以下是引用Reagent在2007-9-18 15:59:00的发言: Yes, remember "9.18". By the way, LZMM do you know something about Japanese and Korean stars? 跨国8G~哈哈 那MM知不知道TVB的事呢?我就想知道陈慧珊啊宣萱啊蔡少芬的就行了
长相,都是主观的东西各花入各眼吧.我觉得刘晓庆年轻的时候好看,不过我不觉得巩俐年轻的时候好看. 照我爸的话来说,她长得象煤矿工人的女儿,没有歧视煤矿工人的意思,就是那种感觉,just my two cents,可能是小众意见,不过今天终于发现至少不是世上唯一这么想的,哈哈. 当然,巩俐的波波比较大,这点比章强得多,不过相应的,她有时会显得有点过胖.有得必有失.象Angelina Jolie那样再瘦也不瘦波波的比较少吧.
以下是引用perse在2007-9-18 22:41:00的发言: 同意,她也没拆散谁谁家庭也没偷税漏税(至少现在公安局还没查出来) ),娱乐圈里无数被潜过了还没有上位的人自然是妒嫉的要命.Gossip这种东西,很多时候都是假的传成真的,道听途说的成份多吧.就算是真的,至少从这个帖子部分八的信息,没有什么特别伤天害理的地方.我身边搞这种整整领带夹夹菜绑绑鞋带的女生还不止一个(汗),也不一定怎么样,男生当然觉得挺享受的,而且有时还就在于这个分寸,暧昧又不过,能招来许多观音兵帮忙又不至于热了这个疏忽了别个.也许我自己不会做也做不来这样的事,不过也没觉得这些女生就deserve别人骂她到"出来卖"的地步... 而且总体来看,把章子怡踩下去对中国人有什么好处?中国电影要发展,应该是让更多的中国美女(美男)有让世界认识的机会,而不必说等到每个人演技都修炼好了,才好意思放出去见人,见了世面自然也会相应带动国内影视水平提高嘛... Well, HYPOTHETICALLY, if she did anything morally wrong, being no worse than most of other actresses doesn't justify the wrong part. It doesn't make her a good person at all! If anyone sells her sexuality to get what she wants, she deserves to be looked down upon. She makes her own bed! I remember in one episode of Sex and the City, Carrie once said "Venice is sinking doesn't mean my morality is going down " or sth like that. We should not give anyone credit who abuses their sexuality just because the morality in the society is going down! At least I won't. And as for "而且总体来看,把章子怡踩下去对中国人有什么好处", personally, I think it is too serious. Our country is rising worldwide. As an actress, zzy was coming into the scene in a perfect time, without zzy, we will still have any zy(s), so she is no representive of chinese at all. [此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-18 23:01:46编辑过]
以下是引用lvhuaele在2007-9-18 22:56:00的发言: Well, HYPOTHETICALLY, if she did anything morally wrong, being no worse than most of other actresses doesn't justify the wrong part. It doesn't make her a good person at all! So if anyone sells her sexuality to get what she wants, she deserved to be looked down upon. She makes her own bed! I remember in one episode of Sex and the City, Carry said "Venice is sinking doesn't mean my morality is going down " or sth like this. We should give anyone who abuse their sexuality because the morality in the society is going down! At least I won't. And as for "而且总体来看,把章子怡踩下去对中国人有什么好处", personally, I think it is too serious. Our country is rising worldwide. As an actress, zzy was coming into the scene in a perfect time, without zzy, we will still have any zy(s), so she is no representive of chinese at all. well, 问题在于,她真的sells her sexuality了吗?sell 的定义是什么?林青霞嫁了个富商,来换取富足安定的生活,算不算sell呢,为什么没人骂她?老公在外头生私生子还忍着,难道不是一种trade off吗?这也许是谣言,不过关于章的种种,不也就是大家的道听途说吗?楼主八的领带什么的,是她自己见过的,别的什么同居的,好象都不是亲眼见过的吧,又怎么能确信是不是真的,而不能确信是不是真的之前,就look down别人,是不是太仓促了呢? mm说的第二点,我觉得,如果不是章子怡,而是李子怡上来,照样会有很多人来踩的...阮玲玉不是己经被踩死了吗?人性如此,中国女演员出头也不容易.所以要survive需要很彪悍的性格...所以章mm倔强的表情,实在是本色表演啊
以下是引用lvhuaele在2007-9-18 22:56:00的发言: Well, HYPOTHETICALLY, if she did anything morally wrong, being no worse than most of other actresses doesn't justify the wrong part. It doesn't make her a good person at all! If anyone sells her sexuality to get what she wants, she deserves to be looked down upon. She makes her own bed! I remember in one episode of Sex and the City, Carrie once said "Venice is sinking doesn't mean my morality is going down " or sth like that. We should not give anyone credit who abuses their sexuality just because the morality in the society is going down! At least I won't. And as for "而且总体来看,把章子怡踩下去对中国人有什么好处", personally, I think it is too serious. Our country is rising worldwide. As an actress, zzy was coming into the scene in a perfect time, without zzy, we will still have any zy(s), so she is no representive of chinese at all. 同意,反正我就看不上这种人
以下是引用lvhuaele在2007-9-18 22:56:00的发言: Well, HYPOTHETICALLY, if she did anything morally wrong, being no worse than most of other actresses doesn't justify the wrong part. It doesn't make her a good person at all! If anyone sells her sexuality to get what she wants, she deserves to be looked down upon. She makes her own bed! I remember in one episode of Sex and the City, Carrie once said "Venice is sinking doesn't mean my morality is going down " or sth like that. We should not give anyone credit who abuses their sexuality just because the morality in the society is going down! At least I won't. And as for "而且总体来看,把章子怡踩下去对中国人有什么好处", personally, I think it is too serious. Our country is rising worldwide. As an actress, zzy was coming into the scene in a perfect time, without zzy, we will still have any zy(s), so she is no representive of chinese at all.
zzy is a celebrity. She's very famous, but that does not mean she is an idol, a symbol or whatever.
