以下是引用ureach在2008-2-19 19:50:00的发言: 我去爬爬楼看。 我知道狮子为什么变瘦了, 他的奶量现在比小面包还少啊。 我是不是真的给面包喂太多了? 现在她奶量还在增加正常吗? 我找了点资料,你看看 Suggested Number and Volume of Bottle Feedings for a Normal Infant
Number of Daily Bottles
Amount of Formula in Each Bottle
Birth to 1 week
6 to 10
1 to 3 ounces
1 week to 1 month
7 to 8
2 to 4 ounces
1 month to 3 months
5 to 7
4 to 6 ounces
3 months to 6 months*
4 to 5
6 to 7 ounces
6 months to 9 months
3 to 4
7 to 8 ounces
10 months to 12 months
7 to 8 ounces
*You can begin feeding your child solid foods such as iron-fortified infant cereal at four months of age. Formula consumption tends to begin declining after six months because it's assumed that your baby will be eating more solid foods as time goes on.
以下是引用leomom在2008-2-19 20:38:00的发言: 我找了点资料,你看看 Suggested Number and Volume of Bottle Feedings for a Normal Infant
Number of Daily Bottles
Amount of Formula in Each Bottle
Birth to 1 week
6 to 10
1 to 3 ounces
1 week to 1 month
7 to 8
2 to 4 ounces
1 month to 3 months
5 to 7
4 to 6 ounces
3 months to 6 months*
4 to 5
6 to 7 ounces
6 months to 9 months
3 to 4
7 to 8 ounces
10 months to 12 months
7 to 8 ounces
*You can begin feeding your child solid foods such as iron-fortified infant cereal at four months of age. Formula consumption tends to begin declining after six months because it's assumed that your baby will be eating more solid foods as time goes on. 男孩女孩没区别吗? 那我们在这个范围里。
developed by Dr. Nanci Pittman Use this as a guide for introducing your baby to solid foods. Consult your pediatrician if you are unsure whether your baby is ready to begin solids. Remember, meal times are a great opportunity to have fun and communicate with your baby, but they may be messy too. Get out your camera to capture these moments! Download this chart in PDF format to print for your patients: Infant_nutrition.pdf.
Breast Milk
Fruits & Vegetables
Yogurt, Meat & Poultry
0-1 Month
Every 2-3 hours, or 8-10 feedings each day. Feed on demand.
Every 3-4 hours, or 6-8 feedings each day, 2-3 oz. per feeding.
1-4 Months
6-8 feedings each day. The number of feedings will decrease as your baby sleeps longer at night.
Every 4-5 hours, or 5-6 feedings per day. 4-6 oz. per feeding.
4-6 Months
Usually 6 feedings each day.
4-5 feedings each day, 6-8 oz. per feeding, maximum of 32 oz. per day.
The first solid food is usually iron-fortified rice cereal, followed by oatmeal and other grains. This provides the extra iron that babies this age need. Start with 1 tbsp. each meal mixed with either breast milk or formula to desired consistency and increase to 4 tbsp. each meal. Begin with 1 serving each day and advance to 2 when accepted by your baby.
Once baby accepts cereal, begin with strained fruits and vegetables. Start with single vegetables that are finely pureed. Advance to approximately 4 oz. jar per meal. Remember to try only one new food at a time; watch for signs of allergy (diarrhea, rash, vomiting).
6-9 Months
Usually 4-6 feedings each day. As your baby takes more solids, the number of feedings will decrease.
Depending on the amount of solid food in your baby's diet, the formula will range from 24-30 oz. per day.
At 8 months, introduce foods that have more texture.
May want to try juice. Continue with fruits and vegetables to include new single flavors and combinations offering new tastes and textures.
At 7 months can begin yogurt. At 8 months can begin finely milled poultry and meats.
9-12 Months
As baby takes more solids, the number of feedings will decrease. Usually 4 feedings each day.
The formula intake will fall to approximately 24 oz. per day.
Usually 1 time each day (1/4 - 1/2 cup). May want to try finger foods, such as well cooked pasta.
Usually 2 servings of fruit AND vegetables per day (1/4-1/2 cup each serving). As babies transition more to table foods, they can try a "chunkier" texture. Select easily chewable foods cut up into small pieces. Try more finger foods, such as small pieces of banana.
