以下是引用kellywu在2008-2-13 22:18:00的发言: 可能要看成分吧。 What kind of water should I use? Another consideration when preparing bottles is choosing the right kind of water. The most obvious choices are tap, well, boiled, or bottled water. If you have well water, it is very important to have it tested BEFORE using it to prepare your baby's formula. Some conditions in well water, such as high mineral levels (sodium or nitrates), can be very harmful to your child. Call your local health department to find out how to test your well water or to locate a company that will do it for you. You may also choose to use regular tap water, but it should also be tested first. Many communities have inferior water sources and some household pipes may be contaminated with dangerous residue. You can contact your city's water company for a detailed report on the condition of the town's water supply. When using tap water, it is important to remember to use water from the cold faucet and to let the water run for about two minutes to reduce the chances of lead pollution. Never use water from a water softening system, as it will contain high levels of sodium. If possible, isolate a line and bypass the system all together. Mineral waters are also very dangerous to your baby as they often contain high levels of mineral salts and bacteria. If you must use mineral water, make sure it is non-carbonated, low in salts, and boiled before use. Another popular option is to use bottled water, either from a home water cooler or jugs bought from the grocery store. These waters have been treated to remove dangerous minerals and bacteria and are safe to use in formula preparation. Some companies have special "nursery water", which often cost more than regular bottled water. There is no difference between nursery water and the other bottled waters, except for a higher price!
以下是引用kellywu在2008-2-13 22:18:00的发言: 可能要看成分吧。 What kind of water should I use? Another consideration when preparing bottles is choosing the right kind of water. The most obvious choices are tap, well, boiled, or bottled water. If you have well water, it is very important to have it tested BEFORE using it to prepare your baby's formula. Some conditions in well water, such as high mineral levels (sodium or nitrates), can be very harmful to your child. Call your local health department to find out how to test your well water or to locate a company that will do it for you. You may also choose to use regular tap water, but it should also be tested first. Many communities have inferior water sources and some household pipes may be contaminated with dangerous residue. You can contact your city's water company for a detailed report on the condition of the town's water supply. When using tap water, it is important to remember to use water from the cold faucet and to let the water run for about two minutes to reduce the chances of lead pollution. Never use water from a water softening system, as it will contain high levels of sodium. If possible, isolate a line and bypass the system all together. Mineral waters are also very dangerous to your baby as they often contain high levels of mineral salts and bacteria. If you must use mineral water, make sure it is non-carbonated, low in salts, and boiled before use. Another popular option is to use bottled water, either from a home water cooler or jugs bought from the grocery store. These waters have been treated to remove dangerous minerals and bacteria and are safe to use in formula preparation. Some companies have special "nursery water", which often cost more than regular bottled water. There is no difference between nursery water and the other bottled waters, except for a higher price!
以下是引用kellywu在2008-2-13 22:18:00的发言: 可能要看成分吧。 What kind of water should I use? Another consideration when preparing bottles is choosing the right kind of water. The most obvious choices are tap, well, boiled, or bottled water. If you have well water, it is very important to have it tested BEFORE using it to prepare your baby's formula. Some conditions in well water, such as high mineral levels (sodium or nitrates), can be very harmful to your child. Call your local health department to find out how to test your well water or to locate a company that will do it for you. You may also choose to use regular tap water, but it should also be tested first. Many communities have inferior water sources and some household pipes may be contaminated with dangerous residue. You can contact your city's water company for a detailed report on the condition of the town's water supply. When using tap water, it is important to remember to use water from the cold faucet and to let the water run for about two minutes to reduce the chances of lead pollution. Never use water from a water softening system, as it will contain high levels of sodium. If possible, isolate a line and bypass the system all together. Mineral waters are also very dangerous to your baby as they often contain high levels of mineral salts and bacteria. If you must use mineral water, make sure it is non-carbonated, low in salts, and boiled before use. Another popular option is to use bottled water, either from a home water cooler or jugs bought from the grocery store. These waters have been treated to remove dangerous minerals and bacteria and are safe to use in formula preparation. Some companies have special "nursery water", which often cost more than regular bottled water. There is no difference between nursery water and the other bottled waters, except for a higher price!
以下是引用garfielddq在2008-2-13 23:15:00的发言: 临睡前再灌一瓢.给豆宝宝买的 EXCERSAUCER 今天到了。和圈圈妈买的一样的。豆子爸爸立马给装上了。我们兴冲冲地抱着豆豆放进去。一进去他就撇嘴,很委屈的样子。我们围在他身边教他玩,他也不看,就看着我们,眼圈红红的要哭。后来忍不住了放声大哭。我们只好立马把他抱出来。哄了半天。后来他奶奶抱着他在玩具周围转悠了几圈,再放进去才没哭。我们乐的不行。小人在那哭,我们却在那笑。不厚道了一下。 宝宝may fall in love with it later on.