You probably talking about the qualities of a role model here, and that can rarely be found in show business.....
以下是引用perse在2007-9-18 23:06:00的发言: well, 问题在于,她真的sells her sexuality了吗?sell 的定义是什么?林青霞嫁了个富商,来换取富足安定的生活,算不算sell呢,为什么没人骂她?老公在外头生私生子还忍着,难道不是一种trade off吗?这也许是谣言,不过关于章的种种,不也就是大家的道听途说吗?楼主八的领带什么的,是她自己见过的,别的什么同居的,好象都不是亲眼见过的吧,又怎么能确信是不是真的,而不能确信是不是真的之前,就look down别人,是不是太仓促了呢? mm说的第二点,我觉得,如果不是章子怡,而是李子怡上来,照样会有很多人来踩的...阮玲玉不是己经被踩死了吗?人性如此,中国女演员出头也不容易.所以要survive需要很彪悍的性格...所以章mm倔强的表情,实在是本色表演啊 Well, if you read my comments again, I am sure you will notice I used "hypothetically" in print format !!!!! What I mean is if anybody abuses sexuality, they deserve to be looked down upon! I agree with you that there will always be someone who doesn't like you, especially if you are sucessful and in high power, but personally I will consider it as the dying of humanity if you have to give up your morality to survive! [此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-18 23:14:37编辑过]
以下是引用lvhuaele在2007-9-18 22:56:00的发言: Well, HYPOTHETICALLY, if she did anything morally wrong, being no worse than most of other actresses doesn't justify the wrong part. It doesn't make her a good person at all! If anyone sells her sexuality to get what she wants, she deserves to be looked down upon. She makes her own bed! I remember in one episode of Sex and the City, Carrie once said "Venice is sinking doesn't mean my morality is going down " or sth like that. We should not give anyone credit who abuses their sexuality just because the morality in the society is going down! At least I won't. And as for "而且总体来看,把章子怡踩下去对中国人有什么好处", personally, I think it is too serious. Our country is rising worldwide. As an actress, zzy was coming into the scene in a perfect time, without zzy, we will still have any zy(s), so she is no representive of chinese at all. 1. you can sell sex but not sexuality 2. I'm not sure what you mean by "abuse their sexuality", are you saying that they are having too much sex? I personally believe that as human beings we should be entitled to have as much sex as we and our partners agree to... and if you are single, you can have sex with whoever you choose to as long as they are single as well
以下是引用lvhuaele在2007-9-18 23:14:00的发言: Well, if you read my comments again, I am sure you will notice I used "hypothetically" in print format !!!!! What I mean is if anybody abuses sexuality, they deserve to be looked down upon! I agree with you that there will always be someone who doesn't like you, especially if you are sucessful and in high power, but personally I will consider it as the dying of humanity if you have to give up your morality to survive! 啊,mm,不好意思忽略了"hypothetically, if",那我想说的是,不管我同不同意这个词引导后的话,这个if 真是个big if啊! 而且似乎有许多人都不是IF而是take it for granted,或者说着说着就忘了前头还有个大大的IF
以下是引用xiaowukong在2007-9-18 23:19:00的发言: if we can convince Mother Teresa to shoot a few popular movies, could it be a better world? I hope so.... 会流行吗?hmmm,也许教会会组织发票让教众去看,就象基督最后的诱惑一样,那就会是大卖唔. 好象以前也有一本书,写Mother Teresa的阴暗面的.也许就算是太阳总是有黑子的吧
We really don't know the truth maybe. Judgement based on gossip is always subjective. Putting all the negative parts aside, I respect zzy a lot, she may not be an outstanding actress yet, but she knows how to live her life, and she can handle the relationships really well. It is kind of funny to see all the negative posts written by Hong Kong journalists about her. She might be smiling when reading those for entertainment.
