Got footage from inside this event. They admit the bill is “100% meant to scare” immigrants and beg the crowd to “urgently” convince “your people” to not leave Florida since folks in the agriculture industry are mad workers are leaving. The hypocrisy is so brazen and disgusting. — Thomas Kennedy (@tomaskenn) June 5, 2023
TRUMP-VOTING SOUTH DAKOTA FARMER: “Half our workers are foreign-born… it’s an open secret farms are held up by undocumented workers… if they round them up within 2 days we won’t have food… we have to trust (Trump) won’t do what they say they will.” 🤔😕 — The Tennessee Holler (@TheTNHoller) December 13, 2024
川普就很喜欢用”非法移民”。 Report: Trump Happily Employing Undocumented Workers While ICE Rounds Them Up The president is fine with an immigrant “invasion” when it’s benefitting him financially. The Washington Post reports that the Trump Organization currently employs a “roving crew of Latin American employees” to perform masonry and maintenance work at his winery and various golf clubs around the country. For almost two decades, the group has been comprised of workers who came into the US illegally—the penalty for which the president seemingly believes should be death—according to two former crew members. Another one, who still works for Trump, told reporters Joshua Partlow and David A. Fahrenthold that remains the case today. President Trump “doesn’t want undocumented people in the country,” said Jorge Castro, an Ecuadorian immigrant without legal status who left the company last spring after nine years. “But at his properties, he still has them.” He added: “If you’re a good worker, papers don’t matter.”
Chaohistory 发表于 2025-01-22 23:18 川普就很喜欢用”非法移民”。 Report: Trump Happily Employing Undocumented Workers While ICE Rounds Them Up The president is fine with an immigrant “invasion” when it’s benefitting him financially. The Washington Post reports that the Trump Organization currently employs a “roving crew of Latin American employees” to perform masonry and maintenance work at his winery and various golf clubs around the country. For almost two decades, the group has been comprised of workers who came into the US illegally—the penalty for which the president seemingly believes should be death—according to two former crew members. Another one, who still works for Trump, told reporters Joshua Partlow and David A. Fahrenthold that remains the case today. President Trump “doesn’t want undocumented people in the country,” said Jorge Castro, an Ecuadorian immigrant without legal status who left the company last spring after nine years. “But at his properties, he still has them.” He added: “If you’re a good worker, papers don’t matter.”
Trump Organization under investigation for not paying undocumented workers Undocumented former Trump club employees say they sometimes worked without pay By Devan Cole and Sonia Moghe, CNN 3 minute read Updated 4:34 PM EDT, Wed May 1, 2019 Undocumented workers were recently fired from a Trump golf course. What happens now? Politics Jan 30, 2019 06:20 PM EST
对呀你们选的川普就很喜欢用,雇佣他们干脏活累活。 The Washington Post reports that the Trump Organization currently employs a “roving crew of Latin American employees” to perform masonry and maintenance work at his winery and various golf clubs around the country. For almost two decades, the group has been comprised of workers who came into the US illegally—the penalty for which the president seemingly believes should be death—according to two former crew members. Another one, who still works for Trump, told reporters Joshua Partlow and David A. Fahrenthold that remains the case today. President Trump “doesn’t want undocumented people in the country,” said Jorge Castro, an Ecuadorian immigrant without legal status who left the company last spring after nine years. “But at his properties, he still has them.” He added: “If you’re a good worker, papers don’t matter.”
