中国意思了一下, 这次川建国对中国手下留情,中国反应也不激烈, 倒是乐见美帝和盟友开撕 China China said it would file a lawsuit with the World Trade Organization in response to the duties, and “take necessary countermeasures.” “The U.S.’s unilateral tariff hike seriously violates WTO rules, does nothing to resolve its own issues, and disrupts normal economic and trade cooperation between China and the U.S.,” the Chinese Ministry of Commerce said in a statement Sunday, according to an NBC translation. “In response to this wrongful action, China will file a lawsuit with the WTO and take necessary countermeasures to firmly safeguard its rights and interests.” China has complained to the WTO over tariffs before, notably regarding the EU’s tariffs on Chinese EVs last year. Chinese exporters implement strategies to adjust to Trump’s tariffs threats The fact that China stopped short of immediate escalation has raised hopes that there could be some room to avoid an all-out trade war between the two countries. The lower, 10%-tariffs imposed on Chinese-made goods may also be a relief given repeated threats made by Trump on the campaign trail to impose duties of 60% or more on imports from the country. In its statement, China pushed back on Trump’s comments about fentanyl, describing it as a “domestic issue.” “China urges the U.S. to take an objective and rational approach to its domestic issues, including fentanyl, rather than resorting to tariff threats against other countries,” it said. Synthetic opioid fentanyl is an addictive drug that causes many thousands of overdose deaths each year in the U.S. The chemicals needed to make the drug are mostly produced in China and Mexico. Washington and Beijing had previously agreed to cooperate on the issue.
2/ Over the last week, 50% of the Global Health Bureau and 60% of the Humanitarian Assistance Bureau have been fired. Aid programs everywhere have been closed. The U.S. is in full retreat from the world.
Dystopian. No good reason for it. — Chris Murphy 🟧 (@ChrisMurphyCT) February 1, 2025
中国意思了一下, 这次川建国对中国手下留情,中国反应也不激烈, 倒是乐见美帝和盟友开撕 China China said it would file a lawsuit with the World Trade Organization in response to the duties, and “take necessary countermeasures.” “The U.S.’s unilateral tariff hike seriously violates WTO rules, does nothing to resolve its own issues, and disrupts normal economic and trade cooperation between China and the U.S.,” the Chinese Ministry of Commerce said in a statement Sunday, according to an NBC translation. “In response to this wrongful action, China will file a lawsuit with the WTO and take necessary countermeasures to firmly safeguard its rights and interests.” China has complained to the WTO over tariffs before, notably regarding the EU’s tariffs on Chinese EVs last year. Chinese exporters implement strategies to adjust to Trump’s tariffs threats The fact that China stopped short of immediate escalation has raised hopes that there could be some room to avoid an all-out trade war between the two countries. The lower, 10%-tariffs imposed on Chinese-made goods may also be a relief given repeated threats made by Trump on the campaign trail to impose duties of 60% or more on imports from the country. In its statement, China pushed back on Trump’s comments about fentanyl, describing it as a “domestic issue.” “China urges the U.S. to take an objective and rational approach to its domestic issues, including fentanyl, rather than resorting to tariff threats against other countries,” it said. Synthetic opioid fentanyl is an addictive drug that causes many thousands of overdose deaths each year in the U.S. The chemicals needed to make the drug are mostly produced in China and Mexico. Washington and Beijing had previously agreed to cooperate on the issue. huaren2018 发表于 2025-02-02 08:03
Canadians rightfully booed the U.S. National Anthem in Ottawa at an NHL game tonight thanks to the MAGA regime’s hate, stupidity, threats and targeted tariffs. I don’t blame them at all. — Ricky Davila (@TheRickyDavila) February 2, 2025
加拿大是美国酒最大消费者 ,一年5.4亿刀 Canada is a substantial market for American wines. Imports of U.S. wine to Canada were worth $540 million in 2024. The second-largest alcohol category, spirits, accounted for $365 million in U.S. imports.
2/ Over the last week, 50% of the Global Health Bureau and 60% of the Humanitarian Assistance Bureau have been fired. Aid programs everywhere have been closed. The U.S. is in full retreat from the world.
