以下是引用优质蒜苔在2007-10-16 13:31:00的发言: 现在ptf的还有效吗 我怎么老通不过,老说We are sorry. Your order cannot be processed. (7090) 谁给说说 me three!! Can NOT proceed to next step, do someone know about it?
刚加入了SHE+, 按前面MM说的办法打电话拿了OYO,过了两小时, CONFIRMATION EMAIL也收到了. 想问一下大家, 那个CONFIRMATION EMAIL 上写的还是7DAY TRIAL的信息, 没有说OYO的事情, 这样正常吗? 我的OYO到底算拿到没有呢? 还有个问题,在SHE+的网站上看到下面的说明: "Merchandise and restaurant certificates/GiftCards are limited to 5 per retailer per month, with a maximum of 30 per member family per membership year." 是不是如果我想买BRU的GC, 一个月只能买5张? 这个5张/月和30张/年都是针对同一家店的, 而不是说所有店加一起吧? 那么在同一个月里, 买5张BRU, 5张MACY'S, 5张OLD NAVY是没有问题的吧? 觉得自己笨死了, 谢谢大家! [此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-20 23:44:36编辑过]
以下是引用shoppingyaya在2007-10-21 12:10:00的发言: 那是processing fee, 而且会退给你的 I have joined the SHE+ and PTF+,but only received the PTF+'s refund $1.00. The refund is does not matter, I am afraid I hadn't cancel the SHE+ successfully. Who can tell me more about this?
以下是引用CINDYCINDYBABY在2007-10-20 23:14:00的发言: 刚加入了SHE+, 按前面MM说的办法打电话拿了OYO,过了两小时, CONFIRMATION EMAIL也收到了. 想问一下大家, 那个CONFIRMATION EMAIL 上写的还是7DAY TRIAL的信息, 没有说OYO的事情, 这样正常吗? 我的OYO到底算拿到没有呢? 还有个问题,在SHE+的网站上看到下面的说明: "Merchandise and restaurant certificates/GiftCards are limited to 5 per retailer per month, with a maximum of 30 per member family per membership year." 是不是如果我想买BRU的GC, 一个月只能买5张? 这个5张/月和30张/年都是针对同一家店的, 而不是说所有店加一起吧? 那么在同一个月里, 买5张BRU, 5张MACY'S, 5张OLD NAVY是没有问题的吧? 觉得自己笨死了, 谢谢大家! 是的, 是的.
以下是引用shangri在2007-10-24 14:49:00的发言: 我也是加入了SY后看不到商店名,干脆就把她删了,现在看到JM贴出店名,后悔啊。 另外我在SHE+买了卡,现在卡已收到了,她说有refund,但信上还是写要收全额的钱,请问什么时候才能拿到refund。 谢谢啦! You will get the refund to your credit card at the beginning of next month.
以下是引用lotus2009在2007-11-5 13:55:00的发言: thanks mm! 我听录音给我OYO才cancel的呀! 那到底什么时候cancel呀?等到月初反完钱到CC? I have ordered only once from PTF+ so far. I did it over the phone. It went through fine. You can cancel when you are sure you don't want to or cannot buy any more cards from them.
以下是引用柔情似水在2007-11-5 14:13:00的发言: I have ordered only once from PTF+ so far. I did it over the phone. It went through fine. You can cancel when you are sure you don't want to or cannot buy any more cards from them. 但是一楼LZmm的帖子不是说,拿到member ID,then call to cancel it,so we can get OYO 吗? 糊涂ing。。。。。。。。。。
以下是引用lotus2009在2007-11-5 15:10:00的发言: 但是一楼LZmm的帖子不是说,拿到member ID,then call to cancel it,so we can get OYO 吗? 糊涂ing。。。。。。。。。。 Yes. When you call, you choose "cancel'' at the 2nd or 3rd step. But then the machine will either offer your OYO or ask for your zip code. If it is the former, accept the offer and your membership will not be cancelled. If it is the latter and you enter the zip code, then your membership will get cancelled. So when you are asked to input your zip code, just hang up and call again later and try your luck.
以下是引用柔情似水在2007-11-5 15:19:00的发言: Yes. When you call, you choose "cancel'' at the 2nd or 3rd step. But then the machine will either offer your OYO or ask for your zip code. If it is the former, accept the offer and your membership will not be cancelled. If it is the latter and you enter the zip code, then your membership will get cancelled. So when you are asked to input your zip code, just hang up and call again later and try your luck. mm,俺就是这麽整的呀! 先是cancel,然后机器说charge个29刀一整年的。 当时我正在check out GC,后来就不能check out了! ft! [此贴子已经被作者于2007-11-5 15:32:23编辑过]
自己又试了SHE and PTF 用别人的名字都拿到了OYO,但是check out时, 问要用那个CC,我就把我的AMX info 用了,但今早SHE,PTF called my friend said:没授权用AMX . 看来还是得用match Acct 的CC了. Ft! 知道不match,但当时就不该让我结帐呀!