以下是引用datrickykid在2007-9-18 23:15:00的发言: 1. you can sell sex but not sexuality 2. I'm not sure what you mean by "abuse their sexuality", are you saying that they are having too much sex? I personally believe that as human beings we should be entitled to have as much sex as we and our partners agree to... and if you are single, you can have sex with whoever you choose to as long as they are single as well hehe. sorry sorry, I guess my English really sucks. I think what I mean is sexual power. Maybe i should use other phrase but I am blocking out any other. I am not talking about zzy here, and I don't want to offend any fans. I don't know anything personal about her. And i agree she is rising and big time in China right now. I agree with you that freedom of sex is human right (maybe another wrong big phrase), but I am not sure exchaning sex with working opportunities, material gain, or using sex as way of social networking is a progress of the society though. Maybe I am too old school, hehe. [此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-18 23:35:17编辑过]
以下是引用ripplemm在2007-9-18 23:23:00的发言: We really don't know the truth maybe. Judgement based on gossip is always subjective. Putting all the negative parts aside, I respect zzy a lot, she may not be an outstanding actress yet, but she knows how to live her life, and she can handle the relationships really well. It is kind of funny to see all the negative posts written by Hong Kong journalists about her. She might be smiling when reading those for entertainment. 对啊,香港那边就不仅仅是踩了,娱记那口气啊,到了恶毒的地步.还记得刚刚章和现在男友亮相那张照片,香港人马上传出是不入流的演员云云,一副幸灾乐祸的样子 像楼主mm有一楼里说坐飞机上那个香港人说什么"一看就是大陆演戏的".好象很多香港人潜意识里都觉得高大陆人一等.现在看乡下小表妹居然这么红,红过香港本土影星,酸得简直是
以下是引用lvhuaele在2007-9-18 23:25:00的发言: I agree with you that freedom of sex if human right (maybe another wrong big phrase), but I am not sure exchaning sex with working opportunities, material gain, or using sex as way of social networking is a progress of the society though. Maybe I am too old school, hehe. A perfect world, I wanna live in it too
以下是引用xiaowukong在2007-9-18 23:19:00的发言: if we can convince Mother Teresa to shoot a few popular movies, could it be a better world? I hope so.... Actresses are not saints and we don't expect them to be, right? I don't judge. But I know what is right and what is wrong TO ME. And maybe I am too naive, but I still work toward making the world a better place. So I will not accept what I believe is wrong no matter how good the other characteristics of this person. And I will also never reject a person just because she has done sth wrong. I am just trying to be an adult, admitting that there IS always a catch.
to perse mm 偶觉得香港和台湾有蛮先进的地方,尤其是那么多年前就比较和国际接轨了,他们看大陆的人和物就象城里人看农村人一样的眼光,甚至还有过之而无不及,而对他们那些狠落后的地方,尤其是文化上的狠多陋习,实在是看了让人觉得好笑。偶个人觉得他们的酸葡萄心理不是一般得重。还有他们得所谓豪门,看看徐子淇,真让人觉得悲哀。大陆这些年得进步至少在狠多方面比那边强,只是道德观念有些模糊和扭曲了,这是一个国家高速发展过程中必然得现象,想当初美国资本主义发展得时候不也有人吃人得现象么?偶不觉得章子怡多么得道德败坏,虽然对她得一些做法很不齿(sorry, don't know what is the right word),但不得不承认是他们那个圈子里得游戏规则,别人得事,我们看了聊聊而已
以下是引用ripplemm在2007-9-18 23:35:00的发言: to perse mm 偶觉得香港和台湾有蛮先进的地方,尤其是那么多年前就比较和国际接轨了,他们看大陆的人和物就象城里人看农村人一样的眼光,甚至还有过之而无不及,而对他们那些狠落后的地方,尤其是文化上的狠多陋习,实在是看了让人觉得好笑。偶个人觉得他们的酸葡萄心理不是一般得重。还有他们得所谓豪门,看看徐子淇,真让人觉得悲哀。大陆这些年得进步至少在狠多方面比那边强,只是道德观念有些模糊和扭曲了,这是一个国家高速发展过程中必然得现象,想当初美国资本主义发展得时候不也有人吃人得现象么?偶不觉得章子怡多么得道德败坏,虽然对她得一些做法很不齿(sorry, don't know what is the right word),但不得不承认是他们那个圈子里得游戏规则,别人得事,我们看了聊聊而已 hehe, sooooo agree with you
to lvhuaelemm thanks. Actually we are very interested in their life or news because they seem to live in a totally different world. Those things you haven't done but look interesting are always much more intriguing than those you already have.
to lvhuaele mm I am totally with you about "making the world better". But this might not be true for other people. Some people only want to make their own life better or make the world better for themselves even with some damage on other people's life. So..
