During 291,475 person-years of follow-up, 2,781 deaths occurred, including 511 deaths from cardiovascular disease and 638 death from cancer. After adjustment for age, sex, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, dietary and lifestyle factors, and body mass index, the hazard ratio of mortality among participants who ate meals prepared away from home very frequently (2 meals or more per day) compared with those who seldom ate meals prepared away from home (fewer than 1 meal/wk) was 1.49 (95% CI 1.05 to 2.13) for all-cause mortality, 1.18 (95% CI 0.55 to 2.55) for cardiovascular mortality, and 1.67 (95% CI 0.87 to 3.21) for cancer mortality. https://www.jandonline.org/article/S2212-2672(21)00059-9/abstract
zhangfei123 发表于 2025-03-15 03:31 During 291,475 person-years of follow-up, 2,781 deaths occurred, including 511 deaths from cardiovascular disease and 638 death from cancer. After adjustment for age, sex, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, dietary and lifestyle factors, and body mass index, the hazard ratio of mortality among participants who ate meals prepared away from home very frequently (2 meals or more per day) compared with those who seldom ate meals prepared away from home (fewer than 1 meal/wk) was 1.49 (95% CI 1.05 to 2.13) for all-cause mortality, 1.18 (95% CI 0.55 to 2.55) for cardiovascular mortality, and 1.67 (95% CI 0.87 to 3.21) for cancer mortality. https://www.jandonline.org/article/S2212-2672(21)00059-9/abstract
这如何解读呢? 经常外面吃 和 经常吃自家饭的 又不是两个random samples 经常外面吃可能是因为工作时间长 压力大 工作地点离家远 工作节奏快 工作地点在市区更可能空气差的地方 这个laundry list 可以 go on and on
blushpeony 发表于 2025-03-15 21:40 这如何解读呢? 经常外面吃 和 经常吃自家饭的 又不是两个random samples 经常外面吃可能是因为工作时间长 压力大 工作地点离家远 工作节奏快 工作地点在市区更可能空气差的地方 这个laundry list 可以 go on and on
The ‘gold standard’ estimates (‘current probability’ method on first primaries only) are 40% for males and 38% for females. https://www.nature.com/articles/bjc2011250
nutrition 很重要。外边都是科技与很活 能好才怪
做简单的菜 熟能生巧 外边吃健康的餐馆,例如地中海餐馆 那个没啥风险 远离科技与狠活
亚裔女性肺癌高很可能跟经常做饭有关,只张嘴吃的癌症风险就低了,在外面吃肯定不如家里卫生,还重油盐调料。看国内很多餐馆还会回收客人吃剩下的,这些客人可能有乙肝, 幽门螺杆菌, etc.
fine dining 会比fast food好很多。远离ultra processed food。和一年不会变质的麦当劳🍔
在钱面前 良心是多余的
可能肠癌的几率比较高吧? 如果是中餐的话都是重油,而且蚝油啥的都不放冰箱,久久都会吃出毛病吧。
和中餐有啥关系,这篇文章10个研究者9个在衣阿华大学 爱荷华这疙瘩有啥中餐, 我以前从丹佛开车到芝加哥,在des moines找不到中餐
艾奥瓦人每天外食两顿肯定去这些餐馆 Wendy''''s,Krispy Kreme Taco Bell, KFC,Dairy Queen Dunkin'''' , McDonald''''s , Chick Fil A
这如何解读呢? 经常外面吃 和 经常吃自家饭的 又不是两个random samples 经常外面吃可能是因为工作时间长 压力大 工作地点离家远 工作节奏快 工作地点在市区更可能空气差的地方 这个laundry list 可以 go on and on
sure. Of course
The ‘gold standard’ estimates (‘current probability’ method on first primaries only) are 40% for males and 38% for females.
这个涨67%是针对个体的。 就是说,如果A得胃癌的概率原本是千分之一,涨了67%变成千分之二;如果原本基因不好,得胃癌的概率是10%,涨了67%变成16.7%。说实在的,结果变化不大。