从前有这么个选项,但是也没有人真这么选。因为毕竟别国不承认。 请看原来申请表里面的说明。 X本来就不是什么大事。真正的大事是护照上的性别和出生证上不一样如何证明。在这个问题的处理上,从前和现在没有任何区别。 Gender: The gender markers used are “M” (male), “F” (female) and “X” (unspecified or another gender identity). The gender marker that you check on this form will appear in your passport regardless of the gender marker(s) on your previous passport and/or your supporting evidence of citizenship and identity. If changing your gender marker from what was printed on your previous passport, select “Yes” in this ILHOG on Application Page 1. If no gender marker is selected, we may print the gender as listed on your supporting evidence or contact you for more information. Please Note: We cannot guarantee that other countries you visit or travel through will recognize the gender marker on your passport. Visit travel.state.gov/gender for more information.
sex 本来指的是 biology sex, 只有两种。
Gender 偷换概念, 造出 100种性别来。 no one should care about this and it is hard to verify.
哈哈, 确实。
Scientifically speaking, this statement is not true. 当然了,川粉不讲科学。
Gender: The gender markers used are “M” (male), “F” (female) and “X” (unspecified or another gender identity). The gender marker that you check on this form will appear in your passport regardless of the gender marker(s) on your previous passport and/or your supporting evidence of citizenship and identity. If changing your gender marker from what was printed on your previous passport, select “Yes” in this ILHOG on Application Page 1. If no gender marker is selected, we may print the gender as listed on your supporting evidence or contact you for more information. Please Note: We cannot guarantee that other countries you visit or travel through will recognize the gender marker on your passport. Visit travel.state.gov/gender for more information.
这倒还真不不一定 有些罕见婴儿男女器官同时都有
My God. 有些人的英语这么烂吗? You 这字用在这是 any person in general. 不是所以人,不包括 outliers.