小中男,GPA 3.95 IB AP 没啥才艺和比赛,比较普通。现在州内有一些,州外也有一些,但学费有些贵。孩子说倾向州内。 1 WA STATE U-CS 直接进,有一些TOP SCHOLAR 奖学金 2 UW bothell—pre CS 不是直接进 3 UW seattle–unknow as of 2/10 Applied CS 很可能也不能直接进 (现在还不知道结果) 4 U of Maryland CS 直接进 5 Ohio state pre CS How to choose? 提前问问大家的建议。 孩子成绩不错,但想要在本州上学,州里选择不多。 现在 CS 很难进,而且听说都是PRE major。 不知道以后好进专业吗?过来人请给指点一下 谢谢
UW CS官网的数据啊,当然虽然录取率大概是30%看着高,但能去申请CS的都是已经自我筛选过学习好的,所以还是不容易的 What are my chances of admission? There are always more qualified applicants than space available in our programs. Therefore, our process is competitive, and we must deny admission to some students with good academic records. We typically have space for approximately 25-35% of all students who apply however this number changes depending on increases in funding. It’s also important to note that we do not admit differently between Computer Science and Computer Engineering, we consider all applications together and admit without taking specific major into account. The admit rate in 2020 was 28% (113 admitted/402 applied), in 2021 it was 30% (165 admitted/554 applied), in 2022 it was 30% (134 admitted /444 applied), in 2023 it was 33% (165 admitted /495 applied) and in 2024 it was 32% (168 admitted/522 applied) All applications are reviewed by the Allen School Undergraduate Admission Committee, comprised of faculty and advisers. We use an evaluative, rather than a quantitative, process in our admission review. This means our decisions are based on more than simply which applicants have the highest grades. We do not tally up points; rather, we form an overall evaluation based on academic background and other factors, such as outside interests and activities, evidence of leadership and a sense of direction, and life experience. We do not expect all students to excel across the board, but achievement in relevant academic areas or evidence of overcoming hardships can strengthen an application. https://www.cs.washington.edu/academics/undergraduate/admissions/current-uw/
lendingclubs 发表于 2025-02-11 22:11 UW CS官网的数据啊,当然虽然录取率大概是30%看着高,但能去申请CS的都是已经自我筛选过学习好的,所以还是不容易的 What are my chances of admission? There are always more qualified applicants than space available in our programs. Therefore, our process is competitive, and we must deny admission to some students with good academic records. We typically have space for approximately 25-35% of all students who apply however this number changes depending on increases in funding. It’s also important to note that we do not admit differently between Computer Science and Computer Engineering, we consider all applications together and admit without taking specific major into account. The admit rate in 2020 was 28% (113 admitted/402 applied), in 2021 it was 30% (165 admitted/554 applied), in 2022 it was 30% (134 admitted /444 applied), in 2023 it was 33% (165 admitted /495 applied) and in 2024 it was 32% (168 admitted/522 applied) All applications are reviewed by the Allen School Undergraduate Admission Committee, comprised of faculty and advisers. We use an evaluative, rather than a quantitative, process in our admission review. This means our decisions are based on more than simply which applicants have the highest grades. We do not tally up points; rather, we form an overall evaluation based on academic background and other factors, such as outside interests and activities, evidence of leadership and a sense of direction, and life experience. We do not expect all students to excel across the board, but achievement in relevant academic areas or evidence of overcoming hardships can strengthen an application. https://www.cs.washington.edu/academics/undergraduate/admissions/current-uw/
1 WA STATE U-CS 直接进,有一些TOP SCHOLAR 奖学金 2 UW bothell—pre CS 不是直接进 3 UW seattle–unknow as of 2/10 Applied CS 很可能也不能直接进 (现在还不知道结果) 4 U of Maryland CS 直接进 5 Ohio state pre CS
How to choose? 提前问问大家的建议。 孩子成绩不错,但想要在本州上学,州里选择不多。 现在 CS 很难进,而且听说都是PRE major。 不知道以后好进专业吗?过来人请给指点一下 谢谢
UW就好,進去后多半會找到辦法轉的。就算轉不成,換個類似的專業,DATA SCIENTISTS, 自己刷題也沒差太多。
UW Seattle如果进去后转CS难吗?如果你家娃真的很喜欢CS,应该能想办法转进去的吧
UW Seattle 太漂亮了
UW是CS TOP10,文学城上有人汇报一年级不少就去大厂Intern了,二年级几乎人手一个大厂Intern,不是Ohio能比的,当然录取也难
难道不是等UW Seattle结果出来再决定? 现在有学校催你马上决定么? 如果UW Seattle上了CS,当然是UW. 如果没上UW CS, 建议去外州CS,如果孩子坚定学CS的话。 你到WSU CS 的网站看看那里的教授网页和毕业生去向,就知道那里同UW或UMaryland的区别了。不建议pre-major。
UW seattle哪有30%能转CS的,录取上明说了almost imppossible.
UW CS官网的数据啊,当然虽然录取率大概是30%看着高,但能去申请CS的都是已经自我筛选过学习好的,所以还是不容易的
What are my chances of admission? There are always more qualified applicants than space available in our programs. Therefore, our process is competitive, and we must deny admission to some students with good academic records. We typically have space for approximately 25-35% of all students who apply however this number changes depending on increases in funding. It’s also important to note that we do not admit differently between Computer Science and Computer Engineering, we consider all applications together and admit without taking specific major into account. The admit rate in 2020 was 28% (113 admitted/402 applied), in 2021 it was 30% (165 admitted/554 applied), in 2022 it was 30% (134 admitted /444 applied), in 2023 it was 33% (165 admitted /495 applied) and in 2024 it was 32% (168 admitted/522 applied) All applications are reviewed by the Allen School Undergraduate Admission Committee, comprised of faculty and advisers. We use an evaluative, rather than a quantitative, process in our admission review. This means our decisions are based on more than simply which applicants have the highest grades. We do not tally up points; rather, we form an overall evaluation based on academic background and other factors, such as outside interests and activities, evidence of leadership and a sense of direction, and life experience. We do not expect all students to excel across the board, but achievement in relevant academic areas or evidence of overcoming hardships can strengthen an application.
谢谢,这个数据以前没看到过。 以为都是完全不可能的。其实还有一个渠道,就是先去CC,再转。