回复 1楼 找密码2025 的帖子 少了,川普签EO,建sovereign wealth fund 。 Earlier this week, President Donald Trump signed an executive order directing two of his Cabinet secretaries to develop a plan for a sovereign wealth fund, basically the equivalent of a massive brokerage account for the entire country to invest some of its money for the future. https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/trump-sovereign-wealth-fund-executive-order-rcna190787 How ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’ helps explain Trump’s terrible sovereign wealth fund idea
Chaohistory 发表于 2025-02-07 13:26 回复 1楼 找密码2025 的帖子 少了,川普签EO,建sovereign wealth fund 。 Earlier this week, President Donald Trump signed an executive order directing two of his Cabinet secretaries to develop a plan for a sovereign wealth fund, basically the equivalent of a massive brokerage account for the entire country to invest some of its money for the future. https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/trump-sovereign-wealth-fund-executive-order-rcna190787 How ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’ helps explain Trump’s terrible sovereign wealth fund idea
刚刚加入了一条transgender运动员的EO新闻。虽然我对这个transgender EO觉得没啥兴趣,觉得不够breaking, 但是我知道右派对这个新闻是激动的不要不要的,哪怕是鸡蛋吃不上也不是个事。 顺便说一句NCAA的近half a million 运动员里面,以transgender 名义参加女性体育竞技的人数是个位数,连10个都没有。
还有, 原来免费的不是免费的,DOGE第一周花了纳税人$7米 According to Roll Call, the $7 million was allocated for a range of expenses, including: Tech Upgrades: DOGE reportedly spent millions on proprietary software to analyze Treasury payment systems, despite objections from career officials who argued the tools were redundant and overpriced. Contractor Costs: The department hired a slew of private consultants, many with ties to Musk’s other ventures, at rates far above government pay scales. Office Renovations: DOGE’s new headquarters underwent a rapid makeover, complete with state-of-the-art conference rooms and ergonomic furniture, drawing comparisons to Musk’s Silicon Valley offices.
落地无声 发表于 2025-02-07 17:49 还有, 原来免费的不是免费的,DOGE第一周花了纳税人$7米 According to Roll Call, the $7 million was allocated for a range of expenses, including: Tech Upgrades: DOGE reportedly spent millions on proprietary software to analyze Treasury payment systems, despite objections from career officials who argued the tools were redundant and overpriced. Contractor Costs: The department hired a slew of private consultants, many with ties to Musk’s other ventures, at rates far above government pay scales. Office Renovations: DOGE’s new headquarters underwent a rapid makeover, complete with state-of-the-art conference rooms and ergonomic furniture, drawing comparisons to Musk’s Silicon Valley offices.
还有这个 Musk’s DOGE teen was fired by cybersecurity firm for leaking company secrets BYJASON LEOPOLD, MARGI MURPHY, SOPHIE ALEXANDER, JAKE BLEIBERG, ANTHONY CORMIER AND BLOOMBERG February 7, 2025 at 6:18 PM EST https://fortune.com/2025/02/07/musks-doge-teen-edward-coristine-fired-cybersecurity-internship-leaking-company-secrets/
落地无声 发表于 2025-02-07 20:33 还有这个 Musk’s DOGE teen was fired by cybersecurity firm for leaking company secrets BYJASON LEOPOLD, MARGI MURPHY, SOPHIE ALEXANDER, JAKE BLEIBERG, ANTHONY CORMIER AND BLOOMBERG February 7, 2025 at 6:18 PM EST https://fortune.com/2025/02/07/musks-doge-teen-edward-coristine-fired-cybersecurity-internship-leaking-company-secrets/
这位出轨/骗钱,maga里的模范基督徒 She left her 1st husband, dumped the 2nd one after cheating on him, then married a member of the rock band Journey, broke into the band''s bank account & embezzled 100s of 1000s of $$ after committing fraud and running a Ponzi scheme. White House Faith Office
