根本不是这回事。自己有注册公司的就知道这个新法就是增加legal paperwork and costs for compliance. 对于大多数sole proprietor and single-member LLC (大多数的注册公司)来说,这完全是多此一举。但是你不报或者晚报的处罚很严重。 大公司有法律和会计部门的早就做完这事情了,小公司 mom & pop business都不一定知道这个铁锤悬在空中。 华人注册公司的老板们:你们报了吗? https://boiefiling.fincen.gov/e044b16435f747afbac5.pdf
我去查了一下这个法律要求的是什么,什么时候通过的: 法律要求什么? Under the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA), which went into effect on January 1, 2024, many U.S. small business owners are required to file corporate transparency reports with beneficial ownership information. The CTA was enacted in 2021 to combat illicit activity including tax fraud, money laundering, and financing for terrorism by capturing more ownership information for specific U.S. businesses operating in or accessing the country’s market. Under the new legislation, businesses that meet certain criteria must submit a Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) Report to the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). This report provides details identifying individuals who are associated with the reporting company. The CTA was established to prevent individuals with malicious intent from hiding or benefitting from the ownership of their U.S. entities to facilitate illegal operations which, according to Congress, is a widely-used tactic that affects national security and economic integrity. (信息来源:https://www.uschamber.com/co/start/strategy/small-business-corporate-transparency-act) 要求企业报告 beneficial ownership information,就是说这个企业的经济来源,受益人,这是过高过分的要求? 这个法案什么时候通过的? 这个法律作为National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025的一部分 The bill passed the House on December 11, 2024, by a vote of 281–140 On December 18, 2024, the bill passed the Senate by a vote of 85–14 CTA 之后有不少legal challange,最后是最高法院确认challange 无效(As of January 2025, the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) is temporarily suspended due to a court injunction, but the Supreme Court has stayed that injunction. )。 如果国会通过的法律,在法律途径无法取消的情况下,政府可以无故取消,三权分立在哪里?
华人网用LLC管理出租房的小房东们,你们知道如果这个法律实施你们non-compliance的代价是每天$519的罚款和两年的牢狱之灾吗?Count yourself lucky if you haven’t reported, because SCOTUS issued injunction and the reporting deadline delayed a few times. 不然你们已经违法了。 Civil penalties for reporting violations include fines up to $591 per day for each violation. FinCEN can also charge business owners and senior officers with criminal penalties if they willfully fail to comply with the BOI reporting requirements. Criminal penalties can include up to a $10,000 fine and two years in prison. “While we appreciate the restraint and understanding FinCEN appears to be showing about the massive burden BOI reporting poses for millions of small businesses, we urgently need Congress to intervene and pass legislation that doesn’t harm small businesses and actually fixes the problem of money-laundering; both sides of the coin on which CTA is a complete failure,” NSBA President and CEO Todd McCracken said in a statement on Feb. 28. https://www.cpapracticeadvisor.com/2025/02/28/fincen-extends-boi-reporting-deadline-again-pauses-enforcement/156733/
