最近不是讨论在讨论那个FAA Air Traffic Controller 短缺吗。仔细看了看,觉得很不错啊。当然华人们是不是很多看不上啊。 首先觉得eligibility也不是很高 ( 具体我也不知道,但是我觉得华二代应该是绰绰有余);二是通过了后在OKC 的FAA academy培训三年,三年培训工资$22.61/每小时。you will also receive health benefits, food and housing allowances while at the Academy. 毕业后,Within three years of graduating the Academy, the average certified professional controller earns over $160,000 per year. 这是包分配的啊。 三是工作就是federal employee( 先不讨论当前的政府工的问题,这是有技术的)As a federal employee, air traffic controllers receive a robust benefits package - with a variety of insurance, retirement, leave, and flexible spending options for employees and their families. 30 年就退休。想想25岁工作,到55就可以退休了。
首先觉得eligibility也不是很高 ( 具体我也不知道,但是我觉得华二代应该是绰绰有余);二是通过了后在OKC 的FAA academy培训三年,三年培训工资$22.61/每小时。you will also receive health benefits, food and housing allowances while at the Academy. 毕业后,Within three years of graduating the Academy, the average certified professional controller earns over $160,000 per year. 这是包分配的啊。 三是工作就是federal employee( 先不讨论当前的政府工的问题,这是有技术的)As a federal employee, air traffic controllers receive a robust benefits package - with a variety of insurance, retirement, leave, and flexible spending options for employees and their families. 30 年就退休。想想25岁工作,到55就可以退休了。