Dystopian. No good reason for it. — Chris Murphy 🟧 (@ChrisMurphyCT) February 1, 2025
So for the MAGA's in the back. The new Honda Civic Sport that sells for $27,000 in the US has now gone up to $33,750. Every penny extra goes straight to the federal treasury that Elon musk somehow now controls and will be distributed to billionaires in the Trump tax break.
你回的那位说民主党不让开采石油,她刚从火星回来? The United States is the world's largest producer of crude oil. In 2024, the U.S. produced more crude oil than any other country for the sixth year in a row.
So for the MAGA's in the back. The new Honda Civic Sport that sells for $27,000 in the US has now gone up to $33,750. Every penny extra goes straight to the federal treasury that Elon musk somehow now controls and will be distributed to billionaires in the Trump tax break. 落地无声 发表于 2025-02-02 11:09
哎。 今天news headline 把long time ally , Canada , retaliation 几个字放一起了。 我也不知道, 我也不懂。 这是准备摧毁所有过去的盟友关系吗? 他不知道trust 一旦破裂,即使修补后,也不可能完好如初了啊。 他真的不是和中国做了什么秘密交易把美国利益出卖了吗?! 如此利好俄罗斯中国的事,他是怎么作为一个美国总统做出来的? Someone teach him some basis economics!!!!!!! Trade deficit is NOT the same as budget deficit !!!
加拿大墨西哥和美国的贸易圈目的就是为了诱惑中国的产业链搬到北美来,而且也逐渐开始起效了 川建国第一任干掉了tpp这个中国最大威胁,这一任又开干北美贸易圈这个中国潜在威胁。等台积电彻底搬到美国后,台湾多半要被放弃。如果美国把格陵兰加拿大巴拿马收回囊中,要不要第一第二岛链也无所谓啊。这都是为放弃台湾做准备呗。
China said it would file a lawsuit with the World Trade Organization in response to the duties, and “take necessary countermeasures.”
“The U.S.’s unilateral tariff hike seriously violates WTO rules, does nothing to resolve its own issues, and disrupts normal economic and trade cooperation between China and the U.S.,” the Chinese Ministry of Commerce said in a statement Sunday, according to an NBC translation.
“In response to this wrongful action, China will file a lawsuit with the WTO and take necessary countermeasures to firmly safeguard its rights and interests.” China has complained to the WTO over tariffs before, notably regarding the EU’s tariffs on Chinese EVs last year.
Chinese exporters implement strategies to adjust to Trump’s tariffs threats
The fact that China stopped short of immediate escalation has raised hopes that there could be some room to avoid an all-out trade war between the two countries. The lower, 10%-tariffs imposed on Chinese-made goods may also be a relief given repeated threats made by Trump on the campaign trail to impose duties of 60% or more on imports from the country.
In its statement, China pushed back on Trump’s comments about fentanyl, describing it as a “domestic issue.”
“China urges the U.S. to take an objective and rational approach to its domestic issues, including fentanyl, rather than resorting to tariff threats against other countries,” it said.
Synthetic opioid fentanyl is an addictive drug that causes many thousands of overdose deaths each year in the U.S. The chemicals needed to make the drug are mostly produced in China and Mexico. Washington and Beijing had previously agreed to cooperate on the issue.
跟着起哄的都是不了解加拿大政治的 小土豆days are numbered 现在显得硬气,下台前多少积累点政治资本 然后让后任下跪
起哄的都是嘴炮。 加拿大往美国卖多少东西,不卖给美国 难道让中国买进口的加拿大木头?让欧洲买加拿大木头?供需关系里只有需求才能有供给。没有需求的东西就只能烂在地里的。
比川普周围人咋样? 加拿大这些政治家是不是人味儿更重些?你不满意?
