以下是引用Variance8080在2007-7-9 19:58:00的发言: 听起来 真是很享受的样子。 可是如果是apt 或者2手房。都好几十年的浴缸。 大家怎么消毒的呀? 我一直不敢泡,就是担心一些顽固的细菌。 I had the same problem when I moved in, I just used a bathroom bleach(forgot the name of the product) to brush the bathroom(the wall, the tub, the sink, the floor...) many times.
以下是引用玫瑰糖在2007-7-9 20:03:00的发言: 进来学习学习,我的apt也是不收水费的,可是要收电费啊~~~有点心疼~~~ 还有我的apt里的浴缸就是那种很普通的浴缸,躺着很不舒服,看电视里人家都弄个毛巾什么的当枕头,但是也是不舒服,好像有那种专门是浴缸里用的枕头卖,不知有没有人用过呢? 还有大家怎么在浴室里放音乐的呢,我总怕空气太潮弄坏电器呢? 另外,泡澡的时候一般都关着浴室门吧,我总担心点蜡烛加上呼吸会造成浴室缺氧,会不会晕呢?或者是我杞人忧天了吧 大家有什么经验进来分享一下吧 Ha, I live by myself, I can keep the door open, so no worries about the moisture and the air. [此贴子已经被作者于2007-7-9 21:12:00编辑过]
以下是引用fre在2007-7-10 17:14:00的发言: 你们是先泡再洗淋浴吗? 还是反过来?如果没洗就泡, 我觉得好像泡在自己的洗脚水里一样 还有泡完了浑身懒洋洋的不想动, 但还是要马上冲洗浴缸, 很郁闷。 Seems many Jms have problems with cleaning the tub. I highly recomend long-handle brush, although it's designed for brushing the body, I found it very handy to clean up the tub. You can buy this kind of long-handle sponge in many grocery stores for around $4, and in 99C stores for $1.
以下是引用lilykitty在2007-7-10 19:18:00的发言: can I ask a question? cleaning the tub before or after bathing? or both? thanks. I do at both time, most of the time I just brush the tub with running water. But I use the disinfect form/bleach to sterilize it once a week.
以下是引用flying_pipi在2007-7-10 19:12:00的发言: Seems many Jms have problems with cleaning the tub. I highly recomend long-handle brush, although it's designed for brushing the body, I found it very handy to clean up the tub. You can buy this kind of long-handle sponge in many grocery stores for around $4, and in 99C stores for $1. 谢谢你的推荐
以下是引用perilea在2007-7-11 20:50:00的发言: 泡澡的时候,手放在哪里呀?我老觉得美国一会手就泡得受不了了 Up to you, when I'm in the bath, I'm busy typing with my laptop at the same time, so no chance to let my hands feel 泡得受不了了.
以下是引用coffeelatte在2007-7-13 13:31:00的发言: 比较土,问个问题 这泡澡之后,还要洗澡吗? 还是先洗澡 If I feel too dirty, I'll take a shower before the bath. But most of the time I directly dip myself into the tub and dry myself immediately when finish.
以下是引用妖精宝宝在2007-7-13 18:51:00的发言: 冬天的时候,我也常泡澡。但清洁浴缸太麻烦了——我是神经过敏型,擦洗完还要用酒精涂过来消毒否则泡澡时心里不安。 泡澡很放松,发汗也可以代替运动,同时保养头发做面膜也方便。 我用的是大华里卖的日本浴汤,泡完也没冲就擦干穿衣服了(不知道对不对?),肌肤格外嫩滑。 也用过BOOTS的浴盐,很多泡沫,电视里看人洗泡泡浴蛮浪漫的样子,但自己不喜欢那种泡在滑腻的肥皂水里的感觉。 还用过精油的浴丸子,泡完不用冲洗,但全身都裹上一层油的感觉也不舒服。 Thanks for your recommendation, I'm going to check it out this weekend.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-7-9 19:32:19编辑过]
我冬天泡澡比较多,夏天太热,次数就少了。 我还放水给lg泡澡。
是的,我也好几次一边流着汗,一边zzzZZZ. 忘了说,夏天可以用温水泡,水温不要太高,由于盐的作用,也会出汗。--我就是这时候悟出来,原来我出汗,不全是水温的作用。 小腿容易水肿的MM, 泡完后最好把腿跷高靠在墙上20来分钟,等到腿发麻再放下来。否则越泡问题越严重。
可是如果是apt 或者2手房。都好几十年的浴缸。
大家怎么消毒的呀? 我一直不敢泡,就是担心一些顽固的细菌。
从来没泡过,浴盐是不是倒一点在水里让它融化就行了? That's right. About the usage, there's direction on the bottle.