落地无声 发表于 2025-01-22 23:24 Trump Organization under investigation for not paying undocumented workers Undocumented former Trump club employees say they sometimes worked without pay By Devan Cole and Sonia Moghe, CNN 3 minute read Updated 4:34 PM EDT, Wed May 1, 2019 Undocumented workers were recently fired from a Trump golf course. What happens now? Politics Jan 30, 2019 06:20 PM EST
Got footage from inside this event. They admit the bill is “100% meant to scare” immigrants and beg the crowd to “urgently” convince “your people” to not leave Florida since folks in the agriculture industry are mad workers are leaving. The hypocrisy is so brazen and disgusting. — Thomas Kennedy (@tomaskenn) June 5, 2023
TRUMP-VOTING SOUTH DAKOTA FARMER: “Half our workers are foreign-born… it’s an open secret farms are held up by undocumented workers… if they round them up within 2 days we won’t have food… we have to trust (Trump) won’t do what they say they will.” 🤔😕 — The Tennessee Holler (@TheTNHoller) December 13, 2024
右派真是对底层人民领点救济算的很清楚啊,却对川普的违法乱纪,乱发数字货币,卖官卖爵,放松金融监管,为大富豪减税置若罔闻,还有你知道遣返非法移民要浪费多少纳税人钱吗?搜一下新闻大概860多亿,那些私人监狱估计大赚特赚,你觉的这些吸血机器一旦壮大就不会对你产生影响吗? The Laken Riley Act , 就是第一步,this is the congressman who introduced the Laken Riley Act. All of history should tell you that if they manage to deport huge numbers of non-citizens without opposition, they will try to move onto American citizens.
顶着锅盖说,我不反感非移,我们家清的保姆啊园丁这些都是现金交易,都不怎么说英语,我没问过但是盲猜可能没有身份。都是活生生的人想办法讨生活,i can relate. 至于滥用福利之类,算了吧,不给福利咱们交的税也不会知道都给花哪儿去了。 还有就是我有个phd同学,非大陆华裔美本,结果被IRS揪出来是个非移。他8岁就来美国了,但是父母也是非移,后来父母办成身份的时候他已经成年了,总之就是父母也不是很懂没给他弄到身份。他说他们村里非移多的是,好多人凭一张驾照过一辈子,他自己在本村旗舰州立读的本科,三年硬核double major毕业。那是10多年前的事情了,那时候ICE也没说要deport他,只是说学校need to terminate,学校也很刚的,让他继续读,给学位,就只是学校不能给发graduate stipend。后来他毕业了麻烦的是他没有任何身份,最后去加拿大发考题了,但是在黑名单上不能再入境美国---这个他找了律师想了很多办法都不能够,后来一直只能父母去加拿大看他,他不能回美,学术访问也没法。这太扯了,他一个名校理科教授,美国不要他,踢给加拿大了,呵呵。 Fox News embedded exclusively with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in Boston as the agency targeted egregious criminal aliens, including MS-13 gang members and murder suspects, as part of mass deportation efforts under President Donald Trump.
🔥 最新回帖
我家这几天装修 我找到白人公司 事实上他们干活的全部移民,非法合法不知道, 活干的也不错
🛋️ 沙发板凳
我只说支持非移。 lgbt是另外的问题。我不反对lgbt,但是,再怎么割乳房割鸡鸡,XY染色体无法改变吧! 把这些社会问题政治话,只是统治者愚民的一种手段而已。
父母移民亲属移民这些也应该统统砍啊! 不懂不会向英联邦学习吗?
-「來者不善」 -「你才是來者」
maga 祖宗之法不可变
然而,现在2000万非移,墨西哥非移你看现在抓了多少?送走了多少?将来会送走多少? 未来的四年,顶多能抓跟奥巴马时期的一样的数字。2000万?顶多抓住10分之一,还主要是亚裔。
他们好好呆着没人愿意管,但是人家口号是we are coming to your children 那就不能忍了
嘴里大骂非移,但雇便宜的非移做事那是必须的 对吃福利(号称领龙虾)的咬牙切齿,忘了自己父母一辈子给美国一分钱没交过,也在领各种龙虾 自己拿了身份或者入了籍,最好同胞都上不了车。 自己在蓝州享受各种好处,一天到晚大骂民主党。
他上一届真正remove了多少非遗 自己去看,最好跟其他几任的也比较一下,会有新认知
对川普可以不用守法,34项重罪,选他就一点心里负担都没有,非法移民就一定“是非对错”分明。 逻辑真自洽!
