Voice of America staff put on leave, Trump ally says agency 'not salvageable' Reuters By Nathan Layne and James Oliphant More than 1,300 Voice of America employees were placed on leave on Saturday and funding for two U.S. news services that broadcast to authoritarian regimes was terminated, one day after President Donald Trump ordered the gutting of the government-funded media outlet's parent and six other federal agencies. Michael Abramowitz, Voice of America's director, said nearly his entire staff of 1,300 journalists, producers and assistants had been put on administrative leave, crippling a media broadcaster that operates in almost 50 languages. "I am deeply saddened that for the first time in 83 years, the storied Voice of America is being silenced," Abramowitz said in a post on LinkedIn, saying it has played an important role "in the fight for freedom and democracy around the world." VOA's parent agency, the U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM), also terminated its grants to Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, which broadcasts to countries in Eastern Europe, including Russia and Ukraine, as well as to Radio Free Asia, which broadcasts to China and North Korea. Trump's directives look set to devastate an organization that serves as a rare source of reliable news in authoritarian countries. Founded in 1942 to counter Nazi propaganda, VOA now reaches 360 million people a week. As a group, USAGM employs roughly 3,500 workers with an $886-million budget in 2024, according to its latest report to Congress. VOA's Seoul Bureau Chief William Gallo said on Sunday he had been locked out of all company systems and accounts. "All I've ever wanted to do is shoot straight and tell the truth, no matter what government I was covering. If that's a threat to anyone, so be it," he said on Bluesky. Kari Lake, the former news anchor and Trump loyalist nominated to be director of VOA, issued a statement describing USAGM as "a giant rot and burden to the American taxpayer" and said it was "not salvageable." Lake, referring to herself as a USAGM senior adviser, said she would shrink the agency to its minimum possible size under the law. On its website, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty notes that it has been declared an "undesirable organization" by the Russian government and warns readers in Russia and Russia-occupied Ukraine that they could "face fines or imprisonment" for liking or sharing its content. Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky said Radio Free Europe had been a "beacon" for populations under totalitarian rule. "From Belarus to Iran, from Russia to Afghanistan, RFE and Voice of America are among the few free sources for people living without freedom," he wrote on X. The move follows Trump signing an executive order on Friday instructing USAGM and six other little-known agencies to reduce their operations to the minimum mandated by statutes, saying it was necessary to shrink bureaucracy. FREE PRESS ADVOCATES CRITICAL The president of the National Press Club in Washington, Mike Balsamo, released a statement saying the cuts at VOA undermined America's commitment to a free and independent press. "For decades, Voice of America has delivered fact-based, independent journalism to audiences worldwide, often in places where press freedom does not exist," Balsamo said. Paris-based Reporters Without Borders also blasted the move, saying it "threatens press freedom worldwide and negates 80 years of American history in supporting a free flow of information." Radio Free Asia's (RFA) president, Bay Fang, said the cancellation of its funding was "a reward to dictators and despots, including the Chinese Communist Party, who would like nothing better than to have their influence go unchecked." Some Republicans have accused VOA and other publicly funded media outlets of being biased against conservatives, and have called for them to be shuttered as part of the efforts by tech billionaire Elon Musk and his Department of Government Efficiency to shrink the government. So far, Musk's DOGE has cut more than 100,000 jobs across the 2.3 million-member federal civilian workforce, frozen foreign aid and cancelled thousands of programs and contracts. On Saturday, Musk made light of the cuts to USAGM. "While winding down this global government propaganda agency, it has temporarily been renamed the Department of Propaganda Everywhere (DOPE)," he wrote on X. In addition to USAGM, Trump's order also targeted the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, the Institute of Museum and Library Services, the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness, the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund, and the Minority Business Development Agency for cuts that would limit them to "the minimum presence and function required by law." In a statement, the White House said his executive orders "will ensure that taxpayers are no longer on the hook for radical propaganda," before listing various criticisms of VOA, including allegations of left-wing bias.
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喜闻乐见 全是轮子和川粉
🛋️ 沙发板凳
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谁还听 美国之音??
但感觉应该是暂时的 反中舆论宣传,美国应该不会放弃的,以后可能就直接在国务院框架下直接执行了
王志安还稍微好一些 ,另外几个就别提了,恶心。
同意 就看看点出来这些东西也配叫“媒体” 个顶个的纯浪费钱说垃圾话
USAID 支付了不知道多少钱, 用来对别的国家输出革命用的,这些停了难道不是大好事?
都是納稅人的錢在養, 隨著自媒體是大勢所趨,這些都要退出了.
