came in to reveal a very bad news -- dian dian was sick from Wednesday night. I had to take him to the Children's ER yesterday, and he was scheduled for a day surgery. After discussing our travel plan with the attending, we decided to go with a more conservative approach rather than going through an invasive procedure. He's back home now on antibiotics.
Our original plan was to leave for China on Monday 6/30. Diandian will definitely not make it, because he has to go for a follow-up check early next week. I've called my travel agent to postpone the departure date on the tickets, but as you all know, it's hard to find seats at this point due to the upcoming Olympic Games.
The worst scenario will be: I'll still take Tiffany and Anderson back on 6/30, and Diandian will stay with his father for now and join us at a later date upon his recovery. I will call my agent again tomorrow to see if there's anything can be done to postpone our tickets altogether. 听起来点点这次病得挺重的,bless bless!!! 别太担心了,点点爸一定能照顾好的,点点也一定会很快好起来的,希望他们能顺利和你们会师!
Last night at 8pm, soon after I got home, I wanted to feed my baby who normally eats at 8pm.
But all other family members asked me not to feed her, saying she was having 8 oz of formula at 5pm.
Then at 9pm, my husband handed me the baby. I instantly found out she had a fever and her diaper was dirty. I was shocked that no one noticed this earlier!
Then baby didn't want to eat since 9pm is her bed time and she was very sleepy!
My question is: if baby missed one feeding time, should we resume the normal feeding time for next meal? If yes(I think it should be a yes), how do we convince other family members?
my daughter had a fever last night. my lg took the temperature, the first time is 97 something underarm, then 96.6 this morning. even though my duaghter appeared very normal, was not fuzzy and slept soundly, I feel very anxious. I barely sleep last night.
以下是引用pmtng在2008-6-27 12:24:00的发言: Last night at 8pm, soon after I got home, I wanted to feed my baby who normally eats at 8pm.
But all other family members asked me not to feed her, saying she was having 8 oz of formula at 5pm.
Then at 9pm, my husband handed me the baby. I instantly found out she had a fever and her diaper was dirty. I was shocked that no one noticed this earlier!
Then baby didn't want to eat since 9pm is her bed time and she was very sleepy!
My question is: if baby missed one feeding time, should we resume the normal feeding time for next meal? If yes(I think it should be a yes), how do we convince other family members?
yes. since you are the mother, you really didn't have to convince any one else. like the nike slogan, you "just do it".
came in to reveal a very bad news -- dian dian was sick from Wednesday night. I had to take him to the Children's ER yesterday, and he was scheduled for a day surgery. After discussing our travel plan with the attending, we decided to go with a more conservative approach rather than going through an invasive procedure. He's back home now on antibiotics.
Our original plan was to leave for China on Monday 6/30. Diandian will definitely not make it, because he has to go for a follow-up check early next week. I've called my travel agent to postpone the departure date on the tickets, but as you all know, it's hard to find seats at this point due to the upcoming Olympic Games.
The worst scenario will be: I'll still take Tiffany and Anderson back on 6/30, and Diandian will stay with his father for now and join us at a later date upon his recovery. I will call my agent again tomorrow to see if there's anything can be done to postpone our tickets altogether. OMG,D点点病了?!是什么病都要SURGERY?小可怜的,但愿点点赶快好~~~~~~
以下是引用pmtng在2008-6-27 12:24:00的发言: Last night at 8pm, soon after I got home, I wanted to feed my baby who normally eats at 8pm.
But all other family members asked me not to feed her, saying she was having 8 oz of formula at 5pm.
Then at 9pm, my husband handed me the baby. I instantly found out she had a fever and her diaper was dirty. I was shocked that no one noticed this earlier!
Then baby didn't want to eat since 9pm is her bed time and she was very sleepy!