以下是引用ripplemm在2007-9-18 23:35:00的发言: to perse mm 偶觉得香港和台湾有蛮先进的地方,尤其是那么多年前就比较和国际接轨了,他们看大陆的人和物就象城里人看农村人一样的眼光,甚至还有过之而无不及,而对他们那些狠落后的地方,尤其是文化上的狠多陋习,实在是看了让人觉得好笑。偶个人觉得他们的酸葡萄心理不是一般得重。还有他们得所谓豪门,看看徐子淇,真让人觉得悲哀。大陆这些年得进步至少在狠多方面比那边强,只是道德观念有些模糊和扭曲了,这是一个国家高速发展过程中必然得现象,想当初美国资本主义发展得时候不也有人吃人得现象么?偶不觉得章子怡多么得道德败坏,虽然对她得一些做法很不齿(sorry, don't know what is the right word),但不得不承认是他们那个圈子里得游戏规则,别人得事,我们看了聊聊而已 关于章,我的主要观点是其实有资格说知道事实真相的人很少,肯定不是你我,所以简单下道德判断很容易让人忘掉前头 IF的条件句还不知道是不是真的呢.而且我觉得更该改变的是中国娱乐圈的风气,不说章这事,就普遍的演艺圈而言,如果大多数女演员都要不同程度的被潜才能上位的话,(前一阵那个什么张钰是不是出来揭发)我只能说为中国女演员感到悲哀,这个圈子的运作方式需要改变. 关于豪门,我同意mm.最搞笑的事,这些豪门似乎也大多都是两三代而己,总把自己看得好象血管里的血都很高贵一样.难道他们是汝南周公子.就算是爱新觉罗家的格格,又怎么样,血统论还有什么意义吗?而且和欧美同样最近两三代崛起的新贵不一样,这些豪门还特封建,什么一定要生儿子传宗接代呀之类之类.前一阵说什么李嘉欣哪里配嫁入豪门之类,李固然被包养历史久,不过豪门真的有这么高贵吗?肮脏的事情多了去了.五十步笑一百步而己,还不知道谁是五十,谁是一百呢
以下是引用perse在2007-9-18 23:45:00的发言: 关于章,我的主要观点是其实有资格说知道事实真相的人很少,肯定不是你我,所以简单下道德判断很容易让人忘掉前头 IF的条件句还不知道是不是真的呢.而且我觉得更该改变的是中国娱乐圈的风气,不说章这事,就普遍的演艺圈而言,如果大多数女演员都要不同程度的被潜才能上位的话,(前一阵那个什么张钰是不是出来揭发)我只能说为中国女演员感到悲哀,这个圈子的运作方式需要改变. 关于豪门,我同意mm.最搞笑的事,这些豪门似乎也大多都是两三代而己,总把自己看得好象血管里的血都很高贵一样.难道他们是汝南周公子.就算是爱新觉罗家的格格,又怎么样,血统论还有什么意义吗?而且和欧美同样最近两三代崛起的新贵不一样,这些豪门还特封建,什么一定要生儿子传宗接代呀之类之类.前一阵说什么李嘉欣哪里配嫁入豪门之类,李固然被包养历史久,不过豪门真的有这么高贵吗?肮脏的事情多了去了.五十步笑一百步而己,还不知道谁是五十,谁是一百呢 Agree, that is why I don't agree with those comments about the ends justify the means. We admit that those actresses, actors, directors are successful, but what they did still deserved to be criticized if they crosses the lines, morally or law-wise. "还不知道谁是五十,谁是一百呢", that is so acurate, hehe. It is just sad that those actresses never realized that they are objectified, no longer human.
Yes, remember "9.18".
By the way, LZMM do you know something about Japanese and Korean stars?
但是人家小孩子态度好啊。 和我朋友说,再让我练练,再让我练练。 我朋友说,不用了,到时候发挥就好了。 他还说,不要,我知道自己不机灵,还是背背比较好。 当时,我朋友就又差点没晕倒。。。。只好说,再练就没时间排现场了。
嗯, 每被震一次都好几个月会不过神来
我特想回到八十年代被Michael Jackson的演唱会震一下子, 就是那种很多担架往外抬人的那样的演唱会。。。。震死我算了
12.24在la有周杰伦演唱会啊~ 为了周董,俺圣诞去la~~
The young MJ was fantastic. No words are enough to describe his magic... He was my childhood idol.......perhaps the only idol ever
But the bubble broke in the mid 90's
不知道,你们有没有觉得lbb 和 zhou xun都是小家碧玉,上不了大台面的感觉?
还是gong li 比较有 王者之风,大气从容, 虽然有些木纳。
我一直觉得gong li很土。
她和ZYM好的时候,或者好之前,做了一件对她职业生涯最有意义的事情。 当时她真的很贫穷。嘻嘻嘻。 所以一部分还是借钱的。 ----》整牙齿。 嗯,她的牙齿我觉得很好看。
我另外一个圈子里的人说她鼻子有点小手脚。 可是我求证了ZZY的那个好友,人家说没有。 所以我就信了呢。 ZZY纠正牙齿的时候,把下巴给缩了。 因为她纠正牙齿的时候,把还没有长出来的智齿给拔了。 当然那个牙医有可能还做了些其他的,所以她后来巴掌脸特别的明显了。 我去牙医的时候,牙医看着我摇头,说‘姑娘多大了?’ ‘24’ ‘怎么不早来5年?我保证你巴掌脸一辈子!!’ ‘为啥?’ ‘你的智齿把骨头已经撑开了,现在把也没有用了。’ 然后转向我妈妈,说‘这么好的一个瓜子脸,就给糟蹋了。怎么当妈的?’ 我妈妈当时想揍他! 嘿嘿。。。。 唐僧了这么多,就是想说明ZZY借钱治牙是她CAREER的STARTING POINT啊。。。。
我一直觉得gong li很土。 小声说一句,我也同意,从她年轻时候扎着两个小辫而我还是小小孩时,就觉得她土,天生大妈相,侧面还鞋拔子脸.章子怡刚出来那会儿说象小巩俐,当时觉得比巩俐好看多了.还心想着总算不用再看大妈脸了... 不过从来不敢说,因为怕砸,总算找到一样想法的了.
我一直觉得gong li很土。 主要是她早期那些银幕形象造成的,加上她本人也不太会穿衣打扮,所以。。。。
赫赫, 那个时代的女明星, 多数都土, 甚至可以说 那个时代洋气的人就很少。
长相,都是主观的东西各花入各眼吧.我觉得刘晓庆年轻的时候好看,不过我不觉得巩俐年轻的时候好看. 照我爸的话来说,她长得象煤矿工人的女儿,没有歧视煤矿工人的意思,就是那种感觉,just my two cents,可能是小众意见,不过今天终于发现至少不是世上唯一这么想的,哈哈. 当然,巩俐的波波比较大,这点比章强得多,不过相应的,她有时会显得有点过胖.有得必有失.象Angelina Jolie那样再瘦也不瘦波波的比较少吧.