这种允许非移进来,政府默许企业雇用奴隶,让他们干脏活累活, 剥削他们的工资, 本身来说就是侵犯人权。 从上到下没有一处是对的。
gop的官员,和gop的选民, 看我前面12楼贴的
川普就很喜欢用”非法移民”。 Report: Trump Happily Employing Undocumented Workers While ICE Rounds Them Up
The president is fine with an immigrant “invasion” when it’s benefitting him financially. The Washington Post reports that the Trump Organization currently employs a “roving crew of Latin American employees” to perform masonry and maintenance work at his winery and various golf clubs around the country. For almost two decades, the group has been comprised of workers who came into the US illegally—the penalty for which the president seemingly believes should be death—according to two former crew members. Another one, who still works for Trump, told reporters Joshua Partlow and David A. Fahrenthold that remains the case today. President Trump “doesn’t want undocumented people in the country,” said Jorge Castro, an Ecuadorian immigrant without legal status who left the company last spring after nine years. “But at his properties, he still has them.” He added: “If you’re a good worker, papers don’t matter.”
我还以为是真的可怜非法移民,原来是喜欢奴役别人。 高,实在是高。
像现在这种情况是不人道的。美国应该拒绝现代奴工。 或者坚决杜绝他们进来,或者给他们一条合法的道路。
川普因为号称要驱逐非法移民而选上总统 到你嘴巴里GOP选民喜欢非法移民
合着就合法移民有父母,非移们都没父母? 达到华人贫困线的家庭每年要交二三十万的税,要多少非移才交这么多税?还有好多非移干活只收现金 记得华人以前赴美生子那些都不能忍,这才几年,连非移都洗起来了
政策层面,不是公司层面。 如果大家都用非法移民,你用贵的合法工人,企业肯定倒闭。 所以一定要在政策层面,或者杜绝非法移民,或者全面合法化。
Trump Organization under investigation for not paying undocumented workers Undocumented former Trump club employees say they sometimes worked without pay By Devan Cole and Sonia Moghe, CNN 3 minute read Updated 4:34 PM EDT, Wed May 1, 2019
Undocumented workers were recently fired from a Trump golf course. What happens now? Politics Jan 30, 2019 06:20 PM EST
和极左极右根本无法交流的 常识对他们好像不存在
对呀你们选的川普就很喜欢用,雇佣他们干脏活累活。 The Washington Post reports that the Trump Organization currently employs a “roving crew of Latin American employees” to perform masonry and maintenance work at his winery and various golf clubs around the country. For almost two decades, the group has been comprised of workers who came into the US illegally—the penalty for which the president seemingly believes should be death—according to two former crew members. Another one, who still works for Trump, told reporters Joshua Partlow and David A. Fahrenthold that remains the case today. President Trump “doesn’t want undocumented people in the country,” said Jorge Castro, an Ecuadorian immigrant without legal status who left the company last spring after nine years. “But at his properties, he still has them.” He added: “If you’re a good worker, papers don’t matter.”
川普自己使用非法移民,能够说明他这个政策对还是不对? 你无非想说他双标。但是川普就是人渣,双标不算什么。
“非移都是壮年劳动力,来做奴工的” 这是民主党的典型说辞😂 好像没有给非移发钱分住房管子女教育医疗费用似的。最初初衷是为了选票,哪里是为美国老百姓招劳力。真要为招劳动力,可以走劳务市场正常引入啊,怎么要用非法进入。 即使非移做劳力对美国人有好处,那些好处也被国家在他们和他们家庭上的花费抵消了。更别说犯罪分子造成的伤害。
合法或者没被抓住未必不干非法的事,疫情期间多少骗取ppp的 几十万上百万的骗,有个川粉群专门干这事
大概知道你的想法了 把非移赶走了 留给你们父母吃福利,非移可是比你们的父母对美国贡献大的多
这太有意思了,这人基本在说,we have to trust our elected officials not to do the jobs they say they will be doing. 太魔幻了
你别光看遣返,遣返需要时间。优先应该先把有犯罪前科的遣返。 另外最立竿见影的遏制了非移的大批进入,对比拜登时期大批入境的情况,否则非遗数还要继续增加。还有少数被吓退自愿离境的。
右派真是对底层人民领点救济算的很清楚啊,却对川普的违法乱纪,乱发数字货币,卖官卖爵,放松金融监管,为大富豪减税置若罔闻,还有你知道遣返非法移民要浪费多少纳税人钱吗?搜一下新闻大概860多亿,那些私人监狱估计大赚特赚,你觉的这些吸血机器一旦壮大就不会对你产生影响吗? The Laken Riley Act , 就是第一步,this is the congressman who introduced the Laken Riley Act. All of history should tell you that if they manage to deport huge numbers of non-citizens without opposition, they will try to move onto American citizens.
