哈哈哈好有趣!🤣 如果分步问它呢?比如让它分三步: 1. Draw a high quality oval faceted (gemstone name) cut stone that’s ready to be set in fine jewelry 2. Find in the picture where the blank setting for a gem is (and highlight it) 3. Set the (gemstone name) in the blank. If needed, you can rotate the gem to better fit the setting 我没有付费账户,好奇这样指示它会不会结果好一点… 😃
wtorchid 发表于 2025-02-26 07:11 哈哈哈好有趣!🤣 如果分步问它呢?比如让它分三步: 1. Draw an high quality oval faceted (gemstone name) that’s ready to be set in fine jewelry 2. Find in the picture where the blank setting for a gem is (and highlight it) 3. Set the (gemstone name) in the blank. If needed, you can rotate the gem to better fit the setting 我没有付费账户,好奇这样指示它会不会结果好一点… 😃
同意。这个设计比较busy,主石撞色才能stand out
我其实以前试过这个办法设计东西, 可是觉得这方面跟它很难沟通
刚刚又试了一下 给你看个它的杰作
我让chatgpt弄了几个紫色的图 好像比较协调也能突出主石
如果分步问它呢?比如让它分三步: 1. Draw a high quality oval faceted (gemstone name) cut stone that’s ready to be set in fine jewelry 2. Find in the picture where the blank setting for a gem is (and highlight it) 3. Set the (gemstone name) in the blank. If needed, you can rotate the gem to better fit the setting
我没有付费账户,好奇这样指示它会不会结果好一点… 😃
直接跟它说先把石头counterclockwise rotate多少度它都不转吗?真不听话… 那不然让它自己反省一下,问它觉得石头贴合setting了吗?没有的话应该怎样adjust才能fit better?然后让它adjust.
是的 我的指令很具体了