SEC. 2. PROHIBITION ON PURCHASE OF PUBLIC OR PRIVATE REAL ESTATE LOCATED IN THE UNITED STATES BY CITIZENS AND ENTITIES OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA. (a) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the President shall take such actions as may be necessary— (1) to prohibit the purchase, on or after the date of the enactment of this Act, of public or private real estate located in the United States by— (A) any citizen of the People’s Republic of China; (B) any covered foreign entity; or (C) any foreign person acting for or on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party, a covered foreign entity, or a citizen of the People’s Republic of China; and (2) if the President determines that the ownership, as of such date of enactment, by a person described in subparagraph (A), (B), or (C) of paragraph (1) of real estate located in the United States poses a national security risk to the United States, to require the sale of such real estate by not later than the date that is one year after such date of enactment. (2) EXCEPTION FOR PROPERTY OF UNITED STATES NATIONALS.—Subsection (a)(2) does not apply with respect to the sale of real estate ownedor otherwise held for personal use by a United States citizen or an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence to the United States 第 2 条. 禁止中华人民共和国公民和实体在美国购买公共或私人不动产。(a) 概述。尽管有任何其他法律规定,总统应采取必要的行动: (1) 禁止在本法颁布之日或之后,以下人员在美国购买公共或私人不动产: (A) 任何中华人民共和国公民; (B) 任何受管外国实体; (C) 任何代表或为中国共产党、受管外国实体或中华人民共和国公民行事的外国人; (2) 如果总统认定截至本法颁布之日,符合第 (1) 款 (A)、(B) 或 (C) 项描述的个人在美国拥有的不动产对美国国家安全构成威胁,则必须在颁布之日起不迟于一年内要求其出售该不动产。 美国公民财产的例外情况。—第 (a)(2) 款不适用于由美国公民或依法被批准为美国永久居民的外国人所拥有或以其他方式持有并用于个人用途的不动产的出售。
啤酒香梨 发表于 2025-01-25 19:15 SEC. 2. PROHIBITION ON PURCHASE OF PUBLIC OR PRIVATE REAL ESTATE LOCATED IN THE UNITED STATES BY CITIZENS AND ENTITIES OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA. (a) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the President shall take such actions as may be necessary— (1) to prohibit the purchase, on or after the date of the enactment of this Act, of public or private real estate located in the United States by— (A) any citizen of the People’s Republic of China; (B) any covered foreign entity; or (C) any foreign person acting for or on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party, a covered foreign entity, or a citizen of the People’s Republic of China; and (2) if the President determines that the ownership, as of such date of enactment, by a person described in subparagraph (A), (B), or (C) of paragraph (1) of real estate located in the United States poses a national security risk to the United States, to require the sale of such real estate by not later than the date that is one year after such date of enactment. (2) EXCEPTION FOR PROPERTY OF UNITED STATES NATIONALS.—Subsection (a)(2) does not apply with respect to the sale of real estate ownedor otherwise held for personal use by a United States citizen or an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence to the United States 第 2 条. 禁止中华人民共和国公民和实体在美国购买公共或私人不动产。(a) 概述。尽管有任何其他法律规定,总统应采取必要的行动: (1) 禁止在本法颁布之日或之后,以下人员在美国购买公共或私人不动产: (A) 任何中华人民共和国公民; (B) 任何受管外国实体; (C) 任何代表或为中国共产党、受管外国实体或中华人民共和国公民行事的外国人; (2) 如果总统认定截至本法颁布之日,符合第 (1) 款 (A)、(B) 或 (C) 项描述的个人在美国拥有的不动产对美国国家安全构成威胁,则必须在颁布之日起不迟于一年内要求其出售该不动产。 美国公民财产的例外情况。—第 (a)(2) 款不适用于由美国公民或依法被批准为美国永久居民的外国人所拥有或以其他方式持有并用于个人用途的不动产的出售。
回复 131楼 Simpson2020 的帖子 (4) UNITED STATES PERSON.—The term ‘‘United States person’’ means— (A) a United States citizen or an alien law fully admitted for permanent residence to the United States; or 5 ROS25101 63L S.L.C. 1 (B) an entity organized under the laws of 2 the United States or any jurisdiction within the 3 United States, including a foreign branch of 4 such an entity
可能要一年内卖掉,取决于总统。 if the President determines that the ownership, as of such date of enactment, by a person described in subparagraph (A), (B), or (C) of paragraph (1) of real estate located in the United States poses a national security risk to the United States, to require the sale of such real estate by not later than the date that is one year after such date of enactment 绿卡的已经持有的也危险。
可能要一年内卖掉,取决于总统。这种就是切蛋糕 if the President determines that the ownership, as of such date of enactment, by a person described in subparagraph (A), (B), or (C) of paragraph (1) of real estate located in the United States poses a national security risk to the United States, to require the sale of such real estate by not later than the date that is one year after such date of enactment
lovewriting123 发表于 2025-01-25 19:45 可能要一年内卖掉,取决于总统。 if the President determines that the ownership, as of such date of enactment, by a person described in subparagraph (A), (B), or (C) of paragraph (1) of real estate located in the United States poses a national security risk to the United States, to require the sale of such real estate by not later than the date that is one year after such date of enactment 绿卡的已经持有的也危险。
外国人可以在中国买房,只要提供一些证明即可,比如学生签证、工作证明,纳税证明什么的。 如果全款买房条件应该更少
美国的房地产 可以考虑加价多倍 卖给外国人
还小红书对帐呢, 都今天了,您才能有机会在小红书对帐,这个事儿有多不正常 不觉得吗?