各花入人眼, 美不美, 也没有什么统一的标准。
zzy 脸的确长得好看,但是身材 不光是不丰满, 身高,腿型 也不是很好, 有目共睹的。
动画片的花木兰 别说,是挺像吕燕的。
巩俐 也整过 牙齿 ,忘了说了, 拔了 虎牙。
各花入人眼, 美不美, 也没有什么统一的标准。
zzy 脸的确长得好看,但是身材 不光是不丰满, 身高,腿型 也不是很好, 有目共睹的。
ANYWAY。 整理之后也没离开,然后就还帮着整理西装,弹弹灰那种。 一边还说,‘XXX,这回能认识你太好了,以后我在LA就算多了一个熟人一个朋友。’ 然后还转过脸来,对我和我朋友说,‘你们也是呢,以后要多帮帮我。这么容易就认识了这么多可靠的朋友,运气不错。’ 我这个人相当直白,马上纠正说我不是住在LA的。 然后ZZY还说,‘那更好,那我岂不是美国各地的朋友更多了。以后一定去看你。’ 我这个人属于那种,如果有人和我特别亲近,我会不好意思。然后就说,‘好,好。’ 制作人也那边说,‘好啊。’ ZZY就还挽着制作人,说‘那我可以信了呢。我这个人就是实在。’ 最后一句。。。
巩俐 也整过 牙齿 ,忘了说了, 拔了 虎牙。
各花入人眼, 美不美, 也没有什么统一的标准。
zzy 脸的确长得好看,但是身材 不光是不丰满, 身高,腿型 也不是很好, 有目共睹的。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-18 20:33:43编辑过]
既然楼主说他们没有更暧昧,我也觉得可以理解。不算不入流的手段 嗯。
先声明一下,我不是章或者任何人的粉,如果有偏爱的话,比较偏爱周迅多一点,可惜看前头八的她大概在演艺事业上没有更多的野心. 俺觉得,演技不行光就她们那一代女演员的话,好象是共同问题,当年说四小花旦,章周赵徐.除了周我个人觉得演技比较出色之外,章不比另外二个强,可另外二个也说不上比章好.所以只能期待中国演艺圈运作越来越成熟,会把整个的演艺水平往上推一点.这个看欧美影视好象比较有感觉,就算是普通的电视里,经常能见到小配角却有精湛的演技. 时间可能也是一个因素.又说一句会挨砸的话,我觉得张曼玉年轻的时候演技也不见得如何,有时还傻乎乎的,不过岁月沉积之后演技气质就出来了,希望章这一代女演员到了那时候青出于蓝而胜于蓝
周迅挺有灵气的,不过外形所限阿, 看看能否拓宽戏路再说吧。 反正他们都很年轻嘛。刘晓庆和巩俐那一代的都差不多该退休了,就看他们这一代年轻人的了
周迅挺有灵气的,不过外形所限阿, 看看能否拓宽戏路再说吧。 反正他们都很年轻嘛。刘晓庆和巩俐那一代的都差不多该退休了,就看他们这一代年轻人的了
不明白我说啥的,我再说的清楚点. 卖自己的色象的人是什么? 一个人可以卖很多东西,知识,想法,劳力.都可以成功. 当然也可以卖色象,说的好听点是交际花,难听的啥都可以说. 演艺圈这样的人不是她一个啊。不用说得这么难听吧。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-18 20:46:19编辑过]
她上不上进咱不知道,但是英语水平的问题不能作为她是不是上进的标准吧。我想她一定是非常努力在学的,因为她是想在好莱坞扬名立万的人,怎么不知道这个的利害。无奈在这个方面的天赋实在不高。好像唱歌好的语言天赋都要高些,章mm唱歌实在不敢恭维。 同意这个。
再来啰嗦几句章子怡,演技?question mark,没看出来有什么演技,她的几部所谓大片,能看的下去的也就《艺妓回忆录》了,还是因为斯皮尔伯格那个老家伙监制的结果,要不也看不下去;《英雄》看了几眼,她的面部表情好像比较适合在抗战片子里准备就义的女革命的角色里;《十面埋伏》里也差不多;《卧虎藏龙》里相比以上的还算好一些
ZZY这个人家里以前是比较辛苦的。 然后就像前面有人说的,从小就上艺术院校,大多是住校。 她的朋友和我说,ZZY曾经说她很小就觉得自己没有优势, 所以只能改变自己,才能SURVIVE下去。 她是从小一直吃亏,吃亏到13,4岁,才想明白的。 ‘道德是生存后面的。都生存不了,哪有什么道德地位可言。’ 牛啊。mark一下,130页。
再来啰嗦几句章子怡,演技?question mark,没看出来有什么演技,她的几部所谓大片,能看的下去的也就《艺妓回忆录》了,还是因为斯皮尔伯格那个老家伙监制的结果,要不也看不下去;《英雄》看了几眼,她的面部表情好像比较适合在抗战片子里准备就义的女革命的角色里;《十面埋伏》里也差不多;《卧虎藏龙》里相比以上的还算好一些
再来啰嗦几句章子怡,演技?question mark,没看出来有什么演技,她的几部所谓大片,能看的下去的也就《艺妓回忆录》了,还是因为斯皮尔伯格那个老家伙监制的结果,要不也看不下去;《英雄》看了几眼,她的面部表情好像比较适合在抗战片子里准备就义的女革命的角色里;《十面埋伏》里也差不多;《卧虎藏龙》里相比以上的还算好一些
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-18 21:02:00编辑过]
这是宣萱在周星驰影片《唐伯虎点秋香》中饰演的夏香剧照 宣萱是由拍广告入行,所以不用像一般的TVB训练班学员那样经历一大段扮演路人甲已丙的日子,她在初期的几部作品如千岁情人和老师早上好中,已经是戏份颇重的二线女主角。甚至与王菲、黎明这样的大牌同场竞技也未见青涩。不过宣萱还是留下了一个日后被FANS津津乐道的咖哩菲角色,就是在电影唐伯虎点秋香里面扮演的春夏秋东四香之一。
The young MJ was fantastic. No words are enough to describe his magic... He was my childhood idol.......perhaps the only idol ever
But the bubble broke in the mid 90's
孔维也是华宜 公司的? 原来孔维 就是孔臆珊啊
估计胸也是整出来的 mm is so funny
关于zzy那个桔黄色的挂脖子衣服我来说两句,哈哈,那个是出口到欧洲的童装牌子la halle 我家女儿有件一样的,15元rmb ,可见那个时候还是很平民话的呀
虽说zzy“不择手段”往上爬, 可是还没8出来伤害打击别人来达到目的的事儿吧。 so far我还都能接受,只是各人选择不同,没啥大不了的,普通生活里面比这恶心的还有很多呢 同意的说。
这两个星星;有个共同点, 就是表达"发狠"这类情绪的样子太过stereotype,每次在不同的影片,不同的场景,看到她们发凶,我脑子就不由自主地快闪出一堆她们各自在类似情形里的表情...几乎都一模一样.
这两个星星;有个共同点, 就是表达"发狠"这类情绪的样子太过stereotype,每次在不同的影片,不同的场景,看到她们发凶,我脑子就不由自主地快闪出一堆她们各自在类似情形里的表情...几乎都一模一样.
同意的说。 同意,她也没拆散谁谁家庭也没偷税漏税(至少现在公安局还没查出来)
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-18 22:51:32编辑过]
是啊 超牛,一般有血有肉的人都是做不到的
