chatgpt: 可以用以下几种表达方式来形容一个人或家庭做事很有仪式感,注重庆祝和特定的习惯: "They have a strong sense of ritual." → 他们非常讲究仪式感。 "They love to celebrate every occasion in a meaningful way." → 他们喜欢用特别的方式庆祝每一个时刻。 "For them, every milestone deserves a proper celebration." → 对他们来说,每个重要时刻都值得好好庆祝。 "They cherish traditions and always make an occasion special." → 他们珍视传统,总会让每个场合变得特别。 "They believe in honoring special moments with thoughtful rituals." → 他们相信要用精心设计的仪式来纪念特别的时刻。 "Celebrations and traditions are an essential part of their family culture." → 庆祝和传统是他们家庭文化的重要组成部分。 "Everything they do is filled with a sense of ceremony." → 他们做的每一件事都充满仪式感。
哈哈我的ChatGPT建议也差不多。但感觉写得更有条理呢 “很有仪式感”可以根据不同的语境翻译为以下几种表达: 1. Has a strong sense of ritual • 这个人做事很有仪式感。 → This person has a strong sense of ritual in what they do. • 这个家庭很有仪式感,一定要庆祝或者做点什么。 → This family has a strong sense of ritual; they always make sure to celebrate or do something special. 2. Cherishes traditions / Values traditions • 强调的是对特定传统的重视,特别是在节日、生日等场合。 • This family cherishes traditions and always makes sure to celebrate special moments. 3. Loves meaningful rituals • 更强调“仪式感”带来的情感或意义。 • This family loves meaningful rituals and never misses a chance to celebrate. 4. Embraces ceremony • 更正式、诗意的表达,强调“仪式感”本身的庄重和仪式属性。 • This family embraces ceremony and always marks special occasions in a thoughtful way. 5. Has a special way of celebrating • 强调在特殊时刻的专属仪式。 • This family has a special way of celebrating every occasion. 根据具体语境选择合适的表达即可。
英文里没有这种大概的总结性的说法,评论里的都不好,你要结合具体的情况具体形容。比如: Love planning and hosting parties Go all out with decorations, gifts, and activities Make a big deal about celebrating milestones 或者你说约会的情况就是go all out to make his date feel special之类的。
回复 1楼 kittyandme 的帖子 可以用 "a strong sense of ritual" 或者 "a strong sense of ceremony" 来表达这种带有仪式感的氛围。 举几个例子: 这个人做事很有仪式感。 He has a strong sense of ritual in everything he does. 这个家庭很有仪式感,一定要庆祝或者做点什么事情。 This family has a strong sense of ritual; they always make sure to celebrate or do something special. 如果想表达更自然一些,也可以用 "They value traditions" 或 "They love making things special"。 比如: This family values traditions and always makes celebrations special. He loves making even small things feel special and meaningful. 根据上下文和语气的不同,可以灵活调整用词。
非节日的,楼上说的 make … a special occasion 不错
“很有仪式感”可以根据不同的语境翻译为以下几种表达: 1. Has a strong sense of ritual • 这个人做事很有仪式感。 → This person has a strong sense of ritual in what they do. • 这个家庭很有仪式感,一定要庆祝或者做点什么。 → This family has a strong sense of ritual; they always make sure to celebrate or do something special. 2. Cherishes traditions / Values traditions • 强调的是对特定传统的重视,特别是在节日、生日等场合。 • This family cherishes traditions and always makes sure to celebrate special moments. 3. Loves meaningful rituals • 更强调“仪式感”带来的情感或意义。 • This family loves meaningful rituals and never misses a chance to celebrate. 4. Embraces ceremony • 更正式、诗意的表达,强调“仪式感”本身的庄重和仪式属性。 • This family embraces ceremony and always marks special occasions in a thoughtful way. 5. Has a special way of celebrating • 强调在特殊时刻的专属仪式。 • This family has a special way of celebrating every occasion.
Love planning and hosting parties Go all out with decorations, gifts, and activities Make a big deal about celebrating milestones
或者你说约会的情况就是go all out to make his date feel special之类的。
这个对劲,看mad man 的时候说护肤品广告就形容用这个护肤品像做ceremony
可以用 "a strong sense of ritual" 或者 "a strong sense of ceremony" 来表达这种带有仪式感的氛围。 举几个例子: 这个人做事很有仪式感。 He has a strong sense of ritual in everything he does. 这个家庭很有仪式感,一定要庆祝或者做点什么事情。 This family has a strong sense of ritual; they always make sure to celebrate or do something special. 如果想表达更自然一些,也可以用 "They value traditions" 或 "They love making things special"。 比如: This family values traditions and always makes celebrations special. He loves making even small things feel special and meaningful. 根据上下文和语气的不同,可以灵活调整用词。