Please verify the following information before we continue with your request. This credit card cannot be processed at this time. Please try another credit card. 这是为什么啊,我手上就一张cc
Please verify the following information before we continue with your request. This credit card cannot be processed at this time. Please try another credit card. 这是为什么啊,我手上就一张cc MM试试其他的信用卡.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-11 19:10:08编辑过]
我加入了SHE,但是没收到email comfirmation. 哪位mm有SHE的买卡的网址和claim gift的网址?
同问. 我前天加入的, 到现在还没收到.
不一定都能收到的。我半年前加入she+的,到现在也没有受到confirmation email. 不过用起来没问题的。 MM有SHE买卡的网站吗? 还有拿那个$25 WALMART的GIFT CARD的网站? 多谢, 多谢.
MM有SHE买卡的网站吗? 还有拿那个$25 WALMART的GIFT CARD的网站? 多谢, 多谢.
我申请ptf时为什么总是说This credit card cannot be processed at this time. Please try another credit card. co-ask
我都是直接从dealpass得主页进去。直接输入she的id,就进去了 多谢MM. 原来从DEALPASS进去就可以了, 也可以从那儿搞定$25的WALMART GIFT CARD. 太感谢了, 这两天老去查EMAIL, 这样就不用担心了.
为什么PFT申请到最后是空白?那我到底有没有申请成功啊?没有成功我是不是可以立马再申请一次?怎么才能避免double register的风险啊?
我的SY里面点一个网页就要login, login以后又回到主页,所以里面有什么都看不到,这算正常吗?
dealpass.com, 用你的id登陆进去就可以买了. 谢谢MM.
现在ptf的还有效吗 我怎么老通不过,老说We are sorry. Your order cannot be processed. (7090) 谁给说说
刚加入了she+,也打电话要了oyo,不过还不知道id呢 如果一直没收到confirmation email是不是就不知道id啊? 怎么确认我拿到oyo了呢? SHE+一直没给我CONFIRMATION EMAIL. 但我加入时拿到了ID的. 我已用那个ID买过卡了, 也收到了.
SHE+一直没给我CONFIRMATION EMAIL. 但我加入时拿到了ID的. 我已用那个ID买过卡了, 也收到了. 我太土了,当时看到申请sy的网页就关掉了 好在现在收到email了 再问个问题: 如果用一个地址申请成功了,然后把卡寄到被黑的地址,会不会被cancel啊? ms俺家地址是在黑名单上,可是俺都住在这里3年半了啊。。第一次搞这个。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-19 22:01:36编辑过]
"Merchandise and restaurant certificates/GiftCards are limited to 5 per retailer per month, with a maximum of 30 per member family per membership year." 是不是如果我想买BRU的GC, 一个月只能买5张? 这个5张/月和30张/年都是针对同一家店的, 而不是说所有店加一起吧? 那么在同一个月里, 买5张BRU, 5张MACY'S, 5张OLD NAVY是没有问题的吧? 觉得自己笨死了, 谢谢大家!
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-20 23:44:36编辑过]
我拿到帐号后打了电话,选1输入了member ID, 然后就有两个选项,如果是询问关于membership benefit, 选1, 询问关于什么别的,选2. 没有大家所说的cancel的选项啊。还是cancel的选项还在更后面的步骤里面?求高人指点。谢谢。 刚才又试验了一下,原来第二步选1后,就会问是否 要cancel, 然后选1就得到OYO了。两个都搞定了。谢谢楼主MM和其它高手MM的信息。
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/7 22:58:42编辑过]
有JM能进入simply you?我能log in, 但是买不了卡,也看不见有哪些卡, 只能电话预定了.如果有JM能进去,能把商店的名字全列出来嘛?谢谢
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/7 22:58:16编辑过]
那是processing fee, 而且会退给你的 I have joined the SHE+ and PTF+,but only received the PTF+'s refund $1.00. The refund is does not matter, I am afraid I hadn't cancel the SHE+ successfully. Who can tell me more about this?
刚加入了SHE+, 按前面MM说的办法打电话拿了OYO,过了两小时, CONFIRMATION EMAIL也收到了. 想问一下大家, 那个CONFIRMATION EMAIL 上写的还是7DAY TRIAL的信息, 没有说OYO的事情, 这样正常吗? 我的OYO到底算拿到没有呢? 还有个问题,在SHE+的网站上看到下面的说明:
"Merchandise and restaurant certificates/GiftCards are limited to 5 per retailer per month, with a maximum of 30 per member family per membership year." 是不是如果我想买BRU的GC, 一个月只能买5张? 这个5张/月和30张/年都是针对同一家店的, 而不是说所有店加一起吧? 那么在同一个月里, 买5张BRU, 5张MACY'S, 5张OLD NAVY是没有问题的吧? 觉得自己笨死了, 谢谢大家!
是的, 是的.
