咋就不挂勾了?我不都给你科普了budget reconciliation 了吗? Yes, President Joe Biden’s administration utilized the budget reconciliation process to pass significant tax legislation. On August 16, 2022, President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law, a comprehensive bill addressing tax policy, climate change, and healthcare. This legislation was enacted through the budget reconciliation process, allowing it to pass the Senate with a simple majority, bypassing the filibuster. The Inflation Reduction Act includes several tax-related provisions, such as the introduction of a corporate alternative minimum tax and an excise tax on corporate stock buybacks. The budget reconciliation process is a legislative tool that enables expedited consideration of certain tax, spending, and debt limit legislation. It allows for passage with a simple majority in the Senate, making it a strategic choice for enacting significant fiscal policies. Therefore, the Biden administration did employ the reconciliation process to pass its tax-related agenda through the Inflation Reduction Act.
快告诉我这是FAKE NEWS 。 这是在发疯吗??! No more life long learning tax credit No more child dependant care tax credit No more American opportunity tax credit (四年本科大学有关). Eliminate head of house hold status (单妈负担已经很重了啊。这个太可恶了吧?! 有病吧?). 我就不说SALT deduction elimination , capped at 30 for married couple 这个和上面这些不l比起来真的已经算慈悲的了!(房子大家已经住不起了,这是再烧一把🔥? TRUMP 老年痴呆了? 还是真的是中国卧底? ) ANY , 选了TRUMP , 现在让我们大家为你们全面买单啊!!!!! 总之,同意大衣姐, it''s time to go yell at our HR and Senate to make sure they do NOT allow this version to pass .
shanggj 发表于 2025-02-13 14:27 主动拔的 还是被拔的? 记得 law & order 里有一集 讲这个
我当时看到的报道是一家子人一起决定的(现在找不到了这个新闻) https://dailytitan.com/news/a-year-for-billionaires-to-depart-untouched-by-irs/article_e7c1661a-02e5-57d3-8237-da68f4e2dc5a.html As congressional Democrats have struggled to extend unemployment benefits for jobless workers, the Republican-led push for inheritance tax breaks could draw a divide between the parties heading into the fall elections.
红州也波及到了啊。 Head of household 就是为了补贴单妈的。red state doesn''t have any single parent , ? I don''t think so . 还有American opportunity tax credit , many red state needs them too . 还有其他不一一列举了。就不知道MAGA 们这次能不能痛醒。 哎 你真要说是为了减少budget deficit 那我至少还能从理智上理解(不赞同哈). 但整个下来budget deficit 也没减少少啊?! 公司corporate tax reduction 有规定和员工有一毛关系吗? Trigger down is a very wishful thinking.
大衣被禁 发表于 2025-02-13 14:41 咋就不挂勾了?我不都给你科普了budget reconciliation 了吗? Yes, President Joe Biden’s administration utilized the budget reconciliation process to pass significant tax legislation. On August 16, 2022, President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law, a comprehensive bill addressing tax policy, climate change, and healthcare. This legislation was enacted through the budget reconciliation process, allowing it to pass the Senate with a simple majority, bypassing the filibuster. The Inflation Reduction Act includes several tax-related provisions, such as the introduction of a corporate alternative minimum tax and an excise tax on corporate stock buybacks. The budget reconciliation process is a legislative tool that enables expedited consideration of certain tax, spending, and debt limit legislation. It allows for passage with a simple majority in the Senate, making it a strategic choice for enacting significant fiscal policies. Therefore, the Biden administration did employ the reconciliation process to pass its tax-related agenda through the Inflation Reduction Act.
