川普说的 "$8 million to make mice transgender. it''''''''s real"。这个到底是怎么回事呢,其实是Transgenic mice,是一个辛辛那提研究人员的$8million 研究项目,是把人类细胞植入到lab rats的器官里面,这样做实验研究老鼠的反应的时候,更能反映出来对人的影响。 也许川普是文盲,Transgenic vs transgender 这两个词他真的分不清楚。 或者他故意撒谎? 比如说他知道只要一把transgender 这个词抛出来,他的base就嗨了?
如果“讨论trans话题把人惹毛了”,那么这个人很可能本来就是极端右派。我属于左派,我对trans话题向来无感觉。变性人参加运动也好,不参加运动也好,根本都不是我care的问题。 我查了一下NCAA half of a millions 运动员里,变性人参加女性项目的竟然就只有个位数,川普小小的内阁inner circle 里性侵犯数量都比这个多。 为啥了就成了最最有煽动力的动员会话题?而且我又看到NCAA以前的规则就是变性人也要符合各种规定,做各种激素测定,荷尔蒙在一定范围内才允许参加女性比赛。平常的高中里面,你们周边孩子的同学里,有几个人遇到过trans 我的观点和你不一样。我不认为这是左派故意把trans炒作,然后让右派趁机攻击。trans是所有边缘化群体里的一小群人而已,根本不是左派的核心话题。但是右派思想家发现这个话题能够刺激到右派基层,所以这个话题成了右派嘴里念念叨叨的永久话题。另外一个就是上厕所了
Last night, President Donald J. Trump highlighted many of the egregious examples of waste, fraud, and abuse funded by American taxpayers, including $8 million spent by the Biden Administration “for making mice transgender.” The Fake News losers at CNN immediately tried to fact check it, but President Trump was right (as usual). FACT: Under the Biden Administration, the National Institutes of Health doled out millions of dollars in taxpayer-funded grants for institutions across the country to perform transgender experiments on mice. $455,000: “A Mouse Model to Test the Effects of Gender-affirming Hormone Therapy on HIV Vaccine-induced Immune Responses” $2,500,000: “Reproductive Consequences of Steroid Hormone Administration” “These mice manifest defects in ovarian architecture and have altered folliculogenesis.” $299,940: “Gender-Affirming Testosterone Therapy on Breast Cancer Risk and Treatment Outcomes” “We will compare the incidences and tumor specific survival in female mice (intact) and oophorectomized female mice receiving TT with their respective counterparts that do not receive TT.” $735,113: “Microbiome mediated effects of gender affirming hormone therapy in mice” $1,200,000: “Androgen effects on the reproductive neuroendocrine axis” “Aim 2 utilizes transgenic mice to test whether male-level androgens acting via AR specifically in kisspeptin neurons are necessary and/or sufficient for androgen inhibition of in vivo LH pulse parameters, including pulse frequency, and the estrogen-induced LH surge.” $3,100,000: “Gonadal hormones as mediators of sex and gender influences in asthma” “We will study the contributions of estrogens to HDM-induced asthma outcomes using male and female gonadectomized mice treated with estradiol…” TOTAL: $8,290,053
higherhighlower 发表于 2025-03-05 12:49 Last night, President Donald J. Trump highlighted many of the egregious examples of waste, fraud, and abuse funded by American taxpayers, including $8 million spent by the Biden Administration “for making mice transgender.” The Fake News losers at CNN immediately tried to fact check it, but President Trump was right (as usual). FACT: Under the Biden Administration, the National Institutes of Health doled out millions of dollars in taxpayer-funded grants for institutions across the country to perform transgender experiments on mice. $455,000: “A Mouse Model to Test the Effects of Gender-affirming Hormone Therapy on HIV Vaccine-induced Immune Responses” $2,500,000: “Reproductive