Usually 1 serving of yogurt (1/4-1/2 cup). Usually 1 serving of meat or poultry. For variety try scrambled eggs or soft cheese.
developed by Dr. Nanci Pittman Use this as a guide for introducing your baby to solid foods. Consult your pediatrician if you are unsure whether your baby is ready to begin solids. Remember, meal times are a great opportunity to have fun and communicate with your baby, but they may be messy too. Get out your camera to capture these moments! Download this chart in PDF format to print for your patients: Infant_nutrition.pdf.
Breast Milk
Fruits & Vegetables
Yogurt, Meat & Poultry
0-1 Month
Every 2-3 hours, or 8-10 feedings each day. Feed on demand.
Every 3-4 hours, or 6-8 feedings each day, 2-3 oz. per feeding.
1-4 Months
6-8 feedings each day. The number of feedings will decrease as your baby sleeps longer at night.
Every 4-5 hours, or 5-6 feedings per day. 4-6 oz. per feeding.
4-6 Months
Usually 6 feedings each day.
4-5 feedings each day, 6-8 oz. per feeding, maximum of 32 oz. per day.
The first solid food is usually iron-fortified rice cereal, followed by oatmeal and other grains. This provides the extra iron that babies this age need. Start with 1 tbsp. each meal mixed with either breast milk or formula to desired consistency and increase to 4 tbsp. each meal. Begin with 1 serving each day and advance to 2 when accepted by your baby.
Once baby accepts cereal, begin with strained fruits and vegetables. Start with single vegetables that are finely pureed. Advance to approximately 4 oz. jar per meal. Remember to try only one new food at a time; watch for signs of allergy (diarrhea, rash, vomiting).
6-9 Months
Usually 4-6 feedings each day. As your baby takes more solids, the number of feedings will decrease.
Depending on the amount of solid food in your baby's diet, the formula will range from 24-30 oz. per day.
At 8 months, introduce foods that have more texture.
May want to try juice. Continue with fruits and vegetables to include new single flavors and combinations offering new tastes and textures.
At 7 months can begin yogurt. At 8 months can begin finely milled poultry and meats.
9-12 Months
As baby takes more solids, the number of feedings will decrease. Usually 4 feedings each day.
The formula intake will fall to approximately 24 oz. per day.
Usually 1 time each day (1/4 - 1/2 cup). May want to try finger foods, such as well cooked pasta.
Usually 2 servings of fruit AND vegetables per day (1/4-1/2 cup each serving). As babies transition more to table foods, they can try a "chunkier" texture. Select easily chewable foods cut up into small pieces. Try more finger foods, such as small pieces of banana.
Usually 1 serving of yogurt (1/4-1/2 cup). Usually 1 serving of meat or poultry. For variety try scrambled eggs or soft cheese.
为啥爱斗比超级快乐啥的水平高那么多泥? 我都没看那个快乐啥。 不过今年爱斗男的比去年的强多了,比较有看头,倒是女的那边没有特别出色的,除了一个很朋克的女护士很有个性
我都没看那个快乐啥。 不过今年爱斗男的比去年的强多了,比较有看头,倒是女的那边没有特别出色的,除了一个很朋克的女护士很有个性
wow, love this David Cook's voice too~~
wow, love this David Cook's voice too~~
我去爬爬楼看。 我知道狮子为什么变瘦了, 他的奶量现在比小面包还少啊。 我是不是真的给面包喂太多了? 现在她奶量还在增加正常吗? 我找了点资料,你看看 Suggested Number and Volume of Bottle Feedings for a Normal Infant
小声地说,我也曾经无限迷恋有这样biiiiiiiiiiiig smile的男生,from high school...差点还做错事at college
我怎么没在现实生活中遇到biiiiiiig smile boy呢?
我找了点资料,你看看 Suggested Number and Volume of Bottle Feedings for a Normal Infant
男孩女孩没区别吗? 那我们在这个范围里。
男孩女孩没区别吗? 那我们在这个范围里。
啊, 你已经有10off40啦? 那望望妈, 我可不可以排你的10off40, 如果你不用的话?