你漏了有个小将还被前网络保安公司炒鱿鱼,因为他把公司机密卖给竞争对手。他现在可是手握很多人的ss#和经济历史数据的。 还有,At 16, Coristine founded Tesla.Sexy LLC, a company managing numerous web domains, including some registered in Russia. One of these domains offers "Helfie," an AI bot designed for Discord servers targeting the Russian market. While operating a Russian website doesn''t violate US sanctions, such foreign connections could be significant in security clearance evaluations. https://www.hindustantimes.com/trending/19yearold-techie-at-elon-musk-s-doge-used-internet-moniker-big-balls-report-101738899706098-amp.html
看完以后就开始写信打电话吧。网上讨论虽然开心但是无论,吼自家的representatives 才有用。 Ps 新泽西今年选governor 大家要多了解多投票啊。
总结,就是增加了4trillion债务,实现了4.5trillion 的减税(大部分减税是服务富人)。
有些比较make sense 有些就是要坚决反对
但貌似这个只是全部的清单 wish list, 具体哪条可行,会真的走程序进行推行,还在评估中
所以看这wish list,还不如看正儿八经在议会走程序,两边在谈判的那些内容,起码更加实际一点。。
您搞错了。 谁投川,谁走路摔跤,吃饭磕牙,买鸡蛋买不到。 当然啦,I’ll have to make the best of it.今天开始写信,谁不投salt cap elimination 我不投谁。
真是惊得下巴都掉了… 完全不要脸的吃相
取消salt deductions 完全是精准打击中产
最惨的不是还在工作的中产,不过就是多交点税还能活,而是给社会造成负担的老年人,非常符合和共和党对于public burden早死早见上帝的理念。我坚决不在美国养老
高地税/低房价/无个税的德州,可以deduct房产税 高房价/高个税的加州/纽约,无法deduct房产利息和个税
主动拔的 还是被拔的? 记得 law & order 里有一集 讲这个
趁着通过的窗口期,可以赶紧把绝大部分资产放到irrevocable trust里和它们说拜拜。很适合我这种只享受获得财富的成就感但对花钱几乎无感,也百分百相信家人的人
这个你就想多了。 民主党当然会反对。但是不是因为不让精准打击兰州。 我对上届政府的一大不满就是Biden passed a budget bill without repeal salt cap. 真是天下乌鸦一般黑啊。
这个和赐予税相关,和death tax关系不大吧。。
早就说了马川不敢动军费的 最多装装样子
你没搞清楚death tax 和gift tax的区别。这还真得Facebook.
这不明显么 dem也是给富人打工的 中产减不减税完全不放在心上
拜登的财政支出和财政收入并不挂钩, 并不需要扩大税基来支撑他的财政支出
咋就不挂勾了?我不都给你科普了budget reconciliation 了吗? Yes, President Joe Biden’s administration utilized the budget reconciliation process to pass significant tax legislation. On August 16, 2022, President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law, a comprehensive bill addressing tax policy, climate change, and healthcare. This legislation was enacted through the budget reconciliation process, allowing it to pass the Senate with a simple majority, bypassing the filibuster.
The Inflation Reduction Act includes several tax-related provisions, such as the introduction of a corporate alternative minimum tax and an excise tax on corporate stock buybacks.
The budget reconciliation process is a legislative tool that enables expedited consideration of certain tax, spending, and debt limit legislation. It allows for passage with a simple majority in the Senate, making it a strategic choice for enacting significant fiscal policies.
Therefore, the Biden administration did employ the reconciliation process to pass its tax-related agenda through the Inflation Reduction Act.
No more life long learning tax credit No more child dependant care tax credit No more American opportunity tax credit (四年本科大学有关).
Eliminate head of house hold status (单妈负担已经很重了啊。这个太可恶了吧?! 有病吧?).
我就不说SALT deduction elimination , capped at 30 for married couple 这个和上面这些不l比起来真的已经算慈悲的了!(房子大家已经住不起了,这是再烧一把🔥? TRUMP 老年痴呆了? 还是真的是中国卧底? )
ANY , 选了TRUMP , 现在让我们大家为你们全面买单啊!!!!!
总之,同意大衣姐, it''s time to go yell at our HR and Senate to make sure they do NOT allow this version to pass .
https://dailytitan.com/news/a-year-for-billionaires-to-depart-untouched-by-irs/article_e7c1661a-02e5-57d3-8237-da68f4e2dc5a.html As congressional Democrats have struggled to extend unemployment benefits for jobless workers, the Republican-led push for inheritance tax breaks could draw a divide between the parties heading into the fall elections.
