你应该交智商税! Marginal rates. For tax year 2025, the top tax rate remains 37% for individual single taxpayers with incomes greater than $626,350 ($751,600 for married couples filing jointly). The other rates are: 35% for incomes over $250,525 ($501,050 for married couples filing jointly). 32% for incomes over $197,300 ($394,600 for married couples filing jointly). 24% for incomes over $103,350 ($206,700 for married couples filing jointly). 22% for incomes over $48,475 ($96,950 for married couples filing jointly). 12% for incomes over $11,925 ($23,850 for married couples filing jointly). 10% for incomes $11,925 or less ($23,850 or less for married couples filing jointly). 富人永远比你多交税! 很多穷人税率涨削毫无意义,反正这些人不交税!
你应该交智商税! Marginal rates. For tax year 2025, the top tax rate remains 37% for individual single taxpayers with incomes greater than $626,350 ($751,600 for married couples filing jointly). The other rates are: 35% for incomes over $250,525 ($501,050 for married couples filing jointly). 32% for incomes over $197,300 ($394,600 for married couples filing jointly). 24% for incomes over $103,350 ($206,700 for married couples filing jointly). 22% for incomes over $48,475 ($96,950 for married couples filing jointly). 12% for incomes over $11,925 ($23,850 for married couples filing jointly). 10% for incomes $11,925 or less ($23,850 or less for married couples filing jointly). 富人永远比你多交税! 很多穷人税率涨削毫无意义,反正这些人不交税! 大青椒 发表于 2025-02-26 20:44
来来来,看看你有没有智商好伐。 极度贫穷的不交税,多数人regular people都在赤贫和富人之间,他们是加税了还是减税了?富人永远交税更多?你不知道你这个穷人交的税比Trump还多吗? Murphy: Trump’s Billionaire Tax Cut is a Scam to Take Money From Regular People
大青椒 发表于 2025-02-26 20:44 你应该交智商税! Marginal rates. For tax year 2025, the top tax rate remains 37% for individual single taxpayers with incomes greater than $626,350 ($751,600 for married couples filing jointly). The other rates are: 35% for incomes over $250,525 ($501,050 for married couples filing jointly). 32% for incomes over $197,300 ($394,600 for married couples filing jointly). 24% for incomes over $103,350 ($206,700 for married couples filing jointly). 22% for incomes over $48,475 ($96,950 for married couples filing jointly). 12% for incomes over $11,925 ($23,850 for married couples filing jointly). 10% for incomes $11,925 or less ($23,850 or less for married couples filing jointly). 富人永远比你多交税! 很多穷人税率涨削毫无意义,反正这些人不交税!
麻烦你秀智商算一下 2024 tax rates for a single taxpayer For a single taxpayer, the rates are: Tax rate on taxable income from . . . up to . . . 10% $0 $11,600 12% $11,601 $47,150 22% $47,151 $100,525 24% $100,526 $191,950 32% $191,951 $243,725 35% $243,726 $609,350 37% $609,351 And up 暂按10万以下算穷人, 从24年$11600到25年$11925 ,10%税率,这些4.8%什么的的涨幅,你怎么算出来的? 算不出来就承认你该交智商税! 抓紧来证明你的智商还存吧!
大青椒 发表于 2025-02-26 20:44 你应该交智商税! Marginal rates. For tax year 2025, the top tax rate remains 37% for individual single taxpayers with incomes greater than $626,350 ($751,600 for married couples filing jointly). The other rates are: 35% for incomes over $250,525 ($501,050 for married couples filing jointly). 32% for incomes over $197,300 ($394,600 for married couples filing jointly). 24% for incomes over $103,350 ($206,700 for married couples filing jointly). 22% for incomes over $48,475 ($96,950 for married couples filing jointly). 12% for incomes over $11,925 ($23,850 for married couples filing jointly). 10% for incomes $11,925 or less ($23,850 or less for married couples filing jointly). 富人永远比你多交税! 很多穷人税率涨削毫无意义,反正这些人不交税!
麻烦你秀智商算一下 2024 tax rates for a single taxpayer For a single taxpayer, the rates are: Tax rate on taxable income from . . . up to . . . 10% $0 $11,600 12% $11,601 $47,150 22% $47,151 $100,525 24% $100,526 $191,950 32% $191,951 $243,725 35% $243,726 $609,350 37% $609,351 And up 暂按10万以下算穷人, 从24年$11600到25年$11925 ,10%税率,这些4.8%什么的的涨幅,你怎么算出来的? 算不出来就承认你该交智商税! 抓紧来证明你的智商还存吧! 大青椒 发表于 2025-02-26 21:28
The seven federal tax rates remain the same for 2025: 10%, 12%, 22%, 24%, 32%, 35%, and 37%. The qualifying income for each 2025 tax bracket moves slightly higher compared to 2024. A key income threshold to watch for high-income filers is $197,300 for single filers and $394,600 for married couples filing jointly. 川黑看不懂税,我来总结一下:Good News no change of tax rates each tax bracket moves slightly higher which is good for everyone
还以为什么高论呢, 哪个国家的收入税不是这个结构的。
很好奇 税已经多交了 为什么医疗 上学 各方面还要层层压榨呢 ?中产值得几重压榨呢
我觉得既然多交税了 应该别的方面一视同仁才对
来来来,看看你有没有智商好伐。 极度贫穷的不交税,多数人regular people都在赤贫和富人之间,他们是加税了还是减税了?富人永远交税更多?你不知道你这个穷人交的税比Trump还多吗?
Murphy: Trump’s Billionaire Tax Cut is a Scam to Take Money From Regular People
Trump Tax Cuts in 2025 — My Prediction on What Will Happen
Corporate cut 15% - Make Corporate Richer
暂按10万以下算穷人, 从24年$11600到25年$11925 ,10%税率,这些4.8%什么的的涨幅,你怎么算出来的? 算不出来就承认你该交智商税! 抓紧来证明你的智商还存吧!
年收入1万,一个月1000, 还要交税?
减税谁得利, 一个喝啤酒的段子解释得最清楚
川黑看不懂税,我来总结一下:Good News no change of tax rates each tax bracket moves slightly higher which is good for everyone