kelly103 发表于 2025-02-23 01:03 在劳动力短缺的情况下就该雇佣非法移民吗?难道不是应该从墨西哥,或者中南美洲引入短期合法劳动力吗? 但是,我反对川普暴力驱逐非法移民,也反对他加关税。 我支持的是马斯克查账,提高政府效率,减少不必要开支。 马斯克已经是世界首富了,坦白说,我也不理解他为什么要做这种吃力不讨好的事。他完全可以像贝佐斯,找个娇妻;或者小札买个小岛种地养猪;甚至可以像盖茨一样资助第三世界贫困地区。 我想,他也许真的非常热爱美国,希望这个国家富强伟大。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don’t know anything about U.S but I’m from rural Brandenburg near Berlin Germany. Exactly where the new giga Berlin openend. Lots of people hate him here because they never really read anything about what he actually does, they just see him as a rich super villain. But the Factory really bring in fresh Industries. Berlin used to be germanys power house for industries before WW2. Lots of it vanished or got state owned during communist time. Since we are united again big Industries and Manufacturers didn’t came back they went either to the South or NRW. So Berlin and especially the state Around it doesn’t has much Job opportunities for engineers or mechanics. Lots of skilled people went away leaving the little towns empty and shifting to Right wing politics even tho the least Foreigners living in the East. It puts the little towns back on the map and makes them live able again because of new Jobs and better income without having to travel everyday into the City to work at an Office. I think he picked this spot really well and it will only brighten up our future living here and creating a better life. And it will give more Manufacturers the idea to built factory’s around Berlin. Because 1 Land is much cheaper compared to the rest of Germany and you have a lot of young workforce with over 4 million people living the Area.
你少来带节奏了。 在此之前这个规模的客机失事美国16年都没有过了。
我想多数人不反对减少waste, fraud and abuse. 问题是不是马斯克这种整法。他在twitter上来开了一堆人,然后过几天发现开多了然后再给叫回来。前几天也是。开了一堆人后来发现其中有搞核能的人又给叫回来了。事情不是这样做的。怎么可以在没搞清楚现状的时候就开始动作?马斯克现在做的所有事情,没有任何监管。没有任何透明 在网站上发点他想发的东西那不是透明。这都是大忌。现在川普又说马斯克不是doge的负责人。😂
现在的论调就是开错了再叫回来,没啥的,所以可以随便砍。蛮多人不以为然的。 哎,不知道说啥好。
US airlines 16年的记录谁任期打破的?
这个不是写daily or weekly report问题. 是突然周六下午要你写,星期一不交就解雇你的问题。就是侮辱性极强
你们公司人人都给HR写weeklyreport写了快十年了?难怪你这人被折磨成这样了。。。你要知道医龙当年整推特员工的时候也只是做了一段时间,而不需持续几年。我真心建议你换个文化好一点的公司,过过正常人的日子可能你也会正常一点。 另外给你科普下,政府员工每天都交timecard的时候都会填写自己做了那些项目。