以下是引用adhoc在2008-1-24 10:25:00的发言: wow, they have pretty detailed reports. And pidou's art works are so cute BTW, is it a church daycare? they teach bible everyday? 什么时候给我看看小宝的daily report? 这个daycare不是教会办的,不过和教会有那么一点点地联系。我问过老师,他们不讲圣经,最多给孩子讲一些小故事。 还想问你,小宝在daycare 午饭都吃什么?吃多少?早饭在家里吃么?有什么品种?
以下是引用wintermelon在2008-1-24 12:12:00的发言: 什么时候给我看看小宝的daily report? 这个daycare不是教会办的,不过和教会有那么一点点地联系。我问过老师,他们不讲圣经,最多给孩子讲一些小故事。 还想问你,小宝在daycare 午饭都吃什么?吃多少?早饭在家里吃么?有什么品种? Their daily report is very simple, sometimes too simple xiaobao's daycare provides lunch. It's american style, like today they had Oven Rosated Chicken Patties Creamy Penne Pasta + Fresh Cut Green Beans + Sliced Peaches . Sometime he can finish all, and I am not sure about the amount in terms of oz. I get a montly lunch menu from the daycare. As to breakfast, silimar to Pidou's : milk after getting up, then 20 mins later 1 boiled egg, and some other stuff like toast, waffle, bread, oat meal ....
hug pidou! hug hug qinjia ! It's so easily for them to get sick when they first start in daycare, especially in the winter. But she will getting stronger and stronger
以下是引用wintermelon在2008-1-25 0:08:00的发言: 恩,明天不送了。让她在家里好好休息一下。正好接下来就是周末,大家都能陪她。 Can't type Chinese at work. I have been following your daycare post for a long time. It is a great post with a lot of information. Although my daughter already started daycare a few months ago, I am still going through a lot together with her. I once wanted to document all the things and my feelings here and share with others. But I have never found time to do it. I am letting you know what has happened to my daughter in her first few months in daycare. Hope it will encourage you and some other moms who are considering daycares for their kids.
My daughter caught her first cold in her life 4 days after she started daycare just like Pidou. Since then, she has been sick constantly. Most of time, it is just runny nose and coughing. So far, she has had 4 fevers, 3 ear infections, and 3-4 rounds of stomach bugs in the past 3.5 months. For three times, we had to let her stay at home for a few days or even a week before we could send her back to daycare. Fortunately, we could find some help or it was around the holiday season. So, we didn't have to use up all our sick days. Unfortunately, I got the germs from her almost every time she gets sick. I have had 4-5 rounds of cold, 1 fever and 1 ear infection since she started. And it had never happened to me before. I used to be the type of person who didn't have to use any sick days or just 1 or 2. And it is not fun to take care of a sick baby when you are sick too. [此贴子已经被作者于2008-1-25 11:30:33编辑过]
I am the one who drop her off and pick her up every day. In the first few days, I was really upset, not because she was crying when I left but because she was not that clean and pretty baby girl that I had known in her first 8 months any more. She doesn't mind too much going to a new environment. So, she didn't even cry when I left in the first day, which made me a little mad. But when I went pick her up in the first day, I saw her face and hands dirty with solids. I am sure the teachers wiped her face and hands after solids feeding. But they just can't do a job as good as yourself and your parents. I asked myself: is it how it is gonna be every day? It is. And now I am used to it. I may still see mucus hanging under her nose or the sweet potatoes from lunch on her cheek when I go pick her up. But I won't feel as upset as before.
It is hard to avoid getting sick at daycare. Just think about it. My daughter goes to a daycare with averagely 15 babies in the infant program and 7 teachers. There is always someone sick in the room. One toy can be put in month by all the kids. How can you avoid that? Occasionally, the teacher may have a cold and still feed your baby and change diapers. What can you do about it? That is why my daughter has gone through all these, cold, fever, vomiting, coughing, runny nose, diarrhea, ear infection..... After her 2nd fever, one thought did come to my mind that maybe I should withdraw her from this daycare center and find a nanny or a family care. But I hesitated to put her into another new place just after she got to know the teachers here. 3.5 months later, we are still with the same daycare. And I can tell she definitely has a stronger immune system than a few months ago. The winter is still young here and she may get sick again. I believe things will get better and better. My co-worker started sending her son to daycare when he was only 2 months old. He is 6, in school now and never gets sick, which means he doesn't have to miss any school.