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-18 23:01:46编辑过]
Well, HYPOTHETICALLY, if she did anything morally wrong, being no worse than most of other actresses doesn't justify the wrong part. It doesn't make her a good person at all! So if anyone sells her sexuality to get what she wants, she deserved to be looked down upon. She makes her own bed! I remember in one episode of Sex and the City, Carry said "Venice is sinking doesn't mean my morality is going down " or sth like this. We should give anyone who abuse their sexuality because the morality in the society is going down! At least I won't. And as for "而且总体来看,把章子怡踩下去对中国人有什么好处", personally, I think it is too serious. Our country is rising worldwide. As an actress, zzy was coming into the scene in a perfect time, without zzy, we will still have any zy(s), so she is no representive of chinese at all.
well, 问题在于,她真的sells her sexuality了吗?sell 的定义是什么?林青霞嫁了个富商,来换取富足安定的生活,算不算sell呢,为什么没人骂她?老公在外头生私生子还忍着,难道不是一种trade off吗?这也许是谣言,不过关于章的种种,不也就是大家的道听途说吗?楼主八的领带什么的,是她自己见过的,别的什么同居的,好象都不是亲眼见过的吧,又怎么能确信是不是真的,而不能确信是不是真的之前,就look down别人,是不是太仓促了呢? mm说的第二点,我觉得,如果不是章子怡,而是李子怡上来,照样会有很多人来踩的...阮玲玉不是己经被踩死了吗?人性如此,中国女演员出头也不容易.所以要survive需要很彪悍的性格...所以章mm倔强的表情,实在是本色表演啊
Well, HYPOTHETICALLY, if she did anything morally wrong, being no worse than most of other actresses doesn't justify the wrong part. It doesn't make her a good person at all! If anyone sells her sexuality to get what she wants, she deserves to be looked down upon. She makes her own bed! I remember in one episode of Sex and the City, Carrie once said "Venice is sinking doesn't mean my morality is going down " or sth like that. We should not give anyone credit who abuses their sexuality just because the morality in the society is going down! At least I won't. And as for "而且总体来看,把章子怡踩下去对中国人有什么好处", personally, I think it is too serious. Our country is rising worldwide. As an actress, zzy was coming into the scene in a perfect time, without zzy, we will still have any zy(s), so she is no representive of chinese at all.
今天公司training, sexual harrassment. 小章那几手都很容易被美国人当成性骚扰的。 我最初看到killer妹妹的暴料,也立刻想到这个了 这边这个还是挺敏感的
Well, HYPOTHETICALLY, if she did anything morally wrong, being no worse than most of other actresses doesn't justify the wrong part. It doesn't make her a good person at all! If anyone sells her sexuality to get what she wants, she deserves to be looked down upon. She makes her own bed! I remember in one episode of Sex and the City, Carrie once said "Venice is sinking doesn't mean my morality is going down " or sth like that. We should not give anyone credit who abuses their sexuality just because the morality in the society is going down! At least I won't. And as for "而且总体来看,把章子怡踩下去对中国人有什么好处", personally, I think it is too serious. Our country is rising worldwide. As an actress, zzy was coming into the scene in a perfect time, without zzy, we will still have any zy(s), so she is no representive of chinese at all.
zzy is a celebrity. She's very famous, but that does not mean she is an idol, a symbol or whatever.