以下是引用猪宝宝MANDY在2008-2-14 11:00:00的发言: 嘻嘻,现在忙住,刚哄宝宝睡觉,这会要做午饭了。空缺的一会补上。 美桃,今天考试啊,祝你一切顺利啊,考完就可以好好带小米了。我家泡奶粉,冲米糊,喝水,都是用的INFANT WATER,从来都是凉的,从来没有加热过,没问题 Tks, Mandy Ma One exam is done.....I am not so happy with it, well....Let me count on the 2nd ba~~
啊? 不是好多人都建议放奶瓶里给宝宝吸的吗 难怪圈宝最近又吐奶了,现在右边肩上还一大坨她吐的奶,湿哒哒的 用勺吧,宝宝还可以学习新技能。
用勺吧,宝宝还可以学习新技能。 奶瓶没成功,后来就用勺了 不过我们吃米糊是吃着玩的,一共就吃过2回
What kind of water should I use? Another
consideration when preparing bottles is choosing the right kind of
water. The most obvious choices are tap, well, boiled, or bottled
water. If
you have well water, it is very important to have it tested BEFORE
using it to prepare your baby's formula. Some conditions in well water,
such as high mineral levels (sodium or nitrates), can be very harmful
to your child. Call your local health department to find out how to
test your well water or to locate a company that will do it for you. You
may also choose to use regular tap water, but it should also be tested
first. Many communities have inferior water sources and some household
pipes may be contaminated with dangerous residue. You can contact your
city's water company for a detailed report on the condition of the
town's water supply. When
using tap water, it is important to remember to use water from the cold
faucet and to let the water run for about two minutes to reduce the
chances of lead pollution. Never
use water from a water softening system, as it will contain high levels
of sodium. If possible, isolate a line and bypass the system all
together. Mineral
waters are also very dangerous to your baby as they often contain high
levels of mineral salts and bacteria. If you must use mineral water,
make sure it is non-carbonated, low in salts, and boiled before use.
popular option is to use bottled water, either from a home water cooler
or jugs bought from the grocery store. These waters have been treated
to remove dangerous minerals and bacteria and are safe to use in
formula preparation. Some companies have special "nursery water", which
often cost more than regular bottled water. There is no difference
between nursery water and the other bottled waters, except for a higher
What kind of water should I use? Another
consideration when preparing bottles is choosing the right kind of
water. The most obvious choices are tap, well, boiled, or bottled
water. If
you have well water, it is very important to have it tested BEFORE
using it to prepare your baby's formula. Some conditions in well water,
such as high mineral levels (sodium or nitrates), can be very harmful
to your child. Call your local health department to find out how to
test your well water or to locate a company that will do it for you. You
may also choose to use regular tap water, but it should also be tested
first. Many communities have inferior water sources and some household
pipes may be contaminated with dangerous residue. You can contact your
city's water company for a detailed report on the condition of the
town's water supply. When
using tap water, it is important to remember to use water from the cold
faucet and to let the water run for about two minutes to reduce the
chances of lead pollution. Never
use water from a water softening system, as it will contain high levels
of sodium. If possible, isolate a line and bypass the system all
together. Mineral
waters are also very dangerous to your baby as they often contain high
levels of mineral salts and bacteria. If you must use mineral water,
make sure it is non-carbonated, low in salts, and boiled before use.
