对,哑巴课,除了便宜,也没啥了,大部分上过的都一堆抱怨。你们看看这里的评价,去别的地方买video看了。。。 “More explicit videos are awesome for homeschool kids.” – Parent of a student in AoPS Introduction to Algebra A Self-Paced and now in our Algebra 1 Self-Paced Part 2 “He’s liking the videos a lot and thinks they will really make things go more smoothly.” – Parent of a student in AoPS Introduction to Counting and Probability Self-Paced, private tutoring with our student teacher, and soon in our Summer Geometry Live. “Very helpful recordings, and they helped me with week 11 problems.” – Student in AoPS Virtual Academy Contest Geometry, Think Academy AMC 10, and more recently, our Number Theory for AMC 10 & 12 and private lessons
我回的另外一个帖子copy过来的 --- 我家孩子试了这么多课,对这些学校和资源的搞笑评价: AoPS Algebra, Geometry books: above Applebee''''''''s, mostly good stuff, some flaws, but I only order the same dish each time we go there. AoPS Intermediate Algebra, Precalculus: Applebee''''''''s or slightly below AoPS text-based classes: below Applebee''''''''s, above Panera. The teachers are better than the teachers for Virtual Academy AoPS Virtual Academy: Panera, OK good, but so tired of it, or Costco. The teachers are OK, but not impressive. Definitely below Whole Foods. Think Academy: Panda Express, Chinese Grocery Stores... Kumon: McDonald''''''''s, Target RSM: probably good stuff but too spicy, do not even want to try Current Teacher: the Hawaii restaurant from vacation, one of the best experiences, or the family organic grocery store with locally grown veggies visited before, addictive
Good luck reading the Intermediate Algebra and Precalculus books alone, and solve the IMO problems in the challenge lists。好老师谁会为了一年几万薪水去AoPS center当老师。
sticksstars 发表于 2025-03-25 16:10 Good luck reading the Intermediate Algebra and Precalculus books alone, and solve the IMO problems in the challenge lists。好老师谁会为了一年几万薪水去AoPS center当老师。
sticksstars 发表于 2025-03-25 16:10 Good luck reading the Intermediate Algebra and Precalculus books alone, and solve the IMO problems in the challenge lists。好老师谁会为了一年几万薪水去AoPS center当老师。
这些老师都是兼职的,很多都有full time job, 工程师居多,来这里教书一个是增加收入,一个是确实对数学教育感兴趣。
sticksstars 发表于 2025-03-25 14:48 我回的另外一个帖子copy过来的 --- 我家孩子试了这么多课,对这些学校和资源的搞笑评价: AoPS Algebra, Geometry books: above Applebee''''''''s, mostly good stuff, some flaws, but I only order the same dish each time we go there. AoPS Intermediate Algebra, Precalculus: Applebee''''''''s or slightly below AoPS text-based classes: below Applebee''''''''s, above Panera. The teachers are better than the teachers for Virtual Academy AoPS Virtual Academy: Panera, OK good, but so tired of it, or Costco. The teachers are OK, but not impressive. Definitely below Whole Foods. Think Academy: Panda Express, Chinese Grocery Stores... Kumon: McDonald''''''''s, Target RSM: probably good stuff but too spicy, do not even want to try Current Teacher: the Hawaii restaurant from vacation, one of the best experiences, or the family organic grocery store with locally grown veggies visited before, addictive
这个孩子很聪明啊。 很多美国长大的孩子很喜欢panda的,垃圾是有一点儿,但是sweet and sour chicken不知道多少孩子的signature dish。中国超市里边藏着很多好东西,只是店主们不太善于推销,老外发现不了。
美国很多烙印比老白更积极在YouTube上开讲数学,口音难懂,而且非常浅和杂乱。美国这种靠烙印推广数学和stem, 这种模式下,国家要完
我很喜欢beast academy觉得很有意思,才送娃去aops的班。线下比过学而思,觉得有点应试而且太卷了
据说aops的Aime课是text based, 老师学生互敲消息上课,真的吗?
