以下是引用松鼠的邻居在2008-1-18 23:04:00的发言: 我生娃前一天还爬了2700级台阶,走了大半个小时的路呢~~~~就怕年纪大了生不来。。。而且已经overdue了一周了 我破水那天下午去产检时还一指未开。 ob说you are not quite there yet。 产检完后我逛了很久, 半夜就破水了, 不知道跟走路有没有关系。
Tried and true solutions for separation anxiety and sleep disruption
There are a variety of things you can do to help your child manage her anxious feelings about her increasing individuation from you:
Play peek-a-boo games. Play lots of games with your baby during the day that allow her to practice object permanence, or learning that when people or things are out of sight, they still exist. Engage her in activities that focus on disappearing and reappearing, such as peek-a-boo, jack-in-the-box, or hiding a toy under a blanket and then taking away the blanket so she can see it again. This way, she’ll learn that Mommy and Daddy, too, go away but always come back. Always tell your child when you’re leaving. You’ll want to communicate all of your separations to your child for the time being. Although it can be tempting to sneak out of the house to avoid a traumatic, tear-filled separation of Scarlett and Rhett proportions, doing so will only make your baby’s anxiety worse; at some point he’ll look to find you, won’t be able to, and won’t understand where you’ve gone, why you’ve gone, or whether you’re ever coming back. Instead, be sure to tell him that you’re leaving – and if his anxiety id very strong, you’ll want to do so even if you’re just going to the bathroom or into the kitchen to make dinner. Get right down on his level, make eye contact, and say, “Hi, sweetie. Mommy’s going to the bathroom for a few minutes, and I’ll be right back!” let him fuss and squawk for the few minutes that you’re gone, then come back and check in again: “Here I am, honey! I missed you, too.” It’s not a good idea to keep him attached to your hip all throughout the day, even if he seems to prefer that right now, because if he has no chance to practice feeling apart from you during the day, you can bet he’ll save it all up for sleep time. Give your child a lovey. If you don’t already have, this is an excellent time to introduce a transitional object or a lovey (small blanket or stuffed animal) that your child forms an attachment to because it reminds her of you. Lengthen your bedtime routine. Plan to spend a little extra time with him at nap time and bedtime, tacking on an extra 5 to 15 minutes to your normal routine. Give him lots of lap time; hold and cuddle and kiss him so he really feels your closeness. The extra time will also help him wind down his busy body before sleep.
Transitional object is a fancy term for a small, breathable blankie (sometimes called a lovey) or child-safe animal (with no hazardous parts) that serves as a bridge between parent and child when there is separation of any kind. A transitional object an be especially helpful if your child is experiencing any separation anxiety; it gives her a little piece of you to curl up with and feel safe and secure.
If your child hasn’t formed an attachment to a blankie or safe stuffed animal, you can encourage her attachment by rubbing it all over your body, saturating it with your scent. If you’d like, sleep with it under your pillow for a few nights. Then put the object in your child’s crib or bed at night and nap time consistently for at least two weeks. Ultimately, it’s up to her: she’ll either bond with it or she won’t. don’t worry if she doesn’t; she’ll figure out other ways to self-soothe that will work just fine.
Although it’s sometimes tempting to follow your child’s lead and allow him to stay up until he seems tired, there are two reasons that this is one of the surest ways to guarantee a bumpy night of sleep. One reason is that your child will probably wake early, due to morning light; the other is that your child will likely become overtired.
For children of every age, there are optimal “sleep windows” in which it is easiest to drift off into sleep. If your child goes too far past this window – in other words, goes to bed too late for his age – his body becomes stressed and produces a hormone called cortisol.
Elevated levels of cortisol in your child’s system will have three possible effects:
he’ll have trouble settling into sleep. he’ll wake more frequently throughout the night. he’ll wake up too early in the morning.
Signs your child is overtired
amped-up or wired behavior cranky or fussy mood excessive crying rubbing her eyes red eyes yawning pulling her ears
At 4 months, it may seem as though the baby has lost interest in the breast or bottle. Not true – she’s just distracted by sights and sounds that are new to her! The “wow” factor of all the environmental distractions will wear off after a week or two, when she’s adjusted to the sensory stimulation. Until then, you might want to try feeding her in a quiet, dark area of your home, or draping a blanket over the two of you in public, to help her focus. You can also allow more frequent grazing, temporarily, until the excitement of her new discoveries starts to calm down.
peekaboo游戏怎么玩啊? 老看到你们说。
玛雅, 你别告诉我你没玩过藏猫猫
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-1-18 22:51:11编辑过]
用手把自己的脸遮起来,然后再放开,或者把宝宝的脸遮起来 做这个可以逗的宝宝大笑 是啊是啊,我lg做这个最有效果,我不如他
熊抱一下松鼠jj! 你是偶坚强的后盾~~ 有了你的理论指导, 偶一定把peekapoo这个游戏在小面包家发扬光大!
