Demographics: Male - Asian - Texas resident - permanent resident Attending a private religious school in Texas, fairly competitive in my region. (Came here at 10th grade as a permanent resident, believe this means equal chances as citizens?) Intended Major(s): ECE ACT/SAT/SAT II: 1560 760E 800M UW/W GPA and Rank: 4.0/4.7 my school doesn''t rank, and my transferred courses from my original country sort of ruined my weighted GPA (transferred courses are all non weighted) Coursework: 11 APs. Have Micro econ, CSA, US politics, Literature and Stats ongoing 5s on all Physics1 Calc BC chemistry Lang Apush WH Awards: Paper accepted by an IEEE international conference. Finalist in the student paper contest in the same conference. (16 selected out of all student paper acceptances, basically competing with a bunch of graduates and PhDs) Paper published in an electronic journal. State level Math award Champion. State level Number Sense award 4th place. National merit semifinalist ACS recognition in regional science fair. A lot of regional science/math competition first place. State tennis team champion. Extracurriculars: Research at an EE lab in local university (T100) during summer, paper published in IEEE. Independent research about electronics. Volunteer/shadowing at local hospital. This inspired my research at local uni, which is about applying ECE to medical field. Enterprise internship during summer, done in my original country. Engineering Club: project leader finished several projects for our school Non profit about kids'' mental health (can''t dox myself but trust me this one''s unique) peer tutoring science/math for lower-grade kids and in science/math team Chess Club as founder and coach Organized a small group at school to do Christianity related studies Student council representative (lmao) Varsity Tennis/Basketball Math and Science Team varsity - Math Captain Science Bowl varsity Chemistry club member, does chemistry demonstration for kids. School Literary society member Results: Texas A&M: accepted Cornell: deferred UT Austin: accepted!!! (lucky enough to be that 5% who didn''t get deferred) USC: deferred UIUC: accepted Georgia tech: rejected Waiting for rice, stanford, upenn and washington.
Results: Texas A&M: accepted Cornell: deferred UT Austin: accepted!!! (lucky enough to be that 5% who didn''t get deferred) USC: deferred UIUC: accepted Georgia tech: rejected Waiting for rice, stanford, upenn and washington.
这种当然竞争得过。 不是已经拿了UT Austin了吗。
同觉得Georgia Tech拒掉很吃惊
Gatech ECE 今年录小中男也要硬核stem奖了
前几天版上报了一个是AMO + usaco gold
必须的,home country还搞了个intern。 含金量难以辨别。。