You probably talking about the qualities of a role model here, and that can rarely be found in show business.....
well, 问题在于,她真的sells her sexuality了吗?sell 的定义是什么?林青霞嫁了个富商,来换取富足安定的生活,算不算sell呢,为什么没人骂她?老公在外头生私生子还忍着,难道不是一种trade off吗?这也许是谣言,不过关于章的种种,不也就是大家的道听途说吗?楼主八的领带什么的,是她自己见过的,别的什么同居的,好象都不是亲眼见过的吧,又怎么能确信是不是真的,而不能确信是不是真的之前,就look down别人,是不是太仓促了呢? mm说的第二点,我觉得,如果不是章子怡,而是李子怡上来,照样会有很多人来踩的...阮玲玉不是己经被踩死了吗?人性如此,中国女演员出头也不容易.所以要survive需要很彪悍的性格...所以章mm倔强的表情,实在是本色表演啊 Well, if you read my comments again, I am sure you will notice I used "hypothetically" in print format !!!!! What I mean is if anybody abuses sexuality, they deserve to be looked down upon! I agree with you that there will always be someone who doesn't like you, especially if you are sucessful and in high power, but personally I will consider it as the dying of humanity if you have to give up your morality to survive!
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-18 23:14:37编辑过]
Well, HYPOTHETICALLY, if she did anything morally wrong, being no worse than most of other actresses doesn't justify the wrong part. It doesn't make her a good person at all! If anyone sells her sexuality to get what she wants, she deserves to be looked down upon. She makes her own bed! I remember in one episode of Sex and the City, Carrie once said "Venice is sinking doesn't mean my morality is going down " or sth like that. We should not give anyone credit who abuses their sexuality just because the morality in the society is going down! At least I won't. And as for "而且总体来看,把章子怡踩下去对中国人有什么好处", personally, I think it is too serious. Our country is rising worldwide. As an actress, zzy was coming into the scene in a perfect time, without zzy, we will still have any zy(s), so she is no representive of chinese at all.
1. you can sell sex but not sexuality 2. I'm not sure what you mean by "abuse their sexuality", are you saying that they are having too much sex? I personally believe that as human beings we should be entitled to have as much sex as we and our partners agree to... and if you are single, you can have sex with whoever you choose to as long as they are single as well
Well, if you read my comments again, I am sure you will notice I used "hypothetically" in print format !!!!! What I mean is if anybody abuses sexuality, they deserve to be looked down upon! I agree with you that there will always be someone who doesn't like you, especially if you are sucessful and in high power, but personally I will consider it as the dying of humanity if you have to give up your morality to survive!
啊,mm,不好意思忽略了"hypothetically, if",那我想说的是,不管我同不同意这个词引导后的话,这个if 真是个big if啊! 而且似乎有许多人都不是IF而是take it for granted,或者说着说着就忘了前头还有个大大的IF
if we can convince Mother Teresa to shoot a few popular movies, could it be a better world? I hope so....
会流行吗?hmmm,也许教会会组织发票让教众去看,就象基督最后的诱惑一样,那就会是大卖唔. 好象以前也有一本书,写Mother Teresa的阴暗面的.也许就算是太阳总是有黑子的吧
1. you can sell sex but not sexuality 2. I'm not sure what you mean by "abuse their sexuality", are you saying that they are having too much sex? I personally believe that as human beings we should be entitled to have as much sex as we and our partners agree to... and if you are single, you can have sex with whoever you choose to as long as they are single as well
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-18 23:35:17编辑过]
We really don't know the truth maybe. Judgement based on gossip is always subjective. Putting all the negative parts aside, I respect zzy a lot, she may not be an outstanding actress yet, but she knows how to live her life, and she can handle the relationships really well. It is kind of funny to see all the negative posts written by Hong Kong journalists about her. She might be smiling when reading those for entertainment.
对啊,香港那边就不仅仅是踩了,娱记那口气啊,到了恶毒的地步.还记得刚刚章和现在男友亮相那张照片,香港人马上传出是不入流的演员云云,一副幸灾乐祸的样子 像楼主mm有一楼里说坐飞机上那个香港人说什么"一看就是大陆演戏的".好象很多香港人潜意识里都觉得高大陆人一等.现在看乡下小表妹居然这么红,红过香港本土影星,酸得简直是
I agree with you that freedom of sex if human right (maybe another wrong big phrase), but I am not sure exchaning sex with working opportunities, material gain, or using sex as way of social networking is a progress of the society though. Maybe I am too old school, hehe. A perfect world, I wanna live in it too
if we can convince Mother Teresa to shoot a few popular movies, could it be a better world? I hope so....
Actresses are not saints and we don't expect them to be, right? I don't judge. But I know what is right and what is wrong TO ME. And maybe I am too naive, but I still work toward making the world a better place. So I will not accept what I believe is wrong no matter how good the other characteristics of this person. And I will also never reject a person just because she has done sth wrong. I am just trying to be an adult, admitting that there IS always a catch.
A perfect world, I wanna live in it too
But we can choose to make it a better place, isn't it?
