以下是引用小小鸟在2007-6-28 13:06:00的发言: hi, 3rd cat mom..... i hope 3rd cat feels better soon. Did you try to apply some centaphil on his face? My little one is allergic to a lot of things too (well, both of them have some allergic issues), centaphil works if they get rashes... I am thinking about GE Profile.... i have not had a chance to go to homedepot to find out who models they carry yet. LG said one of the homedepot he went to had very little selections to choose from. I also have a 10% off coupon from homedepot as long as you use a mastercard, do you want it? It expires on 7/15. thanks birdie, we apply centaphil on his face at least twice daily. thanks for offering the 10% off coupon, if I need more stuff, I will ask for it homedepot have a little promotion right now, ending on sometime of July, when you buy energy star product, they give you store credit up to $250, I only remember my is qualify for $75 credit back, I will double check tonight and let you know. be honest, HD do have limited choice, they don't have miele, bosch, kitchenaid etc. some of these model got good review in consumer reports. I won't go there if didn't get that 20% off
以下是引用delancey在2007-6-28 13:19:00的发言: thanks birdie, we apply centaphil on his face at least twice daily. thanks for offering the 10% off coupon, if I need more stuff, I will ask for it homedepot have a little promotion right now, ending on sometime of July, when you buy energy star product, they give you store credit up to $250, I only remember my is qualify for $75 credit back, I will double check tonight and let you know. be honest, HD do have limited choice, they don't have miele, bosch, kitchenaid etc. some of these model got good review in consumer reports. I won't go there if didn't get that 20% off agreed.. heh heh. I wouldn't go there either if I didn't have the 20% off, and i wouldn't go for a GE Profile if I didn't have the 300 dollars offer but too much is going on lately, I didn't have a chance to even think about it yet
以下是引用oryong在2007-6-28 13:17:00的发言: 坚果,你看到我前面关于凉皮馆子的回复了吗? Yeah, I saw it. Sorry I changed to another computer, this one doesn't have Chinese input. We'll try next time when we go to DUnhuang. I also want to eat Shaozi Mian any food that's a little bit sour
昨天在后母地破还有个笑话,很久没去,他们也搞了self check,我们因为就一个零件,就决定自己解决一把 我们两个傻人毕恭毕敬的站在机器前面,仔细读instruction,仔细操作,最后终于顺利付款,我失声而出:呀,机器没有叫我们pick the item啊,我不敢拿啊,把旁边一个年轻mm笑死了 你说那机器就是聪明。一听我这么说,立马说please pick the item,我们才小心翼翼的拿着东西走了
以下是引用SSLOTUS在2007-6-29 15:45:00的发言: 我昨天的一天啊。。。真是起起伏伏, 别的先不说,很晚了发现家里broken water line,要买零件,没办法local关门了,就去了后母地破,花了半个小时才找到一个4块钱的零件 I have to say it's difficult to find help there especially I always go after work, make you very tired shopping there. last Sunday LeBa and we spent at least one hour to check out - for use that 20% off card, yellow flower was really cold
以下是引用delancey在2007-6-29 15:51:00的发言: I have to say it's difficult to find help there especially I always go after work, make you very tired shopping there. last Sunday LeBa and we spent at least one hour to check out - for use that 20% off card, yellow flower was really cold 了解了解,所以一般真的都不愿意去,不过你们那20%就算花时间也不能浪费啊
以下是引用SSLOTUS在2007-6-29 15:51:00的发言: 昨天在后母地破还有个笑话,很久没去,他们也搞了self check,我们因为就一个零件,就决定自己解决一把 我们两个傻人毕恭毕敬的站在机器前面,仔细读instruction,仔细操作,最后终于顺利付款,我失声而出:呀,机器没有叫我们pick the item啊,我不敢拿啊,把旁边一个年轻mm笑死了 你说那机器就是聪明。一听我这么说,立马说please pick the item,我们才小心翼翼的拿着东西走了 my belly hurts