这就是我刚才惨剧发生后的第一时想法。 不过我对firefox不太熟悉,前面用过两下,华人账号总是发一个回复就被踢出来了,是不是我设置的问题? 没碰到过啊
我要乎乎去也~~~~ 明天去给舔舔办护照。大家好聊!
嘿嘿,我进医院的时候就7-8指了,还能忍呢,直到破水才觉得受不了了,不过有点来不及了——paper work早就签好字了。进医院后5个小时搞定
我要乎乎去也~~~~ 明天去给舔舔办护照。大家好聊!
你太强了! 我四指就上麻药了, 不过我是在家先破的水。 我生娃前一天还爬了2700级台阶,走了大半个小时的路呢~~~~就怕年纪大了生不来。。。而且已经overdue了一周了
上传完了!估计大家也都睡觉去了 我去看
上传完了!估计大家也都睡觉去了 偶还在, 不过要等会儿换到台式机才能看。。期待ING~~
大家都上辅食了么?偶想问问,如果以开始只一天一顿大概多久到一天2顿?还有桐桐最后一顿奶都是洗完澡要睡觉前喂的,最近他该了ROUTINE下午的小NAP没了,所以睡觉前都是很累的,经常吃睡了。如果要加米糊时提前吃饭时间还是时间不变但是先米糊后喂奶? 我们下午一次是在洗澡前的半小时左右吃的。
至于第一个问题,没那么精确的答案吧,follow your sense ,呵呵,妈妈会有感觉的,而且一次吃一两勺,没啥大问题的,练习练习。
我生娃前一天还爬了2700级台阶,走了大半个小时的路呢~~~~就怕年纪大了生不来。。。而且已经overdue了一周了 jj好辛苦啊!真有毅力!!!偶崇拜你~~~~~
我生娃前一天还爬了2700级台阶,走了大半个小时的路呢~~~~就怕年纪大了生不来。。。而且已经overdue了一周了 JJ你太强了,我生娃前天天坐在电视前捧着西瓜看柯南,别说锻炼量正常的做饭刷碗欧都不干了。不过偶上班比较累欧一直坚持到生。
还不能看呀,急! 我也急啊,这要processing十几分钟吧?
JJ你太强了,我生娃前天天坐在电视前捧着西瓜看柯南,别说锻炼量正常的做饭刷碗欧都不干了。不过偶上班比较累欧一直坚持到生。 你上班肯定很累的,还得不停走来走去的。。。
至于第一个问题,没那么精确的答案吧,follow your sense ,呵呵,妈妈会有感觉的,而且一次吃一两勺,没啥大问题的,练习练习。
JJ你太强了,我生娃前天天坐在电视前捧着西瓜看柯南,别说锻炼量正常的做饭刷碗欧都不干了。不过偶上班比较累欧一直坚持到生。 桐桐妈,我们两居然有这么相同的爱好啊!!! 上次大家讨论电视剧,就我一人说还在看动画片,没人理我,我人老心不老
我生娃前一天还爬了2700级台阶,走了大半个小时的路呢~~~~就怕年纪大了生不来。。。而且已经overdue了一周了 我破水那天下午去产检时还一指未开。 ob说you are not quite there yet。 产检完后我逛了很久, 半夜就破水了, 不知道跟走路有没有关系。
小葱头吃辅食后每顿的奶量有减少么? 不减奶量是这时候加辅食的第一原则哦!ms小葱头的奶量还有所上升。。。
桐桐妈,我们两居然有这么相同的爱好啊!!! 上次大家讨论电视剧,就我一人说还在看动画片,没人理我,我人老心不老
抱了一会儿宝宝你们就灌了这么多, 厉害啊. 有没有人想我哦?
小葱头吃辅食后每顿的奶量有减少么? 我们没有, 不过我们才六天。
抱了一会儿宝宝你们就灌了这么多, 厉害啊. 有没有人想我哦?