aops 的网课都是打字的互动的吧
确实药丸,可能他们也知道得中国人者得天下,有个心里测试,通过头像选money game里可能挣大钱的队员,70%都选的亚男,但现实里总防着中国人,其实技术强的国人没那么大野心,他们心思不在那,只有印度南美东欧的技术一般心思全在宫斗上,占领一个公司干垮一个,国家也快被占领了,然后也快垮了
我们是线下课不是网课 beast academy也不是网课,是个教学软件有作业和讲解视频,一年100年费
不一定,我家上的AOPS virtual的,就不打字,是zoom真正的网课,有老师,有同学,但是要贵很多。
对,哑巴课,除了便宜,也没啥了,大部分上过的都一堆抱怨。你们看看这里的评价,去别的地方买video看了。。。 “More explicit videos are awesome for homeschool kids.” – Parent of a student in AoPS Introduction to Algebra A Self-Paced and now in our Algebra 1 Self-Paced Part 2 “He’s liking the videos a lot and thinks they will really make things go more smoothly.” – Parent of a student in AoPS Introduction to Counting and Probability Self-Paced, private tutoring with our student teacher, and soon in our Summer Geometry Live. “Very helpful recordings, and they helped me with week 11 problems.” – Student in AoPS Virtual Academy Contest Geometry, Think Academy AMC 10, and more recently, our Number Theory for AMC 10 & 12 and private lessons
据说Richard是要start 他所谓的Inflection Point,来拯救全美国的小学数学了,所以把AoPS托管。精神可嘉,值得鼓励和支持。不过我家teenager娃娃说,BA for all kids? 拯救的可能性不大,把自己搞得天天睡不好觉到很有可能。
线下课一年100年费,这个挺好的 AOPS如果有线下meetup小竞赛就好了,激发孩子们的学习兴趣
人家私人企业 那你学而思还没有白人领导人吧 这也要喷 DEI搞到骨髓了么
Has anybody used Tang Math? A math teacher friend of mine highly recommends him
--- 我家孩子试了这么多课,对这些学校和资源的搞笑评价:
AoPS Algebra, Geometry books: above Applebee''''''''s, mostly good stuff, some flaws, but I only order the same dish each time we go there. AoPS Intermediate Algebra, Precalculus: Applebee''''''''s or slightly below AoPS text-based classes: below Applebee''''''''s, above Panera. The teachers are better than the teachers for Virtual Academy AoPS Virtual Academy: Panera, OK good, but so tired of it, or Costco. The teachers are OK, but not impressive. Definitely below Whole Foods. Think Academy: Panda Express, Chinese Grocery Stores... Kumon: McDonald''''''''s, Target RSM: probably good stuff but too spicy, do not even want to try Current Teacher: the Hawaii restaurant from vacation, one of the best experiences, or the family organic grocery store with locally grown veggies visited before, addictive
那几本书中prealgera, introduction to algebra,geometry 和intermediate algebra有对应的线下课。number theory和counting的两本书没有对应的线下课,因为K-12的教材里一般不cover数论和组合,所以不搞数学竞赛的学生一般没有这个需求。线下课基本是按照书的内容来讲,不是很难。aops书里每章后面的练习有review problems和challenge problems, review problem比较基础,都会做并做对我觉得就足够应付学校的数学了。如果想弄数竞,那challenge problems也得做。线下课老师的师资各个校园也不大一样,可以到他们网站上看看老师的background介绍,一般心里就更有数了。
Good luck reading the Intermediate Algebra and Precalculus books alone, and solve the IMO problems in the challenge lists。好老师谁会为了一年几万薪水去AoPS center当老师。
这些课 一般高中不是都有么
我们这边AOPS数学课的老师有数学博士,生物统计博士,或者MIT数学本科毕业的,也有IMO金牌得主/Putnam fellow,教中小学生数学绰绰有余了吧
这些老师都是兼职的,很多都有full time job, 工程师居多,来这里教书一个是增加收入,一个是确实对数学教育感兴趣。
那可能你们麻省资源丰富吧。我觉得其他地方还不如去中文学校的AoPS课,一星期10几块钱,老师也很专业,中文学校跟老师分成一般5-5。 AoPS center的课动辄一星期50以上,一个班10几个孩子,给老师开工资一小时30刀,太磕碜了。In-person的不知道,但是virtual的老师真的很一般,课堂气氛也就那样。
很多美国长大的孩子很喜欢panda的,垃圾是有一点儿,但是sweet and sour chicken不知道多少孩子的signature dish。中国超市里边藏着很多好东西,只是店主们不太善于推销,老外发现不了。