所以,如果lz想知道现在这样子一天几个突发,现在这些幺蛾子到底哪里不好,那么我告诉你,最不好的地方就是破坏宪法了,这个是美国根基。 赋予任何人fair trial 的权利是这个system 的核心价值
你可拉倒吧,非法移民多数都是光脚的,这几年这么多耸人听闻的案子,多少都是非法移民干的 看你对非法移民那么推崇,还吃苦耐劳,不畏艰险,敢情你也是走过来的?
说非法移民一分钱没贡献才是胡搅蛮缠。 这些廉价劳动力对美国经济的贡献大概率比你对美国经济贡献大。 这些劳力基本都在essential service sectors 包括服务业、农业、食品加工、建筑业。
纳粹分子种族分子给这世界带来多少灾难啊, 怎么就不能骂了?
都是左手拿现金右手拿福利,不交税,也不要任何背景credit, 干砸了就跑路。 没了这些非法移民,对合法身份的就业率就会上升,自然达到社会平衡
真的合法吗?很多父母在国内有房产和退休金,为了申请福利隐瞒不报而已。 再说了,雷点并不是父母去领福利,而是华右一边在蓝州给父母领福利,一边给川普站台
还有就是我有个phd同学,非大陆华裔美本,结果被IRS揪出来是个非移。他8岁就来美国了,但是父母也是非移,后来父母办成身份的时候他已经成年了,总之就是父母也不是很懂没给他弄到身份。他说他们村里非移多的是,好多人凭一张驾照过一辈子,他自己在本村旗舰州立读的本科,三年硬核double major毕业。那是10多年前的事情了,那时候ICE也没说要deport他,只是说学校need to terminate,学校也很刚的,让他继续读,给学位,就只是学校不能给发graduate stipend。后来他毕业了麻烦的是他没有任何身份,最后去加拿大发考题了,但是在黑名单上不能再入境美国---这个他找了律师想了很多办法都不能够,后来一直只能父母去加拿大看他,他不能回美,学术访问也没法。这太扯了,他一个名校理科教授,美国不要他,踢给加拿大了,呵呵。
Fox News embedded exclusively with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in Boston as the agency targeted egregious criminal aliens, including MS-13 gang members and murder suspects, as part of mass deportation efforts under President Donald Trump.
别胡扯了,在100度以上的暴热天气下做roofing 不是我小瞧你,你一天都坚持不下来。 凭啥要贬低他们的经济贡献。 你可以说他们入境过程有问题。但是你想要从经济上算账,你算不明白。 现在的美国失业率极低,到处都是找不到劳动力的。 劳模干的那些个苦力,你三天都坚持不下来
因为川普和他周围musk之流的真实目的是make america white again,只要没长着一张白皮那就不算人,算肥皂原料。驱逐非法移民只是第一步,接下来各种黄黑棕皮一个都跑不了。
需要劳动力可以学英国,劳工签证,这样起码有个合法的途径。 现在几百万几百万走过来算什么?那要边境干什么?来了以后人在哪里干什么都不知道,连续犯罪也不遣返,遣返了也有再跑进来的,那国土安全就是个屁了
你是不是就是让父母吃福利的黄右? 非移对美国没贡献? 你们吃福利的父母对美国的贡献才是负的好吧?