My daughter has two primary caregivers. Both of them are doing their job professionally. Sometimes, it really depends on teachers' personalities. The younger teacher that my daughter has shows more passions. She kisses and hugs the kids more often. I haven't seen the older teacher doing it much. But she is still doing whatever she needs to do, like rocking kids to sleep, picking the kids up if they cry.... So, it is not too bad. As the kids grow up, I think they will enjoy being in daycare more and more. And just being selfish, I think it is great not to have to be with my daughter every single minute.
Too much English typing. I really can't type Chinese at work. And when I go home, I won't have time to type anything. Hope someone will have patience to read it. Hope Pidou feel better over the weekend.
以下是引用wintermelon在2008-1-25 12:40:00的发言: 波蒂,我们每天回来第一件事情就是用小孩子的洗手液洗手,然后换上家里穿的干净鞋子,daycare 穿的都不让进家门,直接扔在车库里。呵呵。不过我们还是忘记了给换衣服了。以后要做的更加彻底。 never enough, isn't it...we parents, worry way toooooooooooooooooooooooo much
以下是引用tweetiebird在2008-1-25 11:24:00的发言: Can't type Chinese at work. I have been following your daycare post for a long time. It is a great post with a lot of information. Although my daughter already started daycare a few months ago, I am still going through a lot together with her. I once wanted to document all the things and my feelings here and share with others. But I have never found time to do it. I am letting you know what has happened to my daughter in her first few months in daycare. Hope it will encourage you and some other moms who are considering daycares for their kids. 太谢谢mm分享你家孩子的daycare经验了,生了那么多次病,真是太可怜了。有了这些免疫之后,孩子以后一定是身体棒棒的了。mm自己也要注意身体啊,革命的本钱。。。。
以下是引用tweetiebird在2008-1-25 11:30:00的发言: Too much English typing. I really can't type Chinese at work. And when I go home, I won't have time to type anything. Hope someone will have patience to read it. Hope Pidou feel better over the weekend. 再次感谢mm.我从头到尾都看完了,无限感慨啊,在孩子的成长过程中,父母孩子都不容易。钦佩mm的勇气,也祝福mm和mm的宝宝daycare一切顺利。
what kind of 高热量的奶? will it affect the regular meal ? 就是酒心的那个一岁体检贴里提到的pediasure.我还没有做过研究,据说喝一瓶就可以保证一天的热量了.厉害吧.
前几天没时间看,回头好好读读。皮豆妈辛苦了,给大家分享你的经验。 凡妈,那个锣鼓的帖子人太多,要不你在这里给我私奔一下下吧,......
皮豆长得真快啊,已经上daycare了,表现很好啊。 嘻嘻, 这个mm是那个说很喜欢皮豆的mm么?谢谢mm一直以来的厚爱.
我不太清楚后一种,前一种是每年可以存5000,是税前的钱,然后凭daycare收据把钱要回来。 妈呀,太麻烦了.还是用信用卡交,然后等着退税算了.谢谢拉丁.
不知道啊, 问问pd吧.
