以下是引用ANA在2008-2-1 13:23:00的发言: 我上个星期带胖墩去店里measure了,他要穿7码的。你如果我给他买夏天的是不是要买8码?还是不会长那么快?? wow!!!jealous!!!if my recall is right, book says that every 3-4 month baby can increase 1 size within 2 years old. but it is really case by case. I stored size 5---9 [此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-1 13:28:16编辑过]
以下是引用ANA在2008-2-1 13:33:00的发言: 我后妈还没有给他在这里买过鞋子。。。 他穿的都是中国买的,所以我不知道买啥号的。。。 gap/gymboree/old navy/stride rite, sizes are similar. I only used shoes to compare not their charts.
以下是引用luckystar在2008-2-1 13:00:00的发言: is there any summary on shoes brand?which one is good?So far I bought Stride Rite, Gap, Gymboree, and Old navy, any more brand or recommendation for baby? 还有kids们人脚一双的crocs。
以下是引用luckystar在2008-2-1 13:00:00的发言: is there any summary on shoes brand?which one is good?So far I bought Stride Rite, Gap, Gymboree, and Old navy, any more brand or recommendation for baby? 还有darlingshoes.com的鞋鞋,经常有80%off sale。有些质量不错,有些不行,看运气。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-1 23:11:22编辑过]
Umi,Geox 我在amazon上买的umi很不错
我在amazon上买的umi很不错 is its size similar to Gap/Stride rite?3x.
Umi,Geox 3x,what about their size??and quality??
is its size similar to Gap/Stride rite?3x.
我买的是5号的,跟我当时买的stride rite 5号比了一下,差不多 Thanks, little bao mom!!!
我上个星期带胖墩去店里measure了,他要穿7码的。你如果我给他买夏天的是不是要买8码?还是不会长那么快?? 胖墩多大了?一岁多一点对巴?穿7号?我们现在穿4号还大呢!这脚丫子的差别真大亚
我上个星期带胖墩去店里measure了,他要穿7码的。你如果我给他买夏天的是不是要买8码?还是不会长那么快?? wow!!!jealous!!!if my recall is right, book says that every 3-4 month baby can increase 1 size within 2 years old. but it is really case by case. I stored size 5---9
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-1 13:28:16编辑过]
paodun is 1 yr old leh., younger than my baby. but 我们现在穿5号.
我后妈还没有给他在这里买过鞋子。。。 他穿的都是中国买的,所以我不知道买啥号的。。。
哪里有deal呀现在? gymboree, 4.99, leather. you can check over there.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-1 13:43:21编辑过]
nike play thanks, birdie!btw, I didnot see red S sweater these days after that time.
Kenneth cole的也还成
for baby?size is normal or ..
对呀对呀。。。才12个半月了。。。。我第2次做b超时候护士就说了手脚好大呀。 他刚刚出生我朋友来看他就说了:这当妈的光给他买鞋子就要破产了。。。
is there any summary on shoes brand?which one is good? So far I bought Stride Rite, Gap, Gymboree, and Old navy, any more brand or recommendation for baby?
is there any summary on shoes brand?which one is good? So far I bought Stride Rite, Gap, Gymboree, and Old navy, any more brand or recommendation for baby? 还有darlingshoes.com的鞋鞋,经常有80%off sale。有些质量不错,有些不行,看运气。
还有kids们人脚一双的crocs。 many thanks,大宝她妈.
不佩服不行呀,胖墩妈的钱真的要烧在胖墩的鞋上了 agree.