the r1 drop should be setting off alarm bells in the entire western capitalist apparatus. for the first time in a while, i’m genuinely afraid the u.s. is losing its dominance—its influence, its capacity to innovate, & its ability to outcompete on a global scale. the core issue isn’t just regulatory capture or bureaucratic inertia. the real problem is also the managerial class: a bloated, risk-averse, overpaid, over glorified layer that’s systematically dismantled the mechanisms that once made the u.s. competitive. meta is a great example of this (look at what happened with llama)—that’s with a founder running it, now imagine google where there is a professional manager running it & 5k vp’s underneath. meanwhile, china is surging ahead. it’s not just drones or now a world-class ai model; it’s the entire ecosystem. robots are building other robots at scale. their tech is cheap, effective, & ubiquitous. the world’s supply chain—its manufacturing core—is de facto chinese. china isn’t just catching up; it’s scaling the future. if the west continues down this path—short-term thinking, managerial inefficiency, & a refusal to prioritize strategic innovation—it risks becoming irrelevant in the face of a system designed for precision & long-term dominance. this isn’t just a challenge; it’s an existential threat to western economic & technological leadership. 3:09 PM · Jan 24, 2025 · 2.1M Views
the r1 drop should be setting off alarm bells in the entire western capitalist apparatus. for the first time in a while, i’m genuinely afraid the u.s. is losing its dominance—its influence, its capacity to innovate, & its ability to outcompete on a global scale. the core issue isn’t just regulatory capture or bureaucratic inertia. the real problem is also the managerial class: a bloated, risk-averse, overpaid, over glorified layer that’s systematically dismantled the mechanisms that once made the u.s. competitive. meta is a great example of this (look at what happened with llama)—that’s with a founder running it, now imagine google where there is a professional manager running it & 5k vp’s underneath. meanwhile, china is surging ahead. it’s not just drones or now a world-class ai model; it’s the entire ecosystem. robots are building other robots at scale. their tech is cheap, effective, & ubiquitous. the world’s supply chain—its manufacturing core—is de facto chinese. china isn’t just catching up; it’s scaling the future. if the west continues down this path—short-term thinking, managerial inefficiency, & a refusal to prioritize strategic innovation—it risks becoming irrelevant in the face of a system designed for precision & long-term dominance. this isn’t just a challenge; it’s an existential threat to western economic & technological leadership. 3:09 PM · Jan 24, 2025 · 2.1M Views
meta is a great example of this (look at what happened with llama)—that’s with a founder running it, now imagine google where there is a professional manager running it & 5k vp’s underneath. 美国现在大量的外包到印度,大量的印度cxo和中高层印度manager, 以及造成现在这样的情况的大量的MBA, 实际上都是美国过度金融化的结果。 中国可以为了几个五年计划把股票市场压在低位,由技术官僚来制定不受股市影响的政策。 这些美国是做不到的,美国被ysl夺舍了, 金融市场和以前的高利贷生意一样,也许和jewels一样一本万利才行
什么时候google 不审查“反犹”言论了,你再逼逼别国不迟
不反击就是 ---> 告诉霸凌者自己卑微屈从 = 允许霸凌者欺负你自己 = 给霸凌者当凶手 = 本质上就是你自己欺负自己 = 让霸凌者以后一再来欺负你
搞 / 研发 ”当下“的AI的核心竞争力就是数学,主要是线性代数,概率论和数理统计,这对于美国的学生太难了,对于喜好坑蒙拐骗但平均智商只有78的印度阿三也太难了。华人碾压其他族群的智商还TMD异常勤奋,所以就是舍我其谁 咯!
终于提到C++啦,那是俺的初恋,可惜欧美普遍嫌难而不重视,全世界95%的C++高手在中国啊。不谈在硬件开发领域C/C++的无可撼动的地位,就连金融口过去的高频交易软件无不用C++开发。美国的娃儿就只能Python咯,连Java对它们都很难!算法?开啥玩笑,那需要严谨却又巧妙的逻辑思维,那是给美国孩子玩的吗?只有中国人强力的数学天赋能把持!印度阿三?别提了,它们那些H-1B visa的码农 99%都是农村的泥腿子骗子最多做做PPT加到处抄袭代码连同人家的bugs也拷贝过来,有个屁的数学素养!
用过Netscape 前身mosaic的路过。。。
你说的非常好。美国是丛林社会。要有兽性。 失去人性,失去很多。 失去兽性,失去一切。
美帝资本是反过来影响政府的,跟墙国政治压倒一切有本质不同,你多学点政府怎么跟big corp斗争的历史吧
有没有可能马斯克悄悄在帮忙?有竞争挺好。Sam Altman绝对不是值得信任的人。
是资本跟资本斗争, 就是不同资本家捧出来的代言人罢了。 你学着点什么叫资本主义吧。
sputnik moment
Marc Andreessen @pmarca
Deepseek R1 is AI''s Sputnik moment. 4:16 PM · Jan 26, 2025 · 130.2K Views
sputnik moment
这两天一直在跟踪deepseek R1在推特上的讨论
the r1 drop should be setting off alarm bells in the entire western capitalist apparatus. for the first time in a while, i’m genuinely afraid the u.s. is losing its dominance—its influence, its capacity to innovate, & its ability to outcompete on a global scale. the core issue isn’t just regulatory capture or bureaucratic inertia. the real problem is also the managerial class: a bloated, risk-averse, overpaid, over glorified layer that’s systematically dismantled the mechanisms that once made the u.s. competitive. meta is a great example of this (look at what happened with llama)—that’s with a founder running it, now imagine google where there is a professional manager running it & 5k vp’s underneath. meanwhile, china is surging ahead. it’s not just drones or now a world-class ai model; it’s the entire ecosystem. robots are building other robots at scale. their tech is cheap, effective, & ubiquitous. the world’s supply chain—its manufacturing core—is de facto chinese. china isn’t just catching up; it’s scaling the future. if the west continues down this path—short-term thinking, managerial inefficiency, & a refusal to prioritize strategic innovation—it risks becoming irrelevant in the face of a system designed for precision & long-term dominance. this isn’t just a challenge; it’s an existential threat to western economic & technological leadership. 3:09 PM · Jan 24, 2025 · 2.1M Views
open AI的马工明天起都得被开了。。
此一时彼一时了。1960年代美帝的科技人才尚可和前苏联一战。现在从1988至今美帝的冥主党搞的反智价值观进而转变成反人类、反人性的DEI和LGBTQ的WOKE文化视数理化为粪土,所以美国的教育和科技烂到根子里了。想当年AT&T的Bell Labs还有曾经的NASA。。。可惜帝国余晖不再!
meta is a great example of this (look at what happened with llama)—that’s with a founder running it, now imagine google where there is a professional manager running it & 5k vp’s underneath.
美国现在大量的外包到印度,大量的印度cxo和中高层印度manager, 以及造成现在这样的情况的大量的MBA, 实际上都是美国过度金融化的结果。
中国可以为了几个五年计划把股票市场压在低位,由技术官僚来制定不受股市影响的政策。 这些美国是做不到的,美国被ysl夺舍了, 金融市场和以前的高利贷生意一样,也许和jewels一样一本万利才行
他们觉得不可能$6M训出frontier model。 一定是阿共的阴谋,集中10w 走私来的gpu,全给ds用,然后故意说只花了$6M API也不可能比o1便宜30倍。一定是阿共不遵守市场原则,直接补贴 目的是让美国大公司融不到资 懂行的都知道这多好笑,但推特上这么说的人越来越多 这波是21世纪sputnik时刻,老美真破防了