昨日commute的时候胡思乱想的。。 先说几个provide negative energy (i.e. short-term, non-sustaining energy) 的例子: 喝咖啡 Shopping 吃零食 灌水 Positive energy Work out Be thankful Talk to a good friend Planning Travel to a new place Cold shower Cooking Don't think but solve a problem Stop complaining Be confident or fake it Reading A little wine everyday Try something new every week 补充mm们suggestions: think positively 作息规律, 按部就班 绿茶 认识一个新朋友,打开自己的视野 goal setting 每日自省以下,总结有什么得失 足够睡眠 help others Others: 大树采精气这个难度太大了。。 dress up这个刺激shopping,怎么办。。 [此贴子已经被作者于2007-7-30 20:33:41编辑过]
以下是引用Chic在2007-7-30 15:10:00的发言: 昨日commute的时候胡思乱想的。。 先说几个provide negative energy (i.e. short-term, non-sustaining energy) 的例子: 喝咖啡 Shopping 吃零食 灌水 Positive energy Work out Be thankful Talk to a good friend Planning Travel to a new place Cold shower Cooking Don't think but solve a problem Stop complaining Be confident or fake it Reading A little wine everyday Try something new every week Those are great points. Except, a little wine everyday, 偶不喝酒. esp agree with "talk to a good friend", and "work out".
以下是引用StreetWithNoName在2007-7-30 15:21:00的发言: 灌水在一定程度上可以达到" talking to a good friend". 反正我是这样, 在自己不老阁里跟几个网友聊得很开心, 可以说几乎"无话不谈", 很cheerful的. 我只有跟lg可以做到无话不谈。。。。
can't agree more besides: go outdoor, enjoy the sunshine/fresh air/ mountain snow........ sometimes: a good movie in the theater / at home is refreshing and has the positive effect too [此贴子已经被作者于2007-7-30 15:33:28编辑过]
as to coffee, it's kinda a lagged energy for me....it's that, it never worked during daytime, then began to impose its effect on me during the night....
以下是引用Chic在2007-7-30 15:10:00的发言: 昨日commute的时候胡思乱想的。。 先说几个provide negative energy (i.e. short-term, non-sustaining energy) 的例子: 喝咖啡 Shopping 吃零食 灌水 Positive energy Work out Be thankful Talk to a good friend Planning Travel to a new place Cold shower Cooking Don't think but solve a problem Stop complaining Be confident or fake it Reading A little wine everyday Try something new every week 写得好! Chic这些都是你想出来的啊, 我太佩服你了, 开始按照你的list学习一下 不过总结今天,那几个negative的我都干全了: 早上咖啡喝了一杯 上华人开始灌水 灌水的时候发现BR降价的消息,于是乎冲过去下了一旦,包括你推荐的那个红裙子 刚才觉得有点饿,翻出两块饼干吞了下去 现在要不立马停止灌水,赶快去gym跑一会 [此贴子已经被作者于2007-7-30 18:26:24编辑过]
以下是引用疏影暗香在2007-7-30 16:00:00的发言: as to coffee, it's kinda a lagged energy for me....it's that, it never worked during daytime, then began to impose its effect on me during the night.... 那你以后睡觉前喝好了
以下是引用runningyaya在2007-7-30 15:33:00的发言: support Work out Exercise can refresh brain chemistry.... Empirical evidence: If you work out 60 min/day, the muscles you build up and positive energy can halp you save 40 min/day. Therefore, on net, you spend 10 min/day.
