this message)
a tube of aquaphor
I have had eczema all my life and my twin sons have it, too. I have seen EVERY dermatologist on the planet and also had allergy shots as a kid and adolescent. All avenues were explored including food allergies (too hard to isolate), external irritants (too hard to control), and regular allergies. Getting on a preion allergy med helped my itchy eyes and runny nose but not my eczema. I did a ton of research and decided I was sick of using steroid based products (hydrocortisone....) because the long term side-effects are scary as you said, it's only a quick fix. To make a long story short, I mix an oil myself and here is what I use it for: I mix it into tepid bath for my boys (who are bathed every night), I add it to their nightly lotion and shake up the bottle (Aveeno), and I use it straight on their face and body if need be. In other words I use it EVERYWHERE!!!
Here's the formula:
3 parts 100% pure vegetable glycerin
2 parts ORGANIC, EXPELLER OR COLD-PRESSED, sesame seed oil
1 part SWEET almond oil.
All products can be found at a health food store or grocery store health food section.
Shake up the mixture every time you use it. Every ingredient in this mixture is not only edible, you CANNOT overdose on it. The only problem is that it is not a quick fix. It may take weeks before the product works, but it will help to soothe in the meantime, and you should notice a difference after the first few days. But it has worked wonders for me and you are talking to someone with whom until I started mixing it would break out on every inch of my body and scratch to the point of depression. It was horrible. But when my sons developed it, I decided they were not going to suffer like I did, and that I was not going to soak them in 'quick fix' drugs. The exact cause of eczema is unknown. Sometimes my son will eat something (like cantaloupe) and his face will break out. Luckily if that happens I know to avoid that particular food and just use the oil more often. Heck, you can rub it on 20 times a day if you want. Here are some tips I have picked up over the years. But the fact remains they do not know what causes it, although genetics is a factor, and it commonly accompanies asthma (which I have) and allergies (which I also have).
1. Don't use 'baby' products like Johnson and Johnson. They are loaded with perfumes ( a major irritant for eczema skin). I use generic Cetaphil soap (about $3.50 a bottle if you buy it at Wal Mart and buy the generic). It is completely fragrance free and has no alkalinity. I use it to wash them and their hair. It works great. A soap does not have to "lather" to work. Another myth is that you have to wash the whole body to get clean. Not true. I add a squirt of the Cetaphil to the bath water and just scrub them from that. You only need to scrub the areas that create bacteria: the armpit, the hands, feet, and buttocks and crotch area (and of course any spots that are obviously soiled. Do not rub the body dry...just dab with a soft towel. I add the oil to the bath because it helps the water not to dry out the skin. The skin will retain moisture which is major problem for eczema skin, it is dry and cannot retain moisture well. Glycerin helps pull moisture from the air and draw it to the skin. Olive oil is a moisturizer but will not clog the pores so the skin will breath but is also a natural anti-microbial and helps kill germs that irritate eczema skin. Sesame seed oil had known properties for fighting eczema as well as sweet almond oil (this is a very powerful anti-itch oil but you don't want to use it in full potency...that's why I add only one part to the five). But if the eczema is REALLY bad yo don't even need the lotion. Just add the oil directly to the body after the bath. Once again, it will NOT clog the pores, and it leaves the skin feeling so nice. (It does stick to bath toys, though...oh well...it's worth it.)
2. Avoid "scrubbing" the skin. This thins the much-needed natural oils on the skin.
3. Avoid "perfumes" in products. One of the best moisturizers I've ever used is Neutrogena Fragrance Free Hand lotion. I use it on my face and lips and my excema is gone...it is glycerin based.
4. Hot water is bad for eczema skin but so is very cold water. Tepid water is best.
5. Moisture in the air can help but keeping the skin moisturized is much better.
6. Avoid fabrics on the skin like wool, cashmere, silk, and mohair. These are all eczema irritants. Polyester doesn't bother it, but cotton is best.
