按这个协议,每天至少可以放4000个非法移民进美国。记得当初很多人还骂川普搅黄了这个协议。 This new expulsion authority would be triggered when border encounters reach set levels. When daily levels reach 4,000 over a 7-day average, the president and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) have the discretion to exercise this new expulsion authority. But when encounters reach 5,000 over a 7-day average, or 8,500 on any single day, the president would be required to use this expulsion authority.
脱节个p,真正支持非法移民的哪里都是少数。 更多的无非是对过程和人权等的理解,而且这只是众多议题中的一项。 你可以说美国已经穷到不应该做人权代表了,但你不能说对事情的真正原因不了解。 The U.S. government does not "allow" illegal border crossings but faces challenges in fully preventing them due to legal, logistical, and humanitarian factors. Here’s why illegal crossings continue despite enforcement efforts: 1. U.S. Immigration Laws and Asylum RightsLegal Obligation to Process Asylum Claims: Under both U.S. and international law, individuals who reach U.S. soil have the right to request asylum, regardless of how they entered the country. Even if they cross illegally, they must be given a chance to present their case. Due Process Requirements: The U.S. immigration system requires asylum seekers to undergo screenings and court proceedings, which can take months or even years due to backlogs. 2. Border Enforcement ChallengesOverwhelmed Processing Facilities: High numbers of crossings strain Border Patrol resources. When facilities reach capacity, migrants may be released with court dates rather than detained. Gaps in Physical Barriers: While there are fences and walls along portions of the border, vast stretches remain open due to terrain, funding limitations, or legal barriers preventing expansion. Cartel and Smuggling Networks: Organized crime groups facilitate illegal crossings, often coaching migrants on how to claim asylum. 3. Political Disputes and Legislative GridlockCongressional Inaction: Immigration reform bills have repeatedly stalled in Congress due to partisan disagreements, leaving outdated policies in place. Trump’s Opposition to Bipartisan Reform: A proposed border security bill in 2024 would have given DHS more authority to close the border under specific conditions, but former President Trump urged Republicans to kill the bill, fearing it would be a political win for Biden. 4. Economic and Labor DemandWorkforce Needs: Some industries rely heavily on migrant labor (e.g., agriculture, construction), leading to implicit tolerance of undocumented workers. Gaps in Legal Work Programs: Many migrants cross illegally because legal pathways for low-skilled work visas are limited and backlogged. 5. Humanitarian ConsiderationsFamilies and Children: The U.S. generally does not detain families and minors for long periods due to legal restrictions. Countries Refusing Repatriation: Some nations (e.g., Venezuela, Cuba) refuse to accept deported citizens, making removal difficult. While enforcement efforts continue, these structural and legal factors contribute to why illegal crossings persist despite government action.
Please show us your tax return to prove that you are a US citizen and paying TAX. Illegal immigrants have to go back to their country. We can't let non-citizens to VOTE ! that's the evil agenda of Demorats !
Please show us your tax return to prove that you are a US citizen and paying TAX. Illegal immigrants have to go back to their country. We can't let non-citizens to VOTE ! that's the evil agenda of Demorats ! tiger2020 发表于 2025-03-13 11:12
tiger2020 发表于 2025-03-13 11:12 Please show us your tax return to prove that you are a US citizen and paying TAX. Illegal immigrants have to go back to their country. We can't let non-citizens to VOTE ! that's the evil agenda of Demorats !
This new expulsion authority would be triggered when border encounters reach set levels. When daily levels reach 4,000 over a 7-day average, the president and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) have the discretion to exercise this new expulsion authority. But when encounters reach 5,000 over a 7-day average, or 8,500 on any single day, the president would be required to use this expulsion authority.
红脖子说这是我们的国家,不需要你贡献, 你们爱滾哪里贡献去哪里贡献。
maga贡献啥是你需要考虑的事情吗? 没有非法移民美国就国将不国了? 滚蛋就可以了,回自己国家贡献去
我就是美国护照美国人,这就是我的国家,我就支持非移 那些不交税不干活天天吃福利的maga才有那滚哪里去 我这些年交的税就是让你们磕多了
你他妈的脑子有毛病。还让maga滚蛋,人家祖宗比你来的早多了。你还想反客为主?装什么大尾巴狼。我就支持把非法移民都赶出去。 你让maga滚蛋你就试试看?就你这样子。估计只感网上吹牛逼。你还让maga滚蛋。看到maga都瞎尿了。呵呵
中华你个大头鬼民族。 中华民族是中国大陆的政治概念。美国是一个大熔炉,最多算亚裔美国人。 你们这种动辄中国人的家伙 我跟你讲就你们这B样子,不要以为美国排华那边收留你。 98年印尼排华的时候你妈屁也没管。 官方层面不会管。民间也会臭骂你们活该,祖国建设你不在,一有问题给国家添乱。 记住一点,你出来就已经是天朝弃民。 有用的时候捧一下,没用你连个臭抹布都不如。
你这跟那谁在the view上面的发言一样啊:“川普把非移都遣返了,他家厕所谁来刷?” 指名道姓把脏活累活给非法移民做,你们民主党所倡导的平等平权不歧视以及人权都去哪儿了?