My question is: if baby missed one feeding time, should we resume the normal feeding time for next meal? If yes(I think it should be a yes), how do we convince other family members?
came in to reveal a very bad news -- dian dian was sick from Wednesday night. I had to take him to the Children's ER yesterday, and he was scheduled for a day surgery. After discussing our travel plan with the attending, we decided to go with a more conservative approach rather than going through an invasive procedure. He's back home now on antibiotics.
Our original plan was to leave for China on Monday 6/30. Diandian will definitely not make it, because he has to go for a follow-up check early next week. I've called my travel agent to postpone the departure date on the tickets, but as you all know, it's hard to find seats at this point due to the upcoming Olympic Games.
The worst scenario will be: I'll still take Tiffany and Anderson back on 6/30, and Diandian will stay with his father for now and join us at a later date upon his recovery. I will call my agent again tomorrow to see if there's anything can be done to postpone our tickets altogether.
以下是引用pmtng在2008-6-27 12:29:00的发言: my daughter had a fever last night. my lg took the temperature, the first time is 97 something underarm, then 96.6 this morning. even though my duaghter appeared very normal, was not fuzzy and slept soundly, I feel very anxious. I barely sleep last night.
underarm temperature is not accurate, and not recommended for infant 3 mo or older. but from the reading, i don't think it's serious. just keep monitoring the temperature.
以下是引用pmtng在2008-6-27 12:29:00的发言: my daughter had a fever last night. my lg took the temperature, the first time is 97 something underarm, then 96.6 this morning. even though my duaghter appeared very normal, was not fuzzy and slept soundly, I feel very anxious. I barely sleep last night.
俺早就说seattle这个鬼地方..真是没法呆..痛哭..miss LA 我们可真是给湿糊涂了,我给涂california baby的油,结果没有用。看了医生以后开始又涂凡士林,医生说她皮肤太干,每天涂2-3遍,然后这两天不热,也不洗澡了(肥皂早停了),好像好多了。看来湿疹这个东西不单单是过敏,还是一种皮肤病。 不过她现在喉咙沙哑,不知道是怎么回事。 不光你miss LA,像我们这样一直在这里呆的,还miss LA 呢。
以下是引用pmtng在2008-6-27 12:29:00的发言: my daughter had a fever last night. my lg took the temperature, the first time is 97 something underarm, then 96.6 this morning. even though my duaghter appeared very normal, was not fuzzy and slept soundly, I feel very anxious. I barely sleep last night.
以下是引用pmtng在2008-6-27 12:24:00的发言: Last night at 8pm, soon after I got home, I wanted to feed my baby who normally eats at 8pm.
But all other family members asked me not to feed her, saying she was having 8 oz of formula at 5pm.
Then at 9pm, my husband handed me the baby. I instantly found out she had a fever and her diaper was dirty. I was shocked that no one noticed this earlier!
Then baby didn't want to eat since 9pm is her bed time and she was very sleepy!
My question is: if baby missed one feeding time, should we resume the normal feeding time for next meal? If yes(I think it should be a yes), how do we convince other family members?
以下是引用pmtng在2008-6-27 12:29:00的发言: my daughter had a fever last night. my lg took the temperature, the first time is 97 something underarm, then 96.6 this morning. even though my duaghter appeared very normal, was not fuzzy and slept soundly, I feel very anxious. I barely sleep last night.
came in to reveal a very bad news -- dian dian was sick from Wednesday night. I had to take him to the Children's ER yesterday, and he was scheduled for a day surgery. After discussing our travel plan with the attending, we decided to go with a more conservative approach rather than going through an invasive procedure. He's back home now on antibiotics.
Our original plan was to leave for China on Monday 6/30. Diandian will definitely not make it, because he has to go for a follow-up check early next week. I've called my travel agent to postpone the departure date on the tickets, but as you all know, it's hard to find seats at this point due to the upcoming Olympic Games.