握爪啊,当年短波收音机听了不少美国之音和自由亚洲,还有BBC的world service。我们的青春脑瓜子被我党洗完再被美帝洗,现在人到中年,谁都不信了🤣
More than 1,300 Voice of America employees were placed on leave on Saturday and funding for two U.S. news services that broadcast to authoritarian regimes was terminated, one day after President Donald Trump ordered the gutting of the government-funded media outlet's parent and six other federal agencies.
Michael Abramowitz, Voice of America's director, said nearly his entire staff of 1,300 journalists, producers and assistants had been put on administrative leave, crippling a media broadcaster that operates in almost 50 languages.
"I am deeply saddened that for the first time in 83 years, the storied Voice of America is being silenced," Abramowitz said in a post on LinkedIn, saying it has played an important role "in the fight for freedom and democracy around the world."
VOA's parent agency, the U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM), also terminated its grants to Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, which broadcasts to countries in Eastern Europe, including Russia and Ukraine, as well as to Radio Free Asia, which broadcasts to China and North Korea.
Trump's directives look set to devastate an organization that serves as a rare source of reliable news in authoritarian countries.
Founded in 1942 to counter Nazi propaganda, VOA now reaches 360 million people a week. As a group, USAGM employs roughly 3,500 workers with an $886-million budget in 2024, according to its latest report to Congress.
VOA's Seoul Bureau Chief William Gallo said on Sunday he had been locked out of all company systems and accounts.
"All I've ever wanted to do is shoot straight and tell the truth, no matter what government I was covering. If that's a threat to anyone, so be it," he said on Bluesky.
Kari Lake, the former news anchor and Trump loyalist nominated to be director of VOA, issued a statement describing USAGM as "a giant rot and burden to the American taxpayer" and said it was "not salvageable." Lake, referring to herself as a USAGM senior adviser, said she would shrink the agency to its minimum possible size under the law.
On its website, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty notes that it has been declared an "undesirable organization" by the Russian government and warns readers in Russia and Russia-occupied Ukraine that they could "face fines or imprisonment" for liking or sharing its content.
Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky said Radio Free Europe had been a "beacon" for populations under totalitarian rule.
"From Belarus to Iran, from Russia to Afghanistan, RFE and Voice of America are among the few free sources for people living without freedom," he wrote on X.
The move follows Trump signing an executive order on Friday instructing USAGM and six other little-known agencies to reduce their operations to the minimum mandated by statutes, saying it was necessary to shrink bureaucracy.
The president of the National Press Club in Washington, Mike Balsamo, released a statement saying the cuts at VOA undermined America's commitment to a free and independent press.
"For decades, Voice of America has delivered fact-based, independent journalism to audiences worldwide, often in places where press freedom does not exist," Balsamo said.
Paris-based Reporters Without Borders also blasted the move, saying it "threatens press freedom worldwide and negates 80 years of American history in supporting a free flow of information."
Radio Free Asia's (RFA) president, Bay Fang, said the cancellation of its funding was "a reward to dictators and despots, including the Chinese Communist Party, who would like nothing better than to have their influence go unchecked."
Some Republicans have accused VOA and other publicly funded media outlets of being biased against conservatives, and have called for them to be shuttered as part of the efforts by tech billionaire Elon Musk and his Department of Government Efficiency to shrink the government.
So far, Musk's DOGE has cut more than 100,000 jobs across the 2.3 million-member federal civilian workforce, frozen foreign aid and cancelled thousands of programs and contracts. On Saturday, Musk made light of the cuts to USAGM.
"While winding down this global government propaganda agency, it has temporarily been renamed the Department of Propaganda Everywhere (DOPE)," he wrote on X.
In addition to USAGM, Trump's order also targeted the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, the Institute of Museum and Library Services, the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness, the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund, and the Minority Business Development Agency for cuts that would limit them to "the minimum presence and function required by law."
In a statement, the White House said his executive orders "will ensure that taxpayers are no longer on the hook for radical propaganda," before listing various criticisms of VOA, including allegations of left-wing bias.
海外独轮运本已没什么气息,川普政府此举对这帮鸟人也是最新一大打击, VOA 存在好歹还有个似乎正规上镜发声的平台,这下好了只能在油管反中反共了
Voa bbc这种洗不了中国人的脑,因为中国人自己生活在那儿,知道啥是事实。但是可以洗其他地区的脑,把中国说成邪恶的地方
逢川必反,是你的自由,且nobody cares,但是造谣就是关于你的品质和本性了。。。
把你也拉黑了,早看你不顺眼了。 没觉得对不起。