SAT 发表于 2025-03-04 11:31 华人网用LLC管理出租房的小房东们,你们知道如果这个法律实施你们non-compliance的代价是每天$519的罚款和两年的牢狱之灾吗?Count yourself lucky if you haven’t reported, because SCOTUS issued injunction and the reporting deadline delayed a few times. 不然你们已经违法了。 Civil penalties for reporting violations include fines up to $591 per day for each violation. FinCEN can also charge business owners and senior officers with criminal penalties if they willfully fail to comply with the BOI reporting requirements. Criminal penalties can include up to a $10,000 fine and two years in prison. “While we appreciate the restraint and understanding FinCEN appears to be showing about the massive burden BOI reporting poses for millions of small businesses, we urgently need Congress to intervene and pass legislation that doesn’t harm small businesses and actually fixes the problem of money-laundering; both sides of the coin on which CTA is a complete failure,” NSBA President and CEO Todd McCracken said in a statement on Feb. 28. https://www.cpapracticeadvisor.com/2025/02/28/fincen-extends-boi-reporting-deadline-again-pauses-enforcement/156733/
SAT 发表于 2025-03-04 11:31 华人网用LLC管理出租房的小房东们,你们知道如果这个法律实施你们non-compliance的代价是每天$519的罚款和两年的牢狱之灾吗?Count yourself lucky if you haven’t reported, because SCOTUS issued injunction and the reporting deadline delayed a few times. 不然你们已经违法了。 Civil penalties for reporting violations include fines up to $591 per day for each violation. FinCEN can also charge business owners and senior officers with criminal penalties if they willfully fail to comply with the BOI reporting requirements. Criminal penalties can include up to a $10,000 fine and two years in prison. “While we appreciate the restraint and understanding FinCEN appears to be showing about the massive burden BOI reporting poses for millions of small businesses, we urgently need Congress to intervene and pass legislation that doesn’t harm small businesses and actually fixes the problem of money-laundering; both sides of the coin on which CTA is a complete failure,” NSBA President and CEO Todd McCracken said in a statement on Feb. 28. https://www.cpapracticeadvisor.com/2025/02/28/fincen-extends-boi-reporting-deadline-again-pauses-enforcement/156733/
Did you really think we want those laws observed?" said Dr. Ferris. "We want them to be broken. You'd better get it straight that it's not a bunch of boy scouts you're up against... We're after power and we mean it... There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted – and you create a nation of law-breakers – and then you cash in on guilt. Now that's the system, Mr. Reardon, that's the game, and once you understand it, you'll be much easier to deal with. -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
零元购才能够几个钱 十几几百上千?空气币一发,利用权力让比特币上涨利用消息做多一下子几百亿到手了。做宗三代靠开妓院起价赚的钱也不过是这俩月赚的零头
这个决议简单粗暴 但是 也是拯救了美国经济的一个手法
就像当年的西部赌场 一个手法 间接地带动了那一块的经济
虽然不道德 我还是赞成的
川粉正在选舔的角度中 总会有精彩表演的
反对洗钱的原因主要涉及 经济安全、社会稳定、国家安全和国际关系。以下是几个关键点: 1. 破坏金融系统 洗钱会使非法资金混入正规经济体系,导致银行、证券市场等金融机构难以评估真实资金流动,增加金融系统的风险。 可能引发 银行倒闭、金融危机,降低公众对金融体系的信任。 2. 助长犯罪和恐怖主义 许多犯罪活动(如毒品交易、贪污腐败、诈骗、人口贩卖)依赖洗钱来隐藏收益,使犯罪分子能继续运作。 恐怖组织也利用洗钱获取资金,支持恐怖袭击,威胁国家和全球安全。 3. 影响经济公平竞争 洗钱使非法资金进入市场,可能导致某些企业不公平竞争,例如 黑色经济抢占市场,影响合法企业生存。 可能造成 房地产、股市等泡沫,扭曲市场价格。 4. 损害政府财政和税收 洗钱者通常通过地下经济或假交易避税,政府无法获得应有的税收,影响社会福利和公共服务支出。 资金外逃也会影响国家经济发展,削弱政府调控能力。 5. 损害国家声誉,影响国际合作 国际上反洗钱法规日趋严格,如果某国洗钱问题严重,可能被列入 “金融不合作国家和地区”(FATF黑名单),导致投资下降、跨国交易受限。 可能面临国际制裁,影响外汇储备和贸易发展。 6. 侵蚀社会道德 洗钱让犯罪分子逃避法律制裁,可能导致 社会对违法行为的容忍度上升,助长腐败和非法交易。 影响社会风气,使公平正义受到挑战。 结论: 洗钱不仅仅是金融问题,而是一个涉及国家安全、社会公正、经济秩序的大问题。各国政府都会严厉打击洗钱行为,以保护经济和社会稳定,同时维护全球金融体系的安全性。
根本不是这回事。自己有注册公司的就知道这个新法就是增加legal paperwork and costs for compliance. 对于大多数sole proprietor and single-member LLC (大多数的注册公司)来说,这完全是多此一举。但是你不报或者晚报的处罚很严重。 大公司有法律和会计部门的早就做完这事情了,小公司 mom & pop business都不一定知道这个铁锤悬在空中。
这个主要针对foreign entity.
人家美国法学院的教授就是楼主这么写的,路透社,yahoo财经等等美国专业的财经记者也是。 都不如你俩老中的英文好,救主子也不是这么救的,真搞笑!
