事故刚发生,川普想的是挪用TSA(交通部安全管理局),Coast Guard经费,给ICE,

楼主 (北美华人网)
悲剧刚发生,川普除了blame DEI, 还想着是挪用TSA( Transportation Security Administration), Coast Guard,经费给ICE 遣返非法移民。 https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/administration-may-pull-money-tsa-help-fund-deportations-rcna189387
Trump administration may pull money from TSA, Coast Guard to help ICE afford costly deportations
Trump administration officials are now considering pulling funding from the Transportation Security Administration to make up for it, according to two sources familiar with the discussions. The administration is also looking at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the Coast Guard as possible areas from which to take money to give ICE. The executive branch is allowed to move money appropriated by Congress from one agency to another within a department, and the Trump administration would not be the first to do so to make up for an ICE budget shortfall.
-Forced out the FAA chief at Musk's insistence -Imposed a hiring freeze that reportedly included air traffic controllers -Fired the TSA head and gutted a key aviation safety committee -Blamed the DCA crash on DEI 觉得还不够,现在想挪用经费,觉的空难不够多吗?