7. DEFINITELY avoid down comforters, down coats or any type of "bird feathers." We had down comforters in my home while I was growing up and I have now found out that down is a MAJOR irritant for ANYONE with allergies or skin problems. I have been totally safe by just making sure all my linens are either cotton or have polyester fill. Polyester is warm and comfortable and hypo-allergenic. That goes double for pillows!!!! Down pillows will irritate eczema severely.
I hope this helps. You might need to use it for several weeks. But I have noticed, the more it is applied the better it works. You may feel like your rubbing it on your baby all the time, but it feels good (my boys skin is totally healed - but I have to keep using it) and it's better than drugs. See what you think and let me know...I'm anxious to know if it works for anyone else as well as it has for me.
There are a few things to add to the mixture that will help it 'keep.' You can add drops of grapefruit seed extract (healthfood store), or drain a few tablets of vitamin e into the mixture. The problem is, I don't know how much of either to use. I don't keep mine in the fridge because it gets used up so quickly, but I live in Wisconsin and as it's 26 degrees right now (a warm day), preservation is not a huge problem. I would recommend that you make a large batch and store it in a large, dark bottle. The olive oil or sesame seed oil you buy will probably come in a dark bottle...most of the organic stuff does. Store the majority of the mixture in that and what I do is I fill up a couple of lotion bottles with pumps. I keep the lotion bottles all over the house so that it's handy when I want to slather some on Nicholas' face. I keep a pourable bottle in the bathroom as I pour a large amount in with the bath water, but for using directly on the skin throughout the day, put small amounts in the lotion bottles, shake them up EVERY TIME YOU USE IT, it really seperates, and just pump out what you need. When it gets low, wash the lotion bottle and refill it with the mixture in the fridge. In the fridge it will keep for up to 3-6 months. 下面还有一个方子适合母乳喂养的。 “如果你是母乳喂养,就好办一些。我两个宝宝都是很严重的湿疹。老大当时不知道怎么办结果花了三年多的时间才好。老二一个月湿疹就厉害的发生皮肤感染,吃抗生素。小宝宝当时也是整夜的痒的睡不好,要大人轮流抱。真的很可怜!医生说可的松也不能常用,只能最厉害的时候压压。后来我开始调整我的饮食,海鲜,鱼虾,竹笋,冬菇等等所有具有发性的食物都不吃。汤也是比较清淡。宝宝全母乳。可是宝宝还是很多湿疹。后来我开始每天喝大量的苹果和胡萝卜煮的水,基本不和喝白水了,就喝煮的这个水。宝宝湿疹在一个半月的时候就开始退,退的很快。在她脸上身上我什么都没有给她擦。现在她半岁了,我持续喝苹果胡萝卜水有4个月,她一直没有发过了。苹果胡萝卜水的做法是:用同等量的苹果和胡萝卜,带皮切片煮水。我一般用两个苹果,3-4根萝卜,加水刚刚莫过就行了。煮15分钟,第一次。到出煮好的汁,然后在加水煮第二次。每天坚持喝。”
不过nap都很短。 10 -15分钟, 醒了后还可以接着喂。
a, cat nap. 别让她养成习惯。
我们一般上午睡30到45分钟, 中午一个半小时左右, 傍晚3,40分钟。 傍晚这个现在有时不睡了。 幸福啊。小贝还要睡3觉呢。中午他也只能睡1个小时。
筒子们,从今天开始我要近似闭关啦,知道绝对闭关不可能,因为最近要最后一次committee meeting。很快defense就提上日程了。N久没干活了,不知道从哪里开始。
筒子们,从今天开始我要近似闭关啦,知道绝对闭关不可能,因为最近要最后一次committee meeting。很快defense就提上日程了。N久没干活了,不知道从哪里开始。
筒子们,从今天开始我要近似闭关啦,知道绝对闭关不可能,因为最近要最后一次committee meeting。很快defense就提上日程了。N久没干活了,不知道从哪里开始。
听我爸说小贝睡觉有时会睡个20分钟左右就睁开眼睛貌似很清醒地看看,看到我爸或者我妈了就自己又睡过去了。这是不是缺乏安全感的表现啊?我已经下了班就赶紧回家和他在一起了。是亲他不够还是我过分亲他了?我觉得现在他有点粘我的苗头了。 normal. 到了这个阶段就会粘人的,尤其是妈妈。
筒子们,从今天开始我要近似闭关啦,知道绝对闭关不可能,因为最近要最后一次committee meeting。很快defense就提上日程了。N久没干活了,不知道从哪里开始。
我们一般上午睡30到45分钟, 中午一个半小时左右, 傍晚3,40分钟。 傍晚这个现在有时不睡了。 我们一直就只睡两觉的。对了,现在宝宝每天需要多少睡眠啊?13小时够了吗?
