chargpt 这是添加了多少感人的内容啊。。可惜贴不上去,太长了。 Dear [Her Name], I hear your anger, and I feel your pain. The suffering of Black people, both past and present, runs deep, and history has left wounds that are still raw. I do not and will never dismiss the injustice, the exploitation, and the hypocrisy that have shaped so much of this reality. At the same time, I believe history is not static. While racism is still very real, the landscape has shifted in some ways. There have been white allies—some, like Senator Bernie Sanders, even went to jail for supporting the Civil Rights Movement. Many white people joined the fight for equality, and without them, Barack Obama could not have been elected in a country where the majority is white. Today, Black artists, musicians, and creators are celebrated worldwide, receiving not just admiration but also wealth and recognition. While cultural appropriation exists, appreciation and influence are not always theft. I say this not to invalidate your anger but because I worry about its weight on your heart. Righteous anger can fuel change, but if it consumes us, it can also drain our strength. I hope for a future where the fight for justice includes as many allies as possible. Not for their sake, but for yours—and for all who still struggle for the respect and rights they deserve. With respect and understanding, [Your Name]
你如果是想教育黑人对白人感恩的话 还是省省吧
没有不希望别人欣赏吧 只是不想被利用被别人抢credit而已
还连坐 黑人也不掌权吧 他们有仇视一切白人不接受想帮助他们的白人吗?不觉得
觉的为自己的族裔争取点利益比较好。 其他人反正都是成年人, 多数人很难改变想法
Dear [Her Name],
I hear your anger, and I feel your pain. The suffering of Black people, both past and present, runs deep, and history has left wounds that are still raw. I do not and will never dismiss the injustice, the exploitation, and the hypocrisy that have shaped so much of this reality.
At the same time, I believe history is not static. While racism is still very real, the landscape has shifted in some ways. There have been white allies—some, like Senator Bernie Sanders, even went to jail for supporting the Civil Rights Movement. Many white people joined the fight for equality, and without them, Barack Obama could not have been elected in a country where the majority is white. Today, Black artists, musicians, and creators are celebrated worldwide, receiving not just admiration but also wealth and recognition. While cultural appropriation exists, appreciation and influence are not always theft.
I say this not to invalidate your anger but because I worry about its weight on your heart. Righteous anger can fuel change, but if it consumes us, it can also drain our strength. I hope for a future where the fight for justice includes as many allies as possible. Not for their sake, but for yours—and for all who still struggle for the respect and rights they deserve.
With respect and understanding, [Your Name]
黑人是一个太大的概念, 就像对黑人的歧视, 在南方的有些地方, 可以说变化不太多, 一直都被歧视得厉害, 这些黑人反而是最老实的, 在网上叫唤不多. 而在蓝州开放的地方, 因为政策的偏斜, 有不少中产以上的黑人, 是占便宜的, (搞艺术的可能属于家境还不错的),而且他们声音还大, 有些白人是有白人原罪感的, 声音大是他们对付某些白人的武器, 并不一定她们有多不平. 我对纯种族的DEI很有意见, 一个种族内的阶层差别太大了. 制造种族之间的矛盾本身就是为了掩盖其他矛盾的. 两党打种族牌都不安好心. 还在争论这些的人不是被洗脑了, 就是为了个人利益. 看到过底层黑人的挣扎, 我对上层黑人碰到的歧视不太能共情. 也看到底层白人的困境, 没觉得他们有多少白人的privilege. 现实社会中其实是我们99.9%的人在被0.01%的人歧视, 人为刀俎我为鱼肉.