抱了一会儿宝宝你们就灌了这么多, 厉害啊. 有没有人想我哦?
输的那天开始打,我就觉得很灰暗,果然今年不行!这个赛季开始的前我看local的体育新闻,就觉得钢人今年也没戏,直觉而已。 拍子是哪个队啊?jj你太专业了,其实我也就凑个热闹,我这人喜欢野蛮运动
不减奶量是这时候加辅食的第一原则哦!ms小葱头的奶量还有所上升。。。 主要现在桐桐看起来吃的很奇怪有些天好像不够吃,有些天好像撑得慌。
刚刚在电脑里找“separation anxiety”,还发现我存了fanfan妈当初的一个帖子呢。这可是她自己做完月子以后,给大家的宝贵经验啊,当时我就特别特别佩服啊~~~增加了多少让我消受小葱头的力量啊~~~
不要blue,这些情况我们都发生过。baby 都有清醒状态和昏睡状态。不巧的是你宝宝的清醒状态落在了半夜。fanfan前几天还这样。
闹。 Dr。Sears 说小宝宝还不能自己从awaking状态过渡到fall
down。我知道的让宝宝平静的方法有:洗澡,抱着大踏步走,swaddle,white noise,嘘嘘,抱着轻轻摇晃,
jj你太有心了. 看的我都鼻子酸酸的.
NE,呵呵,我也纯属凑热闹的,一起一起哈哈 第一次喜欢上这个运动还是因为看了water boy呢!我的愿望是等小狮子大点,我带他去看刚人比赛,老公对这个不感冒,他不肯去
这个游戏可以把fanfan逗得咯咯笑, 有很多变化的玩法. 一个人逗宝宝, 可以用手,手帕,衣服遮脸,可以快速遮住快速拿开,也可以慢慢地来. 两个人玩就让一个人抱着宝宝,另一个人躲起来. 记得出来的时候小心点, 动作轻点,别跺脚, 很容易吓到宝宝. 出现的时候面带笑脸. 抱着的人引导宝宝寻找. fanfan现在经常转着眼珠子到处找. 很好玩.
想死了,心里难受了半天,心想我终于上传好了,fanfan妈却不在跟前 真的, 好像我来了就传好了. 我要换台电脑看.
我看到你们FANFAN的DV了,那个厥者小屁股倒爬太好玩了哈哈,你们家FANFAN睡觉怎么样了?桐桐还是猫一天狗一天的。 他越来越粘我了, 夜里我们睡之前还是醒得频繁, 我们睡下之后就好多了. 3-6小时不等. 麻烦的是现在他爸抱他都不行了, 哭着叫妈或者完全清醒. 所以我更累了.
还有关于买轻便型stroller的讨论,但还没有明确结果,所以没有加入首页。另有少量关于convertible carseat的。 谢谢大队长的摘要
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-1-19 7:30:56编辑过]
sleep disruption
There are a variety of things you can do to help your child
manage her anxious feelings about her increasing individuation from you:
peek-a-boo games. Play lots of games with your baby during the day that
allow her to practice object permanence, or learning that when people or
things are out of sight, they still exist. Engage her in activities that
focus on disappearing and reappearing, such as peek-a-boo,
jack-in-the-box, or hiding a toy under a blanket and then taking away the
blanket so she can see it again. This way, she’ll learn that Mommy and
Daddy, too, go away but always come back. Always
tell your child when you’re leaving. You’ll want to communicate all of
your separations to your child for the time being. Although it can be
tempting to sneak out of the house to avoid a traumatic, tear-filled
separation of Scarlett and Rhett proportions, doing so will only make your
baby’s anxiety worse; at some point he’ll look to find you, won’t be able
to, and won’t understand where you’ve gone, why you’ve gone, or whether
you’re ever coming back. Instead, be sure to tell him that you’re leaving
– and if his anxiety id very strong, you’ll want to do so even if you’re
just going to the bathroom or into the kitchen to make dinner. Get right
down on his level, make eye contact, and say, “Hi, sweetie. Mommy’s going
to the bathroom for a few minutes, and I’ll be right back!” let him fuss
and squawk for the few minutes that you’re gone, then come back and check
in again: “Here I am, honey! I missed you, too.” It’s not a good idea to
keep him attached to your hip all throughout the day, even if he seems to
prefer that right now, because if he has no chance to practice feeling
apart from you during the day, you can bet he’ll save it all up for sleep
time. Give
your child a lovey. If you don’t already have, this is an excellent time
to introduce a transitional object or a lovey (small blanket or stuffed
animal) that your child forms an attachment to because it reminds her of
you. Lengthen
your bedtime routine. Plan to spend a little extra time with him at nap
time and bedtime, tacking on an extra 5 to 15 minutes to your normal
routine. Give him lots of lap time; hold and cuddle and kiss him so he
really feels your closeness. The extra time will also help him wind down
his busy body before sleep.