Consequences of Steroid Hormone Administration” “These mice manifest defects in ovarian architecture and have altered folliculogenesis.” $299,940: “Gender-Affirming Testosterone Therapy on Breast Cancer Risk and Treatment Outcomes” “We will compare the incidences and tumor specific survival in female mice (intact) and oophorectomized female mice receiving TT with their respective counterparts that do not receive TT.” $735,113: “Microbiome mediated effects of gender affirming hormone therapy in mice” $1,200,000: “Androgen effects on the reproductive neuroendocrine axis” “Aim 2 utilizes transgenic mice to test whether male-level androgens acting via AR specifically in kisspeptin neurons are necessary and/or sufficient for androgen inhibition of in vivo LH pulse parameters, including pulse frequency, and the estrogen-induced LH surge.” $3,100,000: “Gonadal hormones as mediators of sex and gender influences in asthma” “We will study the contributions of estrogens to HDM-induced asthma outcomes using male and female gonadectomized mice treated with estradiol…” TOTAL: $8,290,053
Last night, President Donald J. Trump highlighted many of the egregious examples of waste, fraud, and abuse funded by American taxpayers, including $8 million spent by the Biden Administration “for making mice transgender.” The Fake News losers at CNN immediately tried to fact check it, but President Trump was right (as usual). FACT: Under the Biden Administration, the National Institutes of Health doled out millions of dollars in taxpayer-funded grants for institutions across the country to perform transgender experiments on mice. $455,000: “A Mouse Model to Test the Effects of Gender-affirming Hormone Therapy on HIV Vaccine-induced Immune Responses” $2,500,000: “Reproductive Consequences of Steroid Hormone Administration” “These mice manifest defects in ovarian architecture and have altered folliculogenesis.” $299,940: “Gender-Affirming Testosterone Therapy on Breast Cancer Risk and Treatment Outcomes” “We will compare the incidences and tumor specific survival in female mice (intact) and oophorectomized female mice receiving TT with their respective counterparts that do not receive TT.” $735,113: “Microbiome mediated effects of gender affirming hormone therapy in mice” $1,200,000: “Androgen effects on the reproductive neuroendocrine axis” “Aim 2 utilizes transgenic mice to test whether male-level androgens acting via AR specifically in kisspeptin neurons are necessary and/or sufficient for androgen inhibition of in vivo LH pulse parameters, including pulse frequency, and the estrogen-induced LH surge.” $3,100,000: “Gonadal hormones as mediators of sex and gender influences in asthma” “We will study the contributions of estrogens to HDM-induced asthma outcomes using male and female gonadectomized mice treated with estradiol…” TOTAL: $8,290,053 higherhighlower 发表于 2025-03-05 12:49
川普说的应该是这个Transgenic Mouse项目,$8 million 研究计划。 是一个项目$8 million。 如果川普把 Hormone Therapy 当成 transgender mice,那只能说更蠢了。 Transgenic Mouse Technology: Principles and Methods https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC4095860/?utm_source=chatgpt.com