红州也波及到了啊。 Head of household 就是为了补贴单妈的。red state doesn''t have any single parent , ? I don''t think so .
还有American opportunity tax credit , many red state needs them too .
还有其他不一一列举了。就不知道MAGA 们这次能不能痛醒。 哎
你真要说是为了减少budget deficit 那我至少还能从理智上理解(不赞同哈). 但整个下来budget deficit 也没减少少啊?!
公司corporate tax reduction 有规定和员工有一毛关系吗? Trigger down is a very wishful thinking.
拜登一年财政赤字高达2万亿美元,政府债务快速增加, 甚至当初2021年那个高达1.9万亿美元,前所未有的American Rescue Plan,也是通过budget reconciliation才搞定的。。
那就说明,拜登他们明显可以通过各种漏洞绕开了支出上的限制 税基大小和支出之间,并不存在刚需限制。。 并不需要保持SALT cap来推动他们的支出计划
您没搞清楚。 虽然不是budget neutral,但是是有限制的。 比如这次republican tax plan他们想cut 11 billion in tax but only has a maximum cap of 4.5
老话怎么说的? 儿童的天堂青年的战场老人的地狱,尊老养老从来就不是他们的传统, 德州副州长说的老了就自觉自绝,不要拖累国家。
说实话,这个里面对Medicare Medicaid 的条款主要是citizenship 的要求。还有就是把城市的钱和资源扒拉到农村去。
-- 穷比川粉
华人上天天讨论如何收富人的税,我一直说只要取消charitable donation deduction/charity tax exemption 就可以了。 你看现在要取消大学医院,大家又要抱怨。
医疗是治病救人,不能纯当business来运作,给医药捐款的都是利国利民的善举,怎么不能免税了? 把医院逼到角落,都当生意来运作,谁倒霉? 还不是病人?
我可没说不能免说啊。应不应该,是个道德问题。我不讨论道德问题。 我说的是个事实,就是取消可以收巨富的税,但是会有人(比如你)抱怨。 Charity 哪个不是做好事,利国利民的善举啊?
80万捐款的甜甜圈铺子主人被川总任命为哥斯达黎加大使 https://www.latintimes.com/trump-nominates-donut-shop-owner-serve-us-ambassador-costa-rica-575033
川普的新任国防部长不仅要搬进军队特需房(以前的部长一般不住), 还要求国会特批给他13万多作为修房子费用,包括5万用于刷油漆!
马斯克将种族歧视的小将重新召回委以重任,川普万斯强力支持 https://abcnews.go.com/US/trump-administration-vows-rehire-doge-treasury-department-employee/story?id=118587845
取消持枪限制,取消一切以安全为理由的持枪审查 https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/2025/02/protecting-second-amendment-rights/
你漏了有个小将还被前网络保安公司炒鱿鱼,因为他把公司机密卖给竞争对手。他现在可是手握很多人的ss#和经济历史数据的。 还有,At 16, Coristine founded Tesla.Sexy LLC, a company managing numerous web domains, including some registered in Russia. One of these domains offers "Helfie," an AI bot designed for Discord servers targeting the Russian market. While operating a Russian website doesn''t violate US sanctions, such foreign connections could be significant in security clearance evaluations. https://www.hindustantimes.com/trending/19yearold-techie-at-elon-musk-s-doge-used-internet-moniker-big-balls-report-101738899706098-amp.html
Why ? 你不准备买房子了吗? 你孩子不需要房子吗?
是eliminate salt,不是eliminate salt cap。
黄川粉 - 全世界最可爱的人啊!
黄川粉 - 世界上最可爱的人
我就觉得川粉其实很多也没钱,哪里那么大的信心把自己直接归类于top 1%
甜甜圈铺子主去年和另一个亿万富翁/休斯顿火箭队拥有人Tilman Fertitta操办了一场给川普募捐的活动。川普任命甜甜圈铺子主驻哥斯达黎加大使,任命Fertitta驻意大利大使。赤裸裸地买官卖官,绝了。