皮豆妈,我昨天参观了一家daycare center,是bright horizons的,但是即使是大型连锁的daycare,具体好坏还是在于老师,对吧? 我对硬件没什么意见,除了地板,全是hard surface的,只有很少的地方铺了form,还有gym里,可我觉得小朋友要是摔一下就得跌地上了,是不是找个全是软地板的比较好? 老师,好几个都是棕色黑色皮肤的,非常梨形的身材,我很不喜欢 我觉得,如果老师本身有一定的素质+教育背景,不会放任自己的身材变成那样的,我是不是要求太高了? 下周还要去其他家看看,有点怕自己太挑剔了
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-1-23 14:07:27编辑过]
susan来了以后, 我说了一下早上的事情,和她探讨了皮豆的中饭情况,最后达成新的共识:不用吃完每天我带的量,她能吃多少就是多少。susan其实一直都认为我给她中饭带的多了些,不过一直没有说出来。今天趁着探讨呕吐的问题,她终于说出了自己的疑惑。我立刻给予呼应。我真得很想让皮豆在daycare 期间形成良好的饮食习惯,包括礼仪,这点我承认,自己没有这个能力。失败啊。也许我真的像老师说的,太过于worry孩子的问题,这样不好。嗯,那就从今天开始放宽心吧。
皮豆妈,我觉得皮豆这家day care还真不错,daily sheet这么详细。 皮豆进步很大哦,妈妈要多鼓励多鼓励
她干妈你写的真好,我觉得皮豆已经渐渐熟悉起来,虽然还是有点小委屈,但是一定会越来越好的! 呵呵,我也感觉这家day care不错,阿姨都很nice地说,一定是看到皮豆jj那么可爱漂亮就喜欢的很啊!
皮豆都会涂鸦啦. 皮豆好像适应能力挺强的. 我现在想到花花要上DAYCARE,都超级担心.
今天早上不知道怎么了,吃饭很闹,最后把奶和饭都吐出来了,弄得一身。幸好姥姥在,要不然我真的是手忙脚乱外加着急。急急忙忙换好了衣服,给她喝了些水,用保温杯装了一些温热的稀饭,就出发了。去了以后,找老师要了体温计(在家里忘记量了),98.2, 没有烧。非常的粘我,不肯下来玩。susan还没有来,只有一个很年轻的老师在带一个小男孩。我只好一直抱着她。
susan来了以后, 我说了一下早上的事情,和她探讨了皮豆的中饭情况,最后达成新的共识:不用吃完每天我带的量,她能吃多少就是多少。susan其实一直都认为我给她中饭带的多了些,不过一直没有说出来。今天趁着探讨呕吐的问题,她终于说出了自己的疑惑。我立刻给予呼应。我真得很想让皮豆在daycare 期间形成良好的饮食习惯,包括礼仪,这点我承认,自己没有这个能力。失败啊。也许我真的像老师说的,太过于worry孩子的问题,这样不好。嗯,那就从今天开始放宽心吧。
pat pat
wow, they have pretty detailed reports. And pidou's art works are so cute
加油加油 谢谢小小鸟。现在才发现,原来和daycare的老师打交道也是需要技巧的。
ken ken pi dou!
皮豆进步好大啊。我恨不住现在就把小白踢进去(排的队是九月的,奶奶的) 要排这么久,那一定是很好的daycare了。一定要管中饭的那种啊,我觉得这种才能更加彻底的让孩子在吃饭上得到最大的锻炼。我现在就希望A2个月以后就有空位,那样我就换地方了。
什么时候给我看看小宝的daily report?