回复 16楼 找密码2025 的帖子 川普的原话是 DOGE had identified "$8 million for making mice transgender." 然后很多媒体就进行fact check,说他胡说八道,然后早上白宫网站发布这个来支持川普的说法。虽然这说法也是很扯淡,把研究激素替代治疗的纯生物学研究当作转换性别老鼠来对待,但他不是指的转基因老鼠。
这不关transgender地位高不高的事,只关是否仔细看清和double check to stick to the fact的事。这得是一个多自以为是的a hole才能犯这种错误。不管你多恨民主党对transgender的支持,你要announce一个这样匪夷所思的事,你起码take a second look吧,这是general courtesy,unless you are a self righteous a hole
找密码2025 发表于 2025-03-05 12:44 如果“讨论trans话题把人惹毛了”,那么这个人很可能本来就是极端右派。我属于左派,我对trans话题向来无感觉。变性人参加运动也好,不参加运动也好,根本都不是我care的问题。 我查了一下NCAA half of a millions 运动员里,变性人参加女性项目的竟然就只有个位数,川普小小的内阁inner circle 里性侵犯数量都比这个多。 为啥了就成了最最有煽动力的动员会话题?而且我又看到NCAA以前的规则就是变性人也要符合各种规定,做各种激素测定,荷尔蒙在一定范围内才允许参加女性比赛。平常的高中里面,你们周边孩子的同学里,有几个人遇到过trans 我的观点和你不一样。我不认为这是左派故意把trans炒作,然后让右派趁机攻击。trans是所有边缘化群体里的一小群人而已,根本不是左派的核心话题。但是右派思想家发现这个话题能够刺激到右派基层,所以这个话题成了右派嘴里念念叨叨的永久话题。另外一个就是上厕所了
找密码2025 发表于 2025-03-05 12:44 如果“讨论trans话题把人惹毛了”,那么这个人很可能本来就是极端右派。我属于左派,我对trans话题向来无感觉。变性人参加运动也好,不参加运动也好,根本都不是我care的问题。 我查了一下NCAA half of a millions 运动员里,变性人参加女性项目的竟然就只有个位数,川普小小的内阁inner circle 里性侵犯数量都比这个多。 为啥了就成了最最有煽动力的动员会话题?而且我又看到NCAA以前的规则就是变性人也要符合各种规定,做各种激素测定,荷尔蒙在一定范围内才允许参加女性比赛。平常的高中里面,你们周边孩子的同学里,有几个人遇到过trans 我的观点和你不一样。我不认为这是左派故意把trans炒作,然后让右派趁机攻击。trans是所有边缘化群体里的一小群人而已,根本不是左派的核心话题。但是右派思想家发现这个话题能够刺激到右派基层,所以这个话题成了右派嘴里念念叨叨的永久话题。另外一个就是上厕所了
higherhighlower 发表于 2025-03-05 12:49 Last night, President Donald J. Trump highlighted many of the egregious examples of waste, fraud, and abuse funded by American taxpayers, including $8 million spent by the Biden Administration “for making mice transgender.” The Fake News losers at CNN immediately tried to fact check it, but President Trump was right (as usual). FACT: Under the Biden Administration, the National Institutes of Health doled out millions of dollars in taxpayer-funded grants for institutions across the country to perform transgender experiments on mice. $455,000: “A Mouse Model to Test the Effects of Gender-affirming Hormone Therapy on HIV Vaccine-induced Immune Responses” $2,500,000: “Reproductive Consequences of Steroid Hormone Administration” “These mice manifest defects in ovarian architecture and have altered folliculogenesis.” $299,940: “Gender-Affirming Testosterone Therapy on Breast Cancer Risk and Treatment Outcomes” “We will compare the incidences and tumor specific survival in female mice (intact) and oophorectomized female mice receiving TT with their respective counterparts that do not receive TT.” $735,113: “Microbiome mediated effects of gender affirming hormone therapy in mice” $1,200,000: “Androgen effects on the reproductive neuroendocrine axis” “Aim 2 utilizes transgenic mice to test whether male-level androgens acting via AR specifically in kisspeptin neurons are necessary and/or sufficient for androgen inhibition of in vivo LH pulse parameters, including pulse frequency, and the estrogen-induced LH surge.” $3,100,000: “Gonadal hormones as mediators of sex and gender influences in asthma” “We will study the contributions of estrogens to HDM-induced asthma outcomes using male and female gonadectomized mice treated with estradiol…” TOTAL: $8,290,053
也许川普是文盲,Transgenic vs transgender 这两个词他真的分不清楚。 或者他故意撒谎? 比如说他知道只要一把transgender 这个词抛出来,他的base就嗨了?
