Here’s Where Trump’s Government Layoffs Are—As 200,000 Recent Hires Could Be Affected Thousands of employees at federal public health agencies will reportedly be fired Friday, as the Trump administration continues to carry out mass layoffs at various federal agencies amid large-scale KEY FACTS Department of Energy: As many as 2,000 probationary employees at the agency were fired Thursday, according to Politico, citing anonymous sources. Department of Education: Some probationary employees at the agency—including those from the general counsel’s office, office of Special Education and Rehabilitation and Federal Student Aid office—were notified of their termination via a letter this week that cited their “performance,” CNN reported, citing an unnamed union source who claimed “dozens” of employees were let go. Department of Veterans Affairs: The agency announced Thursday that more than 1,000 employees were dismissed “effective immediately,” including some probationary employees, claiming the personnel changes would save the department more than $98 million annually. U.S. Forest Service: More than 3,400 employees were fired Thursday, including positions at each level of the agency, two people familiar with the firings told Politico. Small Business Administration: Some probationary employees at the agency received emails notifying them of their terminations, before another email said the initial notices were a mistake, only to be notified in a third email on Tuesday confirming their firings, outlets reported. Health agencies: Some 5,200 probationary employees across the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are being targeted for layoffs on Friday, according to a memo obtained by STAT—with Atlanta-based outlet WSB-TVconfirming the CDC cuts. Office of Personnel Management: Probationary employees at the office were let go Thursday, a union official with the American Federation of Government Employees told NPR, adding about 100 people were present in a video call notifying the staffers of their dismissal because they declined to take the Trump Administration’s resignation offer. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: The union that represents workers at the financial agency said about 73 of its members had been terminated, after the agency—which has drawn ire from Trump’s tech allies—was ordered to stop all work. National Nuclear Safety Administration: An employee at the agency—which oversees nuclear weapons in the U.S.—told NPR the agency would fire about 300 of the agency’s 1,800 staff. General Services Administration: More than 100 people were affected by layoffs at the agency responsible for the federal government’s real estate portfolio, three people familiar with the matter told Reuters.
这次裁员包括75k的主动下岗接近280K, 已经裁掉的20k, 其中包括energy of department,其下的nuclear safety department 误裁,现在在急着找人回来没全找到因为email access已经断了。 还有national park, fish and wild life, veteran, irs, 不是只有底部被裁,management 也被裁员。 有个别人因被裁自杀了,更多的人陷入了忧郁和其他精神疾病。 今天总统日全国会在各州首都抗议,非首都很多城市也在组织抗议。 这次的影响会是很大,因为Elon musk 这次裁员和twitter 裁员一样,不是根据performance 来裁员,而是在试用期的全部裁员,而有的是在fed 做了很多年升职进入新的岗位被裁。 导致很多sensitive 的岗位比如nuclear weapon safety 人员被裁,有的是工作到一半被裁, Elon musk 在开会的时候就说,we will make mistake, but we will quickly fix the mistake. 但是有的错误是不允许失误的,特别是safety department. 只能希望这次的裁员不会太影响老百姓的生活。
In 2024, the federal government spent $293 billion on employee compensation, which was 4.3% of the federal budget. This includes retirement benefits, which are a major part of federal spending.
流浪的小孩 发表于 2025-02-14 17:54 In 2024, the federal government spent $293 billion on employee compensation, which was 4.3% of the federal budget. This includes retirement benefits, which are a major part of federal spending.