Transitional object is a fancy term for a small, breathable
blankie (sometimes called a lovey) or child-safe
animal (with no hazardous parts) that serves as a bridge between parent and
child when there is separation of any kind. A transitional object an be
especially helpful if your child is experiencing any separation anxiety; it
gives her a little piece of you to curl up with and feel safe and secure.
If your child hasn’t formed an attachment to a blankie or
safe stuffed animal, you can encourage her attachment by rubbing it all over
your body, saturating it with your scent. If you’d like, sleep with it under
your pillow for a few nights. Then put the object in your child’s crib or bed
at night and nap time consistently for at least two weeks. Ultimately, it’s up
to her: she’ll either bond with it or she won’t. don’t worry if she doesn’t;
she’ll figure out other ways to self-soothe that will work just fine.
lead and allow him to stay up until he seems tired, there are two reasons
that this is one of the surest ways to guarantee a bumpy night of sleep. One
reason is that your child will probably wake early, due to morning light; the
other is that your child will likely become overtired.
For children of every age, there are optimal “sleep
windows” in which it is easiest to drift off into sleep. If your child goes
too far past this window – in other words, goes to bed too late for his age –
his body becomes stressed and produces a hormone called cortisol.
Elevated levels of cortisol in your child’s system
will have three possible effects:
have trouble settling into sleep. he’ll
wake more frequently throughout the
night. he’ll
wake up too early in the morning.
Signs your child is overtired
or wired behavior cranky
or fussy mood excessive
crying rubbing
her eyes red
eyes yawning pulling
her ears
At 4 months, it may seem as though the baby has lost
interest in the breast or bottle. Not true – she’s just distracted by sights
and sounds that are new to her! The “wow” factor of all the environmental
distractions will wear off after a week or two, when she’s adjusted to the
sensory stimulation. Until then, you might want to try feeding her in a quiet,
dark area of your home, or draping a blanket over the two of you in public, to
help her focus. You can also allow more frequent grazing, temporarily, until
the excitement of her new discoveries starts to calm down.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-1-19 10:02:27编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-1-19 11:25:54编辑过]
0° F
-10° C
-18° C
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-1-19 12:13:32编辑过]
我们这 -18°C
Wind: W at 14 km/h
Humidity: 60% Today
-17° | -22°
我上来大哭一把。 刚才带Aaron去做5个月检查,体重从50%忽地一下掉到了30%。经常爬楼的姐妹们都知道我每次都哭Aaron不好好吃奶。我心里真的很难过。我该怎么办啊?吃辅食能长胖么?
吃辅食不能长胖的,据说还是奶比较长肉 不过宝宝大些了活动量变大应该是会变瘦的,别担心,娃娃健康精神好就好啦
吃辅食不能长胖的,据说还是奶比较长肉 不过宝宝大些了活动量变大应该是会变瘦的,别担心,娃娃健康精神好就好啦 我们Aaron的体重在楼里本来就是排在尾巴了,现在更差了
现在是多少? 我们娃娃也不是很胖,我也不想这个问题 我都忍心说,15lb10oz
今天第一次喂米糊,桐桐不喜欢吃,先用奶冲,后来该水,都不行,一开始还脸色很苦的吃了几口,过一回儿就开哭了,我们当时正好在煮粥,我就舀了点浓的米汤,他居然全吃了,但是不会张大嘴吃,像吃奶一样用小嘴巴来吸勺子。欧现在准备用米汤来充米糊看看行不行。 我们家小妞一开始也不喜欢吃米糊,喜欢喝粥。主要是粥有点咸味,喜欢。还有就是一开始不会用勺子,她喜欢吃但是吃不到。 所以要多多训练一下。
我们家小妞一开始也不喜欢吃米糊,喜欢喝粥。主要是粥有点咸味,喜欢。还有就是一开始不会用勺子,她喜欢吃但是吃不到。 所以要多多训练一下。 你们家的真的看起来胖了,在国内大家照顾的好啊