The worst scenario will be: I'll still take Tiffany and Anderson back on 6/30, and Diandian will stay with his father for now and join us at a later date upon his recovery. I will call my agent again tomorrow to see if there's anything can be done to postpone our tickets altogether. Bless!!点点看来病的很重,还要surgery...还好children's ER是个很好的医院,应该给与了最好的治疗了。现在也没办法了,只能熬过这段时间了。。。或者你们等点点好了再回国,点点可以留在这里休息。
发烧 is because of immunizations shots. 不让喂8点那顿because "baby had 8 oz at 5pm, it's too soon to eat again". I will tell them "可以一次少喂一点啊,总比打乱了宝宝的作息规律好吧" next time.
came in to reveal a very bad news -- dian dian was sick from Wednesday night. I had to take him to the Children's ER yesterday, and he was scheduled for a day surgery. After discussing our travel plan with the attending, we decided to go with a more conservative approach rather than going through an invasive procedure. He's back home now on antibiotics.
Our original plan was to leave for China on Monday 6/30. Diandian will definitely not make it, because he has to go for a follow-up check early next week. I've called my travel agent to postpone the departure date on the tickets, but as you all know, it's hard to find seats at this point due to the upcoming Olympic Games.
The worst scenario will be: I'll still take Tiffany and Anderson back on 6/30, and Diandian will stay with his father for now and join us at a later date upon his recovery. I will call my agent again tomorrow to see if there's anything can be done to postpone our tickets altogether. 可怜的点点!希望手术顺利,点点快快好起来!
以下是引用pmtng在2008-6-27 12:29:00的发言: my daughter had a fever last night. my lg took the temperature, the first time is 97 something underarm, then 96.6 this morning. even though my duaghter appeared very normal, was not fuzzy and slept soundly, I feel very anxious. I barely sleep last night.
老实讲,我还不太会用体温计呢,我家是图中最右边这种体温计,我以为是放在耳朵里测呢。肛门怎么弄阿,把那个金属头放在pp里?会不会戳疼宝宝啊? we have the same one, we just use it underarm, since our ped only takes underarm too.
7.99 那都是 bodysuit,emma 已经基本不穿了。我也很喜欢 gap 的衣服,可是太后了!昨天去 gymboree 给我的好朋友的女儿买衣服,买的可是最新款的,顺手捞了棵 1.99 的白菜给 emma, 18-24mo 。要检讨!
不是每家公司都check references,但check也很正常吧
Yes, check references is normal procedure. Don't worry!
7.99 那都是 bodysuit,emma 已经基本不穿了。我也很喜欢 gap 的衣服,可是太后了!昨天去 gymboree 给我的好朋友的女儿买衣服,买的可是最新款的,顺手捞了棵 1.99 的白菜给 emma, 18-24mo 。要检讨!
very pretty. But u want emma to wear it in winter?
Hello dear sis,
came in to reveal a very bad news -- dian dian was sick from Wednesday night. I had to take him to the Children's ER yesterday, and he was scheduled for a day surgery. After discussing our travel plan with the attending, we decided to go with a more conservative approach rather than going through an invasive procedure. He's back home now on antibiotics.
Our original plan was to leave for China on Monday 6/30. Diandian will definitely not make it, because he has to go for a follow-up check early next week. I've called my travel agent to postpone the departure date on the tickets, but as you all know, it's hard to find seats at this point due to the upcoming Olympic Games.
The worst scenario will be: I'll still take Tiffany and Anderson back on 6/30, and Diandian will stay with his father for now and join us at a later date upon his recovery. I will call my agent again tomorrow to see if there's anything can be done to postpone our tickets altogether.
听起来点点这次病得挺重的,bless bless!!!
问一下工作了的童鞋们,这个给我口头offer的公司,说还要check 我的references。我在想他们不会反悔把?
don't worry, it's very common for hiring company to check references.
it's good news ya
congrats again!
