今年真是的,周末因下暴雨发大水,肯德基有八人遇难,乔治亚有一人遇难。这不是飓风,很久没听过这样的事情了。 FEMA是不是应该把刚解雇的人招回来? https://www.cnn.com/2025/02/16/weather/storm-east-us-peak-tornadoes-sunday/index.html At least 9 deaths blamed on powerful storm that toppled trees and flooded roads
Glad Trump had the chance to waste millions of taxpayer dollars to fly over the Daytona 500 and then ride The Beast on the track as parts of West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky, Arkansas, and Tennessee are underwater. Priorities. pic.twitter.com/5AJJdc7oy3 — MeidasTouch (@MeidasTouch) February 16, 2025
shenandoah1 发表于 2025-02-16 15:29 今年真是的,周末因下暴雨发大水,肯德基有八人遇难,乔治亚有一人遇难。这不是飓风,很久没听过这样的事情了。 FEMA是不是应该把刚解雇的人招回来? https://www.cnn.com/2025/02/16/weather/storm-east-us-peak-tornadoes-sunday/index.html At least 9 deaths blamed on powerful storm that toppled trees and flooded roads
Since we’re on the topic of government waste, Donald Trump’s joyride around the Daytona 500 cost American taxpayers around $5,000,000. 🤡 Here’s the breakdown: Air Force One Costs: estimated $800,000 – $1,000,000. Presidential Motorcade & Transport: estimated $200,000 – $500,000 Secret Service & Security estimated $1 million – $2 million. FAA & Airspace Restrictions: estimated $100,000 – $300,000 Staffing & Logistical Support: estimated $200,000 – $500,000 Additional Emergency & Military Resources: estimated $100,000 – $500,000. I think MAGA has lost the right to lecture on us about wasteful spending, don’t you?
https://www.cnn.com/2025/02/16/weather/storm-east-us-peak-tornadoes-sunday/index.html At least 9 deaths blamed on powerful storm that toppled trees and flooded roads
its 2025,川皇不会发罪己诏,但是会发币。
"you are on your own"
修retention pond滞洪池塘还可以平时作为公园使用,water conveyance水道当作小河,这些附近散步钓鱼什么的都不错
是啊,就版上那些高华的嘴脸,“相亲相爱一家人”,谁跟你一家人啊。They deserve this.
还要联邦政府干嘛呢,FEMA 瘫痪,各种自救吧
最可气的是这次还裁员很多park rangers, forest services 还有federal land 管理人员。 以后出事出火灾, 联邦土地到底怎么救灾? 也要甩给地方吗
DODE省的那点, 不够川皇做show的!
Since we’re on the topic of government waste, Donald Trump’s joyride around the Daytona 500 cost American taxpayers around $5,000,000. 🤡
Here’s the breakdown:
Air Force One Costs: estimated $800,000 – $1,000,000.
Presidential Motorcade & Transport: estimated $200,000 – $500,000
Secret Service & Security estimated $1 million – $2 million.
FAA & Airspace Restrictions: estimated $100,000 – $300,000
Staffing & Logistical Support: estimated $200,000 – $500,000
Additional Emergency & Military Resources: estimated $100,000 – $500,000.
I think MAGA has lost the right to lecture on us about wasteful spending, don’t you?
哈哈, 粉们可不这么想. 坐等川粉洗地的奇葩逻辑!
几个州发大水,多人死亡。 川普却浪费纳税人两千万美元坐着空军一号去看nascar 赛车
p民们喜欢看领袖作秀与民同乐呗。 精神食粮比物质食粮重要。
来源:筠连发布 2月17日,记者从筠连县“2·8”山体滑坡应急救援指挥部获悉,灾害发生后,解放军、武警、消防救援、综合应急、公安、交通、医疗等各类综合救援力量3000余人,利用搜救犬、无人机、生命探测仪、大型工程机械等设备迅速投入抢险救援。截至2月17日12时,此次山体滑坡灾害造成2人受伤、10人遇难、19人失联,10户房屋被掩埋,100余公顷农作物受灾。 目前,避险转移并妥善安置群众139户767人。筠连县已同步启动聚居点选址、规划设计等灾后重建工作,正全力恢复受灾群众正常生产生活秩序。 记者 | 张华 编辑 | 李杨 责任编辑 | 晏瑛 李杨 审核 | 詹小芹 责任编辑:陈琰 SN225
日,我们这的一个给开了,好像是联邦的,这种岗位的,都是真爱这行, 否则真没人去。