新闻链接在上面,有三分钟的视频。最魔幻的是这个委内瑞拉裔美国人的女领导愤怒说被背叛以后还补充了一句,I don‘t want to make this political. 🤔🤔🤔 New regulations scheduled to be published this week would end Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for more than 300,000 Venezuelans in early April. Protections for a second group of some 250,000 Venezuelans currently extended through September but now also seem likely to be removed. The move by the Trump administration is a turnabout of a long-standing U.S. policy that has extended TPS to more than a half million Venezuelans. On NBC's Meet the Press Sunday, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kristi Noem said she believed the designation had been abused. "Remember," she said, "Venezuela purposely emptied out their prisons, emptied out their mental health facilities and sent them to the United States of America." Venezuelan-Americans say that's simply not true Venezuelans started migrating in large numbers to the U.S. in the 1980's. The numbers surged in recent decades as people fled the political and economic turmoil of the authoritarian regimes of Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro. Nearly 400,000 people who left Venezuela now live in Florida. Adelys Ferro, the director of the Venezuelan American Caucus, says, "We are human beings who work here, who are small business owners." Ferro says Venezuelans exiled here "actually believe that the TPS was the right way to get legal in the United States, to have our work permits, to have a social security number, to be able to buy a house." 国土安全部部长指责委内瑞拉政府故意把本国精神病院和监狱的人往美国送,和之前说走线来的中国人是人民解放军,真是异曲同工。
这个就是合法身份: Congress created Temporary Protected Status (TPS) in the Immigration Act of 1990. It is a temporary immigration status provided to nationals of specifically designated countries that are confronting an ongoing armed conflict, environmental disaster, or extraordinary and temporary conditions.
New regulations scheduled to be published this week would end Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for more than 300,000 Venezuelans in early April. Protections for a second group of some 250,000 Venezuelans currently extended through September but now also seem likely to be removed.
The move by the Trump administration is a turnabout of a long-standing U.S. policy that has extended TPS to more than a half million Venezuelans. On NBC's Meet the Press Sunday, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kristi Noem said she believed the designation had been abused. "Remember," she said, "Venezuela purposely emptied out their prisons, emptied out their mental health facilities and sent them to the United States of America."
Venezuelan-Americans say that's simply not true Venezuelans started migrating in large numbers to the U.S. in the 1980's. The numbers surged in recent decades as people fled the political and economic turmoil of the authoritarian regimes of Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro. Nearly 400,000 people who left Venezuela now live in Florida. Adelys Ferro, the director of the Venezuelan American Caucus, says, "We are human beings who work here, who are small business owners." Ferro says Venezuelans exiled here "actually believe that the TPS was the right way to get legal in the United States, to have our work permits, to have a social security number, to be able to buy a house."
你去问走线的, 那味儿就和楼主的新闻一样了
川粉就会一天到晚造谣,跟你家主子一个德行。 一副小人奴才相,丢人现眼
是啊,人家骂你中国病毒回国报备不让你买房,你平等互利地跪下了磕几个响头,都贡献了能量 牛叉
所以说你们蠢的,人话都听不懂,只能听懂你家主子的It is great It is bad
呃,这坛子上大批F-1签证来的,也是non immigrant visa,再说委内瑞拉人大批还是80年代就开始来了,比很多中国人可来得早。
我能说他们活该么, 不同情。 就和那些Uncommitted 穆斯林,现在叫dem do something。 和支持tx反堕胎令的然后在女儿怀孕感染生命垂危时叫医生do something一样。
Congress created Temporary Protected Status (TPS) in the Immigration Act of 1990. It is a temporary immigration status provided to nationals of specifically designated countries that are confronting an ongoing armed conflict, environmental disaster, or extraordinary and temporary conditions.