以下是引用WindWater在2007-7-30 18:23:00的发言: 写得好! Chic这些都是你想出来的啊, 我太佩服你了, 开始按照你的list学习一下 不过总结今天,那几个negative的我都干全了: 早上咖啡喝了一杯 上华人开始灌水 灌水的时候发现BR降价的消息,于是乎冲过去下了一旦,包括你推荐的那个红裙子 刚才觉得有点饿,翻出两块饼干吞了下去 现在要不立马停止灌水,赶快去gym跑一会 flight was delayed last night.. i thought about silly things when I wait for something.. i never put my words into actions though.. and I love negative energy so much
以下是引用Chic在2007-7-30 20:38:00的发言: flight was delayed last night.. i thought about silly things when I wait for something.. i never put my words into actions though.. and I love negative energy so much 那你昨晚还是飞了吧,我一个朋友也是航班被取消,没办法只好打电话给男朋友,开一晚上长途把她送到了maryland,今天早上她BF就没有上班,从那边再开回来,美国人
以下是引用WindWater在2007-7-30 21:36:00的发言: 那你昨晚还是飞了吧,我一个朋友也是航班被取消,没办法只好打电话给男朋友,开一晚上长途把她送到了maryland,今天早上她BF就没有上班,从那边再开回来,美国人 JFK and jet blue suck!!!!!!!! sorry i offend any jetblue fans....it was plainful, i have to admit that.. everytime, something happened, delayed, cancelled, no crew members, no pilot, air control, seat broken, computer problem...... i almost broke down last night..almost... it was interesting that in the previous three trips, I met one student in my class every trip...it is nice to have someoen to talk to..
以下是引用Chic在2007-7-30 21:46:00的发言: JFK and jet blue suck!!!!!!!! sorry i offend any jetblue fans....it was plainful, i have to admit that.. everytime, something happened, delayed, cancelled, no crew members, no pilot, air control, seat broken, computer problem...... i almost broke down last night..almost... it was interesting that in the previous three trips, I met one student in my class every trip...it is nice to have someoen to talk to.. 太可怜了Chic,抱抱,表难过了,要不换家航空公司吧,大陆航空服务是不是还可以? 其实你也可以走newark机场的,下来作train就到pen station了 怪不得我们同学总是在机场给我打电话,等飞机好无聊的
For me, number one is to have enough sleep. Wake up with fresh mind and body. That helps a great deal for me. I can get a lot more done in the day happily and that in turn gives one good satisfaction and that's positive energy.
以下是引用SHLVR在2007-7-30 23:16:00的发言: For me, number one is to have enough sleep. Wake up with fresh mind and body. That helps a great deal for me. I can get a lot more done in the day happily and that in turn gives one good satisfaction and that's positive energy. 非常同意。不过每天要11个小时才睡够,是不是太太太没有效率,要变成negative energy了?
因为只能让你high一会儿。。然后会更累。。en..sth like that.. 现在有些研究表明,适量喝咖啡是有益的。比如说,女人每天喝一杯咖啡,年纪大了以后,记忆力比那不喝咖啡的要好。今天还看到,说咖啡因加适量锻炼可能会降低得皮肤癌的几率(不过目前还只是在小白鼠身上做实验而已)。而且,黑咖啡可以消水肿。。。等等等等。不过我觉得咖啡千万不能空腹喝。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-7-30 20:33:41编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-7-30 15:16:59编辑过]
negative的几个我好爱啊, 天天在做 我现在努力戒咖啡
昨日commute的时候胡思乱想的。。 先说几个provide negative energy (i.e. short-term, non-sustaining energy) 的例子: 喝咖啡 Shopping 吃零食 灌水 Positive energy Work out Be thankful Talk to a good friend Planning Travel to a new place Cold shower Cooking Don't think but solve a problem Stop complaining Be confident or fake it Reading A little wine everyday Try something new every week Those are great points. Except, a little wine everyday, 偶不喝酒. esp agree with "talk to a good friend", and "work out".
为什么咖啡是negative energy呢? 我觉得没有它一天都很negative啊。 最近有期newsweek上面就讲,美国人,近些年来,消耗的caffine越来越多,是说人的工作节奏越来越快,睡眠时间减少了吗?但是调查结果显示,人的睡眠时间并没有降低很多,但是趋势就是各种各样含caffine的饮料越来越流行
灌水在一定程度上可以达到" talking to a good friend". 反正我是这样, 在自己不老阁里跟几个网友聊得很开心, 可以说几乎"无话不谈", 很cheerful的. 我只有跟lg可以做到无话不谈。。。。
我只有跟lg可以做到无话不谈。。。。 你们俩的感情基础很好.
忽然想起来我大学的一个体育老师,我忘了练什么的了,说是早上到公园里对着大树采精气 这个比较神,早几年估计就成轮子了~~~
这个比较神,早几年估计就成轮子了~~~ 他开始练那个在轮子兴旺之前呢。。。。我忘了什么了,反正不是有名的邪教歪功力里面的,他主要练太极呢
还是适量吧 一些咖啡帮助燃烧脂肪 还利尿,能消水肿, 不便秘...