明天估计去不了daycare了。白天吃的非常好,还外出活动了半个小时。回来以后发现有烧, 什么都不吃,奶也没有喝, 还咳嗽有痰 ,最高到102.3。 一直蔫蔫的,要人抱着才行。不到8点就要睡觉了。 喂了泰诺,晚点再观察。
祝皮豆早日康复!!! 皮豆妈,你参观了那么多,有daycare要求进门就换鞋/穿袜子的吗? 我觉得这么大的孩子还在捡东西吃,实在是个卫生隐患啊 没有见过这么讲究的daycare.这么大的孩子捡东西吃很正常啊,所以我一定要求干净整洁。我也和老师探讨过这个问题,她说她时常会检查一下地面,有脏东西就弄掉。
生病了 ? 恩,晚上接回来的时候就有热度,还咳嗽,一直到睡觉前,不吃不喝。体温最高有102.3度,差不多39摄氏度吧。喂了药就睡着了。不知道明天还能不能去。 这才上了6天daycare,病毒来得也太快了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-1-24 23:34:09编辑过]
皮豆病啦?她外婆还没有很快走吧? 姥姥下个月中旬走,还能帮忙看着皮豆。
我家大小鬼的学校infant rooms是要换鞋才可以进的。。。另外她们有2个full time house cleaners, 每天的任务就是到处清扫。。。。 真高级阿,我去看过的几家infant room,似乎都没有要求我换鞋。
恩,晚上接回来的时候就有热度,还咳嗽,一直到睡觉前,不吃不喝。体温最高有102.3度,差不多39摄氏度吧。喂了药就睡着了。不知道明天还能不能去。 这才上了6天daycare,病毒来得也太快了。
真高级阿,我去看过的几家infant room,似乎都没有要求我换鞋。 呵呵。。。。我真的很幸运,找到这个学校的。
没有见过这么讲究的daycare.这么大的孩子捡东西吃很正常啊,所以我一定要求干净整洁。我也和老师探讨过这个问题,她说她时常会检查一下地面,有脏东西就弄掉。 老师看不过来呀 上次看的daycare,老师说,只要看见小朋友把玩具放进嘴里,那个玩具就要拿去洗(消毒?),老师当着我们的面从一个小黑女孩手上陆续拿走了3个玩具,就在老师转身拿玩具放到消毒的台子上时,第四个玩具又进了她嘴里,但老师没看见... 我特担心eric去了daycare会吃很多乱七八糟的东西,还谁都不知道他究竟吃了什么,虽然他不一定咽下去,可有些东西尝一下也是很不好的
呵呵。。。。我真的很幸运,找到这个学校的。 那么好呀,我一定要仔细搜索daycare,不可错失一家
bless 皮豆
就病了?这也太快了吧?可怜的皮豆. 快吧,我还见过第一天去就生病的呢。daycare的病毒真是强大啊。。。
不算太快。。。。。。不过还是太可怜,我最怕孩子生病。。。。 每次看到她生病,不吃不喝,难受得小样,也不会说话告诉我们哪里不舒服,就那么蔫蔫得,
老师看不过来呀 上次看的daycare,老师说,只要看见小朋友把玩具放进嘴里,那个玩具就要拿去洗(消毒?),老师当着我们的面从一个小黑女孩手上陆续拿走了3个玩具,就在老师转身拿玩具放到消毒的台子上时,第四个玩具又进了她嘴里,但老师没看见... 我特担心eric去了daycare会吃很多乱七八糟的东西,还谁都不知道他究竟吃了什么,虽然他不一定咽下去,可有些东西尝一下也是很不好的
bless 皮豆
恩,晚上接回来的时候就有热度,还咳嗽,一直到睡觉前,不吃不喝。体温最高有102.3度,差不多39摄氏度吧。喂了药就睡着了。不知道明天还能不能去。 这才上了6天daycare,病毒来得也太快了。
不算快,大宝是第三天开始生病的. 头三个月共在家呆了22天.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-1-25 11:16:37编辑过]
恩,明天不送了。让她在家里好好休息一下。正好接下来就是周末,大家都能陪她。 Can't type Chinese at work. I have been following your daycare post for a long time. It is a great post with a lot of information. Although my daughter already started daycare a few months ago, I am still going through a lot together with her. I once wanted to document all the things and my feelings here and share with others. But I have never found time to do it.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-1-25 11:30:33编辑过]