1 阿拉斯加一架10人客机坠毁,已被发现,10人全部死亡 2 Elon 团队接入航空软件系统打算“fix”航空系统软件 3 白宫对外宣称doge 只有read only权限,最新发现他们实际上有管理员权限,发现了修改数据的证据,同时有高级联邦雇员被lock账号 4 elon的cybertruck 刚刚获得政府$7500 tax credit 资助 5 以色列内塔尼亚胡访问白宫,川普要派美国军队进入加沙,要level加沙,赶走两百万巴勒斯坦人,在加沙开发地产 6 以色列内塔尼亚胡给川普赠送的礼物是一个pager的雕塑(关键词 pager) 7 川普签署EO,制裁国际法庭ICC 8 弗吉尼亚至少三个诊所关门,因为他们联邦资金仍然没有unfreeze 9 elon的小组25岁的核心成员Marko Elez 宣布辞职,原因是他以前在社交媒体发布的极为极端的种族主义言论曝光 10 川普之前释放了2billion加仑水库用水,并未到达LA帮助救火,反而淹了central valley 农场。 农民提出抗议,阻止川普继续放水 11 project 2025 architect Russell Vought 被任命为新政府的budget director 12 NSF科研申请基金搞文字审查,大批教授们撤稿修改文字,避免proposal使用"women", "bias", "disabilities" 等词。 13 USPS推出政策然后不断flipflop,现实禁止中国和香港包裹,随后废除,最新结果有有变化,要走海关详细审核 14针对加拿大和墨西哥的关税政策也出现反复 15针对中国关税政策推出 16因target在DEI上的反复,在社交媒体上开始广泛受到黑人抵制,target的股东开始了class action lawsuit指责target没有解释DEI政策对股价的影响 17臭名昭著的Guantanamo Bay扩建计划正在进行时,第一架飞往GITMO的飞机着陆 18 El Salvador提议可以收钱为美国收留非法移民,搞一个mega-prison,川普回应说甚至可以考虑送犯罪的美国公民去那 19 川普成立信仰办公室,在政教分离的反方向迈一大步,违反宪法 20 川普计划a sovereign wealth fund,想用此购买TikTok,如果成立,这将等于在美国本土有了state-run media, 属于违宪 21 共和党议员Andy Biggs提出提案废除OSHA - 这是1970就存在的workplace safety standards的监管组织 22 把教育部存档的家庭税表,税号,学生私人信息,全部打包送去自己AI训练 23 Oklahoma 州提出bill SB593扩大覆盖打击范围,作品有 "open door romance" 描述(性的描写),违反者可面临搞到10-30年监牢和罚款 24 西点军校暂停西班牙裔、亚裔、亚太裔、印第安人forums and clubs (注:Polish and French forums 不受影响) 25 川普DOJ要求FBI递交参与1/6调查的FBI agent & 警察名录,FBI已屈服,递交了5000名FBI自己调查人员的信息 26 navy paused all sexual assault prevention training 27 TRUMP DOJ终止了针对俄国海外财产充公项目,end programs at seizing the assets of Russian 28 Trump签署EO禁止transgender female 参加女性体育比赛 29 Trump 把Kennedy center 的 board of trustees全部fire掉,然后自我任命自己为Kennedy center chairman (不是玩笑) 30 媒体披露Musk’s DOGE teen was fired by cybersecurity firm for leaking company secrets 31 Trump 把国家档案部的负责人fire掉了,该部门负责管理国家档案,government records. 32 Elon 计划砍掉CFPB,Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, 很多人对此提出异议,大多数情况consumer wins
之前写的第二周总结: week2: TRUMP 年代 乱象大汇总 https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=3082886&page=8
week1: 乱象大汇总 https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=3081276
補充下:還有昨天成立了「信仰辦公室」。已經發了EO了。 https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/2025/02/eradicating-anti-christian-bias/ 但這裡最嚴重的問題就是沒有提到界定“反基督教偏见”的标准。可能會演變成打擊異己的工具。
少了,川普签EO,建sovereign wealth fund 。 Earlier this week, President Donald Trump signed an executive order directing two of his Cabinet secretaries to develop a plan for a sovereign wealth fund, basically the equivalent of a massive brokerage account for the entire country to invest some of its money for the future.
https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/trump-sovereign-wealth-fund-executive-order-rcna190787 How ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’ helps explain Trump’s terrible sovereign wealth fund idea
mark mark mark
This is Trump’s faith leader? Seriously?
顺便说一句NCAA的近half a million 运动员里面,以transgender 名义参加女性体育竞技的人数是个位数,连10个都没有。
哇靠, 这也是project 2025的计划之一吧. 服了maga, 赤裸裸.
不一定准, 你还需要一个一个核实.
操, 真黑, 这里边的黑水谁来audit? 再来个西厂吧.
这位出轨/骗钱,maga里的模范基督徒 She left her 1st husband, dumped the 2nd one after cheating on him, then married a member of the rock band Journey, broke into the band''s bank account & embezzled 100s of 1000s of $$ after committing fraud and running a Ponzi scheme. White House Faith Office
Ease sexual assault rule 有吗?今后性骚扰也可能完全没问题了。
捐献80万可成为大使啊!还是度假胜地Costa Rica的大使!
川普的新任国防部长不仅要搬进军队特需房(以前的部长一般不住), 还要求国会特批给他13万多作为修房子费用,包括5万用于刷油漆!
马斯克打算把因为种族歧视被下岗的DOGE小将请回来了!川普万斯站台支持! https://abcnews.go.com/US/trump-administration-vows-rehire-doge-treasury-department-employee/story?id=118587845