This is what 6p said on mitbbs:
周一,周五更新, 每次2节,5000字的样子。
俺也希望能体会一次终于完成一件事儿的感觉。bow to所有被俺坑过还继续被俺坑着的
very pretty. But u want emma to wear it in winter?
emma 现在穿12-18mo 的都挺合身的,到那会儿可不要穿18-24 mo。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-6-27 12:24:00编辑过]
But all other family members asked me not to feed her, saying she was having 8 oz of formula at 5pm.
Then at 9pm, my husband handed me the baby. I instantly found out she had a fever and her diaper was dirty.
I was shocked that no one noticed this earlier!
Then baby didn't want to eat since 9pm is her bed time and she was very sleepy!
My question is: if baby missed one feeding time, should we resume the normal feeding time for next meal? If yes(I think it should be a yes), how do we convince other family members?
hopefully the travelling plan won't be affected too much!
It's not easy to be a Mom of 3...
even though my duaghter appeared very normal, was not fuzzy and slept soundly, I feel very anxious.
I barely sleep last night.
Last night at 8pm, soon after I got home, I wanted to feed my baby who normally eats at 8pm.
But all other family members asked me not to feed her, saying she was having 8 oz of formula at 5pm.
Then at 9pm, my husband handed me the baby. I instantly found out she had a fever and her diaper was dirty.
I was shocked that no one noticed this earlier!
Then baby didn't want to eat since 9pm is her bed time and she was very sleepy!
My question is: if baby missed one feeding time, should we resume the normal feeding time for next meal? If yes(I think it should be a yes), how do we convince other family members?
yes. since you are the mother, you really didn't have to convince any one else. like the nike slogan, you "just do it".
Hello dear sis,
came in to reveal a very bad news -- dian dian was sick from Wednesday night. I had to take him to the Children's ER yesterday, and he was scheduled for a day surgery. After discussing our travel plan with the attending, we decided to go with a more conservative approach rather than going through an invasive procedure. He's back home now on antibiotics.
Our original plan was to leave for China on Monday 6/30. Diandian will definitely not make it, because he has to go for a follow-up check early next week. I've called my travel agent to postpone the departure date on the tickets, but as you all know, it's hard to find seats at this point due to the upcoming Olympic Games.
The worst scenario will be: I'll still take Tiffany and Anderson back on 6/30, and Diandian will stay with his father for now and join us at a later date upon his recovery. I will call my agent again tomorrow to see if there's anything can be done to postpone our tickets altogether.
Last night at 8pm, soon after I got home, I wanted to feed my baby who normally eats at 8pm.
But all other family members asked me not to feed her, saying she was having 8 oz of formula at 5pm.
Then at 9pm, my husband handed me the baby. I instantly found out she had a fever and her diaper was dirty.
I was shocked that no one noticed this earlier!
Then baby didn't want to eat since 9pm is her bed time and she was very sleepy!
My question is: if baby missed one feeding time, should we resume the normal feeding time for next meal? If yes(I think it should be a yes), how do we convince other family members?
Hello dear sis,
came in to reveal a very bad news -- dian dian was sick from Wednesday night. I had to take him to the Children's ER yesterday, and he was scheduled for a day surgery. After discussing our travel plan with the attending, we decided to go with a more conservative approach rather than going through an invasive procedure. He's back home now on antibiotics.
Our original plan was to leave for China on Monday 6/30. Diandian will definitely not make it, because he has to go for a follow-up check early next week. I've called my travel agent to postpone the departure date on the tickets, but as you all know, it's hard to find seats at this point due to the upcoming Olympic Games.
The worst scenario will be: I'll still take Tiffany and Anderson back on 6/30, and Diandian will stay with his father for now and join us at a later date upon his recovery. I will call my agent again tomorrow to see if there's anything can be done to postpone our tickets altogether.
o...可怜的点点, bless, bless...
my daughter had a fever last night. my lg took the temperature, the first time is 97 something underarm, then 96.6 this morning.
even though my duaghter appeared very normal, was not fuzzy and slept soundly, I feel very anxious.
