MBW From MurderedByWords community on Reddit Toshi @toshiHQ Follow X It looks like Elon's genius coders don't know how COBOL works. Social security runs on COBOL, which does not use a date or time type. So the date is stored as a number using the ISO 8601 standard. The epoch for this is 150 years ago (1875) - aka the metre standard. So if you don't know the date of something, it will be a O value, which in COBOL will default to 1875 - 150 years ago. Donald Trump Jr. @DonaldJTrumpJr. Feb 11 OMG!!! It's so bad what's been happening to our country and your money! Breaking: Musk says there's people over 150-years-old collecting Social Security... Show more
From MurderedByWords community on Reddit
It looks like Elon's genius coders don't know how COBOL works.
Social security runs on COBOL, which does not use a date or time type. So the date is stored as a number using the ISO 8601 standard. The epoch for this is 150 years ago (1875) - aka the metre standard.
So if you don't know the date of something, it will be a O value, which in COBOL will default to 1875 - 150 years ago.
Donald Trump Jr.
Feb 11
OMG!!! It's so bad what's been happening to our country and your money!
Breaking: Musk says there's people over 150-years-old collecting Social Security...
Show more
是的,这应该是cobol处理时间数据时,对于数值为0的,默认为系统的初始日期,1875。美国对于福利的发放,资格审核上,还是比较认真的。查帐面数据,尤其是针对beneficiaries, 这个方向不太对,根据花费,去改eligibility的条件,提供福利给最需要的人,倒是可以的。
我也是出离愤怒了。你不懂就胡说八道。你知道social security有survival benefits 吗?
这世界离开谁都能转,醒醒吧。 政府部门就该狠狠改。 什么remote也干了很多活,拿的薪水比外面低很多。 就问一句,为什么那么多人都想往政府部门挤? 就这里多少帖子说政府工作福利好,稳定,有不菲的退休金,而且没压力。 政府还继续烂下去,难过的不是我们这一代,难过的下一代
你说的这个不成立啊。HOMELESS又不是一开始就是,难道他不是在某医院出生的? 怎么才会不知道自己的生日? 就算是在家出生的。这些HOMELESS,孤儿一辈子没上过ID?从来没上过学?只要进入过系统,比如出生有出生证,之后办证件,上学都是需要生日。如果真的是你说的野人,那他连SS号码都没有,凭什么申请SS BENEFIT?这样的野人又有多少?
你见过海量统计数据吗?几百万人的数据里当然会有missing data, data errors。12个150岁,不是腐败。
死亡数据是根据funeral home等处理数据来认证的,绝大部分穷人老了是去养老院的,不可能漏掉。如果住家里的老人死亡,自己孩子挖坑埋了,也有可能,但是查到后,要退款,坐牢的。估计没几个人敢那么做。而且住家里的老人死亡后,一般也有遗产要处理,要搞这些,咋能不报告。