Sustainable Harvesting Laws – Canada has strict forestry regulations requiring companies to follow sustainable harvesting practices. These include selective logging, clear-cutting limits, and reforestation mandates. Mandatory Replanting – By law, forestry companies must regenerate harvested areas through natural regeneration or replanting. This ensures that forests continue to grow and remain productive. Public Land Management – Most of Canada’s forests (over 90%) are on public land, meaning logging is subject to government oversight and long-term sustainability planning. Annual Allowable Cut (AAC) – The government sets an AAC to ensure that only a sustainable amount of timber is harvested each year, preventing overexploitation. Certification Standards – Many Canadian forestry operations are certified by organizations like the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI), which enforce environmental and social responsibility standards. Natural Regrowth – Boreal forests, which cover much of Canada, are naturally resilient and regenerate through natural processes like seed dispersal and regrowth from cut stumps. Protection of Old-Growth Forests – While some concerns remain, Canada has policies in place to protect certain old-growth forests and biodiversity-rich areas from logging.
怎么可能梳理,砍伐运输成本多高 砍伐森林就是成片砍光,有的给开发商造房子,不造房子就种人工林。
黑松(Pinus thunbergii)的生长速度受环境、土壤、水分、气候等因素的影响。一般来说,在适宜的生长条件下,黑松的 胸径(树干直径)每年增长约 0.5 至 1.5 厘米。
幼年期(0-10 年):生长较快,胸径年增长约 1-1.5 厘米。
中年期(10-30 年):生长速度稍减缓,胸径年增长约 0.8-1 厘米。
老年期(30 年以上):生长速度进一步下降,胸径年增长约 0.5-0.8 厘米。
Sustainable Harvesting Laws – Canada has strict forestry regulations requiring companies to follow sustainable harvesting practices. These include selective logging, clear-cutting limits, and reforestation mandates. Mandatory Replanting – By law, forestry companies must regenerate harvested areas through natural regeneration or replanting. This ensures that forests continue to grow and remain productive. Public Land Management – Most of Canada’s forests (over 90%) are on public land, meaning logging is subject to government oversight and long-term sustainability planning. Annual Allowable Cut (AAC) – The government sets an AAC to ensure that only a sustainable amount of timber is harvested each year, preventing overexploitation. Certification Standards – Many Canadian forestry operations are certified by organizations like the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI), which enforce environmental and social responsibility standards. Natural Regrowth – Boreal forests, which cover much of Canada, are naturally resilient and regenerate through natural processes like seed dispersal and regrowth from cut stumps. Protection of Old-Growth Forests – While some concerns remain, Canada has policies in place to protect certain old-growth forests and biodiversity-rich areas from logging.
这些川总是不会考虑的 他考虑的第一是对他的人是不是有利---涉及直接腐败; 第二是还是attention whore本性,放个大炮仗,吸引注意力,对低智的粉来讲,只要有动静就是进步
骗子治国而已, 和商人没啥关系.
你跟川粉讲多样性? DEI的啊, 川粉哪听得懂.