I barely sleep last night.
underarm temperature is not accurate, and not recommended for infant 3 mo or older. but from the reading, i don't think it's serious. just keep monitoring the temperature.
俺早就说seattle这个鬼地方..真是没法呆..痛哭..miss LA
recommend 6p的长大, finished reading available chapters last night.
This is what 6p said on mitbbs:
周一,周五更新, 每次2节,5000字的样子。
俺也希望能体会一次终于完成一件事儿的感觉。bow to所有被俺坑过还继续被俺坑着的
my daughter had a fever last night. my lg took the temperature, the first time is 97 something underarm, then 96.6 this morning.
even though my duaghter appeared very normal, was not fuzzy and slept soundly, I feel very anxious.
I barely sleep last night.
bless bless.....
俺早就说seattle这个鬼地方..真是没法呆..痛哭..miss LA
我们可真是给湿糊涂了,我给涂california baby的油,结果没有用。看了医生以后开始又涂凡士林,医生说她皮肤太干,每天涂2-3遍,然后这两天不热,也不洗澡了(肥皂早停了),好像好多了。看来湿疹这个东西不单单是过敏,还是一种皮肤病。
不光你miss LA,像我们这样一直在这里呆的,还miss LA 呢。
很8的问一句,你和海延在real life中也认识吗?
my daughter had a fever last night. my lg took the temperature, the first time is 97 something underarm, then 96.6 this morning.
even though my duaghter appeared very normal, was not fuzzy and slept soundly, I feel very anxious.
I barely sleep last night.
Last night at 8pm, soon after I got home, I wanted to feed my baby who normally eats at 8pm.
But all other family members asked me not to feed her, saying she was having 8 oz of formula at 5pm.
Then at 9pm, my husband handed me the baby. I instantly found out she had a fever and her diaper was dirty.
I was shocked that no one noticed this earlier!
Then baby didn't want to eat since 9pm is her bed time and she was very sleepy!
My question is: if baby missed one feeding time, should we resume the normal feeding time for next meal? If yes(I think it should be a yes), how do we convince other family members?
my daughter had a fever last night. my lg took the temperature, the first time is 97 something underarm, then 96.6 this morning.
even though my duaghter appeared very normal, was not fuzzy and slept soundly, I feel very anxious.
I barely sleep last night.
Hello dear sis,
came in to reveal a very bad news -- dian dian was sick from Wednesday night. I had to take him to the Children's ER yesterday, and he was scheduled for a day surgery. After discussing our travel plan with the attending, we decided to go with a more conservative approach rather than going through an invasive procedure. He's back home now on antibiotics.
Our original plan was to leave for China on Monday 6/30. Diandian will definitely not make it, because he has to go for a follow-up check early next week. I've called my travel agent to postpone the departure date on the tickets, but as you all know, it's hard to find seats at this point due to the upcoming Olympic Games.
The worst scenario will be: I'll still take Tiffany and Anderson back on 6/30, and Diandian will stay with his father for now and join us at a later date upon his recovery. I will call my agent again tomorrow to see if there's anything can be done to postpone our tickets altogether.
Bless!!点点看来病的很重,还要surgery...还好children's ER是个很好的医院,应该给与了最好的治疗了。现在也没办法了,只能熬过这段时间了。。。或者你们等点点好了再回国,点点可以留在这里休息。
发烧 is because of immunizations shots.
不让喂8点那顿because "baby had 8 oz at 5pm, it's too soon to eat again".
I will tell them "可以一次少喂一点啊,总比打乱了宝宝的作息规律好吧" next time.
很8的问一句,你和海延在real life中也认识吗?
because Joy herself is 名人 also.
me not dare to test 温度肛门 ya.
baby should be 没事, her temperature went down this morning.