还利尿,能消水肿, 不便秘... 绿茶也能
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-7-30 15:33:28编辑过]
read inspiring articles, books;
help others
昨日commute的时候胡思乱想的。。 先说几个provide negative energy (i.e. short-term, non-sustaining energy) 的例子: 喝咖啡 Shopping 吃零食 灌水 Positive energy Work out Be thankful Talk to a good friend Planning Travel to a new place Cold shower Cooking Don't think but solve a problem Stop complaining Be confident or fake it Reading A little wine everyday Try something new every week 写得好! Chic这些都是你想出来的啊, 我太佩服你了, 开始按照你的list学习一下 不过总结今天,那几个negative的我都干全了: 早上咖啡喝了一杯 上华人开始灌水 灌水的时候发现BR降价的消息,于是乎冲过去下了一旦,包括你推荐的那个红裙子 刚才觉得有点饿,翻出两块饼干吞了下去 现在要不立马停止灌水,赶快去gym跑一会
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-7-30 18:26:24编辑过]
as to coffee, it's kinda a lagged energy for me....it's that, it never worked during daytime, then began to impose its effect on me during the night.... 那你以后睡觉前喝好了
negative的几个我好爱啊, 天天在做 我也是不过没觉得那么negative啊!
为什么咖啡是negative energy呢? 我觉得没有它一天都很negative啊。
因为只能让你high一会儿。。然后会更累。。en..sth like that..
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-7-30 20:33:29编辑过]
support Work out Exercise can refresh brain chemistry.... Empirical evidence: If you work out 60 min/day, the muscles you build up and positive energy can halp you save 40 min/day. Therefore, on net, you spend 10 min/day.
写得好! Chic这些都是你想出来的啊, 我太佩服你了, 开始按照你的list学习一下 不过总结今天,那几个negative的我都干全了: 早上咖啡喝了一杯 上华人开始灌水 灌水的时候发现BR降价的消息,于是乎冲过去下了一旦,包括你推荐的那个红裙子 刚才觉得有点饿,翻出两块饼干吞了下去 现在要不立马停止灌水,赶快去gym跑一会
flight was delayed last night.. i thought about silly things when I wait for something.. i never put my words into actions though.. and I love negative energy so much
flight was delayed last night.. i thought about silly things when I wait for something.. i never put my words into actions though.. and I love negative energy so much 那你昨晚还是飞了吧,我一个朋友也是航班被取消,没办法只好打电话给男朋友,开一晚上长途把她送到了maryland,今天早上她BF就没有上班,从那边再开回来,美国人
那你昨晚还是飞了吧,我一个朋友也是航班被取消,没办法只好打电话给男朋友,开一晚上长途把她送到了maryland,今天早上她BF就没有上班,从那边再开回来,美国人 JFK and jet blue suck!!!!!!!! sorry i offend any jetblue fans....it was plainful, i have to admit that.. everytime, something happened, delayed, cancelled, no crew members, no pilot, air control, seat broken, computer problem...... i almost broke down last night..almost... it was interesting that in the previous three trips, I met one student in my class every trip...it is nice to have someoen to talk to..
JFK and jet blue suck!!!!!!!! sorry i offend any jetblue fans....it was plainful, i have to admit that.. everytime, something happened, delayed, cancelled, no crew members, no pilot, air control, seat broken, computer problem...... i almost broke down last night..almost... it was interesting that in the previous three trips, I met one student in my class every trip...it is nice to have someoen to talk to.. 太可怜了Chic,抱抱,表难过了,要不换家航空公司吧,大陆航空服务是不是还可以? 其实你也可以走newark机场的,下来作train就到pen station了 怪不得我们同学总是在机场给我打电话,等飞机好无聊的
太可怜了Chic,抱抱,表难过了,要不换家航空公司吧,大陆航空服务是不是还可以? 其实你也可以走newark机场的,下来作train就到pen station了 怪不得我们同学总是在机场给我打电话,等飞机好无聊的 nod, 我死脑筋,喜欢jet blue的direct tv。。 我一般都会在机场写paper,改作业,还以为自己很能handle commute。 但是昨天太混乱了, gate附近连坐的地方都找不到。 我下次也打电话给你叭。。。。好不。。。
那你以后睡觉前喝好了 55555....不行, 越晚喝越睡不着了.... 我喝茶就没事,所以一般都喝茶,每天一大壶.