没买房的正好捡个便宜 而且肯定是硅谷 尔湾 西雅图这种核心地区房价大降啊 而且那些地产经纪估计要忙不过来了 那么多房子等着卖 就怕卖不掉 现在贷款利率高
绿卡算US personal?
发表啥意见 如果他已经买了 自住的不用卖 如果没买的 赶紧入籍捡个大便宜
美国网民NPR说是berlin wall moment
没身份的买房不就是为了炒房吗 已经影响到别国地区房价了 丢不丢人啊
h1b就是个临时工作签证 买啥房?
全世界都没有刚工作就买房的 就是这种坏习惯臭毛病 搞的美国硅谷西雅图尔湾房价乌烟瘴气的 川大大英明
“我们赢了!” --- 华人大妈川粉
加拿大在maga眼里是第51个州,不准跨州(maga不是老教育别人要law & order么)
哈哈,想起来那个US person来了,跑哪儿去了?
(1) to prohibit the purchase, on or after the date of the enactment of this Act, of public or private real estate located in the United States by— (A) any citizen of the People’s Republic of China; (B) any covered foreign entity; or (C) any foreign person acting for or on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party, a covered foreign entity, or a citizen of the People’s Republic of China; and (2) if the President determines that the ownership, as of such date of enactment, by a person described in subparagraph (A), (B), or (C) of paragraph (1) of real estate located in the United States poses a national security risk to the United States, to require the sale of such real estate by not later than the date that is one year after such date of enactment.
(2) EXCEPTION FOR PROPERTY OF UNITED STATES NATIONALS.—Subsection (a)(2) does not apply with respect to the sale of real estate ownedor otherwise held for personal use by a United States citizen or an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence to the United States
第 2 条. 禁止中华人民共和国公民和实体在美国购买公共或私人不动产。 (a) 概述。尽管有任何其他法律规定,总统应采取必要的行动: (1) 禁止在本法颁布之日或之后,以下人员在美国购买公共或私人不动产: (A) 任何中华人民共和国公民; (B) 任何受管外国实体; (C) 任何代表或为中国共产党、受管外国实体或中华人民共和国公民行事的外国人; (2) 如果总统认定截至本法颁布之日,符合第 (1) 款 (A)、(B) 或 (C) 项描述的个人在美国拥有的不动产对美国国家安全构成威胁,则必须在颁布之日起不迟于一年内要求其出售该不动产。
美国公民财产的例外情况。—第 (a)(2) 款不适用于由美国公民或依法被批准为美国永久居民的外国人所拥有或以其他方式持有并用于个人用途的不动产的出售。
没身份买房的主力是h1b吗 为啥h1b变成啥关键词了
那就完了 只能坐船去greenland了
你说eb1 niw默认移民就算了 h1b加延期的一次也就一共六年 绿卡是另外申请的 哪门子的默认移民啊 资本家便宜奴工 把美国人工作都挤掉了 早点取缔
墨西哥也可以堕胎哦,maga们可以联系Ross Ulbricht坐毒枭的地下交通去,神不知鬼不觉。服从law&order么? 傻瓜才当回事
移民方式在你眼里只有h1b和真皮 两种是吧 ?
哈,你操心红二代? 红二代的爸爸是美国权贵巴结的对象
(4) UNITED STATES PERSON.—The term ‘‘United States person’’ means— (A) a United States citizen or an alien law fully admitted for permanent residence to the United States; or 5 ROS25101 63L S.L.C. 1 (B) an entity organized under the laws of 2 the United States or any jurisdiction within the 3 United States, including a foreign branch of 4 such an entity
if the President determines that the ownership, as of such date of enactment, by a person described in subparagraph (A), (B), or (C) of paragraph (1) of real estate located in the United States poses a national security risk to the United States, to require the sale of such real estate by not later than the date that is one year after such date of enactment
而且我觉得美国有少一半的人并没有选trump,他胜选更多是因为对Biden的失望。 因此,所有trump主张干的事情,应该会有强而有力的阻碍, 除非中国下场打仗,三战来临,经济危机到来, 要不然这些法案都不会轻松通过的。。。。。
虽然亲眼见过中国人来美国屯房子,挺影响市场的。 期望能对他们加以限制,但是中国政府要是不打仗, 这些排华性质的法案没这么容易通过。
Tom Cotton 绝对是个心理变态。你看他看人的眼神,很吓人,做牧师会强奸教徒的那种。
if the President determines that the ownership, as of such date of enactment, by a person described in subparagraph (A), (B), or (C) of paragraph (1) of real estate located in the United States poses a national security risk to the United States, to require the sale of such real estate by not later than the date that is one year after such date of enactment
要不是只限制中国人,我简直以为他那个东欧gold digger老婆也不能买
你在做梦吗? 以前的排华法案也是中国打台湾? 湾湾的脸也太大了
同治13年,1873年,慈禧排遣钦差大臣到台湾,增设府县,驱赶日本侨民,筹办台湾省 1882年,美国排华法案生效, 难道是巧合?
黄右是神仙放屁不同凡响 全世界也没有受过高等教育还大比例支持川普的
taiwan was a shit at that time....
是“gabage赢了!” --- 华人大妈川粉
黄川粉 还在舔呀,觉得不会真的这样的。。。