没有区别!在范围里应该还好啊,我刚才查资料的时候看到有个文章里说, 6个月的宝宝吃多于32oz或者少于20oz,就该去咨询ped了。 我们现在喝29。
developed by Dr. Nanci Pittman Use this as a guide for introducing your baby to solid foods. Consult your pediatrician if you are unsure whether your baby is ready to begin solids. Remember, meal times are a great opportunity to have fun and communicate with your baby, but they may be messy too. Get out your camera to capture these moments! Download this chart in PDF format to print for your patients: Infant_nutrition.pdf.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-19 21:13:27编辑过]
好的,短我地址:) 短了, 谢谢望望妈!
短了, 谢谢望望妈!
Suggested Infant Feeding Schedule
developed by Dr. Nanci Pittman Use this as a guide for introducing your baby to solid foods. Consult your pediatrician if you are unsure whether your baby is ready to begin solids. Remember, meal times are a great opportunity to have fun and communicate with your baby, but they may be messy too. Get out your camera to capture these moments! Download this chart in PDF format to print for your patients: Infant_nutrition.pdf.
谢谢, 收藏了!
小狮子妈, 万一不好, 不要怪我呀。 这款我也没用过的。
怎么能怪你呢,绝对不会的!!! 我到店里再观察观察,我想要个轻便的,这个的重量挺好的,三月底我们要搬到一个三楼的apartment了,没有电梯,到时我要一手抱小狮子,还要一手提stroller下楼梯,一定要个轻的!
top 12竟然有三个david, 只有一个黑人~
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-19 22:02:46编辑过]
我觉得一手抱宝宝不是很安全啊。宝宝有时会不老实。 我曾经做过一手横着抱宝宝,一手拿个东西。不过那样很累得
狮子妈妈,说说你给小狮子的辅食和奶的安排时间和分量安排吧。 我家望望已经是第三次了,一加辅食就消化不良,好像吃多了。 望望现在是8点,12点,4点,8点四顿奶,每次8OZ。 辅食是 早上10点蔬菜或者水果泥,一次半盒或者三分之一盒。 下午6点迷糊2大勺兑1OZ奶。 三次了,这样吃3天左右就开始大便发酸,打酸嗝,明显的吃多的的样子。 一停辅食过几天就好了。是不是我给他吃的奶太多了?该不该减少母乳用辅食来代替啊?我现在奶还是很多,觉得他不喝真是浪费啊。 望望辅食吃的不多啊,比我们少,大便发酸,打酸嗝是正常的 据望望老婆的医生说: 难道还想poopoo有玫瑰味?正常的 应该多给点辅食,当时小Q医生说每天应该一般中午1/2盒, 晚上1/2盒,另外再加米糊。 6个月之后奶的营养有点根部上料,要从辅食补充
你们都给宝宝们用上saucer了吗?我家的现在还不会翻身,坐不稳,能用那个吗?那个站在里面,不知道小人能不能吃得消阿?我现在把saucer垫到很高,这样他站在里面只能垫着脚,不知道这样对不对呢? 你们还没开始用么?再不用就要过时了啊,很多宝宝已经最高档脚都能踩平了,就不再建议使用了
你们还没开始用么?再不用就要过时了啊,很多宝宝已经最高档脚都能踩平了,就不再建议使用了 我们阿姨说觉得孩子腰部吃不消,不给他用
坐飞机那个stroller是放在空姐那里还是在行李舱啊? 登机时候给空姐收走
坐飞机那个stroller是放在空姐那里还是在行李舱啊? domestic是在机舱口给收走,但也是要放到行李舱
domestic是在机舱口给收走,但也是要放到行李舱 那是不是还是有被野蛮装卸的危险啊?看来还是便宜的好。不心疼。
浩然的脚是踩在书上吗?你为什么垫书呢?我觉得那个塑料比书软点吧。 小贝现在是两只脚都能够到底,但是脚后跟还不行。 我家的会斜着用一只脚全部着地,另一只悬空。。。
望望辅食吃的不多啊,比我们少,大便发酸,打酸嗝是正常的 据望望老婆的医生说: 难道还想poopoo有玫瑰味?正常的 应该多给点辅食,当时小Q医生说每天应该一般中午1/2盒, 晚上1/2盒,另外再加米糊。 6个月之后奶的营养有点根部上料,要从辅食补充 恩,谢谢Q妈的建议。我打算把他的奶量每次减少到7OZ,尽量上辅食了。
那是不是还是有被野蛮装卸的危险啊?看来还是便宜的好。不心疼。 好像就是放到最外面,即,最后放最先拿。估计不会摔坏,但是可能会蹭脏。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-19 22:37:57编辑过]
果果妈,果奶好些了么? 谢谢,好多了。不过我还没让她接触小果。
浩然的脚是踩在书上吗?你为什么垫书呢?我觉得那个塑料比书软点吧。 小贝现在是两只脚都能够到底,但是脚后跟还不行。
谢谢,好多了。不过我还没让她接触小果。 嗯,休息好,完全恢复比较好,祝奶奶快快康复。
谢谢,好多了。不过我还没让她接触小果。 那现在谁照顾小果啊?