的病毒真的是很厉害,从来没有烧到过那么高。最高的时候103多了。一直靠交替吃泰诺和motrin缓解,稍微晚了点喂药,就烧上去了。还一直咳嗽,有明显的痰音。 从昨天回来到今天
早上10点半, 除了半夜饿得难受,吃了点米许以外,什么都没吃没喝,好不容易喂进去一点稀饭牛奶, 一咳嗽,
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-1-25 12:34:13编辑过]
的病毒真的是很厉害,从来没有烧到过那么高。最高的时候103多了。一直靠交替吃泰诺和motrin缓解,稍微晚了点喂药,就烧上去了。还一直咳嗽,有明显的痰音。 从昨天回来到今天
早上10点半, 除了半夜饿得难受,吃了点米许以外,什么都没吃没喝,好不容易喂进去一点稀饭牛奶, 一咳嗽,
波蒂,我们每天回来第一件事情就是用小孩子的洗手液洗手,然后换上家里穿的干净鞋子,daycare 穿的都不让进家门,直接扔在车库里。呵呵。不过我们还是忘记了给换衣服了。以后要做的更加彻底。
never enough, isn't it...we parents, worry way toooooooooooooooooooooooo much
never enough, isn't it...we parents, worry way toooooooooooooooooooooooo much
嗯,已经约好了下午3点。估计去了也没什么作用,看看耳朵,看看喉咙,最多检测一下是病毒还是细菌。然后说病毒性的就自己扛着,时不时 吃泰诺退烧,或者再给开点缓解咳嗽和痰的药,嗬嗬,我都快成儿科医生了。
的病毒真的是很厉害,从来没有烧到过那么高。最高的时候103多了。一直靠交替吃泰诺和motrin缓解,稍微晚了点喂药,就烧上去了。还一直咳嗽,有明显的痰音。 从昨天回来到今天
早上10点半, 除了半夜饿得难受,吃了点米许以外,什么都没吃没喝,好不容易喂进去一点稀饭牛奶, 一咳嗽,
全被吐了出来,还带着很粘稠的痰。小脸红彤彤的,可怜死了。希望她快快好 大宝去daycare一个星期就得了人生第一次中耳炎.
精心点总是好的。。。 我小时候我爸妈就带我带的不精心,我1岁多感冒后转成气管炎,然后又转成了哮喘,一喘就喘了十几年,上中学才好。。。那个痛苦啊,没经历过的人想象不到。
精心点总是好的。。。 我小时候我爸妈就带我带的不精心,我1岁多感冒后转成气管炎,然后又转成了哮喘,一喘就喘了十几年,上中学才好。。。那个痛苦啊,没经历过的人想象不到。
刚才皮豆姥姥打电话来,说皮豆一直用手指着冰箱,打开冰箱,就抱着牛油果啃,我妈赶紧打电话来问能不能给她吃,我说她想吃啥就给吃啥吧。总比什么都不吃强。 这孩子真奇怪,居然这个时候最想吃的是牛油果。
爬完了你的楼,先是为皮豆的优秀表现高兴,然后就看看到小人生病了,心里真难受。虽然知道这是难免的,但是还是挺心疼的。不过说真的,皮豆第一周的表现真的是excellent!!! 绝对是给我了一个惊喜。我会继续跟踪你的帖子的,也许没时间回。
pat, pat,有什么事情就给我打电话吧。我也正愁没人说话呢。
Can't type Chinese at work. I have been following your daycare post for a long time. It is a great post with a lot of information. Although my daughter already started daycare a few months ago, I am still going through a lot together with her. I once wanted to document all the things and my feelings here and share with others. But I have never found time to do it.
Too much English typing. I really can't type Chinese at work. And when I go home, I won't have time to type anything. Hope someone will have patience to read it. Hope Pidou feel better over the weekend. 再次感谢mm.我从头到尾都看完了,无限感慨啊,在孩子的成长过程中,父母孩子都不容易。钦佩mm的勇气,也祝福mm和mm的宝宝daycare一切顺利。
皮豆妈别太担心,去了daycare生病是正常的。说个吓人的,天然去了以后一直感冒咳嗽3个月才好的。这不,好了没多久,班上又有小朋友生病,今天早上又开始流鼻涕了 你们注意观察,多给她喝水,吃东西前一定注意洗手,让皮豆不要啃玩具,不要吃手 抱歉我没时间爬楼,也没细看皮豆到底怎么了