我觉得这是这些project 25 的幕后操纵者们希望看到的,帮助trump上台,然后夺权,推Vance上。 如何夺权呢,红州的gop压不住民愤了。
有人听到好自为之什么的 就狠嗨狠高潮哈哈
Andy Beshear也是大红州的民主党州长,支持率还挺不错的。
就是,搞不懂韭菜跟着高兴什么劲,关税越高trump team越高兴,他们本来就是要提税进国库,然后揣自己腰包的,对他们来说,越乱越好,在他们game plan里肯定把互斗关税算在内的,韭菜要自救就得游行示威抗议关税。。。
树不是大豆,不砍不会烂在地里, okay?
哈哈 你大错特错了 是有人听到 好自为之,真的好自 阳痿了,让看客狠嗨狠高潮。拿吃瓜群众跟总统政治家比,你是想说台上的总统也就吃瓜群众的水准吧
打贸易战不要太感情化 加国政府就狠理性智慧 dollar for dollar retaliation 让数字说话 数字不对劲 撕逼没用
加拿大是美国酒最大消费者 ,一年5.4亿刀
Canada is a substantial market for American wines. Imports of U.S. wine to Canada were worth $540 million in 2024. The second-largest alcohol category, spirits, accounted for $365 million in U.S. imports.
一直觉得伊万卡对小土豆有点那意思。老川上一任期的时候,他女儿就对小土豆看抛媚眼,但是人家没理。 然后老川就开始给加拿大使绊各种闹。
每辆特斯拉加2万美金 每部苹果手机加1千美金
同问。加州产红酒。红州产粮食和石油。但是民主党政府不许美国开采石油。那么现在美国粮食自销,石油开采,这方面价格会下降。 但是加拿大咋得罪老川了,这么好的人民。他们现在也是物价狂飙,看不起病,快成了印度国了。让他们自己觉醒不好吗。
可能是说真心支持川皇和首富的韭菜们 dumb?
加拿大全民医疗,一般的药,最后也就付几块钱。我有得癌症的朋友,治疗也很快排上了,还能加入各种 research program。我自己也因为药物过敏急诊过,重感冒也急诊过,打过吊瓶,还经历过为时几年的排查,一分钱没花。肯定不是完美的医疗系统,但是比起美国,天上地下。
每次坐curise, 在岛上,我们都是在找免税酒,美国人都在药店排长队买续命的廉价药。看个医生也要做足research, 救护车也不敢轻易叫,整天想着怎么跟保险公司argue, 谁签字能逃债。
So for the MAGA's in the back. The new Honda Civic Sport that sells for $27,000 in the US has now gone up to $33,750. Every penny extra goes straight to the federal treasury that Elon musk somehow now controls and will be distributed to billionaires in the Trump tax break.
你回的那位说民主党不让开采石油,她刚从火星回来? The United States is the world's largest producer of crude oil. In 2024, the U.S. produced more crude oil than any other country for the sixth year in a row.
她是基督徒觉得如何呢? 过得好是被弟子出卖?然后?
图白人至上啊, 又可以堂堂正正跪舔白人了.
川建国这次操作,让躺平养老的加拿大觉醒了,其实是好事。 加拿大早就应该扩展新市场和贸易伙伴,多搞基建增加产业多样性,经济体量小就不能学人家赶走移民闭关锁国。
川普加税,多收的税是进入国库,进入政府收入里, 但增加关税引发的价格涨价等cost却是实打实的是每个美国人承担。
她说自己是基督徒,很虔诚的那种, 嫁了个比自己大30岁的老头子, 结婚刚三月,孩子就生下来了。
pure merit based!
我也不知道, 我也不懂。 这是准备摧毁所有过去的盟友关系吗? 他不知道trust 一旦破裂,即使修补后,也不可能完好如初了啊。
他真的不是和中国做了什么秘密交易把美国利益出卖了吗?! 如此利好俄罗斯中国的事,他是怎么作为一个美国总统做出来的?
Someone teach him some basis economics!!!!!!! Trade deficit is NOT the same as budget deficit !!!
现在粉粉们统一话术来,看不懂的,整不明白的,被弄懵菜的,有些质疑的, 一律回复,让子弹再飞一会儿。
老总理是个有智慧的人!赞一个。 特鲁多有骨气!