说实话,我真的不知道为什么maga 恨transgender 到底为啥恨到骨子里去了。恨不得肉体消灭。天天拿出来搞煽动。
最近发现认识的黑人对目前的DEI ban都很淡定,都表示又不是第一次,类似的举动过去几十年前出过很多次了,早就习惯了。反倒是很多白人特别是白女不淡定了。
本人政治倾向一直是偏左的,不会支持maga。但是对于政治问题,理性思考还是需要的。如果民主党人都像你一样,不会反思,高高在上自以为是,对不合自己意见的一律扣个大帽子, 那下次选举弄不好还是要输。
transgender 这些人从小在被bully的环境下长大,大部分过的都不如正常人,怎么可能在普通人之上。
我查了一下NCAA half of a millions 运动员里,变性人参加女性项目的竟然就只有个位数,川普小小的内阁inner circle 里性侵犯数量都比这个多。 为啥了就成了最最有煽动力的动员会话题?而且我又看到NCAA以前的规则就是变性人也要符合各种规定,做各种激素测定,荷尔蒙在一定范围内才允许参加女性比赛。平常的高中里面,你们周边孩子的同学里,有几个人遇到过trans
FACT: Under the Biden Administration, the National Institutes of Health doled out millions of dollars in taxpayer-funded grants for institutions across the country to perform transgender experiments on mice. $455,000: “A Mouse Model to Test the Effects of Gender-affirming Hormone Therapy on HIV Vaccine-induced Immune Responses” $2,500,000: “Reproductive Consequences of Steroid Hormone Administration” “These mice manifest defects in ovarian architecture and have altered folliculogenesis.” $299,940: “Gender-Affirming Testosterone Therapy on Breast Cancer Risk and Treatment Outcomes” “We will compare the incidences and tumor specific survival in female mice (intact) and oophorectomized female mice receiving TT with their respective counterparts that do not receive TT.” $735,113: “Microbiome mediated effects of gender affirming hormone therapy in mice” $1,200,000: “Androgen effects on the reproductive neuroendocrine axis” “Aim 2 utilizes transgenic mice to test whether male-level androgens acting via AR specifically in kisspeptin neurons are necessary and/or sufficient for androgen inhibition of in vivo LH pulse parameters, including pulse frequency, and the estrogen-induced LH surge.” $3,100,000: “Gonadal hormones as mediators of sex and gender influences in asthma” “We will study the contributions of estrogens to HDM-induced asthma outcomes using male and female gonadectomized mice treated with estradiol…” TOTAL: $8,290,053
hormone therapy 和 transgender mice 变形的老鼠 这是两个概念. 你连基本概念都搞不清楚
黑人已经习惯了 再DEI对他们的生活也没太多影响
川普说的应该是这个Transgenic Mouse项目,$8 million 研究计划。 是一个项目$8 million。
如果川普把 Hormone Therapy 当成 transgender mice,那只能说更蠢了。
Transgenic Mouse Technology: Principles and Methods https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC4095860/?utm_source=chatgpt.com
有些人认为LGBTQ就是病态 就活该被歧视低人一等 让他们跟LGBTQ同起同坐那是绝对不能接受的
上面是白宫网站上的内容,我COPY过来的。 https://www.whitehouse.gov/articles/2025/03/yes-biden-spent-millions-on-transgender-animal-experiments/
但是川普说老鼠项目时的时候,是说transgender mice 八百万
川普的原话是 DOGE had identified "$8 million for making mice transgender."
然后很多媒体就进行fact check,说他胡说八道,然后早上白宫网站发布这个来支持川普的说法。虽然这说法也是很扯淡,把研究激素替代治疗的纯生物学研究当作转换性别老鼠来对待,但他不是指的转基因老鼠。
这不关transgender地位高不高的事,只关是否仔细看清和double check to stick to the fact的事。这得是一个多自以为是的a hole才能犯这种错误。不管你多恨民主党对transgender的支持,你要announce一个这样匪夷所思的事,你起码take a second look吧,这是general courtesy,unless you are a self righteous a hole
Transgender 随便去哪个厕所都可以,单独使用的厕所都不行,就要进女厕,这还不是凌驾于普通人之上了?谁还能这么干?体育比赛一定要去女子组,普通男人可以吗?
trans就要进女厕? when and where? 我从来没见过一次,你见过?