虽然。。。,但是并不是明确针对。。。; 这样做是因为有个别。。。。; 现在是特殊情况,以后会改进。。。; 短期震动,长期向好。。。;
直到疮总把他们最后一颗棺材钉订下去之前, 他们是不会把神舔之舌收回去的
我对这些遗祸后代的垃圾只有一句话:go to hell
你写的这一段在逻辑学里叫做Appeal to Authority fallacy. 你去我列出的财政部网站和文件去看,才是不带节奏的原始信息。
法律要求什么? Under the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA), which went into effect on January 1, 2024, many U.S. small business owners are required to file corporate transparency reports with beneficial ownership information. The CTA was enacted in 2021 to combat illicit activity including tax fraud, money laundering, and financing for terrorism by capturing more ownership information for specific U.S. businesses operating in or accessing the country’s market. Under the new legislation, businesses that meet certain criteria must submit a Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) Report to the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). This report provides details identifying individuals who are associated with the reporting company. The CTA was established to prevent individuals with malicious intent from hiding or benefitting from the ownership of their U.S. entities to facilitate illegal operations which, according to Congress, is a widely-used tactic that affects national security and economic integrity.
要求企业报告 beneficial ownership information,就是说这个企业的经济来源,受益人,这是过高过分的要求? 这个法案什么时候通过的?
这个法律作为National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025的一部分 The bill passed the House on December 11, 2024, by a vote of 281–140 On December 18, 2024, the bill passed the Senate by a vote of 85–14 CTA 之后有不少legal challange,最后是最高法院确认challange 无效(As of January 2025, the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) is temporarily suspended due to a court injunction, but the Supreme Court has stayed that injunction. )。
Civil penalties for reporting violations include fines up to $591 per day for each violation. FinCEN can also charge business owners and senior officers with criminal penalties if they willfully fail to comply with the BOI reporting requirements. Criminal penalties can include up to a $10,000 fine and two years in prison. “While we appreciate the restraint and understanding FinCEN appears to be showing about the massive burden BOI reporting poses for millions of small businesses, we urgently need Congress to intervene and pass legislation that doesn’t harm small businesses and actually fixes the problem of money-laundering; both sides of the coin on which CTA is a complete failure,” NSBA President and CEO Todd McCracken said in a statement on Feb. 28.
这个法律主要针对shell company的,如果比如你想投资比特币,赚的钱需要上税,所以很多人在offshore开一个公司,比如开曼,然后通过开曼公司进行投资,获得回报,开曼是不收任何税的,那这个税美国怎么收呢,就是通过这个CTA,我觉得和什么房东小公司一点关系都没有。美国会确定这个公司的实际控股人是美国人,比如在公司架构占多少比例以上。如果这个公司是亲朋持有可以吗?也不行。因为涉及到实际受益人和股东关联关系。总之我觉得Trump不如把全球征税撤了,一了百了。上次他在台上,很多人游说,一直有这个rumor,现在美国国力不行,搞全球征税也底气不足,支持他撤。
这个EXEMPTION不适用外国公司。 所有外国公司还是要报告的。 只EXEMPT本国的小公司。
Did you really think we want those laws observed?" said Dr. Ferris. "We want them to be broken. You'd better get it straight that it's not a bunch of boy scouts you're up against... We're after power and we mean it... There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted – and you create a nation of law-breakers – and then you cash in on guilt. Now that's the system, Mr. Reardon, that's the game, and once you understand it, you'll be much easier to deal with. -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
天大地大 厕所最大
这个我觉得一方面确实对守法的小企业是个BURDEN,特别是小公司。很多都不知道这回事。另一方面也确实能降低执法部门成本。。一个人的小公司也能洗钱。执法部门最大的问题是要SUBPOENA, 一个SUBPOENA要3个月, 人家来回倒几个银行,等你搞清楚早没影儿了。 不像中国, 打个电话账本随便看。 我对这个也是MIXED FEELING.
你去银行开一个公司账户就会发现银行的KYC (know your customer) 管理条例已经非常严格了。来回倒几个银行至少在美国起不到瞒天过海的作用。
如果是拜登的政府提出不执行这个法律,那我还可以理解,因为他们他的政府里面几乎没有人是巨富, 所以我可能相信他们的目的是想减少小企业的负担。而现在川普的政府有多少巨富在内阁成员大家都知道,首要的受益人就是他们自己,让人普通老百姓很难不怀疑他们不执行这个法律的最终的目的是什么?
我虽然不喜欢trump,他要少上税,我肯定乐意,所以我支持去掉反洗钱的法令,哈哈。洗钱这个也不一定都是什么drup dealer需要,很多情况也是因为税收上有很多不合理的地方,最简单的比如海外公司没有treaty有可能会被双重收税。其实巨富可以买名画买古董,轻松就把钱洗了,drug dealer人家买crypto,ebay上买lego,我觉得手段太多了。一般公司钱只能在账上趴着不拿回美国。上次trump给海外公司一次性减税,拿回来不少钱,这次就不知道了。