你家的saucer真高级。要不你把书换成薄被子?踩书上和踩地上没有什么区别吧。 晕,我的表达能力现在越来越退步了,大家看在我生了俩娃的份上原谅我吧
浩然这个星期check up吗?打针不要怕哦
金兰妈,我听说是让宝宝的脚刚够着地,又不是完全踩着地(脚跟着地)比较好,我通常还会给小葱头的肚子前或者后背塞个receive blanket顶一下
浩然这个星期check up吗?打针不要怕哦
那现在谁照顾小果啊? yy和我们俩
yy和我们俩 小果妈辛苦啦!
fanfan妈呢?我刚才用那个小磨磨梨了,我怎么尝着远没有stage1的细腻呢?有渣渣啊。 没磨过梨, 应该和梨的品种有关吧, stage1 的梨软得不像梨啦. 还不敢给吃梨, 太凉, 我自己吃都容易拉肚子 我弄过苹果. 香蕉, 猕猴桃, 汁多些. 觉得和罐头的不是百分百一样, 可能他们还有其他的东西吧.
没磨过梨, 应该和梨的品种有关吧, stage1 的梨软得不像梨啦. 还不敢给吃梨, 太凉, 我自己吃都容易拉肚子 我弄过苹果. 香蕉, 猕猴桃, 汁多些. 觉得和罐头的不是百分百一样, 可能他们还有其他的东西吧. 这个小磨,我在BRU上看见别人也说是磨好的泥里有TEXTURE,所以我后来没买。
看着好高级啊, 整个人悬空就转不了啦. 可是他们现在还不会转吧?要转得要脚部腿部用力才行,他们现在有那么大力气吗?
没磨过梨, 应该和梨的品种有关吧, stage1 的梨软得不像梨啦. 还不敢给吃梨, 太凉, 我自己吃都容易拉肚子 我弄过苹果. 香蕉, 猕猴桃, 汁多些. 觉得和罐头的不是百分百一样, 可能他们还有其他的东西吧. 会不会他们用的是美国店卖的那种梨?那种梨软布拉吉的,跟中国的梨口感很不一样 我瞎猜得
yy和我们俩 干妹妹妈辛苦啦
可以转的。小贝是转身,抓着玩具就转过去了。 是吗?
会不会他们用的是美国店卖的那种梨?那种梨软布拉吉的,跟中国的梨口感很不一样 我瞎猜得 我用的就是美国店里卖的梨啊。我觉得这个不如blender打得细腻,但是处理少量的东西还行。
我用的就是美国店里卖的梨啊。我觉得这个不如blender打得细腻,但是处理少量的东西还行。 我磨的苹果,香蕉,猕猴桃比blender打的细些, 不知道, 可能我家blender功率不够
texture不是很好吗? 比如梨和芹菜, 最有价值的成分之一就是texture啊
我磨的苹果,香蕉,猕猴桃比blender打的细些, 不知道, 可能我家blender功率不够
磨麻烦不? 我也考虑要不要搞一个
磨麻烦不? 我也考虑要不要搞一个
can clinton still make it? 刚看完idol, 又开始关心政治啦?
i think I'll pass the food mill but buy this instead