If you actively trade cryptocurrency or stocks, Cash App Taxes might not be the best choice. Users must manually enter each trade. 这个不能直接导入交易记录的功能已经把大多数挡在外面了。 如果没有投资交易要报税,大概率选哪种免费版本都没啥区别。
估计他说的是下面这些条件 https://turbotax.intuit.com/tax-tips/investments-and-taxes/guide-to-schedule-d-capital-gains-and-losses/ There are two exceptions to having to include transactions on Form 8949 that pertain to individuals and most small businesses: 1) Taxpayers can attach a separate statement with the transaction details in a format that meets the requirements of Form 8949. 2) Taxpayers can omit transactions from Form 8949 if: 2a) They received a Form 1099-B that shows that the cost basis was reported to the IRS, and 2b) You did not have a non-deductible wash sale loss or adjustments to the basis, gain or loss, or to the type of gain or loss (short term or long term). If one of the exceptions applies, then the transactions can be summarized into short-term and long-term and reported directly on Schedule D without using Form 8949.
估计他说的是下面这些条件 https://turbotax.intuit.com/tax-tips/investments-and-taxes/guide-to-schedule-d-capital-gains-and-losses/ There are two exceptions to having to include transactions on Form 8949 that pertain to individuals and most small businesses: 1) Taxpayers can attach a separate statement with the transaction details in a format that meets the requirements of Form 8949. 2) Taxpayers can omit transactions from Form 8949 if: 2a) They received a Form 1099-B that shows that the cost basis was reported to the IRS, and 2b) You did not have a non-deductible wash sale loss or adjustments to the basis, gain or loss, or to the type of gain or loss (short term or long term). If one of the exceptions applies, then the transactions can be summarized into short-term and long-term and reported directly on Schedule D without using Form 8949. 金银岛 发表于 2025-02-03 11:46
金银岛 发表于 2025-02-03 11:46 估计他说的是下面这些条件 https://turbotax.intuit.com/tax-tips/investments-and-taxes/guide-to-schedule-d-capital-gains-and-losses/ There are two exceptions to having to include transactions on Form 8949 that pertain to individuals and most small businesses: 1) Taxpayers can attach a separate statement with the transaction details in a format that meets the requirements of Form 8949. 2) Taxpayers can omit transactions from Form 8949 if: 2a) They received a Form 1099-B that shows that the cost basis was reported to the IRS, and 2b) You did not have a non-deductible wash sale loss or adjustments to the basis, gain or loss, or to the type of gain or loss (short term or long term). If one of the exceptions applies, then the transactions can be summarized into short-term and long-term and reported directly on Schedule D without using Form 8949.
这个freetaxusa是irs网站有链接/推荐的, 肯定没问题, 而且信息就保存到当年9月份。
是不是要用credit karma的service,记得Turbotax上看见过他们家的广告
Mark tax filing
No no, 要符合那个需要一些条件,你还是先搞清楚点再来下结论。
估计他说的是下面这些条件 https://turbotax.intuit.com/tax-tips/investments-and-taxes/guide-to-schedule-d-capital-gains-and-losses/
There are two exceptions to having to include transactions on Form 8949 that pertain to individuals and most small businesses:
1) Taxpayers can attach a separate statement with the transaction details in a format that meets the requirements of Form 8949. 2) Taxpayers can omit transactions from Form 8949 if: 2a) They received a Form 1099-B that shows that the cost basis was reported to the IRS, and 2b) You did not have a non-deductible wash sale loss or adjustments to the basis, gain or loss, or to the type of gain or loss (short term or long term).
If one of the exceptions applies, then the transactions can be summarized into short-term and long-term and reported directly on Schedule D without using Form 8949.
我就这么写的,fidelity $1000, robinhood $2000, Etrade $1000 这样
你这个Federal $0State $15.99
Mark mark
Mark, 还有https://www.freefilefillableforms.com/home/default.php
你要先sign up一个account,然后就能收到了
mark层主的问题! "在lz的推荐下试了一下,这个网站最麻烦的是没法导入1099,如果股票交易多的话要一个一个输入就是night mare。。。"