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-29 3:16:10编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-28 2:50:38编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-28 3:03:36编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-28 3:11:15编辑过]
可以这样理解食物过敏。宝宝体内的抗体对于异种蛋白无法识别,于是就开始释放毒素试图杀死那些蛋白(比如蛋清,花生等),这些毒素同时也引起了过敏。如果一旦把某种蛋白标记为“坏人”,那么含有类似蛋白的食物就也会引起过敏反应。那么就要过一段时间,等身体忘记那种蛋白。 随着宝宝的长大,身体系统逐渐完善或者看见过大多数蛋白,那么就不太容易引起过敏了。 (遗传性的过敏不一样。) 测试过敏源可以通过皮试打些东西进去,或者抽些血液测试一下。 VC有助于提高免疫系统的能力。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-28 14:09:16编辑过]
过敏变成菜谱啦。 娃-吃-奔-时尚(间或代购) 高楼基本规则啊
会不会有特殊原因啊? 你这是纯属瞎琢磨
给我个catfish烧汤的方子吧 我lg老要炸来吃 ft,我们就是买活的,让他们给切段切好,回来就洗洗,然后就扔锅里,放葱姜酒,煮,是不是太简单了,都不下油锅煸一煸的 不过煮出来的汤好鲜好鲜,鱼肉也非常非常嫩
他属于两三天不吃,然后一顿可以吃多点的。 现在还是18磅1,我都快郁闷S了,都一个月过去了。
唉呀,amy说的5,6条我们都给吃了。幸好没有太大问题。 只有一次我给做的煮玉米粒,打得不是太细。结果晚上yiyi怎么也睡不着。很累的样子,睡下,又拱起来,满床打滚, 还吭吭吃吃的, 好像肚子疼。给我们吓坏了。过了一个来小时才睡着。第二天也一切正常,没有其他症状。估计是玉米的原因。也不知是过敏,还是不好消化。 不用那么仔细了,我就就是贴出来给大家参考一下。大概知道,过敏体质的宝宝尤其要注意就是了。
ft,我们就是买活的,让他们给切段切好,回来就洗洗,然后就扔锅里,放葱姜酒,煮,是不是太简单了,都不下油锅煸一煸的 不过煮出来的汤好鲜好鲜,鱼肉也非常非常嫩 那等我下次钓到catfish也这么干
我买的是新鲜的活的,回去以后马上油煎,然后加上水炖,再放萝卜丝, 真得太鲜美了,那个萝卜丝小小也可以吃,我不爱吃萝卜,可是鱼汤里面的萝卜丝一点没有萝卜味道,好吃啊! 你在哪儿买的活的啊?
我也想问莲妈是不是啥特殊原因? good question!
hi, 3rd cat mom..... i hope 3rd cat feels better soon. Did you try to apply some centaphil on his face? My little one is allergic to a lot of things too (well, both of them have some allergic issues), centaphil works if they get rashes... I am thinking about GE Profile.... i have not had a chance to go to homedepot to find out who models they carry yet. LG said one of the homedepot he went to had very little selections to choose from. I also have a 10% off coupon from homedepot as long as you use a mastercard, do you want it? It expires on 7/15.
thanks birdie, we apply centaphil on his face at least twice daily. thanks for offering the 10% off coupon, if I need more stuff, I will ask for it homedepot have a little promotion right now, ending on sometime of July, when you buy energy star product, they give you store credit up to $250, I only remember my is qualify for $75 credit back, I will double check tonight and let you know. be honest, HD do have limited choice, they don't have miele, bosch, kitchenaid etc. some of these model got good review in consumer reports. I won't go there if didn't get that 20% off
回锅肉、鱼香肉丝我上次也带了。 估计你们来了,天然可以有不少吃的,我感觉我爸妈带的都是给小小吃的。哈哈! 小小外公外婆就要来了,好幸福啊
哎呀,加加吃的罐装蔬菜嘴角也曾出现过红点点,是不是也是过敏啊。我真是粗心,都没注意使哪种食物。 那你一定要小心啊。每种新food要连续4天给,这4天里面其他food必须是吃过得没问题的,4天都要观察。每次都只能加一样新的,这样便于排除。 我有个小日记本,全都是用来记录吃的东西和量的
我妈总是给我寄,或者带回来,我发现我做得比较少。在家里可是笋干用得很多的 my father brought some dried bamboo from China also
thanks birdie, we apply centaphil on his face at least twice daily. thanks for offering the 10% off coupon, if I need more stuff, I will ask for it homedepot have a little promotion right now, ending on sometime of July, when you buy energy star product, they give you store credit up to $250, I only remember my is qualify for $75 credit back, I will double check tonight and let you know. be honest, HD do have limited choice, they don't have miele, bosch, kitchenaid etc. some of these model got good review in consumer reports. I won't go there if didn't get that 20% off agreed.. heh heh. I wouldn't go there either if I didn't have the 20% off, and i wouldn't go for a GE Profile if I didn't have the 300 dollars offer but too much is going on lately, I didn't have a chance to even think about it yet
哎呀,加加吃的罐装蔬菜嘴角也曾出现过红点点,是不是也是过敏啊。我真是粗心,都没注意使哪种食物。 you can schedule a test for JiaJia if you'd like.