ABC也反的好嘛? 左逼搞的DEI大学入学制度首当其冲压裔小孩。 搞得到处屎尿,非法移民毫无贡献拿白卡,普通人打几分工,生活很艰苦。
不要觉得华裔二代就都很好。你们眼睛盯着的大厂码农 很多都是一代移民。 ABC也很多很普通工作好嘛? 正常人有几个会支持非法移民? 非法移民绝对是美国最大的危害 经济危机无所谓,资本主义么,20年来一波循环。 有翻盘的机会。 非法移民的伤害不可逆。 非法移民问题远比经济问题严重!
非法移民是不是第一个问题。这是问卷调查出来的。 川普竞选前一直发问卷的好嘛? 大嘴巴抽的民主党现在都不敢说话了吧。 川普的措施没有效果吗? 民主党是很怕川普成功,左媒现在盯着万斯追打是怕后面还有8年。
左媒天天屁话一堆,什么我们要利用盟友遏制中国。 哪些个盟友要是有用拜登会下台吗? 他们等着辗转腾挪做生意呢。 新加坡显卡转卖不是一天两天吧。 拜登在台上管吗?没用的。 川普抽两下鞭子就老实了。 欧洲的盟友恨不得美国快点死掉,好自己做老大。 他们绝逼是第一个先跟东大媾合的。 你看看德国的样子。 一定要大棒子打再加胡萝卜喂。
给钱就是爹,不给钱就是背叛。 要多远滚多远。 我希望川普成功,我也认为他能够成功。 非法移民加通胀加债务问题 三大问题 搞定一个就已经是不世之功。 如果有幸搞定三个可以上总统山了
你没看清楚我讲的,不是反非移,是反所有非白人的移民,你多去研究去听听,他们认为美国是白人建立的,黑人是奴隶过来的,后面的非白种移民包括犹太人都不属于这个国家,应该让他们回去。 我也反非移,就是打蓝工的移民也可以用正当的渠道有限额的引进,现在的趋势是反弹过头了,对非白人移民是个很下好的现象,对亚裔影响更大。
生意人们都在说不要驱逐非移 farming, construction, restaurants, factories..
川普第一期也没驱逐多少, 他也知道自己生意都是靠非移..
上次最好笑的springfield "eating dogs/cats", 工厂老板抱怨本地白人要么没兴趣申请工作,要么就不靠谱, 宁愿在家领福利
楼下不要说什么懒了。 很多东西是制度造成的问题。 比如你收入少于多少可以拿多少补贴,结果反而比奴隶工作还多。还有学费各种东西。 川普就是要改变这种策略说到底国家没钱养懒人了。 美国医保费用高也和非法移民很大关系。 对于医药企业来说非法移民收不到钱了? 最后成本上升只能让合法的公民移民多交钱。 这和零元购一样,你以为他偷的是商店的钱? 其实偷的都是普通消费者的钱好嘛。所有货损都是成本。保险覆盖一部分 但是保险也有成本的。
你这个属于极右,是有这样的人。 但是很明显川普马斯克不是这样的人。 第一美国人是有枪的,绿卡公民买枪背景调查秒批准。隐藏持枪,还有堡垒法这样的法律能够保证个人权利。 另外这种是非主流,美国需要有序列的开放并同化移民。而不是现在这样。 民主党搞下去就是安史之乱,肯定会大规模冲突。 因为极左才会有极右,主要还是应该反对极左。 你把一个学校安排进大量信仰,宗教,文化,语言不同的孩子,没有矛盾才怪。
人印第安人比maga早,人让maga滚回去的时候maga滚了吗?我为什么要滚? 我是美国人,我滚哪里去?还maga。我生活中没有白maga,只有正常白人,还有就是你你这种黄maga。 整天跪白人跪久了,也想拉着别人跟你一样下跪
赞成。这些黄maga 白maga交了多少税,吃了多少福利,磕了多少药,尤其这些黄maga,心甘情愿把自己放在白人的下面仰望,怪不得你们的子女都看不起你们。
你对福利好了解啊 看来还是拿了不少 给我们解释解释 怎么拿到59万啊?
我根本不需要跪,既然你说印第安人 那美国也是打下来的。没有自古以来,只有拳头大。你祖宗秦国坑杀赵国几十万军队,也是铁血打下来的。你不服就打。 你把maga驱逐出去,你就可以独占这个土地了。你倒是试试看。 记住了你祖宗打下来的的土地在亚洲。 黄naga也比你好多了。 你越这么说我越投共和党。
你投你的呗,我说了你就投共和党,那不是脑子不好? 现在社会就是讲法律,这就是以前的仗。我拿着美国护照,我就可以支持非移。气死你。
不要把自己瘪三心理乱投射。黄maga白maga的 你要是不爽就回去参军,打过来。我就是反对非法移民,怎么样?
