What is the percentage of civil law cases that go to trial instead of being settled beforehand? In civil cases, about 1% of cases ever get to the point where they actually start a trial and hear even one witness.
What is the percentage of civil law cases that go to trial instead of being settled beforehand? In civil cases, about 1% of cases ever get to the point where they actually start a trial and hear even one witness.
It is exceptionally difficult for a civil litigation against the police or government to survive until a jury trial. For a case to successfully reach this stage, it must overcome numerous legal challenges from the defendants and undergo rigorous scrutiny by the court regarding its merits before proceeding to trial. At this point, most plaintiffs would seek a settlement, as trial outcomes are highly unpredictable. However, if a plaintiff chooses to go to trial, their decision could stem from various reasons, and they must possess immense courage to face all potential outcomes, which is truly admirable. -no chinese input
刚刚朋友圈得知一条令人振奋的消息:一位勇敢的华人起诉州政府的案件,竟然在层层法律挑战中成功突围,在联邦法庭进入了陪审团庭审阶段!众所周知,此类案件通常会在早期程序中迅速驳回(dismiss), 面对被告方提出的各种动议(motion to dismiss, summary judgment 等),原告需要提供充足的法律依据和证据,才能一步步突破法律关卡。能够挺过这些程序性挑战,最终进入陪审团审理的案件一般不超过1%, 实属不易,足见案件的分量和律师团队的努力。 下周一 (2/24早上9 点)将是庭审的最后一天,期待正义得以伸张!太了不起了!
问了一下,是700 Stewart St, 14 Floor, Seattle. 进入法庭需要ID -比如驾照。
层主的表达明显是对法庭缺乏了解。这种案件进入庭审那一步是非常难的。 我有个邻居告警察,不到一个月就被撤销了。
What is the percentage of civil law cases that go to trial instead of being settled beforehand? In civil cases, about 1% of cases ever get to the point where they actually start a trial and hear even one witness.
It is exceptionally difficult for a civil litigation against the police or government to survive until a jury trial. For a case to successfully reach this stage, it must overcome numerous legal challenges from the defendants and undergo rigorous scrutiny by the court regarding its merits before proceeding to trial. At this point, most plaintiffs would seek a settlement, as trial outcomes are highly unpredictable. However, if a plaintiff chooses to go to trial, their decision could stem from various reasons, and they must possess immense courage to face all potential outcomes, which is truly admirable.
-no chinese input
In most cases, you will not have the opportunity to present your case to a jury, as the judge is likely to dismiss the claims well before that point.
还有就是最简单的和政府打官司就是traffic ticket 上庭。
It is difficult to have a chance for settlement. It is more difficult to put your case before the jury. <1% - in my experience.
版上应该有大把人当年(20年前?)因为办绿卡的事起诉过USCIS 和FBI吧?
Trafic ticket 上庭不就是走个过场吗。
我当年雇佣了律师上庭打traffic ticket 官司,实在气不过