以下是引用Reagent在2007-6-28 13:19:00的发言: Is ChenSheng available now? If not, maybe his wife understands and has already learned how to appreciate shuch feelings between her husband and other women. I also think so...
I just saw it last night. Have been crying my eyes out Poor girl~~fell for the wrong man at the wrong time. Yes, maybe she should just leave him alone, but not everybody is able to do that. It's nobody's fault in Love. We all have loved someone before, and may or may not eventually be together with the person we love the most. Thinking in her shoes, you would understand how hurt it is.
他一样都做得到。刘若英说, 看到他,我就会觉得很惭愧。但是真的我都有记
得。真的。 再看一遍,还是忍不住狂哭。。。
Is ChenSheng available now? If not, maybe his wife understands and has already learned how to appreciate shuch feelings between her husband and other women.
有一个男明星对一个有夫之妇在大庭广众下赤裸裸的示爱. 他肯定会被人骂到臭头.
真的很不DJ刘, 她到底放不放人家的老婆在眼里.
怎马奶茶老是喜欢结混了的男人呢 比如黄磊那不是说也是痛的要名的喜欢的么 妈呀,她还当中说过这个呢? 黄磊可是个好男人