俺很喜欢lush里面的泡澡东东,不过价钱偏贵。 What is LUSH? What's good about it? I'd like to give it a try.
我买了Yves Roche的浴用品,泡了几次,嫌刷浴缸麻烦。后来读beauty bible, 什么保湿补水对于延缓衰老没用。正合懒人心意。省钱省时间。此后保养护肤简单多了,也不泡澡了
I knew you, lazy girl.
听起来 真是很享受的样子。
可是如果是apt 或者2手房。都好几十年的浴缸。
大家怎么消毒的呀? 我一直不敢泡,就是担心一些顽固的细菌。
I had the same problem when I moved in, I just used a bathroom bleach(forgot the name of the product) to brush the bathroom(the wall, the tub, the sink, the floor...) many times.
进来学习学习,我的apt也是不收水费的,可是要收电费啊~~~有点心疼~~~ 还有我的apt里的浴缸就是那种很普通的浴缸,躺着很不舒服,看电视里人家都弄个毛巾什么的当枕头,但是也是不舒服,好像有那种专门是浴缸里用的枕头卖,不知有没有人用过呢? 还有大家怎么在浴室里放音乐的呢,我总怕空气太潮弄坏电器呢? 另外,泡澡的时候一般都关着浴室门吧,我总担心点蜡烛加上呼吸会造成浴室缺氧,会不会晕呢?或者是我杞人忧天了吧 大家有什么经验进来分享一下吧 Ha, I live by myself, I can keep the door open, so no worries about the moisture and the air.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-7-9 21:12:00编辑过]
What is LUSH? What's good about it? I'd like to give it a try. http://usa.lush.com/cgi-bin/lushdb/index.html?lang=en_US&dlang=en
http://usa.lush.com/cgi-bin/lushdb/index.html?lang=en_US&dlang=en Gotcha, thanks!
我想买个国内的那种大木桶回来泡澡,浴缸还是觉得脏,怎么洗我都不放心 我同学有一大木桶,感觉不错,就是有一回她出门,几天后回来发现木桶开裂了~~~买的挺贵的呢
关于清理浴缸, 我一直用foaming disinfectant擦浴缸, 超市里挺多类的, 想要的同志可以去寻觅一下
平时喷了再擦有除垢漂白作用, 如果要杀菌的话就喷完等10分钟以上再擦洗掉
关于清理浴缸, 我一直用foaming disinfectant擦浴缸, 超市里挺多类的, 想要的同志可以去寻觅一下
平时喷了再擦有除垢漂白作用, 如果要杀菌的话就喷完等10分钟以上再擦洗掉
That's what I'm using too.
你们是先泡再洗淋浴吗? 还是反过来?如果没洗就泡, 我觉得好像泡在自己的洗脚水里一样 还有泡完了浑身懒洋洋的不想动, 但还是要马上冲洗浴缸, 很郁闷。 Seems many Jms have problems with cleaning the tub. I highly recomend long-handle brush, although it's designed for brushing the body, I found it very handy to clean up the tub. You can buy this kind of long-handle sponge in many grocery stores for around $4, and in 99C stores for $1.
can I ask a question? cleaning the tub before or after bathing? or both?
I do at both time, most of the time I just brush the tub with running water. But I use the disinfect form/bleach to sterilize it once a week.
Seems many Jms have problems with cleaning the tub. I highly recomend long-handle brush, although it's designed for brushing the body, I found it very handy to clean up the tub. You can buy this kind of long-handle sponge in many grocery stores for around $4, and in 99C stores for $1.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-7-11 20:50:44编辑过]
我也在大华看到很多这种浴盐 回头买一个试试
Up to you, when I'm in the bath, I'm busy typing with my laptop at the same time, so no chance to let my hands feel 泡得受不了了.
比较土,问个问题 这泡澡之后,还要洗澡吗? 还是先洗澡 If I feel too dirty, I'll take a shower before the bath. But most of the time I directly dip myself into the tub and dry myself immediately when finish.
Thanks for your recommendation, I'm going to check it out this weekend.