bunnyshe 发表于 2025-02-04 08:56 They are engineers building the software and streamlining the process of detecting inefficiencies. What’s wrong with that? One of them is even volunteering. Don’t point your fingers at people who are actually working.
REPORTER: "Some of these DOGE engineers that Elon Musk has helping him are as young as 19 years old." TRUMP: "That's good. They're very smart. They work out of the White House. Unlike what they do in the control towers, where we need smart people, we should use some of DOGE in the control towers. We were putting people there that were actually intellectually deficient. One of the qualifications was you could be intellectually deficient."
The members of the DOGE team who were given access to the system were made Treasury employees, passed government background checks and obtained security clearances, per the report. Treasury Department attorneys approved the granting of access. 连新闻都不看全的,脑子在哪??
哈佛小将是湾区宇中Gunn High 毕业的 A Palo Alto resident and Gunn High School graduate was identified by the magazine WIRED on Sunday as one of the engineers who is working with billionaire Elon Musk to gain access to federal government infrastructure and sensitive records from civil servants. Ethan Shaotran, who graduated from Gunn in 2020, is an engineer who founded the company Energize.AI, according to his bio, at Harvard University, where he is a student. The company provides scheduling assistance. Like the other five engineers identified by WIRED, he has a past affiliation with Musk, having participated in a hackathon organized by Musk’s artificial intelligence xAI, according to a post on X from October 2024. Shaotran’s team used Grok, the generative artificial intelligence chatbot developed by xAI, to generate plausible responses from his X followers to a hypothetical question. Shaotran did not respond to WIRED and he did not immediately respond to an email from this publication. His profiles on LinkedIn and X were both down on Sunday afternoon. According to an earlier LinkedIn post, he took a break from Harvard last year to start his company. https://www.paloaltoonline.com/palo-alto-schools/2025/02/02/gunn-high-grad-part-of-musks-effort-to-control-federal-spending/
反对川普 = 反对川普一切政策 = 反对川普身边所有亲信的一切政策 = 反对川普身边所有亲信雇佣的所有人做的所有事。。
TRUMP: "That's good. They're very smart. They work out of the White House. Unlike what they do in the control towers, where we need smart people, we should use some of DOGE in the control towers. We were putting people there that were actually intellectually deficient. One of the qualifications was you could be intellectually deficient."
google msft meta都在裁员,也没看见有疯狂反抗的!那些马公可比混吃等死的公务员努力多了
我就想知道马斯克这个白皮African American immigrant,八成连security clearance都没有,到底是谁给他的权利?
Why would you say so? You don't think he needs certain level of security clearance to oversee his SpaceX, though maybe not top secret?
这个问题问得好 我们可以换个角度问:有种族隔离制度的南非什么样?没有种族隔离制度的南非又是什么样?哪一个非洲国家在独立后不靠殖民者自己发展成发达国家的? 既然种族隔离这么好!全世界还不赶紧学起来 美国也像南非一样,白人第一阶级,混血第二,黑人亚裔第三第四阶级!很快美国就MAGA了
反对是不按照程序,没有透明,没有security clearance 的人直接干扰关系到全国财政的系统,随意access 敏感信息。 如果你不知反对的是什么,那只能说你没有脑子。
那是两回事。 一次security clear就全部clear? 也能控制核武器是吗?
DOGE不是决策机构,只是审计提供数据。 做决策的还是总统和国会。
公务员说,天杀的,我们这么多年“低薪求稳”,图啥你也懂,你上来直奔财务部,打蛇打七寸, IT audit出一堆猫腻,以后大家都很难混。
川普本人和他公司的税务情况都被爆了好多次吧,看烦了。想看看DOGE 的新料,每一个都是大开眼界
The members of the DOGE team who were given access to the system were made Treasury employees, passed government background checks and obtained security clearances, per the report. Treasury Department attorneys approved the granting of access.
绝大多数美国人都是employment at will,随时可能被炒 却因为自己反川普的政治立场,而去支持政府公务员的铁饭碗,认为公务员的工作神圣不可侵犯,这逻辑也是神了。。
read my post carefully. I said "maybe not top secret", but at least some clearance.
哈佛小将是湾区宇中Gunn High 毕业的
A Palo Alto resident and Gunn High School graduate was identified by the magazine WIRED on Sunday as one of the engineers who is working with billionaire Elon Musk to gain access to federal government infrastructure and sensitive records from civil servants.
Ethan Shaotran, who graduated from Gunn in 2020, is an engineer who founded the company Energize.AI, according to his bio, at Harvard University, where he is a student. The company provides scheduling assistance. Like the other five engineers identified by WIRED, he has a past affiliation with Musk, having participated in a hackathon organized by Musk’s artificial intelligence xAI, according to a post on X from October 2024.
Shaotran’s team used Grok, the generative artificial intelligence chatbot developed by xAI, to generate plausible responses from his X followers to a hypothetical question.
Shaotran did not respond to WIRED and he did not immediately respond to an email from this publication. His profiles on LinkedIn and X were both down on Sunday afternoon. According to an earlier LinkedIn post, he took a break from Harvard last year to start his company.
聖經裡說了,孩子天國才是BOSS 以後再回頭看看, 過去二戰後建立的體系已經過時了.
有能力,有乾勁, 又不怕得罪老人,這個前鋒小隊潛力無窮.