以下是引用chloe2001在2007-6-6 11:19:00的发言: beautiful mm, you looks great in those mmj, i like the little green dress alot you mean the double layer one? I like it a lot too,hand~~~~~
以下是引用sallie在2007-6-6 9:33:00的发言: mm长得太好看了。。。。 顺便问问ninjia是不是也是你啊? Just saw ur DVF collection, you have a very hot figure!!! Xixi, Don’t ask a Ninjia who she is, but you can ask bobcat who she is, yeah, bobcat is also Ninjia.
以下是引用bobcat在2007-6-6 14:56:00的发言: you mean the double layer one? I like it a lot too,hand~~~~~ yes, that one looks great on u, i think better than web site 's model, because of u i grow grass for this one, but i'm not a slim size girl, so i'm worried that probably it won't fit me well, some times mmj's design really picks person. not sure will buy it or not. shake hand, i have ur black dot short and the blue white dot dress too(fat girl planted this seed too )hasn't wear that short yet, bought last year, still have tag on it you really make a good use of that one and it look just grreat on u.
以下是引用chloe2001在2007-6-6 15:31:00的发言: yes, that one looks great on u, i think better than web site 's model, because of u i grow grass for this one, but i'm not a slim size girl, so i'm worried that probably it won't fit me well, some times mmj's design really picks person. not sure will buy it or not. shake hand, i have ur black dot short and the blue white dot dress too(fat girl planted this seed too )hasn't wear that short yet, bought last year, still have tag on it you really make a good use of that one and it look just grreat on u. mm is so sweet, I bet the dress will look good on you too.
美女脸形真好看~~ 气质也超好
黄外套你穿着真可耐. 现在网上只剩个咖啡色地了.
SHORTS买看出来特别,可能细节要看实物。倒是非常喜欢第一个搭配里面的TOP。什么牌子的干活?颜色艳而不杂,倒是很MMJ的感觉。 报告mm, TOP是free people的,前年从捞面陶的。
很漂亮,每件都很漂亮 不过我最喜欢你头上的发带
呵呵,又多了一个身材好的MM。 真幸运,有几件MMJ和LZ撞了~~
妹妹好漂亮,就是该给你老公“到吃到吃”了。。。。。 “到吃到吃”?何解?you mean "捣持"? 他~~咋~~咋~~咋地拉? 回头看了一眼,小声地说,贴得那张他穿的那身儿是俺捣持过的亚
这个mm好瘦啊!衣服搭的都很好看!加油加油! btw, mmj是什么呀? mmj全称marc by marc jacobs,太长乐,所以就犯懒了
mm真是给大家种草呢,呵呵~~~~ 看着很平常的yy都被mm搭配的很好看~喜欢,喜欢你的身材,我ml太低,都看不到mm的脸,一定也是美貌非凡乐~ 穆关系,看不见也没啥,太普通了,俺其实也木有露全脸儿的,就是有的露的多一点儿就设的高一点儿,安全起见,请mm见谅。
我觉得9楼的搭配比model的还好看,最喜欢几件娃娃衫~ 哈哈,9楼就是麻豆的图片阿
好久不见mm了 嘻嘻,一直犯懒潜水来着,是好久没盖楼了,其实偶尔也灌两瓢啥的。
beautiful mm, you looks great in those mmj, i like the little green dress alot
美女呵,真正的美女,太像模特了。 美女是做什么的呢?读书还是工作? 谢谢冰蛋糕抬爱,俺去年终于屁挨着地儿了,不用再念书了。
巴掌脸美女~ 想请问一下你的mmj飞行员眼镜多少米呀~ 偶最近也粉痴迷飞行员的说~
那个小黄jacket,mm穿的那么可爱俏皮,怎么到网站上看这衣服没啥特别阿。 草就是这么给中下的
mm长得太好看了。。。。 顺便问问ninjia是不是也是你啊? Just saw ur DVF collection, you have a very hot figure!!!
you mean the double layer one? I like it a lot too,hand~~~~~ yes, that one looks great on u, i think better than web site 's model, because of u i grow grass for this one, but i'm not a slim size girl, so i'm worried that probably it won't fit me well, some times mmj's design really picks person. not sure will buy it or not. shake hand, i have ur black dot short and the blue white dot dress too(fat girl planted this seed too )hasn't wear that short yet, bought last year, still have tag on it
yes, that one looks great on u, i think better than web site 's model, because of u i grow grass for this one, but i'm not a slim size girl, so i'm worried that probably it won't fit me well, some times mmj's design really picks person. not sure will buy it or not. shake hand, i have ur black dot short and the blue white dot dress too(fat girl planted this seed too )hasn't wear that short yet, bought last year, still have tag on it
刚更新了一楼,可是很奇怪marc的照片上传后变得好大阿,大且不清楚,本来很小的图片呢。 辛苦mm了,先奖一朵小红花~ 我去看看能不能改小一点 btw,恭喜3333了
辛苦mm了,先奖一朵小红花~ 我去看看能不能改小一点 btw,恭喜3333了