Transgender 你见过?他自己告诉你了?你检查过了?你家里有谁是?
RE. 民主党为了淡化阶级矛盾,故意将LGBTQ,黑人零元购无限宽容,放大,让他们当作社会的仇恨的耙子。
川粉都是精神病。我们这里只见过unisex bathroom。当然,如果金星要进女厕,我绝对不反对,她进男厕所我才不舒服。
在啊,吵得凶的是你们极端右派。 I don’t care
结果你吵出来个啥, 川普上台,变性人不进女厕所了? 以前进过吗? 你看出差别了?
现在很多机场就有unisex 厕所,洗手池共用,隔间随便进,天也没塌下来。
谁炒作更多重要吗,关键是看选民更支持哪个观点。女厕所变性运动员都是在民主党执政期间出现的,说明民主党是支持至少是默许的。民主党是借这样的议题立一个自己比共和党更包容的 flag, 那对家就会反击。
如果炒作这个话题不能得到大多数选民的支持,maga 为什么要炒它,岂不是起反作用,自讨没趣吗。如果只是为了激活maga 基本盘,有的是更好的话题。
五十万的运动员里连十个都不到,就义愤填膺的被激怒了, 这不是炒作是啥。 你愿意损失10% 的家产为之奋斗吗?20%?30%? 现在的目的达到了,你开心了吗。
bingo 问题是民生哪儿就这么容易提高了。弄不好辛辛苦苦努力四年,成果全让下一任总统占了。相比之下,意识形态的议题更容易操作也更容易骗选票。就跟文革一样,让大家都吃饱饭不容易,但是发动红卫兵小将砸烂几个地主资本家反动派的狗头还是可以的。
民主和共和两党,都在搞这种社会价值观议题, 所以最后底层民众的不满情绪彻底爆发,成了MAGA党,准备掀桌子
你别搞笑提什么强奸犯了,你家川皇内阁就好几个,你care了嘛。 参加运动会的trans 怎么在你眼里被比喻成了强奸犯了, 恨意太大了吧
你现身说法的证实了我的论点。 一提到变性人,一提到厕所, 你就被激怒了。
我觉得那位是情绪上头,开始进入二极管思维模式, 只要和川普沾边必然就是错的, 民主党反对川普,所以民主党在所有议题上必然是对的。。
这和几年前的川粉大妈一样 从反对民主党AA => 反对民主党一切 =>支持共和党反AA => 支持共和党一切 => 川普现在是共和党代表 => MAGA!!
有些人很极端自己没见过就说没有, 我还真见过穿着女装染着指甲自认女性的大男人进女厕所,那是奥巴时期的纽约自认性别风气正盛, 里面几个各族裔女性只能互相耸耸肩表示无奈,都不敢说什么,
Kai,你的不正常超出了人类的底线,北卡受飓风灾害的时候没人只能得到750刀的救助,$8米 的钱用在那些恶心的项目,像你这样的左派人渣居然还认为正常, 呸!
不论是transgenic 还是白宫洗地拼凑出来的出来的 hormone therapy 都是正常的科研项目。 你认为恶心是因为你啥也不懂,川普说 make mice transgender 果然就被你听进去了,以为是真的。 这位你不是留学出来的吧
有女的变成男的transgender 去参加男的比赛吗?大概去了也是陪练,出不了什么好成绩的
你张口就来,有什么凭证吗? 你怎么断定trump说的就是辛辛那提这个实验? 凭着“‘老鼠” 和$8m? 这逻辑。。。还说人家文盲。
你这个解释中肯。估计在上一任政府,LGBTQ+是 funding密码。啥研究都往上靠,好拿fund。结果现在被反噬了。
你是男的?你看到过?我是女的,所以问,因为觉得像fake news,挺不可思议的。
上reporter.nih.gov搜一下transgenic mice, 光算现在active的grant, 就有3774个,8百万够吗?
飞机上的厕所不都是unisex 吗?