popular option is to use bottled water, either from a home water cooler
or jugs bought from the grocery store. These waters have been treated
to remove dangerous minerals and bacteria and are safe to use in
formula preparation. Some companies have special "nursery water", which
often cost more than regular bottled water. There is no difference
between nursery water and the other bottled waters, except for a higher
啊? 我就一直用NURSERY WATER,而且都只是加热一下,并没有煮开。
啊? 不是好多人都建议放奶瓶里给宝宝吸的吗 难怪圈宝最近又吐奶了,现在右边肩上还一大坨她吐的奶,湿哒哒的
俺们ped明确告诉俺们的,快别用了。而且我记得,圈妈你自己放咱信箱里的well child care at 4 month里也写了呀
奔长全家福到[email protected] 然后会有人给你密码
奔长全家福到[email protected] 然后会有人给你密码
我先去睡了,美妈们晚安!希望看到garfielddq mm的全家福
俺们ped明确告诉俺们的,快别用了。而且我记得,圈妈你自己放咱信箱里的well child care at 4 month里也写了呀
临睡前再灌一瓢.给豆宝宝买的 EXCERSAUCER 今天到了。和圈圈妈买的一样的。豆子爸爸立马给装上了。我们兴冲冲地抱着豆豆放进去。一进去他就撇嘴,很委屈的样子。我们围在他身边教他玩,他也不看,就看着我们,眼圈红红的要哭。后来忍不住了放声大哭。我们只好立马把他抱出来。哄了半天。后来他奶奶抱着他在玩具周围转悠了几圈,再沤ゲ琶豢蕖N颐抢值牟恍小P∪嗽谀强蓿颐侨丛谀切Α2缓竦懒艘幌隆em14] 可能一开始有点害怕 我家圈宝估计随我,胆子大着呢
What kind of water should I use? Another
consideration when preparing bottles is choosing the right kind of
water. The most obvious choices are tap, well, boiled, or bottled
water. If
you have well water, it is very important to have it tested BEFORE
using it to prepare your baby's formula. Some conditions in well water,
such as high mineral levels (sodium or nitrates), can be very harmful
to your child. Call your local health department to find out how to
test your well water or to locate a company that will do it for you. You
may also choose to use regular tap water, but it should also be tested
first. Many communities have inferior water sources and some household
pipes may be contaminated with dangerous residue. You can contact your
city's water company for a detailed report on the condition of the
town's water supply. When
using tap water, it is important to remember to use water from the cold
faucet and to let the water run for about two minutes to reduce the
chances of lead pollution. Never
use water from a water softening system, as it will contain high levels
of sodium. If possible, isolate a line and bypass the system all
together. Mineral
waters are also very dangerous to your baby as they often contain high
levels of mineral salts and bacteria. If you must use mineral water,
make sure it is non-carbonated, low in salts, and boiled before use.
popular option is to use bottled water, either from a home water cooler
or jugs bought from the grocery store. These waters have been treated
to remove dangerous minerals and bacteria and are safe to use in
formula preparation. Some companies have special "nursery water", which
often cost more than regular bottled water. There is no difference
between nursery water and the other bottled waters, except for a higher
Thank you, kelly
临睡前再灌一瓢.给豆宝宝买的 EXCERSAUCER 今天到了。和圈圈妈买的一样的。豆子爸爸立马给装上了。我们兴冲冲地抱着豆豆放进去。一进去他就撇嘴,很委屈的样子。我们围在他身边教他玩,他也不看,就看着我们,眼圈红红的要哭。后来忍不住了放声大哭。我们只好立马把他抱出来。哄了半天。后来他奶奶抱着他在玩具周围转悠了几圈,再放进去才没哭。我们乐的不行。小人在那哭,我们却在那笑。不厚道了一下。
一大早贴图没人欣赏啊,情人节大家自娱自乐啊!我们送上梦幻情人给大家欣赏一下哈,请勿引用原图哈 Where is it????
嘻嘻,现在忙住,刚哄宝宝睡觉,这会要做午饭了。空缺的一会补上。 美桃,今天考试啊,祝你一切顺利啊,考完就可以好好带小米了。我家泡奶粉,冲米糊,喝水,都是用的INFANT WATER,从来都是凉的,从来没有加热过,没问题 Tks, Mandy Ma One exam is done.....I am not so happy with it, well....Let me count on the 2nd ba~~
Macy's 的宝宝衣服在打折,有的2折,有兴趣的去看一看吧。恰恰的这两件都是原价买的 http://www1.macys.com/catalog/index.ognc?CategoryID=24359&PageID=24359*1*24*-1*-1&CURRENT_PAGE=1 $54--$26
thank you for sharing, Linda!!!
Where is it????
Mandy妈占的楼。 贴完了哈,我太老实了,唉,今天过节,大家娱乐!
贴完了哈,我太老实了,唉,今天过节,大家娱乐! 你妹妹和你很像,都是美女啊~~那张大床很具视觉冲击效果,换了我可能睡不着。
那个跳舞的照片太搞笑了。你应当去new orleans看一回marti gras, 你一定喜欢。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-14 15:41:29编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-14 15:29:46编辑过]
祝各位情人节快乐! 今天早上lg的车子已经开出去几麦了,我忽然又听到开门声,心想“糟糕,准时拉了什么重要的东西。”原来他忘记今天是情人节了,特地开回来给我kiss和hug的,眼中的那份深情真让我感动!
那个跳舞的照片太搞笑了。你应当去new orleans看一回marti gras, 你一定喜欢。
看了Mandy妈贴的照片了: 千手观音的队伍中混入了一个男特务?
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-14 16:58:49编辑过]
大家情人节happy啊! (昨天跟老公说了,我没礼物送他,让他也别送我礼物了,大家扯平) 咱们两家一样,嘎嘎
祝各位情人节快乐! 今天早上lg的车子已经开出去几麦了,我忽然又听到开门声,心想“糟糕,准时拉了什么重要的东西。”原来他忘记今天是情人节了,特地开回来给我kiss和hug的,眼中的那份深情真让我感动!
太羡慕了! 昨天和LG闹别扭了。今天不想过什么节了... 你的情人节蛋糕呢?再配上烛光晚餐岂不把他感动死?!