xiaohaot 发表于 2025-02-14 16:47 Here’s Where Trump’s Government Layoffs Are—As 200,000 Recent Hires Could Be Affected Thousands of employees at federal public health agencies will reportedly be fired Friday, as the Trump administration continues to carry out mass layoffs at various federal agencies amid large-scale KEY FACTS Department of Energy: As many as 2,000 probationary employees at the agency were fired Thursday, according to Politico, citing anonymous sources. Department of Education: Some probationary employees at the agency—including those from the general counsel’s office, office of Special Education and Rehabilitation and Federal Student Aid office—were notified of their termination via a letter this week that cited their “performance,” CNN reported, citing an unnamed union source who claimed “dozens” of employees were let go. Department of Veterans Affairs: The agency announced Thursday that more than 1,000 employees were dismissed “effective immediately,” including some probationary employees, claiming the personnel changes would save the department more than $98 million annually. U.S. Forest Service: More than 3,400 employees were fired Thursday, including positions at each level of the agency, two people familiar with the firings told Politico. Small Business Administration: Some probationary employees at the agency received emails notifying them of their terminations, before another email said the initial notices were a mistake, only to be notified in a third email on Tuesday confirming their firings, outlets reported. Health agencies: Some 5,200 probationary employees across the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are being targeted for layoffs on Friday, according to a memo obtained by STAT—with Atlanta-based outlet WSB-TVconfirming the CDC cuts. Office of Personnel Management: Probationary employees at the office were let go Thursday, a union official with the American Federation of Government Employees told NPR, adding about 100 people were present in a video call notifying the staffers of their dismissal because they declined to take the Trump Administration’s resignation offer. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: The union that represents workers at the financial agency said about 73 of its members had been terminated, after the agency—which has drawn ire from Trump’s tech allies—was ordered to stop all work. National Nuclear Safety Administration: An employee at the agency—which oversees nuclear weapons in the U.S.—told NPR the agency would fire about 300 of the agency’s 1,800 staff. General Services Administration: More than 100 people were affected by layoffs at the agency responsible for the federal government’s real estate portfolio, three people familiar with the matter told Reuters.
Small Business Administration: Some probationary employees at the agency received emails notifying them of their terminations, before another email said the initial notices were a mistake, only to be notified in a third email on Tuesday confirming their firings, outlets reported.
Health agencies: Some 5,200 probationary employees across the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are being targeted for layoffs on Friday, according to a memo obtained by STAT—with Atlanta-based outlet WSB-TVconfirming the CDC cuts.
Office of Personnel Management: Probationary employees at the office were let go Thursday, a union official with the American Federation of Government Employees told NPR, adding about 100 people were present in a video call notifying the staffers of their dismissal because they declined to take the Trump Administration’s resignation offer.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: The union that represents workers at the financial agency said about 73 of its members had been terminated, after the agency—which has drawn ire from Trump’s tech allies—was ordered to stop all work.
National Nuclear Safety Administration: An employee at the agency—which oversees nuclear weapons in the U.S.—told NPR the agency would fire about 300 of the agency’s 1,800 staff.
General Services Administration: More than 100 people were affected by layoffs at the agency responsible for the federal government’s real estate portfolio, three people familiar with the matter told Reuters.
🔥 最新回帖
这位大妈不工作很久了, 不能听她的, 她的钱是靠生孩子拿得.
每个人都不是必须的,就算裁了马斯克川普,地球一样转,更不用讲你我小老百姓。twitter 能跟government 比?twitter不存在了有啥影响?川普上不了台了?
比如NIHpostdoc博后是五年, 之后干research fellow博后有可能是需要两年试用期的永久职位, 有可能是非永久职位的contractor。 这些人只是名义上的contractor, 实际上已经工作了多年,干的活根本就不是临时工合同工。
这次的影响会是很大,因为Elon musk 这次裁员和twitter 裁员一样,不是根据performance 来裁员,而是在试用期的全部裁员,而有的是在fed 做了很多年升职进入新的岗位被裁。 导致很多sensitive 的岗位比如nuclear weapon safety 人员被裁,有的是工作到一半被裁, Elon musk 在开会的时候就说,we will make mistake, but we will quickly fix the mistake. 但是有的错误是不允许失误的,特别是safety department. 只能希望这次的裁员不会太影响老百姓的生活。
🛋️ 沙发板凳
Probationary 是最近一年(有的部门是两年)入职的。还有最近一年换了职位的。
这数学 200k * $100k = $20 B
“给亏损的酒店创收 ” ? 你是傻还是坏啊, 地球人谁不明白这是利益输送啊, 他咋不给别的酒店 ” 创收“ 啊? 还不是因为那个酒店老板跟她有关系?
白手套?, 就是个被床铺逮住的腐败分子! 黑手套!