哎呀,加加吃的罐装蔬菜嘴角也曾出现过红点点,是不是也是过敏啊。我真是粗心,都没注意使哪种食物。 不一定的,有的时候是孩子皮肤太娇嫩... 但是要注意观察就是了. 像YILAN说的,每种新食品之间间隔一段时间,以便观察
坚果,你看到我前面关于凉皮馆子的回复了吗? Yeah, I saw it. Sorry I changed to another computer, this one doesn't have Chinese input. We'll try next time when we go to DUnhuang. I also want to eat Shaozi Mian any food that's a little bit sour
kenmore的质量是很好的 rise my four paws to agree
我昨天的一天啊。。。真是起起伏伏, 别的先不说,很晚了发现家里broken water line,要买零件,没办法local关门了,就去了后母地破,花了半个小时才找到一个4块钱的零件 I have to say it's difficult to find help there especially I always go after work, make you very tired shopping there. last Sunday LeBa and we spent at least one hour to check out - for use that 20% off card, yellow flower was really cold
I have to say it's difficult to find help there especially I always go after work, make you very tired shopping there. last Sunday LeBa and we spent at least one hour to check out - for use that 20% off card, yellow flower was really cold 了解了解,所以一般真的都不愿意去,不过你们那20%就算花时间也不能浪费啊
昨天在后母地破还有个笑话,很久没去,他们也搞了self check,我们因为就一个零件,就决定自己解决一把 我们两个傻人毕恭毕敬的站在机器前面,仔细读instruction,仔细操作,最后终于顺利付款,我失声而出:呀,机器没有叫我们pick the item啊,我不敢拿啊,把旁边一个年轻mm笑死了 你说那机器就是聪明。一听我这么说,立马说please pick the item,我们才小心翼翼的拿着东西走了 my belly hurts
了解了解,所以一般真的都不愿意去,不过你们那20%就算花时间也不能浪费啊 I am like that you know me well
这个帖子太有用了,谢谢三猫妈 u r welcome, wish every little one can avoid food allergy.
写出我们的经历,特别提醒可以吃table food 的toddler 父母们,千万不可对娃儿们的过敏可能性掉以轻心。
3. 一岁以前禁止给宝宝服用蜂蜜,以防内毒性食物中毒。(btw:蜂蜜中还含有类激素类物质,长时间服用有可能会促使婴幼儿性早熟,因此,蜂蜜对于婴儿来讲,并不是安全的食物)
4. 一岁以前禁止给宝宝橘子,橙,菠萝等酸性水果
5. 一岁以前禁止给宝宝甜菜根、菠菜、芥兰菜、萝卜菜叶或大头菜叶,以防降低宝宝血红素。
6. 鱼、虾、蟹营养丰富,但一般建议一岁以后再给宝宝鱼肉,以防过敏。尤其虾、蟹的蛋白质和人体不同,是异体蛋白,建议2岁左右再给宝宝。
7. 两岁之前禁止服用nuts, peanut butter,以防过敏。
8. 两岁之前禁止服用raisins, popcorn, raw vegetables, unpeeled fruits等。
某個程度來說是的,我娃對milk 過敏,我不吃乳制品