祝各位情人节快乐! 今天早上lg的车子已经开出去几麦了,我忽然又听到开门声,心想“糟糕,准时拉了什么重要的东西。”原来他忘记今天是情人节了,特地开回来给我kiss和hug的,眼中的那份深情真让我感动!
Mandy 的病好了吗? 流鼻涕呢 哦,我差点忘记了,今天的米糊我给加了1/4蛋黄,都说感冒的人不要吃鸡蛋,有这一说么
太羡慕了! 昨天和LG闹别扭了。今天不想过什么节了...
大家情人节happy啊! (昨天跟老公说了,我没礼物送他,让他也别送我礼物了,大家扯平)
祝各位情人节快乐! 今天早上lg的车子已经开出去几麦了,我忽然又听到开门声,心想“糟糕,准时拉了什么重要的东西。”原来他忘记今天是情人节了,特地开回来给我kiss和hug的,眼中的那份深情真让我感动!
太羡慕了! 昨天和LG闹别扭了。今天不想过什么节了... 昨儿还找奶油呢,怎么今天就闹别扭了?奶油可别浪费了,他表现好就塞他嘴里,表现不好就糊他脸上。
看了Mandy妈贴的照片了: 千手观音的队伍中混入了一个男特务?
Happy Valentine's Day to all of you!!!!
星期六有个期中考试,就靠今晚抱佛脚了,所以一个人在家过情人节,啃书本。更甭提礼物了。 给老公打电话,他说,你不来正好,我已经有新欢了。我和宝宝过情人节。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-14 19:40:13编辑过]
突然发现,今天九月的准妈都开始建楼了,感叹。 去年就是差不多这个时候告诉爸妈的。那天打电话,我没有没脑地和爸妈说,“对了,我预定了一只小乳猪,九月份交货”。那边是几秒钟的沉默,然后妈妈开始笑,说,“哈哈,我都没反应过来,还是你爸聪明,在旁边冲我指肚子”。
啥也没有 你不寂寞,我和羊妹妹都没有
贴完了哈,我太老实了,唉,今天过节,大家娱乐! Mandy妈太大方了,我喜欢死你了
祝各位情人节快乐! 今天早上lg的车子已经开出去几麦了,我忽然又听到开门声,心想“糟糕,准时拉了什么重要的东西。”原来他忘记今天是情人节了,特地开回来给我kiss和hug的,眼中的那份深情真让我感动!
太羡慕了! 昨天和LG闹别扭了。今天不想过什么节了... 蔷薇,你要生气了就没人给他做蛋糕了
小米妈,你给蝶买什么礼物了? 老公送给我的
星期六有个期中考试,就靠今晚抱佛脚了,所以一个人在家过情人节,啃书本。更甭提礼物了。 给老公打电话,他说,你不来正好,我已经有新欢了。我和宝宝过情人节。
乖猪妈,你做的菜看上去很诱人 你做的宝宝看上去更惹人爱
我们下馆子去了,吃的一点不爽 还是mandy妈的酸菜鱼看着好 什么时候春暖花开阿
突然发现,今天九月的准妈都开始建楼了,感叹。 去年就是差不多这个时候告诉爸妈的。那天打电话,我没有没脑地和爸妈说,“对了,我预定了一只小乳猪,九月份交货”。那边是几秒钟的沉默,然后妈妈开始笑,说,“哈哈,我都没反应过来,还是你爸聪明,在旁边冲我指肚子”。
我今天也研究了一下我那陀囊膪(nang chuai)--还不如肥肉,区别是肥肉可以炼出油。有1.5 Lb.
Oh My
小 崔:买的都是啥股票?
小 崔:大妈,我听说中石油最近跌得很厉害啊?
宋丹丹:假象,绝对的假象!不会下蹲的股票是跳不高的 。股评家说了,买了中石化,生活不用怕;买了中石油,生活不用愁。
小 崔:就是那本《套子》吧!
小 崔:这段儿大妈好好给说说。
小 崔:大叔,你买的是什么股票?
小 崔:大叔,您当时咋想的?
我们下馆子去了,吃的一点不爽 还是mandy妈的酸菜鱼看着好 什么时候春暖花开阿 快了,快了,我们都盼着呢
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-14 23:52:57编辑过]
老公刚刚看到桃子的礼物,羡慕地说好有钱哪,我说我也觉得是,然后他假惺惺的说要不我也送你一LV的包吧,我正准备说能折现吗?他就抢在我前面说,给你用来放尿芥子。 放啥都行,只要让他买
我看我电脑上的时间是0:00,就想抢个时间来着 随手按了个B键,就变得我像要打小报告似的 可怎么发出去时间才是23:51 怎么没看懂?
圈妈,我也啥都没有。 抱头痛哭