好天真,什么叫白手套。看看许家印,看看和珅,和珅跌倒嘉庆吃饱,你吃到了个什么? 还有你抓错词了,抓了个亏损,把亏损删了不影响表达。
我去,那边应该也好多人需要break lease
大华区有20万probational? 去年一年也就12个月 有这么大的政府招人需求吗?
内部转岗,换职位,升迁,都重新开始probation period, 很多人都是工作了很多年的
是啊. 制度不对改进制度, 人不对, 一个个人的有理有据的抓. 现在这班人的逻辑就是文革逻辑,喊口号一刀切. 小心哪一天他们又想起华人来, 发现一个华人叛国, 就变成了所有华人都叛国, 全赶走......... 相信这些逻辑的人到底平常是怎么生活的? 这次裁人里有很多并不是新人, 而是刚升了, 或者刚换了新职位不到一年. 定下这个政策的估计都没搞清楚这个差别. 这些事件走向应该是Elon走人平民怨, 川普会说我什么都不知道,仍然是我们伟光正的大总统.
一个是官 一个是员
听说也被裁了不少。 逃税的可开心了。
I.R.S. Expected to Lay Off Thousands The tax collector is preparing to terminate thousands of probationary employees as soon as next week.
鼬党跟动物似的主张丛林法则 这不在它们考虑范围内 出发摊自己头上
把几乎所有的probationary employees都裁掉了,能是performance issue么。这就是musk裁员的大手笔,一刀切。
真是垃圾 砸人饭碗如杀人父母 突然有那么多人失业 他会遭报应
你不是搞笑吗?公司裁人的时候有没有考虑你会不会变homeless. 政府为啥需要不一样
这个不怕。我觉得irs很快就会用ai audit.
首先,政府工作人员里面有30%是退伍军人,这个政策是为了安置那些serve our country的军人。有个退伍军人说他有PTSD,如果不是政府工作,他可能没有别的出路。 其次,也许你会说,企业裁员不也是雷厉风行的吗?但是做政府工作的人大多是拿了比外面低很多的薪水、求一个平稳。和high risk high gain不一样,他们没有很多收入可以支持以后的生活。还有一些人,纯粹就是为了一种信念,比如FBI。FBI入职只有7万年薪,而且必须24小时on call,周末加班之类的,即使每年有薪水涨幅,等到他们退休,只能拿年薪1/3的退休金,一个月可能2千都不到。对于他们出生入死的工作而言,2千真的是太低太低了。 然后,不排除每个机构都有怠工的人。但是一刀切的做法实在是对认真工作的人不公平。事实上,因为政府工作是一个系统性工作,做对了没人会察觉,但是做错了或者做的没效率,大家都会注意到。幸存者偏差效应,使不少人觉得很多政府工作人员不尽心尽责,但是大部分政府工作人员都是很恪尽职守的。如果为了整治贪腐,那么可以从查账做起,惩治责任人,毕竟任何大笔支出都是高级别的executive同意才可以的。现在裁员其实影响的都是基层的工作人员,有些人刚生了孩子,一下子收到email便没有了工作,类似的例子举不胜举。克林顿时期也消减过政府工作人员规模,但是都是通过evaluation审核的、逐步推进的。
退伍军人也是DEI hire,是被trump政府批倒批臭的
因为公司不用管homeless, 政府需要救助。
没错, 省下的钱会花到哪里?
一个社会还是以人为本, 毕竟这些人是美国公民不是非法移民。
you wish. NIH的人会去药厂,IT 的人会去IT, 会计师会去finance公司,律师会去private sector或者州政府等等。总的来说20万美国公民现在在job market上,所有人都会受影响。今年h1b的广告都不好打。
housing assisstance也要缩减了
挺好的啊。优胜劣汰啊。白领干得好的占白领的坑。白领做的不好的去干蓝领,降低物价,win win.
这里面很多人会找到工作,但是会影响其他已经在市场上的人找工作。这些人又不是一个单独的pool。 最直接影响的是今年和明年的大学毕业生,因为cut的主要都是probationary employee, 很多也会找entry level 的,裁掉的从高中生到phd, JD, MD, 都有。
为啥不给大公司加税,让底层互相卷生卷死? 劣汰的就不配活着?人人过独木桥?