回复 1楼 teabucket 的帖子 说来就来,芝加哥ICE跑到小学了,学校没让进。蓝州还是好人多。 https://www.cnn.com/2025/01/24/us/ice-agents-attempt-entry-into-chicago-elementary-school/index.html ICE agents attempted entry into Chicago elementary school but were not allowed inside, Chicago Public Schools officials say U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents attempted entry into a Chicago elementary school Friday morning, but were not allowed inside or permitted to speak to anyone inside, Chicago Public Schools officials said. Around 11:15 a.m., ICE agents attempted to enter Hamline Elementary School, Chicago Public Schools’ Chief Education Officer Bogdana Chkoumbova said.
Chaohistory 发表于 2025-01-24 16:32 回复 1楼 teabucket 的帖子 说来就来,芝加哥ICE跑到小学了,学校没让进。蓝州还是好人多。 https://www.cnn.com/2025/01/24/us/ice-agents-attempt-entry-into-chicago-elementary-school/index.html ICE agents attempted entry into Chicago elementary school but were not allowed inside, Chicago Public Schools officials say U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents attempted entry into a Chicago elementary school Friday morning, but were not allowed inside or permitted to speak to anyone inside, Chicago Public Schools officials said. Around 11:15 a.m., ICE agents attempted to enter Hamline Elementary School, Chicago Public Schools’ Chief Education Officer Bogdana Chkoumbova said.
Chaohistory 发表于 2025-01-24 16:32 回复 1楼 teabucket 的帖子 说来就来,芝加哥ICE跑到小学了,学校没让进。蓝州还是好人多。 https://www.cnn.com/2025/01/24/us/ice-agents-attempt-entry-into-chicago-elementary-school/index.html ICE agents attempted entry into Chicago elementary school but were not allowed inside, Chicago Public Schools officials say U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents attempted entry into a Chicago elementary school Friday morning, but were not allowed inside or permitted to speak to anyone inside, Chicago Public Schools officials said. Around 11:15 a.m., ICE agents attempted to enter Hamline Elementary School, Chicago Public Schools’ Chief Education Officer Bogdana Chkoumbova said.
Chaohistory 发表于 2025-01-24 16:32 回复 1楼 teabucket 的帖子 说来就来,芝加哥ICE跑到小学了,学校没让进。蓝州还是好人多。 https://www.cnn.com/2025/01/24/us/ice-agents-attempt-entry-into-chicago-elementary-school/index.html ICE agents attempted entry into Chicago elementary school but were not allowed inside, Chicago Public Schools officials say U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents attempted entry into a Chicago elementary school Friday morning, but were not allowed inside or permitted to speak to anyone inside, Chicago Public Schools officials said. Around 11:15 a.m., ICE agents attempted to enter Hamline Elementary School, Chicago Public Schools’ Chief Education Officer Bogdana Chkoumbova said.
Newark 刚发生了一起, 没有warrant 到一个生意场所抓人,抓了三个深肤色的,其中一个是波多黎各裔的美国退伍兵。Newark市长发声明谴责追责了
你跟你川皇去争论合法非法啊。 现在想让你成为非法不是分分钟的事。
是的,对于那些偷偷过来生孩子的,在申请签证的时候提高财产证明额度,比如总资产 500万人民币以上。这样能过来的数量也会减少,就算过来的,也不会需要吃福利,以后送孩子过来上学,也是会有经济贡献。
说来就来,芝加哥ICE跑到小学了,学校没让进。蓝州还是好人多。 https://www.cnn.com/2025/01/24/us/ice-agents-attempt-entry-into-chicago-elementary-school/index.html ICE agents attempted entry into Chicago elementary school but were not allowed inside, Chicago Public Schools officials say
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents attempted entry into a Chicago elementary school Friday morning, but were not allowed inside or permitted to speak to anyone inside, Chicago Public Schools officials said. Around 11:15 a.m., ICE agents attempted to enter Hamline Elementary School, Chicago Public Schools’ Chief Education Officer Bogdana Chkoumbova said.
小红书上就有芝加哥的老师天天担心ice raid,说怎么都不会让ice进门。
我孩子学区针对这个事发了通知安抚孩子。可见确实受到很大影响。我不想我孩子在好好上学,然后看着突然闯入的警察把他的同学带走。mass shooting的时候这些人不在。日子好好的时候这些人反而来散布恐惧。