哈哈哈 瘪三心理,你太了解了lol怪不得如数家珍 我是美国人你说我回哪里去?go back to china?哈哈哈哈哈 我就是支持非移 气死你
你支持有啥用,少数派只敢网上嘚吧嘚。 自己跪就说别人跪?你咋这么不要脸。护照找非法移民律师办理的?呵呵呵呵
乌合之众就是这样。你这种黄maga确实不少呢。不过有一点,我一般只在网上发表任何政治观点,因为生活中maga太恐怖了,我怕这些maga biubiu。所以只能继续靠投票来表示。
脱节个p,真正支持非法移民的哪里都是少数。 更多的无非是对过程和人权等的理解,而且这只是众多议题中的一项。 你可以说美国已经穷到不应该做人权代表了,但你不能说对事情的真正原因不了解。 The U.S. government does not "allow" illegal border crossings but faces challenges in fully preventing them due to legal, logistical, and humanitarian factors. Here’s why illegal crossings continue despite enforcement efforts: 1. U.S. Immigration Laws and Asylum Rights Legal Obligation to Process Asylum Claims: Under both U.S. and international law, individuals who reach U.S. soil have the right to request asylum, regardless of how they entered the country. Even if they cross illegally, they must be given a chance to present their case. Due Process Requirements: The U.S. immigration system requires asylum seekers to undergo screenings and court proceedings, which can take months or even years due to backlogs. 2. Border Enforcement Challenges Overwhelmed Processing Facilities: High numbers of crossings strain Border Patrol resources. When facilities reach capacity, migrants may be released with court dates rather than detained. Gaps in Physical Barriers: While there are fences and walls along portions of the border, vast stretches remain open due to terrain, funding limitations, or legal barriers preventing expansion. Cartel and Smuggling Networks: Organized crime groups facilitate illegal crossings, often coaching migrants on how to claim asylum. 3. Political Disputes and Legislative Gridlock Congressional Inaction: Immigration reform bills have repeatedly stalled in Congress due to partisan disagreements, leaving outdated policies in place. Trump’s Opposition to Bipartisan Reform: A proposed border security bill in 2024 would have given DHS more authority to close the border under specific conditions, but former President Trump urged Republicans to kill the bill, fearing it would be a political win for Biden. 4. Economic and Labor Demand Workforce Needs: Some industries rely heavily on migrant labor (e.g., agriculture, construction), leading to implicit tolerance of undocumented workers. Gaps in Legal Work Programs: Many migrants cross illegally because legal pathways for low-skilled work visas are limited and backlogged. 5. Humanitarian Considerations Families and Children: The U.S. generally does not detain families and minors for long periods due to legal restrictions. Countries Refusing Repatriation: Some nations (e.g., Venezuela, Cuba) refuse to accept deported citizens, making removal difficult. While enforcement efforts continue, these structural and legal factors contribute to why illegal crossings persist despite government action.
国会开会,被非法移民杀害女生家属来了。民主党像一木鸡。 谁支持非法移民大量涌入都写到脑门上了。 哈里斯像个巫婆一样跳舞,减少驱逐,你们都是瞎子看不见? 非法移民都洗地,滚蛋。 MAGA
可以少花钱就干的事情,为什么要让民主党败家? 川普要钱了吗?干了吗?大痴呆拜登不是说总统没权力吗?他是傻子木偶装死可不是没权力。川普干了吗,国会要授权吗?
没人说民主党做的什么都对,而是说川毒造成的恶果更多 完全可以等四年,等川总滚蛋了再选gop 你个鼠目寸光的逗逼,现在川毒都要把国家搞趴窝你还在幻想伟大复兴呢,太傻了
我感觉这才是中兴时刻。 我们红州欢天喜地庆祝,准备甩开膀子加油干!
你另外发个新帖,像这种的, https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=3060725
你们现在是少数派,不服等四年。 就这样吧。你觉得自己的生活需要别人衬托,你就尽情的yy 另外你嘴巴里好像很不屑,厨子? 你们非法移民就主要干这个知道不?
你不要总是很自卑的样子,厨子怎么了,厨子你就低人一等吗?我不觉得 但是我觉得作为一个厨子,偷吃老板的龙虾尾巴,不高级。
啊哈哈哈哈😄 笑死😂
GOP不是一直反对提高最低工资么 没技术低智商的蓝领凭什么拿高收入?
早就有证据证明非法移民犯罪率远低于us born citizen的犯罪率 自己随便上网搜一下就知道
maga滚回欧洲老家去. 黄川想都不敢想的事叫白大人滚.
我说过很多遍了, 不是经济原因,就是白人至上. 黄川粉天天跪舔白大人.
果然, 川粉连想都不敢想.
Please show us your tax return to prove that you are a US citizen and paying TAX. Illegal immigrants have to go back to their country. We can't let non-citizens to VOTE ! that's the evil agenda of Demorats !
又一个被川普传销集团害了的川粉 还在这里傻乎乎的喊没有任何证据的传销口号
笑死了,还show我的tax return和passport。想都别想。不如你自证一下你有没有护照和tax return,看看你是不是吃福利嗑药的maga