我是不是眼花了,怎么也找不到marshall/TJ的名字,我记得看到过呀,还是真的我记错了,任何一个program都没有这二家店呢? 没有他家的八
我也是加入了SY后看不到商店名,干脆就把她删了,现在看到JM贴出店名,后悔啊。 另外我在SHE+买了卡,现在卡已收到了,她说有refund,但信上还是写要收全额的钱,请问什么时候才能拿到refund。 谢谢啦!
You will get the refund to your credit card at the beginning of next month.
为什么我申请不了ahr?填完资料以后,发送不出去,有人有同样的问题吗? 我也是的
加入这些program以后,大家都多久拿到那个free GC 的claim form的啊? 我都一周多了,order的卡都到了,也没见到claim form啊,正常么? 正常,一般要一个月左右呢。
分别收到加入不同program的free GC的claim form,发现邮寄回去的地址都是一样的,可以同时把这几个claim forms用一个信封寄回去吗? 嘻嘻,偶就是这么做的,还不知道可不可以。
我也是同样的情况。每次要电话预定,很麻烦。有知道怎么解决这个问题的mm吗?谢谢! update:现在已经可以在网上order了,不过我要买的卡也已经被我买的差不多了。另外,姐妹们有什么可推荐的吗, 在lord & taylor?
thanks LZ mm! 可我怎么都打不开所有的连接呢??试着copy 全了也打不开。 珍本呀!刚刚打开了!
· An error occurred during checkout.
刚申请了she+,还没收到email,也没买卡,就急着先cancel了。去了DP,才发现根本不让进去买,怀疑是我不该cancel先。 再注册了PTF,先order了卡,没结帐之前就又急着cancel,check out时说:
· An error occurred during checkout.
啊,你cancel得太急了。是按cancel的选项,拿一年OYO, 不是真的cancel. 如果你cancel的话,定了的卡的discount要过一些时候才能打回到你的信用卡,那个时候你的membership必须有效。你现在已经cancel的话,你就拿不到那个discount了。至于如何补救,看别的MM有没有招吧。 thanks mm! 我听录音给我OYO才cancel的呀! 那到底什么时候cancel呀?等到月初反完钱到CC?
thanks mm! 我听录音给我OYO才cancel的呀! 那到底什么时候cancel呀?等到月初反完钱到CC? I have ordered only once from PTF+ so far. I did it over the phone. It went through fine. You can cancel when you are sure you don't want to or cannot buy any more cards from them.
I have ordered only once from PTF+ so far. I did it over the phone. It went through fine. You can cancel when you are sure you don't want to or cannot buy any more cards from them. 但是一楼LZmm的帖子不是说,拿到member ID,then call to cancel it,so we can get OYO 吗? 糊涂ing。。。。。。。。。。
但是一楼LZmm的帖子不是说,拿到member ID,then call to cancel it,so we can get OYO 吗? 糊涂ing。。。。。。。。。。 Yes. When you call, you choose "cancel'' at the 2nd or 3rd step. But then the machine will either offer your OYO or ask for your zip code. If it is the former, accept the offer and your membership will not be cancelled. If it is the latter and you enter the zip code, then your membership will get cancelled. So when you are asked to input your zip code, just hang up and call again later and try your luck.
Yes. When you call, you choose "cancel'' at the 2nd or 3rd step. But then the machine will either offer your OYO or ask for your zip code. If it is the former, accept the offer and your membership will not be cancelled. If it is the latter and you enter the zip code, then your membership will get cancelled. So when you are asked to input your zip code, just hang up and call again later and try your luck. mm,俺就是这麽整的呀! 先是cancel,然后机器说charge个29刀一整年的。 当时我正在check out GC,后来就不能check out了! ft!
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-11-5 15:32:23编辑过]
现在只有she + 才有BRU, TRU gift card 吗?PTF 还有 BRU gift card for sale 吗? PTF has BRU GF. Only 5 cards per month.
mm,俺就是这麽整的呀! 先是cancel,然后机器说charge个29刀一整年的。 当时我正在check out GC,后来就不能check out了! ft!
Just order by phone then.
She+ doesn't have BRU cards now, only TRU gift cards. Can I buy the TRU gift cards and use them at 可以。他们是一样的。
Please verify the following information before we continue with your request. This credit card cannot be processed at this time. Please try another credit card. 这是为什么啊,我手上就一张cc
Please verify the following information before we continue with your request. This credit card cannot be processed at this time. Please try another credit card. 这是为什么啊,我手上就一张cc MM试试其他的信用卡.
在DP下单尽量用CITI和AMEX的信用卡, REFUND出了问题DISPUTE胜算大一些.
最重要的是,尽量不要违反DP的TERM, 如果自己想冒险,那么先想好能否承担损失,如何
即便我们目前还能DISPUTE CITI和AMEX,但是不要把这个当成法宝, DISPUTE多了,最后
也就不灵了,不要故意ABUSE 信用卡的DISPUTE