哈哈,西红柿,有才! 你说的除了有文化寓意,还有科学根据呢,看看Chatgpt说的 Cicadas are more likely to be attracted to trees and plants that provide shelter and food for their nymphs, such as woody plants. Peaches, being a fruit tree, can attract cicadas, especially during their mating season when they look for places to lay eggs. Tomatoes, on the other hand, are less of a draw for cicadas since they are not woody plants, and cicadas generally don''t feed on vegetables like tomatoes. However, they might still occasionally land on them or be near them in the garden. So, peaches are more appealing to cicadas than tomatoes.
厉害啊,mm,我都看不出来是颗菜!btw, 换班妹子送了红绳,只需要穿过玉坠孔打个结就行,我手残,一个结打了十分钟😅
那只金蝉很明显啊, 两个眼睛,还有 翅膀纹路 都看得出来啊 桃子 嘛,是我猜的,因为有叶子也有藤蔓。。我想了半天,桃子 比较好的寓意,长寿吉祥 总不能是 西红柿吧,金蝉落在西红柿上?哈哈哈
第一张照片很清楚是一只蝉趴在寿桃上。 寿桃与金蝉通常寓意着长寿和繁荣。在传统文化中,桃子象征着长寿,而知了(蝉)则因其生命周期的特性,被视为重生和蜕变的象征。 很喜人的小坠。
哈哈,西红柿,有才! 你说的除了有文化寓意,还有科学根据呢,看看Chatgpt说的
Cicadas are more likely to be attracted to trees and plants that provide shelter and food for their nymphs, such as woody plants. Peaches, being a fruit tree, can attract cicadas, especially during their mating season when they look for places to lay eggs. Tomatoes, on the other hand, are less of a draw for cicadas since they are not woody plants, and cicadas generally don''t feed on vegetables like tomatoes. However, they might still occasionally land on them or be near them in the garden. So, peaches are more appealing to cicadas than tomatoes.