That's what we need: 400g ladyfingers (aka Löffelbisquits :P), 6 eggs, 500g mascarpone, 120g sugar, 8 Tbsp. of Amaretto (Rum will do, but Amaretto is better) and 375 ml Espresso
Meanwhile separate the egg white from the egg yolk (it is VERY important that none of the yolk is in the egg white) Put the egg yolk into the bowl with the sugar and the egg white into an extra bowl Repeat the procedure with the other five eggs (it looks yellowish in the right bowl, but it is only egg white!)
The Espresso is ready... Although I don't drink coffee I like the smell a lot :-) Put the Espresso into yet another (heat-proof) bowl Now add 8 Tbsp. of Amaretto
Take a mixer and beat the egg white... ...until it is really firm (it should look like this) Clean the mixer and next mix the egg yolk with the sugar for about a minute... ...until it looks like this Now add the Mascarpone Again use the mixer to make the cream uniform After that (it should take one or two minutes) it should look like this
Now add the beaten egg white to the cream... ...and mix it with a spoon (NOT with the mixer!)... ...if it looks like this you will have to do some more mixing... ...until it looks like this :-) Now we put one layer of ladyfingers on the bottom of our casserole That should look like this Now pour the Espresso-Amaretto mixture onto the ladyfingers (about half a Tbsp. per piece)... ...which should make it look something like that :-) Then put one third of the cream onto the ladyfingers-layer and distribute it uniformly... ...which should look like this Now put a second layer of ladyfingers onto the first layer (of soaked ladyfingers and cream)......and again pour Espresso-Amaretto mixture on it... ...and add another layer of cream Do these three steps once more and hopefully all of your ingredients will be gone by then :-) I forgot to mention that on the first page, but if you have cocoa, it is nice to sprinkle it on the top Your final result should look like this! Now put it in the fridge for at least 8 hours (don't try to put in in the freezer), at best prepare it the day before you want to eat it
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-16 0:13:42编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-15 20:35:27编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-15 20:38:19编辑过]
Put the filter into the lower part and fill it with Espresso powder
Screw the upper part on top of the lower part and put it on a stovetop
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-15 20:40:17编辑过]
Put the egg yolk into the bowl with the sugar and the egg white into an extra bowl
Repeat the procedure with the other five eggs (it looks yellowish in the right bowl, but it is only egg white!)
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-15 20:41:30编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-15 20:44:01编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-15 20:45:53编辑过]
Now we put one layer of ladyfingers on the bottom of our casserole
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-16 0:13:00编辑过]
为什么我的蛋白在怎么打就是打不出来图里面的效果啊? 大家给出出主意
为什么我的蛋白在怎么打就是打不出来图里面的效果啊? 大家给出出主意
为什么我的蛋白在怎么打就是打不出来图里面的效果啊? 大家给出出主意
那个, 问一声: 最后蛋清和蛋黄还是生的啊?, 就放到冰柜里冻几个小时就可以吃了吗? co-ask?
he said in the recipe: "Rum will do, but Amaretto is better".
he said in the recipe: "Rum will do, but Amaretto is better".
totally agree
很牛 就想问没有搅拌器也能做这个不?新手发问
坚定了我, 去糕点店买的决心