“没有人认识 大医院神经科的医生, 在进long term care 之前,还是想找其他的neurologist 做一个 2nd consultation” 这里是斯坦福第二意见 700$ https://stanfordhealthcare.org/campaigns/stanford-medicine-online-second-opinion.html How Does It Work? Create an account and tell us your situation. The cost for the service is USD $700 and may be paid with funds from your Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA). Please confirm coverage with your HSA or FSA plan administrators We''''''''''''''''ll collect your medical records (if your records are in the U.S.) An expert from Stanford Medicine will review your medical information We''''''''''''''''ll send you and your local physician a written Stanford Medicine Online Second Opinion https://www.clinicbyclevelandclinic.com/virtual-patient-registration-portal/ 这是 CLEVELANDCLINIC的第二意见 底下是Mayo Clinic Experts at the Mayo Clinic can help you navigate your healthcare journey, answer your questions and guide you through the treatment plan. When you call at any of our 3 campuses, you will be offered an appointment within 48 hours http://mayocl.in/1mtmR63 Be sure to mention the Cerebrovascular access program. Here’s some additional information about brain aneurysm care at Mayo Clinic: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/brain-aneurysm/care-at-mayo-clinic/mac-20361689 https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/second-opinion-4/ 这里是Johns Hopkins https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/telemedicine/videovisits Johns Hopkins Medicine offers secure and HIPAA compliant remote appointments 你也可以看一下家里房子保险细节cover这种突发疾病客人的cover吗?
hellohey 发表于 2025-03-09 07:05 “没有人认识 大医院神经科的医生, 在进long term care 之前,还是想找其他的neurologist 做一个 2nd consultation” 这里是斯坦福第二意见 700$ https://stanfordhealthcare.org/campaigns/stanford-medicine-online-second-opinion.html How Does It Work? Create an account and tell us your situation. The cost for the service is USD $700 and may be paid with funds from your Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA). Please confirm coverage with your HSA or FSA plan administrators We''''''''''''''''ll collect your medical records (if your records are in the U.S.) An expert from Stanford Medicine will review your medical information We''''''''''''''''ll send you and your local physician a written Stanford Medicine Online Second Opinion https://www.clinicbyclevelandclinic.com/virtual-patient-registration-portal/ 这是 CLEVELANDCLINIC的第二意见 底下是Mayo Clinic Experts at the Mayo Clinic can help you navigate your healthcare journey, answer your questions and guide you through the treatment plan. When you call at any of our 3 campuses, you will be offered an appointment within 48 hours http://mayocl.in/1mtmR63 Be sure to mention the Cerebrovascular access program. Here’s some additional information about brain aneurysm care at Mayo Clinic: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/brain-aneurysm/care-at-mayo-clinic/mac-20361689 https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/second-opinion-4/ 这里是Johns Hopkins https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/telemedicine/videovisits Johns Hopkins Medicine offers secure and HIPAA compliant remote appointments 你也可以看一下家里房子保险细节cover这种突发疾病客人的cover吗?
hellohey 发表于 2025-03-09 07:05 “没有人认识 大医院神经科的医生, 在进long term care 之前,还是想找其他的neurologist 做一个 2nd consultation” 这里是斯坦福第二意见 700$ https://stanfordhealthcare.org/campaigns/stanford-medicine-online-second-opinion.html How Does It Work? Create an account and tell us your situation. The cost for the service is USD $700 and may be paid with funds from your Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA). Please confirm coverage with your HSA or FSA plan administrators We''''''''''''''''ll collect your medical records (if your records are in the U.S.) An expert from Stanford Medicine will review your medical information We''''''''''''''''ll send you and your local physician a written Stanford Medicine Online Second Opinion https://www.clinicbyclevelandclinic.com/virtual-patient-registration-portal/ 这是 CLEVELANDCLINIC的第二意见 底下是Mayo Clinic Experts at the Mayo Clinic can help you navigate your healthcare journey, answer your questions and guide you through the treatment plan. When you call at any of our 3 campuses, you will be offered an appointment within 48 hours http://mayocl.in/1mtmR63 Be sure to mention the Cerebrovascular access program. Here’s some additional information about brain aneurysm care at Mayo Clinic: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/brain-aneurysm/care-at-mayo-clinic/mac-20361689 https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/second-opinion-4/ 这里是Johns Hopkins https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/telemedicine/videovisits Johns Hopkins Medicine offers secure and HIPAA compliant remote appointments 你也可以看一下家里房子保险细节cover这种突发疾病客人的cover吗?
Create an account and tell us your situation. The cost for the service is USD $700 and may be paid with funds from your Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA). Please confirm coverage with your HSA or FSA plan administrators We''''''''''''''''ll collect your medical records (if your records are in the U.S.) An expert from Stanford Medicine will review your medical information We''''''''''''''''ll send you and your local physician a written Stanford Medicine Online Second Opinion
https://www.clinicbyclevelandclinic.com/virtual-patient-registration-portal/ 这是 CLEVELANDCLINIC的第二意见 底下是Mayo Clinic Experts at the Mayo Clinic can help you navigate your healthcare journey, answer your questions and guide you through the treatment plan. When you call at any of our 3 campuses, you will be offered an appointment within 48 hours http://mayocl.in/1mtmR63 Be sure to mention the Cerebrovascular access program.
Here’s some additional information about brain aneurysm care at Mayo Clinic: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/brain-aneurysm/care-at-mayo-clinic/mac-20361689 https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/second-opinion-4/ 这里是Johns Hopkins https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/telemedicine/videovisits Johns Hopkins Medicine offers secure and HIPAA compliant remote appointments
每次看到这种案例,就觉得加州的这些福利还是很好的,弱势群体不分国界出于人道主义关怀都尽量帮助。虽然每年交税交的心疼 但是谁也不敢保证自己家人哪天会不会也用上啊
Mark 这位层主提供的信息。
看到这样的事情,第一想法是自己早早跟家人说清楚自己想要什么样的治疗,不想要什么样的,比如接受做CPR,不要插管,没有意识,没有生活质量的时候,放弃用机器延续生命。 总之不要让家人陷入这样的困境。
Mark 斯坦福second opinnion
有时各种账单没完没了, 打电话交涉, 医生只说一个含糊其辞的解释, 令你无可奈何