我们可真是给湿糊涂了,我给涂california baby的油,结果没有用。看了医生以后开始又涂凡士林,医生说她皮肤太干,每天涂2-3遍,然后这两天不热,也不洗澡了(肥皂早停了),好像好多了。看来湿疹这个东西不单单是过敏,还是一种皮肤病。
不光你miss LA,像我们这样一直在这里呆的,还miss LA 呢。
很8的问一句,你和海延在real life中也认识吗?
话说我昨天继miss掉小瓜的check up, 下午带他去拍照,后妈我忘带奶粉包,然后又等了蛮久才要照, 那时小瓜同学已经很饿了,结果拍照时哭得那个叫稀里哗啦, 我真是
Hello dear sis,
came in to reveal a very bad news -- dian dian was sick from Wednesday night. I had to take him to the Children's ER yesterday, and he was scheduled for a day surgery. After discussing our travel plan with the attending, we decided to go with a more conservative approach rather than going through an invasive procedure. He's back home now on antibiotics.
Our original plan was to leave for China on Monday 6/30. Diandian will definitely not make it, because he has to go for a follow-up check early next week. I've called my travel agent to postpone the departure date on the tickets, but as you all know, it's hard to find seats at this point due to the upcoming Olympic Games.
The worst scenario will be: I'll still take Tiffany and Anderson back on 6/30, and Diandian will stay with his father for now and join us at a later date upon his recovery. I will call my agent again tomorrow to see if there's anything can be done to postpone our tickets altogether.
sigh, we need to feed xiaofei several times a night.
我们可真是给湿糊涂了,我给涂california baby的油,结果没有用。看了医生以后开始又涂凡士林,医生说她皮肤太干,每天涂2-3遍,然后这两天不热,也不洗澡了(肥皂早停了),好像好多了。看来湿疹这个东西不单单是过敏,还是一种皮肤病。
不光你miss LA,像我们这样一直在这里呆的,还miss LA 呢。
my daughter had a fever last night. my lg took the temperature, the first time is 97 something underarm, then 96.6 this morning.
even though my duaghter appeared very normal, was not fuzzy and slept soundly, I feel very anxious.
I barely sleep last night.
Bless bless!
俺早就说seattle这个鬼地方..真是没法呆..痛哭..miss LA
这是怎么回事啊!bless bless bless!
we have the same one, we just use it underarm, since our ped only takes underarm too.
咱两严重怀疑小瓜长牙中 , 不过怀疑了n多个月了
we have the same one, we just use it underarm, since our ped only takes underarm too.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-6-27 14:21:51编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-6-27 14:32:25编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-6-27 14:34:59编辑过]
98.6F = 37C
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-6-27 14:34:40编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-6-27 14:32:25编辑过]
希希笑得真可爱啊, but my neck hurts!
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-6-27 14:34:20编辑过]
98.6F = 37C
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-6-27 14:21:51编辑过]
可以用 Movie Maker 把它转过来,很简单的。Xixi is so cute!
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-6-27 14:59:03编辑过]
话说我昨天继miss掉小瓜的check up, 下午带他去拍照,后妈我忘带奶粉包,然后又等了蛮久才要照, 那时小瓜同学已经很饿了,结果拍照时哭得那个叫稀里哗啦, 我真是
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-6-27 15:00:57编辑过]
可以用 Movie Maker 把它转过来,很简单的。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-6-27 14:57:45编辑过]
恩,我用quick time pro把它转过来了,但传到油管子上它自己又转回去了,不知道怎么搞得
恩,我用quick time pro把它转过来了,但传到油管子上它自己又转回去了,不知道怎么搞得
I only used Movie Maker and it worked.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-6-27 14:34:59编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-6-27 15:07:15编辑过]
很8的问一句,你和海延在real life中也认识吗?
I only used Movie Maker and it worked.
恩, 现在他看到我跟他爹都会笑, 不用逗得, 我觉得是认识我们把