赶紧吧~ fanfan和小面包就可以早点开始date了~
我们一直就只睡两觉的。对了,现在宝宝每天需要多少睡眠啊?13小时够了吗? 你们7点就睡了吧? 我们要到9点。 13个小时够了~
舔舔的tights(是吗?)很好看! 哪里买的?
舔舔的tights(是吗?)很好看! 哪里买的? 不是tights啊,我们没有女人味的。不过是连脚裤,小了,就显得紧了。
normal. 到了这个阶段就会粘人的,尤其是妈妈。 是的。昨天我老公已经很不高兴了, 因为宝宝只对我笑,不对他笑。
万分感谢越越妈,我试试那个混合油的。胡萝卜苹果水我已经喝过了,对小贝没用。 不谢, 小贝妈辛苦了, 湿疹的宝宝真的不太好带,但小贝妈还是带得这么好。 赞一个。
筒子们, 春天快来了, 快穿薄衣服了, 可我腰上肚子上的赘肉还是那么多啊。收腹带到底有没有用,是不是motherhood就有卖的啊?我现在已经沮丧得不行了。
是的。昨天我老公已经很不高兴了, 因为宝宝只对我笑,不对他笑。
cute smily tiantian.
筒子们,从今天开始我要近似闭关啦,知道绝对闭关不可能,因为最近要最后一次committee meeting。很快defense就提上日程了。N久没干活了,不知道从哪里开始。
听我爸说小贝睡觉有时会睡个20分钟左右就睁开眼睛貌似很清醒地看看,看到我爸或者我妈了就自己又睡过去了。这是不是缺乏安全感的表现啊?我已经下了班就赶紧回家和他在一起了。是亲他不够还是我过分亲他了?我觉得现在他有点粘我的苗头了。 I am looking forward such a day.
连着两个晚上12点多醒来哭一下, 不过还好很快就能又入睡了。
筒子们,从今天开始我要近似闭关啦,知道绝对闭关不可能,因为最近要最后一次committee meeting。很快defense就提上日程了。N久没干活了,不知道从哪里开始。
我们连着好多天都是5点多醒了,每天8点多点就坚持不住要睡啦 哎呀好怀念9--7的日子啊
你们都过过好日子,不能理解我这种一天好日子没过着的苦啊。。。QQ五点醒后,你们怎么办? 一般5:45醒,喂奶,抱到大床上,大概6:30左右会继续睡着,睡到8点多。要是不醒睡到7点多好啊
你们都过过好日子,不能理解我这种一天好日子没过着的苦啊。。。QQ五点醒后,你们怎么办? 我更是一天好日子都没过过呀!我家Dylan从出生到现在还没有那觉能连着睡3个小时的....
班上9个孩子,只有一个比她小,那些大些的孩子看见她还不能坐直,tummy time比他们矮,好几个过来摸头,抠脸和眼睛,还有个小男孩揪着小J的小腿嗷嗷直叫。。。