偶觉得香港和台湾有蛮先进的地方,尤其是那么多年前就比较和国际接轨了,他们看大陆的人和物就象城里人看农村人一样的眼光,甚至还有过之而无不及,而对他们那些狠落后的地方,尤其是文化上的狠多陋习,实在是看了让人觉得好笑。偶个人觉得他们的酸葡萄心理不是一般得重。还有他们得所谓豪门,看看徐子淇,真让人觉得悲哀。大陆这些年得进步至少在狠多方面比那边强,只是道德观念有些模糊和扭曲了,这是一个国家高速发展过程中必然得现象,想当初美国资本主义发展得时候不也有人吃人得现象么?偶不觉得章子怡多么得道德败坏,虽然对她得一些做法很不齿(sorry, don't know what is the right word),但不得不承认是他们那个圈子里得游戏规则,别人得事,我们看了聊聊而已
to perse mm
偶觉得香港和台湾有蛮先进的地方,尤其是那么多年前就比较和国际接轨了,他们看大陆的人和物就象城里人看农村人一样的眼光,甚至还有过之而无不及,而对他们那些狠落后的地方,尤其是文化上的狠多陋习,实在是看了让人觉得好笑。偶个人觉得他们的酸葡萄心理不是一般得重。还有他们得所谓豪门,看看徐子淇,真让人觉得悲哀。大陆这些年得进步至少在狠多方面比那边强,只是道德观念有些模糊和扭曲了,这是一个国家高速发展过程中必然得现象,想当初美国资本主义发展得时候不也有人吃人得现象么?偶不觉得章子怡多么得道德败坏,虽然对她得一些做法很不齿(sorry, don't know what is the right word),但不得不承认是他们那个圈子里得游戏规则,别人得事,我们看了聊聊而已
hehe, sooooo agree with you
thanks. Actually we are very interested in their life or news because they seem to live in a totally different world. Those things you haven't done but look interesting are always much more intriguing than those you already have.
I am totally with you about "making the world better". But this might not be true for other people. Some people only want to make their own life better or make the world better for themselves even with some damage on other people's life. So..
to perse mm
偶觉得香港和台湾有蛮先进的地方,尤其是那么多年前就比较和国际接轨了,他们看大陆的人和物就象城里人看农村人一样的眼光,甚至还有过之而无不及,而对他们那些狠落后的地方,尤其是文化上的狠多陋习,实在是看了让人觉得好笑。偶个人觉得他们的酸葡萄心理不是一般得重。还有他们得所谓豪门,看看徐子淇,真让人觉得悲哀。大陆这些年得进步至少在狠多方面比那边强,只是道德观念有些模糊和扭曲了,这是一个国家高速发展过程中必然得现象,想当初美国资本主义发展得时候不也有人吃人得现象么?偶不觉得章子怡多么得道德败坏,虽然对她得一些做法很不齿(sorry, don't know what is the right word),但不得不承认是他们那个圈子里得游戏规则,别人得事,我们看了聊聊而已
关于章,我的主要观点是其实有资格说知道事实真相的人很少,肯定不是你我,所以简单下道德判断很容易让人忘掉前头 IF的条件句还不知道是不是真的呢.而且我觉得更该改变的是中国娱乐圈的风气,不说章这事,就普遍的演艺圈而言,如果大多数女演员都要不同程度的被潜才能上位的话,(前一阵那个什么张钰是不是出来揭发)我只能说为中国女演员感到悲哀,这个圈子的运作方式需要改变. 关于豪门,我同意mm.最搞笑的事,这些豪门似乎也大多都是两三代而己,总把自己看得好象血管里的血都很高贵一样.难道他们是汝南周公子.就算是爱新觉罗家的格格,又怎么样,血统论还有什么意义吗?而且和欧美同样最近两三代崛起的新贵不一样,这些豪门还特封建,什么一定要生儿子传宗接代呀之类之类.前一阵说什么李嘉欣哪里配嫁入豪门之类,李固然被包养历史久,不过豪门真的有这么高贵吗?肮脏的事情多了去了.五十步笑一百步而己,还不知道谁是五十,谁是一百呢
关于章,我的主要观点是其实有资格说知道事实真相的人很少,肯定不是你我,所以简单下道德判断很容易让人忘掉前头 IF的条件句还不知道是不是真的呢.而且我觉得更该改变的是中国娱乐圈的风气,不说章这事,就普遍的演艺圈而言,如果大多数女演员都要不同程度的被潜才能上位的话,(前一阵那个什么张钰是不是出来揭发)我只能说为中国女演员感到悲哀,这个圈子的运作方式需要改变. 关于豪门,我同意mm.最搞笑的事,这些豪门似乎也大多都是两三代而己,总把自己看得好象血管里的血都很高贵一样.难道他们是汝南周公子.就算是爱新觉罗家的格格,又怎么样,血统论还有什么意义吗?而且和欧美同样最近两三代崛起的新贵不一样,这些豪门还特封建,什么一定要生儿子传宗接代呀之类之类.前一阵说什么李嘉欣哪里配嫁入豪门之类,李固然被包养历史久,不过豪门真的有这么高贵吗?肮脏的事情多了去了.五十步笑一百步而己,还不知道谁是五十,谁是一百呢 Agree, that is why I don't agree with those comments about the ends justify the means. We admit that those actresses, actors, directors are successful, but what they did still deserved to be criticized if they crosses the lines, morally or law-wise. "还不知道谁是五十,谁是一百呢", that is so acurate, hehe. It is just sad that those actresses never realized that they are objectified, no longer human.