nod, 我死脑筋,喜欢jet blue的direct tv。。 我一般都会在机场写paper,改作业,还以为自己很能handle commute。 但是昨天太混乱了, gate附近连坐的地方都找不到。 我下次也打电话给你叭。。。。好不。。。 据新闻说JFK和LGA调度的管理很差,他们人力不足,上次差点在LGA让两个飞机撞上了,就是我前两个月出去开会那阵子,好怕怕的 当然天气原因是没办法,我只是听朋友说,continental有多好,我的朋友上次自己差点误了飞机,到登机口到晚了,居然人家还发给了他们一人800刀的credit(欧洲航线),等于可以免费回趟国,真是服务太好了点 好啊好啊,你下次等的无聊就给我打电话吧,
据新闻说JFK和LGA调度的管理很差,他们人力不足,上次差点在LGA让两个飞机撞上了,就是我前两个月出去开会那阵子,好怕怕的 当然天气原因是没办法,我只是听朋友说,continental有多好,我的朋友上次自己差点误了飞机,到登机口到晚了,居然人家还发给了他们一人800刀的credit(欧洲航线),等于可以免费回趟国,真是服务太好了点 好啊好啊,你下次等的无聊就给我打电话吧, 这也太爽了.
这也太爽了. 没办法,有人就是一直有财运,不服不行,这个朋友就是这样的,从来和钱相关的事情运气都很不错
55555....不行, 越晚喝越睡不着了.... 我喝茶就没事,所以一般都喝茶,每天一大壶. 我晚上喝普洱茶一定会睡不着,咖啡的话就没事
据新闻说JFK和LGA调度的管理很差,他们人力不足,上次差点在LGA让两个飞机撞上了,就是我前两个月出去开会那阵子,好怕怕的 当然天气原因是没办法,我只是听朋友说,continental有多好,我的朋友上次自己差点误了飞机,到登机口到晚了,居然人家还发给了他们一人800刀的credit(欧洲航线),等于可以免费回趟国,真是服务太好了点 好啊好啊,你下次等的无聊就给我打电话吧, 这么巧,我一同事周五continental的飞机延误很长时间(N多个小时),最后到凌晨1点多给看搜了,说是pilot没来。乘客什么补偿也没有
忽然想起来我大学的一个体育老师,我忘了练什么的了,说是早上到公园里对着大树采精气 那我以后每天早上出去吸一吸树的精气才行,发觉现在的身体很虚弱....
这么巧,我一同事周五continental的飞机延误很长时间(N多个小时),最后到凌晨1点多给看搜了,说是pilot没来。乘客什么补偿也没有 看来这个真的是要认命的,同人不同命的事多了去了,羡慕不来的
For me, number one is to have enough sleep. Wake up with fresh mind and body. That helps a great deal for me. I can get a lot more done in the day happily and that in turn gives one good satisfaction and that's positive energy. 非常同意。不过每天要11个小时才睡够,是不是太太太没有效率,要变成negative energy了?
因为只能让你high一会儿。。然后会更累。。en..sth like that..
55555....不行, 越晚喝越睡不着了.... 我喝茶就没事,所以一般都喝茶,每天一大壶. 看来咖啡对你的效果是在晚上才体现得出来的——听起来象是心理作用。我以前认识的一个人,每天晚上不喝咖啡睡不着觉 我也发现茶和咖啡里的咖啡因对人的影响不同。喝茶对我来说完全不影响我的生活,但是少量咖啡会让我精神很好,一天都不累
忽然想起来我大学的一个体育老师,我忘了练什么的了,说是早上到公园里对着大树采精气 看见这个忽然想起了倩女幽魂里吸阳气的千年老树妖~有点跑题不好意思哈
补充mm们suggestions: think positively 作息规律, 按部就班 绿茶 认识一个新朋友,打开自己的视野 goal setting 每日自省以下,总结有什么得失 足够睡眠 help others Others: 大树采精气这个难度太大了。。 dress up这个刺激shopping,怎么办。。